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What was the hardest decision you ever had to make in this game.


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Two ships and one station in Eve orbit, only enough fuel to get one ship home and not enough seats for all the Kerbals on either ship.  Who to leave behind?


Two scientists get to stay in orbit for a few years on an extended survey until the next ship comes by.

They are still there but a rescue mission is underway.


My ships are designed with plenty extra seats now.

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I generally don't strand kerbals -let alone leave them to die. Even the 3 guys currently driving and collecting science on Eve, will get home. The vessel to take each one of them off-planet has been designed.

There have been occasions where I even accepted solar orbit rescues, because they popped up -even though I know the kerbal doesn't actually spawn if you ignore or just discard the contract.

With these aside, the hardest KSP-related decision I've ever had to make, was to retire my 1.05 save:

I had explored and established infrastructure on and in orbit of everything but the Joolean system -was saving this for last. Then 1.1 came out and Hullcam VDS wasn't working -I had an external camera on my 8-wheeled ATVs that required it. Asteroid Day also wasn't working, as it was still separate from the main game back then. Then a rescue contract-related kerbal I had sent a flight to pick up from a perfectly fine orbit around Minmus, crashed on the surface. The update must had also done something to the asteroids, because I had issues with a large one (Class E) I had brought closer around Dres and the miner, attached to it.

I could've just waited for Hullcam VDS to be updated, while still playing on 1.05. And I did for a while. But my frustration over the 3.1GB CTD was so much, that I eventually decided to archive that save and start anew. Even then, I was so tired that I didn't get back to interplanetary exploration, until 1.2.2 came out.

At least not all was lost. The crafts I had assembled in 1.05, are the ones I flew in 1.2.2, 1.3 and 1.3.1, with a number of others added along the way.

Edited by Atkara
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On either my second or third Eve mission (orbit and atmospheric dip, no landing, basically a copycat of Kuzzter's Eve mission) I accidentally jettisoned the Gilly lander, out of fuel, on an escape trajectory from Eve, without fuel, because it was dead weight on the mothership.

Unfortunately, there were still two Kerbals in there and I didn't notice until after the burn. I had to use the ships I had to rescue them, and it proved to be pretty difficult.


Tied for first is my decision to de-orbit a massive mothership onto Eve for the purposes of advancing the storyline in one of my mission reports, Project Intrepid. It stranded ten (I think) Kerbals on Eve with no way of returning, but it provided an excuse for me to send a massive (3 or 4 motherships) rescue fleet to Eve (which hasn't made it there yet).

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I sent a Duna science ship with 3 kerbals to orbit Duna, with a landing module for Ike.  I had insufficient delta-vee to return to Kerbin.  However, the ike lander could take one kerbal, and all the science, back to kerbin orbit.  So...should I take the little amount of science and save one kerbal, or land on Ike, get more science, and then be unable to return?  I chose the Ike landing, and now I have three kerbals stuck around Duna.  At least they aren't on the surface.  I think I failed because I put oxidizer in the nuclear power mothership.  :P 

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The decision to de-orbit my Big A(rear) Satellite. When I made it I was so proud of it, it might not be a looker but it was the first manned satellite I ever launched. However because of a weak system at the time, resupply missions became a real pain at 7FPS. I also knew it was going to be an FPS killer, but I intended to take off multiple parts like the side mounted RCS tanks, additional lighting and thrusters used for docking the bits of station together to help reduce part count.

So the decision was made to abandon and de-orbit. The tug used to move it out of Polar orbit is still attached, it also contains the Quartermaster, Medic and Technician, the last three Kerbals running the station. With some carefully planned decoupling of the station, most of it burnt up. Only the command section survived re-entry and splashed down in the ocean where it promptly sent itself to oblivion.

Admittedly there was no loss of life. But it was still a hard decision when you take into account all the planning and work that went into it.


Edited by Moh1336
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4 hours ago, SupperRobin6394 said:

10 Kerbals on an Eve base, life support (USI-LS) for only 5 until the next possibly rescue mission (either a resupply or leaving Eve).

Aha, without supplies, they will just be tourists with USI-LS. 

Edited by OME
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8 hours ago, Moh1336 said:

The decision to de-orbit my Big A(rear) Satellite. When I made it I was so proud of it, it might not be a looker but it was the first manned satellite I ever launched. However because of a weak system at the time, resupply missions became a real pain at 7FPS. I also knew it was going to be an FPS killer, but I intended to take off multiple parts like the side mounted RCS tanks, additional lighting and thrusters used for docking the bits of station together to help reduce part count.

So the decision was made to abandon and de-orbit. The tug used to move it out of Polar orbit is still attached, it also contains the Quartermaster, Medic and Technician, the last three Kerbals running the station. With some carefully planned decoupling of the station, most of it burnt up. Only the command section survived re-entry and splashed down in the ocean where it promptly sent itself to oblivion.

Admittedly there was no loss of life. But it was still a hard decision when you take into account all the planning and work that went into it.


I had the same thing happen early in my KSP days...I'd spent many hours building and assembling a space station. it had every cool little part I could think of. Instead of one big RCS tank I'd have symmetric rings of little ones to look cool. It also had lights everywhere on it. It looked great...at 10fps  :(   decided to de-orbit it and put up something more practical.

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Lots of hours played but the hardest decision is always,...Do I start over again or wait for mod updates?


BTW, no issues with the mod devs, that was not what I meant if that is what you got out of that. Our devs and mod devs have my greatest respect for all the awesome hours of fun I ever had with any game. Still playing after all this time. They must be doing something right! :wink:

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