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[1.10.1] Deep Space Surface Habitat Unit Pack


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  On 11/8/2019 at 8:57 PM, Lisias said:

Hi, guys. TweakScale maintainer here.

I just diagnosed a glitch where a dude, while migrating from the previous version to the latest, forgot to delete DSSHU-Tweakscale.cfg that he manually installed (it was optional by then), and then ended up with two copies of that patch, that so were applied twice, and that triggered TweakScale into some FATALities.

The distribution ZIP is OK, is was a human error (also known as "bork" :) ). But since I (yeah…me, myself. :D ) also did a similar mistake this week on some patch of my own, I though it would be a good idea to advise. :)

Murphy works in strange ways...


Hi @Lisias thanks for the heads up! I will try and be mindful of this possibility if I move my patch locations around!

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I think the CKAN website points to the wrong download location for this mod. Downloading through CKAN installs DSSHU with 4 extra configs, one of which is for TweakScale and will cause it to freak out about this mod. I'm going to mention this to CKAN, but you might want to contact them too. Awesome mod by the way!

Update: Ok, the problem is not with CKAN, it's with the TweakScale CFG file that you provide. Once I delete that file, TweakScale stops freaking out and ignores DSSHU and KSP v1.8.1 loads normally.

The forum website link CKAN has is out of date though and links to the old [WIP] forum.

Edited by GJNelson
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Hey @bcink,

can you update the mod website/forum thread link on SpaceDock to point to this thread? It is currently still pointing to the thread in Add-On Development.


Oh common @GJNelson, again faster than me? :)

@bcink it's the homepage link on SpaceDock that's outdated, that's where CKAN gets it from.

Edited by DasSkelett
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  On 11/11/2019 at 11:17 PM, GJNelson said:

Update: Ok, the problem is not with CKAN, it's with the TweakScale CFG file that you provide. Once I delete that file, TweakScale stops freaking out and ignores DSSHU and KSP v1.8.1 loads normally.

The forum website link CKAN has is out of date though and links to the old [WIP] forum.


It's the correct WIP thread. There's only the one WIP thread and this release thread.

  On 11/12/2019 at 12:08 AM, DasSkelett said:


@bcink it's the link on SpaceDock that's outdated, that's where CKAN gets it from.


The download link on SpaceDock is distributing the correct zip file with one set of patches in the Patches folder.

The CKAN distribution is including patches from the previous release as well as the patches which were moved to a new folder in this release and thus doubling up on patches and causing the TweakScale issue.

I don't know where the issue really lies but I will post over in CKAN forums and see what they say.

Thanks :D

  On 11/11/2019 at 11:44 PM, TheDarkBadger said:

Looks Cool



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  On 11/12/2019 at 1:51 AM, bcink said:

It's the correct WIP thread. There's only the one WIP thread and this release thread.

The download link on SpaceDock is distributing the correct zip file with one set of patches in the Patches folder.

The CKAN distribution is including patches from the previous release as well as the patches which were moved to a new folder in this release and thus doubling up on patches and causing the TweakScale issue.

I don't know where the issue really lies but I will post over in CKAN forums and see what they say.

Thanks :D



No, I meant the "Homepage" link on SpaceDock. It's pointing to the WIP thread in Add-on Development, not this one. You might want to change this.

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  On 11/12/2019 at 2:08 AM, DasSkelett said:

No, I meant the "Homepage" link on SpaceDock. It's pointing to the WIP thread in Add-on Development, not this one. You might want to change this.


Ohh! Yes... It's... awkward on release... I put the WIP thread up there because the mod isn't released yet until I have a download link with which to release it with. Then I tend to actually post the release page. I just updated it. Thanks :}

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  On 11/12/2019 at 1:51 AM, bcink said:

It's the correct WIP thread. There's only the one WIP thread and this release thread.

The download link on SpaceDock is distributing the correct zip file with one set of patches in the Patches folder.

The CKAN distribution is including patches from the previous release as well as the patches which were moved to a new folder in this release and thus doubling up on patches and causing the TweakScale issue.

I don't know where the issue really lies but I will post over in CKAN forums and see what they say.

Thanks :D



My bad, I stand corrected.  Also, you are correct about what CKAN installs. Thanks for that info. I downloaded your mod via the SpaceDock link and overwrote the CKAN install files. Everything works great now and no problems from TweakScale during KSP bootup. Looking forward to trying out your hab units once I advance that far. Thanks for your mod! Love the pics and info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i just make some test with this mod.

i have some issue cause i just can do EVA : "Can t exit. Module has no hatch"

i m on the launch pad for testing purpose, with module HAB1 on ksp 1.8.1 and a some others mods.

Other question : do i have to move the files in the patches folder or it s automatic ?

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  On 11/22/2019 at 8:36 PM, LTQ90 said:

Hi, i just make some test with this mod.

i have some issue cause i just can do EVA : "Can t exit. Module has no hatch"

i m on the launch pad for testing purpose, with module HAB1 on ksp 1.8.1 and a some others mods.

Other question : do i have to move the files in the patches folder or it s automatic ?


Oops. Sorry if there is a hatch issue - I will check it out as soon as I get some time.

The patches will "turn-on" automatically if the appropriate compatible mods are installed. If not, they will just remain inactive.


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tx for your answer, another issue is when i have more than 1 people inside the habs.

Only one appear in the gui in the right down side of the screen.

And if i click to see the interior overlay only one is visible, whenever the module is expanded or not.

maybe you ll have to restrict the number of seats availables until the hab is deployed ?

Hope it help.

nice mod !

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  • 2 months later...
  On 2/21/2020 at 9:20 PM, Wackenhut said:

i was looking for a small base mod, and ran into this one. So gave it a go.

The 1.8 version's hatches indeed dont work and the radiator nullrefs. Hope you can find the time to fix it in the future, love how it looks


Sorry about that. Overlooked / not adequately tested it seems. I'll address this as soon as I can. Thanks

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  • 5 months later...
  On 8/3/2020 at 2:33 PM, The Fnord said:

It appears to be missing the 'airlock' tag. I tried importing the .mu into blender and adding it, which did not seem to fix it.


You used Taniwah's plugin to re-export to .mu?
Also, did you add the "is trigger" property?


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  On 8/3/2020 at 5:16 PM, The Fnord said:

If you mean checking 'Trigger' under the 'MU Collider' section, yeah.


yeah... forgot how it was labeled in Blender... called "Is Trigger?" in Unity, IIRC :P

OH, also, you put it back on Layer 21, also?

Which part is this, exactly?

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  On 8/3/2020 at 6:05 PM, Stone Blue said:

yeah... forgot how it was labeled in Blender... called "Is Trigger?" in Unity, IIRC :P

OH, also, you put it back on Layer 21, also?

Which part is this, exactly?


It appears to automatically be on layer 21 after import. I'm fitzing with the side airlock in the HDU1 part:

Of note, that particular part of the model is not present until the part is deployed. Dunno if that changes anything.



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  On 8/5/2020 at 12:02 PM, The Fnord said:

 I'm fitzing with the side airlock in the HDU1 part:


Interesting... My game wont load, and seems to be hanging up on HDU2 part...

Welll.. its a problem where drag cubes cant be calculated... this is in 1.10.0 and 1.10.1... I kno 1.10.0 did something with drag cubes vOv

Ok, so it seems 1.10 introduced a bug, where parts with deployable solar panels *and* additional, other mesh animations, keep drag cubes from being calculated.
To get around it, you can comment out the ModuleAnimateGeneric module in the .cfg, delete the PartDatabase.cfg file, start the game...
then quit the game, open the PartDatabase.cfg, and copy/paste the DRAGCUBE{ } for the HDU2 part, from there to the actual part.cfg...
however... theres NOTHING there!... its still empty for the part vOv
Sooo... luckily, HDU 3 is a very similar shaped part, so just copy/paste the DRAGCUBE from *that* part to the HDU2 cfg.

And as to this issue, its because the part is using a generic, stock IVA... *which only has one seat in it!*
If you really want 3 crew to show up in the portrait windows/overlay, just edit the part cfg, in the INTERNAL{ }, from GenersiSpace1, to GenericSpace3 ...
that seems to basically be a similar IVA, but with 3 seats...

On a related note, i wonder if using this generic stock IVA, has anything to do with the EVA hatch not being available? vOv
@The Fnord vOv

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  On 11/26/2019 at 4:23 PM, LTQ90 said:

tx for your answer, another issue is when i have more than 1 people inside the habs.

Only one appear in the gui in the right down side of the screen.

And if i click to see the interior overlay only one is visible, whenever the module is expanded or not.

maybe you ll have to restrict the number of seats availables until the hab is deployed ?


StOOpid forum software... this quote supposed to be referenced in my above post

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm brand new to this mod. Good job on the look of the parts.

3 questions:

1) The 4-Way Connector does not have docking modules (I think because KSP doesn't like multiple docking ports on a single part). Therefore, I need to attach 4 docking ports on the hub. Then, just land the parts and skycrane, rover nudge, KIS winch, or cheat them together. Is there anything else I need to be wary of when assembling a station from these parts?

2) I sometimes get carried away with the appearance of my bases. Which docking ports do y'all recommend for the best appearance with DSSHU? From my current mod load, it looks like Restock's metal skin variant looks good with DSSHU's beige. Tantares might have something good in beige or green.

3) Finally, the solar panels in Habitat 2 don't seem to generate any electricity. I tested on the launch pad. I'm getting a constant 0.75 per second regardless of sun position, and can't keep the lab in Habitat 1 powered. Is this a known problem or just an issue with my install?

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@DeadJohn I just enlightened bcink re: points 1 and 3.

1) Tokamak Refurbished Parts has a flat inflatable command module with several docking ports in it.

3) That solar panel is set to produce only 0.35 EC/s which is much less than the RTG's 0.75 EC/s. You'll only barely notice the solar panel's input on a good day on Kerbin. I measured it against the stock static XL solar panel and got a value more like 38 EC/s. So feel free to MM this huge difference into it.

In this screenshot it has the test value of 10 EC/s and so, is producing half of that on JNSQ Duna. That's a visible effect.


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  • 2 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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