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[1.3.0] Sin Phi Heavy Industries - Centrifuge Habitat + H.A.L.B.E.R.D.


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Sin Phi Heavy Industries [0.1.5] 

KSP 1.3.0


This is just the start of my mod where I will add a random assortment of parts that I design. Current parts are a 30m Habitat, solar panel fan and RDEs (Rotating Detonation Engine). IVA is coming soon(TM).






USI Tools



Community Tech Tree

Connected Living Space

TAC-LS (by @Gordon Dry)




Credit to @Nertea for letting me use some texture elements from Stockalike Station Parts with permission.




0.1.0 - Initial release of 30m centrifuge habitat.

0.1.1 - Added launch shroud to 30m centrifuge habitat.

0.1.2 - Tweaks to colliders.

0.1.3 - Added in a solar panel disk part.

0.1.4 - Prototyping RDE-6 H.A.L.B.E.R.D. Engine

0.1.5 Releasing RDE-6 H.A.L.B.E.R.D. Engine

Thanks to everyone who helped me get this started, 


Edited by Sin_Phi
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Cool animation! "Getting it there" is always an important part of the fun for me, so something this big needs to be launchable. Well done!

I always wonder about the complexity of counter-rotating wheels. It's a popular construction and I cannot fathom why. Why not simply offset the spin-up torque with RCS? You only need it to spin the wheel up (or stop it), and the rest of the time you have the benefit of having only one set of rotating seals to worry about, less weight, etc, etc. With a bit of coding you could even put in a requirement that x amounts of RCS are needed if you want to start/stop the rotation of the wheel.

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@Sin_Phi, congratulations on the release!


3 hours ago, Kerbart said:

I always wonder about the complexity of counter-rotating wheels. It's a popular construction and I cannot fathom why. Why not simply offset the spin-up torque with RCS? You only need it to spin the wheel up (or stop it), and the rest of the time you have the benefit of having only one set of rotating seals to worry about, less weight, etc, etc. With a bit of coding you could even put in a requirement that x amounts of RCS are needed if you want to start/stop the rotation of the wheel.

I believe it is something to do with counteracting precession.  See here for details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precession

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When it's stowed, got it nodes at the ends to be stacked into a huge fairing for lifting?


btw I will provide a TAC-LS patch. I hope the values fit.

I suggest support for 24 Kerbals for 30 (Earth) days, so 120 Kerbin days.

GameData\SinPhiHeavyIndustries\Patches\SinPhi_TAC-LS.cfg :

// TAC Life Support patch for the 30m Habitat of SinPhiHeavyIndustries by Sin_Phi

// Author: Gordon Dry
// Inspired by Station Parts Expansion MM Patch by Ryan Montieth Gill who cribbed by Robin "sumghai" Chang
// Revision: 0.1

// The 30m Habitat has 30 Earth crew days / 120 Kerbin crew days of food / water / oxygen and waste / waste water / carbon dioxide storage and contains a Carbon Extractor, Water Purifier and a Water Splitter.
// A "Crew day" means the resource lasts for a full crew of 24 for one day.

//Small Dome Floor of Planetary Domes
		name = LifeSupportModule

	// Use replace (%) rather than edit (@), to ensure that the following values are loaded regardless of the presence/absence of MFT/RealFuels 
		%amount = 1053.12
		%maxAmount = 1053.12
		%amount = 696
		%maxAmount = 696
		%amount = 106596.48
		%maxAmount = 106596.48
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 92076.48
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 96
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 887.04

	// Standard TAC-LS Carbon Extractor using the Bosch process
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00246 //Carbon Extractor
		StartActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00247 //Start CarbonExtractor
		StopActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00248 //Stop CarbonExtractor	
		tag = Life Support		
		GeneratesHeat = false
		conversionRate = 18.87646
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.039783051310155
			ResourceName = CarbonDioxide
			Ratio = 0.001703210064733
			ResourceName = Oxygen
			Ratio = 0.001713537562385
			DumpExcess = false
			ResourceName = Waste
			Ratio = 0.000001209166498
			DumpExcess = true

		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.5
		SpecialistBonusBase = 1
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		EfficiencyBonus = 1		
	// Standard TAC-LS Water Purifier
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00240 //Water Purifier
		StartActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00241 //Start WaterPurifier
		StopActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00242 //Stop WaterPurifier
		tag = Life Support		
		GeneratesHeat = false
		conversionRate = 24.01308
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.007123842592593
			ResourceName = WasteWater
			Ratio = 0.000014247685185
			ResourceName = Water
			Ratio = 0.000011188078704
			DumpExcess = false
			ResourceName = Waste
			Ratio = 0.000001994675926
			DumpExcess = true

		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.5
		SpecialistBonusBase = 1
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		EfficiencyBonus = 1

	// Standard TAC-LS Water Splitter
		name = TacGenericConverter
		converterName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00237 //Water Splitter
		StartActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00238 //Start WaterSplitter
		StopActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00239 //Stop WaterSplitter
		tag = Life Support		
		GeneratesHeat = false
		conversionRate = 18.87646
			ResourceName = ElectricCharge
			Ratio = 0.039783051310155
			ResourceName = Water
			Ratio = 0.000002720508341
			ResourceName = Oxygen
			Ratio = 0.001713537562385
			DumpExcess = false
			ResourceName = Waste
			Ratio = 0.000000405893838
			DumpExcess = true
		UseSpecialistBonus = true
		SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.5
		SpecialistBonusBase = 1
		ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
		EfficiencyBonus = 1

and a patch for GPOSpeedFuelPump as well to pump the resources added for TAC-LS.

GameData\SinPhiHeavyIndustries\Patches\SinPhi_GPOSpeedFuelPump.cfg :

// This config file REQUIRES ModuleManager to function!  Get it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219

		name = GPOSpeedPump


Edited by Gordon Dry
changed the TAC-LS patch, fixed the conversionRate of the WaterSplitter
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Currently it doesn't have a central node for lifting, the way I have been test launching it is by pulling with 3.75 lifters either side. Pushing with it on top if you don't have ridiculous thrust out the lower atmosphere is just not going to happen. It is not an easy launch! Main issue is it is just a huge empty structure with high drag. I think it actually launches better without a fairing. It is wide in one dimension so there is a lot of empty space in a fairing. I am going to add a central node using engine style shroud node that will be impassible, should make attaching to a vehicle easier. 

@Gordon Dry Thanks for the TAC-LS configuration! I will get it added into the repository. I don't know how it compares to other parts with TAC, but it should reflect that there is high volume per kerbin (about 3-4 Mk1 Crew Cabins per kerbal).

Edited by Sin_Phi
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I just did a quick test in sandbox, in VAB I deployed it ands it says it's 45 Earth days, so I got the wrong numbers.

I gonna divide all values by 1.5 and update the post above in a few minutes.


I also found a typo in the TAC-LS patch, a closing bracket was missing so only 2 of 3 resource converters were setup properly.
I fixed the amounts but have to do a new session run to finally check and do another edit of the patch file.


Is it correct that inside GameData\SinPhiHeavyIndustries\Parts\Utility\30mHabitat\Centrifuge_30m.cfg the module looks like this?

	name = ModuleGenerator
	isAlwaysActive = true
	  		 name = ElectricCharge
	  		 rate = -1.0

I'm not used to generators but if this is kinda "negative usage" than it's correct, just wanted to ask...

btw AmpYear is not recognizing the generator as a power producer, either this is an issue from AmpYear or the generator is really not producing.
(and IMHO generators producing from nothing are a little "cheaty" :D)

Edited by Gordon Dry
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1 hour ago, Gordon Dry said:

I'm not used to generators but if this is kinda "negative usage" than it's correct, just wanted to ask...

That was actually something I pulled from DarkSideTechnology. I figured it was a representation of the electrical requirement to run the centrifuge. Might have to look at a better way to do that if it isn't being detected.

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Hmm. Not sure what's going on there, in SinPhi_TAC-LS.cfg I divided all resource amount values by 1.5 but now in game it still says 45 days with maximum crew...


yes, in game the values are 1.5x the values in the config.

But this doesn't make any sense, the values before were 1.5x in the config, that would mean if the same magical factor would multiply, the result should have been 67.5 days then ...


		%amount = 1053.12
		%maxAmount = 1053.12
		%amount = 696
		%maxAmount = 696
		%amount = 106596.48
		%maxAmount = 106596.48
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 92076.48
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 96
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 887.04

versus that:

Edited by Gordon Dry
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The output rates of the converters should not touch the stored amount of resources.

And I changed the values to make them fit to the usage of 24 Kerbals.


beside whatever is going on with the amounts, I fixed the conversionRate of the WaterSplitter (I could do this now after I fixed the missing bracket).


Using and checking other mod's TAC-LS patches I was able to collect these values as my own reference, however:

1 crew, 1 earth day (divide through 4 to get a Kerbal day)
example values

		%amount = 1.46267
		%maxAmount = 1.46267
		%amount = 0.96667
		%maxAmount = 0.96667
		%amount = 148.05067
		%maxAmount = 148.05067
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 127.884
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 0.13333
		%amount = 0
		%maxAmount = 1.232


Edited by Gordon Dry
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Added an engine style shroud for launch vehicle attachment on an impassible node (should the shroud have a collider?). I found it basically impossible to launch with the habitat on top of the rocket stack. Here is an example of a lift vehicle I used to get to 200km orbit with SpaceY parts. I found launching without a fairing is still the best way to get this in orbit, just have to watch the heating. Still need to add colliders to the transfer tubes. I think I will leave them off the spokes as that would be another 24 colliders, and it just doesn't seem worth it. Besides it is fun to fly through the wheels on eva.

Last model update for a couple of weeks. I can still address issues with the configs if those come up. I may also work up a mission to pay off putting one of these in orbit because the launches are a bit expensive.




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Heyyy it's me, from the comments on your YouTube video showing your animations :-) Nice to see your new thread, I loved the look of this then, I can't wait to try it ....I do love a centrifuge haha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coming soon for this mod is a set solar panels that can be arranged in a disk. I like the way the fan panels in near future solar looked so decided to make my own that would form a disk with 12 part symmetry on a 3.75m core.

Going to do a few more 3.75m parts, a stubby science lab, coupala, and lander can with a lot of integral parts. Might do some passable batteries and mono-prop tanks if they aren't already in a common mod. I am thinking I don't want to do any smaller centrifuges as there are plenty of inflatables in that niche.

Also going to work on a line of engines that will be about 25% more efficient and 10% more powerful with 50% higher cost than other offerings as a step up on chemical rockets. There seems to be a pretty good gap between chemical rockets and electrical/exotic from other mods that this could fill. Will probably be a pair each of h2/ox and rp1/ox with sea level and vacuum nozzles. May also do a rapier and turbo/ram jet. I have some good theory and application to base this performance on. Have been reading a lot of journals on it lately and it  could be realized in the next few decades.


Edited by Sin_Phi
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15 minutes ago, Sin_Phi said:

Ok, got the solar panel all done and then the game locks up trying to load it. Not crashes or anything, just stops on the component. If someone knows why this is, I could use some help on this one. It is up on the Git.


Are you using a plugin them ? I think ksp only lets you set one suncatcher if you have more then one you will need to look at a plugin like 

Has a good one for solar panels 

But that's just a guess what it is with out look will try it and see

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33 minutes ago, Sin_Phi said:

Ok, got the solar panel all done and then the game locks up trying to load it. Not crashes or anything, just stops on the component. If someone knows why this is, I could use some help on this one. It is up on the Git.


Need a log file.

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4 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Need a log file.

*I deleted the child of an armature in unity, but left the armature to animate my colliders. Wondering if that would do it...


[LOG 08:22:24.809] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'SinPhiHeavyIndustries/Parts/Electrical/SolarPanels/SolarDisk12/SolarDisk12'
[LOG 08:22:24.815] PartLoader: Part 'SinPhiHeavyIndustries/Parts/Electrical/SolarPanels/SolarDisk12/SolarDisk12' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:22:24.818] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'SolarDisk12'
[EXC 08:22:24.831] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name)
    DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>c__Iterator1F.MoveNext ()
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)
[LOG 08:28:19.014] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving settings (game scene: MAINMENU)
[LOG 08:28:19.015] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving toolbar settings (toolbar 'toolbar_241572485')
[LOG 08:28:19.017] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving toolbar settings (toolbar 'toolbar_196738260')
[LOG 08:28:19.018] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving toolbar settings (toolbar 'toolbar_1749462777')
[LOG 08:28:19.018] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving toolbar settings (toolbar 'toolbar_372827719')
[LOG 08:28:19.019] [Toolbar] [INFO] saving toolbar settings (toolbar 'toolbar_503619156')

Edited by Sin_Phi
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Ok, I was able to fix it. I was doing a bit of a silly thing I guess with deleting part of the animation that I thought wasn't needed. I was just using the main animation and discarding a part that wasn't needed to play in Unity. Kerbal did not like that. You can see in the image that all I did was leave them in the Animator, still only reference the Deploy animation in the config.


Release 0.1.3 is ready now with solar panel.

*I just found that the solar panels don't break off properly, will have to look into it.

Edited by Sin_Phi
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*test version of rapier type engine available on git repository

Working on the engines now. They will be based on RDE (Rotating Detonation Engine) technology. Jets and rockets of all types now are almost exclusively reliant on deflagration combustion. There are a few experimental scram jets and pulse detonation engines. However a technology that shows even more promise for static thrust with detonation combustion is RDE. Scram jets require an incredible initial speed to utilize the shock waves for compression and have poor mass ratios. Pulse detonation engines have an incredible ISP (efficiency) per pulse, but that efficiency must be integrated over time and there are losses due to the on off thrust. RDE engines like scram jets have a continous detonation wave front, but instead of being stationary it moves like a PDE.

Because it is able to maintain a continuous detonation and operable when static it gives tremendous performance benefits over conventional deflagration combustion. This is most easily understood by a comparison of the Brayton cycle to the Humphry cycle:


The Brayton cycle is the typical jet engine cycle with constant pressure combustion where as the Humphrey cycle has constant volume combustion. This means that there is about 25% more work available in the flow. With this increased efficiency the combustors can be smaller and more powerful. To represent this in Kerbal the RDEs will have 25% better ISP, 10% better thrust and 50% higher cost than comparable engines. They will require Experimental Aircraft Engines from the CTT.

The current plans for the engines include a mixed-mode type, 2 H2/OX and 2 RP1/OX one high thrust and one high ISP each. The one rendered here is the RDE-6 H.A.L.B.E.R.D. (High Altitude Liquid Breathing Engine with Rotating Detonation). It is integrated with an pre-cooler inline intake, an alternator, and a battery. I mainly did that because I would like to build some space-planes without a front intake and as an added differentiation. It has an air-breathing ISP of 4000s and rocket ISP of 325/400s. I have extended the thrust curve out from Mach 6 to Mach 7 to reflect the ability of detonation combustion to take in higher velocity air. I may extend this further, but have the inbuilt intake starve so that you will have to use a shock cone for serious hypersonic flight near mach 8-10.

On the image starting from the front you see the pre-cooler inline intake. This has intake ramps which would use fuel or oxidizer to cool the incoming air and heat the fuel. The next section is the 6 RDE combustors. Then in the rear are the 6 bell nozzles and the central turbine exhaust. The concept of operation being that in air-breathing mode the turbine (possibly fed by preburner exhaust, not detonation) drives an axial air compressor and fuel pump. Then in rocket mode a clutch disengages the compressor and engages an oxidizer pump. The bypass from the combustors to the turbine would be varied depending on work needed for pumps and compressor.


Some literature on the subject:

https://www.netl.doe.gov/File Library/Research/Coal/energy systems/turbines/utsr-25343-kickoff-presentation.pdf

There are some cool videos on youtube as well where you can actually see the detonation front rotating at 4kHz.


Edited by Sin_Phi
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Working with some place holder textures trying to decide between two models. The bottom one is the first I made, but now I am leaning towards the top. Shows off more of the nozzles and has more intake area. The next set have more flat area on the sides for radial attachment, such as wings for space planes. Broader in the center looks better for those.




Edited by Sin_Phi
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8 minutes ago, Sin_Phi said:

Working with some place holder textures trying to decide between two models. The bottom one is the first I made, but now I am leaning towards the top. Shows off more of the nozzles and has more intake area.




Looks very awesome.

Why not angle from the wide top to the narrow bottom of the intakes?  The narrow looks to make more sense for the size of your pipes.  Then again but as it is for compression of air, maybe not.

In saying that I like the top more for all the reasons you said.



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