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Rovers are useless

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Rovers are cool : they are complex to build, launch and land (and crash).
But they are useless. Biomes are simply too big to be explored by rovers and biome-hopping is much easier anyway. Moving kerbals with a rover is pointless when they can simply fly with a jetpack.

I have almot never used rovers in my games because I never found any use for them.

I think there should be some reward for using rovers, something you couldn't do with a simple lander or a Kerbal.
Why not using terrain scatters ? They have no use neither (and that's a bit sad too)
- There could be some experiments that need to be done next to a rock, and maybe multiple rock types, each type yielding different science, like the biomes.
- There could have ressources in it : using a drill on a rock could give much more ore, but il would deplete like asteroids, so you have to move to get more.

These are just suggestions, but I think rovers need some love too.

(Sorry if that was already suggested before, I did search and found nothing)

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4 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

Did you plant some of these flags in ocean?

Nah, mate - it was a polar elcano - lots of messing around to get around the water (including an 8km swim to see a monolith).

The viewing angle distorts it somewhat.

Edited by James Kerman
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Try biome hopping on Tylo without ISRU and see why rovers are awesome :)  Also kerbals don't fly well on Duna, Tylo, Laythe or Eve (Vall and Moho are iffy too). Landing within 10km of a biome boundary is a really good time to use a rover. Also there's the contracts that have a bunch of waypoints on the ground just a few km apart. Trivial on Bop, Pol, Minmus, but other bodies benefit from wheels.

You could consider this mod to add an autopilot that will trundle your rover from place to place in the background. The only downside is that it's now so easy to explore a planet with a rover, that you may only visit each place once xD 



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Rovers are usefull for carrying cargo from base to base without expending fuel.

I think they are extremely usefull for ground transport. With a lander/hopper you can't easily dock/grab to other spacecraft that need fuel/resources.

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Everything in the game is "useless"  if is not what you want to play with.

But the idea to have resources (science, ore) concentrated in 'hotspots' is interesting nonetheless. More yet if you had to search for it in game instead of the internet. But IMHO that is more mod territory.

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Rovers aren't so bad if you design them with a roll cage so they can't be damaged or flipped. Then you can drive as fast as you want with no real concerns. Also, I think it's in how you look at it, I view rover missions as "long term" and don't typically try to drive the whole way in one go, but rather a bit at a time over several play sessions.

Here's my "Kerbo-Hog" (Guess where the inspiration came from?) rover from a recent seismic scan survey contract, this thing does about 30ish m/s and is just about bullet proof thanks to it's 80 m/s resistant rollcage/bumpers/fenders.  Kerbin itself is a great example of a place where Kerbals can't use their jetpacks and therefore benefit more from a rover.


I've rolled it down mountains, launched it off hills, and even rammed it into buildings at top speed; the worst thing that ever happens is the driver comes flying out. Lol.

I agree that technically rovers aren't the most efficient way to get most things done, but they are a lot of fun and ultimately this is a video game. Don't shut yourself off from enjoyable experiences and alternative solutions because they aren't the flat out "fastest."


Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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Rovers are slow, there's no denying that, but as @Rocket In My Pocket said, they are better used in long term missions, and as transportation for kerbals to go between surface outposts and such. 

In my case, i do enjoy long rides, and long flights with airplanes below 8000 meters too. Sometimes i spent a 2 hours game session just getting from point A to point B while listening to music or science podcasts and enjoying the view, it's very relaxing.

Sometimes i play like that, sometimes i just try to get a lot of funds or science quickly, in that case i rarely use planes or rovers since using landers or rockets is way faster.

Just find what fits your mood and play accordingly. But yeah i agree that more surface activities would encourage the use of rovers, but it should be balanced, otherwise the drawback could be forcing players to use rovers when they really don't want to.

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2 minutes ago, Kermagerd said:

In my case, i do enjoy long rides, and long flights with airplanes below 8000 meters too. Sometimes i spent a 2 hours game session just getting from point A to point B while listening to music or science podcasts and enjoying the view, it's very relaxing.

I never thought I would, but I'm right with ya.  I once sent Bill and Jeb on an excellent adventure around Kerbin in a single prop plane that topped out around 130 m/s.  Spent some time circling the mountain ranges too, since it's nifty to look at, even with stock graphics.


Rovers may not always be the most practical for getting science, but as a person that mostly plays sandbox (and therefore most just for enjoyment), rovers can be pretty fun.  Especially if they're hybrids, and can puddle-jump on non-atmospheric planets.  My favorite being my Dres Rovanders.


3 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Here's my "Kerbo-Hog" (Guess where the inspiration came from?)

I don't suppose you'd like to share that wonderful piece of UNSC engineering?

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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

I don't suppose you'd like to share that wonderful piece of UNSC engineering?

I'll do you one better, I'll include the plane that drops it off. (The plane itself "The Albatross" is a front ramp loader with pretty decent range purpose built for the Hog. It has 2 Goliaths for low level flying while taking off and looking for landing areas, and a Whiplash for high atmo cruising to and fro. It also features a command pod in the carrying bay for easy access via crew transfer. Or just bring two Kerbals.)

Keep in mind the rover wasn't an attempt at an exact 1 for 1 replica or anything, just loosely inspired by it's Halo namesake. It does feature on/off 4 wheel steering and 4 wheel drive bound to the R key as well as a whole slew of other features you can check out in the action group bindings.


Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hi0ha3qalvwewt2/Albatross1PL1.craft?dl=0 (Let me know if it doesn't work for some reason; I've had issues before.)

Actually forget that, prolly about time I made a KerbalX account anyways. I don't even know if Dropbox let's people download your stuff anymore tbh. https://kerbalx.com/RocketInMyPocket/Albatross1PL1

(Oh btw, when driving the Hog you'll want to setup and use the actual rover driving keybinds so you aren't controlling the reaction wheels too, it has quite a lot of torque power so it can roll itself over when flipped, makes driving a little weird. You could also just toggle them all off but they are buried in the body.)

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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9 hours ago, Crampman said:

These are just suggestions, but I think rovers need some love too.

Yeah I mean there are folks out there who just like tearing around (I do), but I totally agree it would be nice if there was an in-game incentive that encouraged using rovers. Personally I think the best mechanic would be another layer of scattered geological features (crystals, geysers, fossil beds, even volcanoes) that you could land near and then scout out on the ground.

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Minmus' flats are a gift to rovers.  17m/s and straight on until morning.

What's really needed for better roving is a "terrain hold" feature, to keep their wheels pointed at the landscape.  This would alleviate some of the fear that they'll self-destruct if you physwarp or take your eyes off them for a split second, would help them survive wheel-launching, and would be a good reason to try out the otherwise-useless rover core.

Edited by Corona688
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12 minutes ago, Corona688 said:


Minmus' flats are a gift to rovers.  17m/s and straight on until morning.

What's really needed for better roving is a "terrain hold" feature, to keep their wheels pointed at the landscape.  This would alleviate some of the fear that they'll self-destruct if you physwarp or take your eyes off them for a split second, would help them survive wheel-launching, and would be a good reason to try out the otherwise-useless rover core.

Dem' graphic designs! I love it. <3

You're like my photoshop hero man. Did you see my pale imitation in that other thread?



Teach me your ways master! Notice me senpai! :0.0:

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My secret?  I cheat.  :P

The circle dots hide plenty of imperfections.  They also hide that this screenshot was taken halfway through that journey, not the end.

The pixel speech bubbles, I googled "pixel speech bubble".

The curved lines were drawn using the curve tool, plus hand-drawing for the arrows. 

What I do to make circles of color is ...  I select circles, then I fill them with color.  Then I expand the selection and fill a different color on a layer behind.  Then I copy paste lots and lots.  The picture-in-pictures are done similarly;  select a circle, copy/paste, enlarge selection, fill color.

I couldn't cheat everything.  The dotted lines were a good 20 minutes of hand erasing :P  I had no good way to number them either.  I'll find a better way if I have to do that again.

One of my favorite tools in GIMP is layer masks, also.  The red arrows are actually a layer of 100% red, and the curves are drawn as white onto the otherwise-black layer mask.  This lets me recolor them on a whim.

Edited by Corona688
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21 minutes ago, Corona688 said:

My secret?  I cheat.  :P

The circle dots hide plenty of imperfections.  They also hide that this screenshot was taken halfway through that journey, not the end.

The pixel speech bubbles, I googled "pixel speech bubble".

The curved lines were drawn using the curve tool, plus hand-drawing for the arrows. 

What I do to make circles of color is ...  I select circles, then I fill them with color.  Then I expand the selection and fill a different color on a layer behind.  Then I copy paste lots and lots.  The picture-in-pictures are done similarly;  select a circle, copy/paste, enlarge selection, fill color.

I couldn't cheat everything.  The dotted lines were a good 20 minutes of hand erasing :P  I had no good way to number them either.  I'll find a better way if I have to do that again.

One of my favorite tools in GIMP is layer masks, also.  The red arrows are actually a layer of 100% red, and the curves are drawn as white onto the otherwise-black layer mask.  This lets me recolor them on a whim.

Someone else who uses GIMP? No way lol!

And here I thought I was the only one who even knew it existed. :rolleyes:

I saw that blurred circle you did in another thread, that looked really cool btw. I think you're gonna start a trend of edited pics around here.

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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53 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Dem' graphic designs! I love it. <3

You're like my photoshop hero man. Did you see my pale imitation in that other thread?

I did!  nicer than the one of mine which inspired you, really.

I cheated in that one too, you see.  That thin line connecting the lander to my bubble?  I didn't draw that!  I just pasted atop the line from a science instrument popup.

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12 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Someone else who uses GIMP? No way lol!

GIMP might be quite capable, but I find the UI intolerable.  I only have it because it comes pre-packaged with Mint and I've been too lazy to uninstall it.

Should probably  get this thread back on track...

...with a rover!



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1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

GIMP might be quite capable, but I find the UI intolerable.  I only have it because it comes pre-packaged with Mint and I've been too lazy to uninstall it.

Should probably  get this thread back on track...

...with a rover!

Yeah, maybe we're getting derailed a bit here.

Let's try to talk more about the OP's idea...more stuff to do for rovers! Which btw; I am all for.

(Nice rover/plane btw! Are you absolutely sure you have enough solar panels though?)

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13 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

(Nice rover/plane btw! Are you absolutely sure you have enough solar panels though?)

The ISRU system on that thing wants 75 EC/sec.  So... maybe?

Rovers are also handy for refueling operations.  Even on non-atmospheric planets, you may not always land where you want.  Obviously you can dock the rovers to the ships, but KIS/KAS makes it easier (pic is a test, but the same principal)


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I agree with you that rovers are slow and would probably require an additional mechanic to give them more purpose.

But, I already have a great fun with rovers, in particular with a big rover on Mun at more then 20m/s. Driving becomes a real challenge with the low gravity and the bad terrain, add a challenge to fill and it becomes a decent race game.


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And they're good for blowing stuff up too! (see "Destroy KSC: Highway to Hell" link in my sig.)


42 minutes ago, Urus28 said:

I agree with you that rovers are slow

Not if you add a rocket engine! But then they tend to lose control..... Maybe I should add spoilers...

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8 hours ago, Urus28 said:

rovers are slow

There are different design choices here. I build my rover light and fast.



My main rover can do >50m/s on Duna and the Mun, >55m/s on Minmus. It took me 2.5hrs to drive 400km from the Duna polar region to the equator, covering 8 biomes (poles, polar highlands, midlands, lowlands, northeast basin, western canyon, highlands, midland sea). I suspect biome hopping is at least going to be equally tedious.

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