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[1.12.x] The Kaptain's Log


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Captain's log, Stardate 43539.1. We have moved into orbit around Bre'el IV. With the assistance of the planet's emergency control center, we are investigating a catastrophic threat to the population from a descending asteroidal moon.

For those who wish to record your efforts, the Kaptain's Log is for you.

This mod will automatically record events as they happen.  For many of them, an optional window can open to allow you to enter your own notes.

The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies

New Dependencies

CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed.

Imgur albums don't seem to be working again, here is a link to it:






  • Automatically record events as they happen
  • Automatic screenshot at time of event, savable as either JPG or PNG format, or both
  • Configurable thumbnail size of screenshots
  • Display optional window during event record for personal notes
  • Manual entry of logs at any time
  • Display of log entries on screen
  • Selection of which fields to display
  • Ability to filter on any of the fields
  • Ability to sort on some vields
  • Export to CSV
  • Export to HTML using template files
  • View individual images
  • Quick export single row (from the Image Viewer screen)
  • Attach selected image to a manual log entry
  • Captures Screen Messages
  • Display Screen messages in window
  • Screen messages can be filtered
  • Filter specified screen messages from list
  • Ability to add a screen message to the log
  • Intro window with full explanation of all screens
  • UI can be hidden for individual events for screen capture
  • Edit existing entries
  • Delete single entries
  • Delete selected entries
  • Collapse of view when sorted by vessel id, name or mainbody
  • Settings can be specific to a single save or global for all saves

Events Recorded (not complete)

  • Flight Log Recorded
  • Part Died
  • Launch
  • Stage Separation
  • Part Couple (dock)
  • Vessel Modified
  • Stage Activate
  • Orbit Closed (enter orbit, not from a launch)
  • Orbit Escaped (achieve escape velocity)
  • Vessel Recovered
  • Landed
  • Crew Modified
  • Progress Record
  • Kerbal Passed Out From Gee Force
  • Crew Killed
  • Crew Transferred
  • Dominant Body Change (SOI change)
  • Flag Plant
  • Crew On EVA
  • Manual Entry

Data items being captured are:

  • Vessel name (or Kerbal name)
  • Universal Time
  • UTC time
  • Mission Time
  • Situation
  • Body (which SOI is the vessel in)
  • Control level
  • Altitude
  • Speed
  • Event type
  • Notes (entered by player)
  • Screenshot (both full size and thumbnail)

The HTML template files are in a simple format.  Essentially, for each template, there will be four files:

  • Template definition file
  • Header file
  • Detail line file
  • Footer file

Some initial simple templates provided are:

  • Detailed with Full Size Images
  • Detailed with Thumbnails
  • Details, No images

Additional submissions would be greatly appreciated

Reviewed by KottabosGames:


Featured as a Star Mod:


Thanks to @DMagic for providing the icons for the Screen Messages window

Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KaptainsLog


SpaceDock:  https://spacedock.info/mod/1523/The Kaptain's Log

CKAN soon

License: GPLv3

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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3 hours ago, TranceaddicT said:

Nice jog LinuxGuruGamer!

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the name was Chekov saying 'Keptin".

I know this is far far far out there but. after seeing the review, any plans for a slide show playback?

Not at this time. Feel free to add an issue on GitHub with ideas regarding a slideshow.

3 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

But the more we ask, the faster it gets there! (tm):wink:

Not really. I actually rushed the CKAN this time and made a mistake which I had to go back and fix.

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3 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

But the more we ask, the faster it gets there! (tm):wink:

Not necessarily and I understand your being lighthearted here.  However, if he has to take time out to read and respond to a post (times, like 96 mods he supports on CKAN alone), it takes away from his valuable dev time.  And, after all, he did say in his post...

22 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

CKAN soon

If we would just take the time to read carefully <sigh>.  Just sayin'.

Ninja'd by LinuxGuruGamer.  'Nuff said.

2 hours ago, nascarlaser1 said:

YAYAY!! welp... I've put it off long enough... time do upgrade to 1.3 :D.

Do it! :cool:

Edited by Brigadier
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3 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

But the more we ask, the faster it gets there! (tm):wink:


While I'm fairly easy going with regards to things like this, it is specifically things like this which turn many mod authors off.  If you had taken the time to actually read the OP, you would have seen that I had said that CKAN would be soon. 

Please take this the way it is meant, as constructive criticism, and keep in mind that people like myself put a lot of time and effort into these mods for mostly no compensation. Being hounded by people to do certain things, such as putting mods into CKAN, making changes, etc, have caused multiple mod authors to leave the modding scene entirely. Please be respectful of authors, and give them time to do their thing.

Thank you 


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Oh man, I've never had a (what I thought was an obviously...) sarcastic post like that so throughly miss the mark. Sorry about that. I drifted so completely into Poe's Law territory that it completely ruffled *AND* prompted you to reply to it. TWICE!

I'm certainly a little embarrassed by that -- and considering the tone of so many of the "Where's my X / CKAN" posts, I can see why it would just add to the annoying chorus.

Even if I know full-well that CKAN/whatever happens when it happens (and I'm usually manually installing & managing all my mod installs anyway), the point is still well taken. It's not your job to make sure my joke was funny. :wink:




Thank you, @linuxgurugamer for your ongoing efforts with this and so many other mods.

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Some observations/suggestions for future consideration as I play with this mod:

  1. On the Log Entry window, when in narrow mode, the Narrow button remains visible.  This isn't true of the other two size buttons which disappear when that mode is active.
  2. The "Make Log Entry" and "Screen Messages" buttons on the Log Display open the Log Entry window and close the Log Display.  Why does it do that and should there be a corresponding button on the Log Entry to open the Log Display?  Otherwise, you have to return to the toolbar to reopen it.
  3. Log Entry window is called "Screen Messages" in help and on the Log Display button, but "Log Entry" on the window itself.  Also, there's no help for the F(ilter) and A(dd?) buttons on this window.
  4. On the Log Display, would it be possible to adjust the font size?
  5. I find all of the boxes around text you can't modify a bit misleading (they look like but don't act as edit boxes) and makes reading the text more difficult with all of the lines.  Since you provide an edit function (the pencil icon), if you could dispense with the boxes, you might be able to reduce the row spacing and put more info in the visible window.
  6. Could you make the Log Display window resizable?
  7. Closing a Log Display line that's under edit with either "Cancel" or "OK" creates three Time Warp messages in the Log Entry window.  One message would be sufficient if it's actually necessary, none would be ideal.
  8. Clicking on the toolbar button should close all KL windows.

What's the purpose of the Select button modes in the Log Display (none, green and green-with-a-plus sign)?

Let me know which issues you would like me to put in GitHub.

Edited by Brigadier
Grammar and spelling
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9 hours ago, Brigadier said:

What's the purpose of the Select button modes in the Log Display (none, green and green-with-a-plus sign)?

Rows are selected for export or delete. Selected with plus sign means that ehen exported, screenshots are also printed.

Put them all as issues, ill go through them later

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On 9/15/2017 at 11:29 PM, Brigadier said:

Some observations/suggestions for future consideration as I play with this mod:

  1. On the Log Entry window, when in narrow mode, the Narrow button remains visible.  This isn't true of the other two size buttons which disappear when that mode is active.
  2. The "Make Log Entry" and "Screen Messages" buttons on the Log Display open the Log Entry window and close the Log Display.  Why does it do that and should there be a corresponding button on the Log Entry to open the Log Display?  Otherwise, you have to return to the toolbar to reopen it.
  3. Log Entry window is called "Screen Messages" in help and on the Log Display button, but "Log Entry" on the window itself.  Also, there's no help for the F(ilter) and A(dd?) buttons on this window.
  4. On the Log Display, would it be possible to adjust the font size?
  5. I find all of the boxes around text you can't modify a bit misleading (they look like but don't act as edit boxes) and makes reading the text more difficult with all of the lines.  Since you provide an edit function (the pencil icon), if you could dispense with the boxes, you might be able to reduce the row spacing and put more info in the visible window.
  6. Could you make the Log Display window resizable?
  7. Closing a Log Display line that's under edit with either "Cancel" or "OK" creates three Time Warp messages in the Log Entry window.  One message would be sufficient if it's actually necessary, none would be ideal.
  8. Clicking on the toolbar button should close all KL windows.

What's the purpose of the Select button modes in the Log Display (none, green and green-with-a-plus sign)?

Let me know which issues you would like me to put in GitHub.

I was very busy when I replied earlier, and was rather short.

I would like to express my appreciation for the feedback, I hope to deal with most of them in the next few days.  Some will take longer, unfortunately.

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10 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I was very busy when I replied earlier, and was rather short.

I would like to express my appreciation for the feedback, I hope to deal with most of them in the next few days.  Some will take longer, unfortunately.

How could you possibly be busy - you have only 250-odd mods to maintain and develop?  Then, despite having a real life and a Twitch stream that seems to go on forever on Sunday evenings, you code a new one and within two days some cheeky bugger has the nerve to write a list of things he'd like to see "fixed" (and without offering any coding help, I might add). :D:cool:

In all seriousness, you're welcome, and thank you for the time and effort you put into modding for KSP.  The game would not be the same without dedicated aficionados such as yourself and I can only hope that I can help in some small way to make the mod a little more useful and encourage you to keep it up.  I wish I had half your coding talent.

A simple "Thanks, I'll have a look at your suggestions" would have been sufficient for me.  Wait a minute...that's pretty much what you did.

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6 minutes ago, CaribeanSoul said:

l.g.g you slacker ... you're not even supporting 100 mods yet.  You need 26 more mods just to break a measly hundred.  You better step up your game.

You had better learn to count.  Where did you get the idea it was  74?

As of now, if I include the contract packs, it's over 100


There is already a request in for the KRASH field, but it's going to be a little while before I can do that

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33 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You had better learn to count.  Where did you get the idea it was  74?

As of now, if I include the contract packs, it's over 100


There is already a request in for the KRASH field, but it's going to be a little while before I can do that


Well your google docs spreadsheet lists 73 

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12 minutes ago, CaribeanSoul said:

So it is.

Ok, this is acceptable, but I expect two additional mods from you this week to make up for the faulty google-doc link.

Also, glad to hear you're considering the KRASH field.  I didn't want to mention it in the KRASH thread, the guy who made that mod is really overworked.

I appreciate your trying to be funny, but it does get tiring after a while.  Please read above when someone else did essentially the same thing.

I may instead of adding integration, add a way for you to flag a series of entries with a unique flag, this way you could run multiple sims and be able to compare them.


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Installed, thanks for a very cool mod!

I'm playing KSP as vanilla as I can keep it, I don't want any mods that alter the way the game plays.

But I surely do want to have a record of my flights.  Some are certain to be worthy of a Mission Report, such as this one.

Edited by Col. Kernel
changed Log to Report
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