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[0.17] RedStar co-op Airplane parts v0.4.1


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Frostiken that's the weird logic I've heard since long.

He doesn't ow you something, does he?

I find this mod fantastic, especially the eject part. It add lots to a plane that I normally would have seen as lost.

Also the movie is better than screens, it gives way more detail in how it works. Thanks for making this. :)

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  Frostiken said:
So he has a list of 'parts' that are included in the pack. Anyone with sense would have a series of screenshots showing off the parts in question.

Instead I have a video which not only doesn't make it very clear as to what is a custom part and what isn't, but results in a MASSIVE waste of time - 199 seconds to watch a video, or 19.9 seconds to look at screeshots.

Additionally, I get to listen to the author's brain-damaged idea of 'music' as the world's ****tiest dubstep spewed out of my speakers. I'm not going to watch that.

I agree screenshots are better than video. Taking screenshots of all the parts I have made and planned and writing descriptions will be tedious process and its not reasonable at this point since all the parts are subject to change. Consider this as beta.

What comes to your use of language, I'm not sure if you meant to appear aggressive but to some people you did, so you need to be careful how you use it because others might be more easily offended than I'm. I don't mean to patronize you, I often communicate in similar way because I'm passionate about some topics. We just need to learn control ourselves a little we find that life gets easier. :)

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;246164']I cannot download from google drive (error)' date=' please upload on mediafire or dropbox! ^___^[/quote']

Added Dropbox download link. Does Google drive work at all in Russia?

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  Gojira said:
Parts (the nosecone and canopy) fall off on launch.

They are delicate pieces of equipment, don't subject them for too big g-forces. ;) In next update they will get more sturdy.

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I hope you do Blu Parts lul Id love some USAF looking Plane Parts i'm trying to make a F/A 18 'Super Hornet' with the parts from REDstar currently, its quite difficult but fun.

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  Dilin said:
I hope you do Blu Parts lul Id love some USAF looking Plane Parts i'm trying to make a F/A 18 'Super Hornet' with the parts from REDstar currently, its quite difficult but fun.

Let me see how it turns out! There are more similar parts coming up. I try to make one set similar as real aircraft but divide the parts so that they can be used to build custom aircraft by combining parts from different sets(SU-1 set is currently the first and only set). Next up is the standard parts and something remotely similar to mig-25. After that its probably time for the Blues. =)

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  vvaris said:
After that its probably time for the Blues. =)

Rather than modeling imperialist American capitalist pigdog death machines meant for the destruction of peace-loving People's republics throughout the world, I'd like to see more parts related to heroic Soviet designs!

A part the game desperately needs (for both Eastern and Western aircraft, I might add) is a more box-like conformal fuselage segment to mimic engine spaces, as seen on these fine winged beasts:



A narrower flavour with perfectly vertical profile, lacking the "raked" design from top to bottom:


Even if it's just an "intake" part that can interface to a round fuselage part at the rear and become rectangular in shape at the front, angled from top to bottom (I hope that makes sense).

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  maxpanic said:
Rather than modeling imperialist American capitalist pigdog death machines meant for the destruction of peace-loving People's republics throughout the world, I'd like to see more parts related to heroic Soviet designs!

A part the game desperately needs (for both Eastern and Western aircraft, I might add) is a more box-like conformal fuselage segment to mimic engine spaces, as seen on these fine winged beasts:



A narrower flavour with perfectly vertical profile, lacking the "raked" design from top to bottom:


Even if it's just an "intake" part that can interface to a round fuselage part at the rear and become rectangular in shape at the front, angled from top to bottom (I hope that makes sense).

God ohhhhh God i love F-15s and 18s that made me feelllllll SOOOO special.

EDIT: Also, vvaris ill gladly make US planes if you want! Just make me parts, and can you make a Fuel canister that fits inseemlessly and has inifinite fuel basicially a Cheat Fuel made to blend in with the plane.

DOUBLE EDIT: Ive made a FA 18 Super Hornet and its CRAZY AWESOME it looks SUPER real! I just wish i could use less and MUCH stronger damn parts. Ill upload the craft file.

[ATTACH]31872[/ATTACH] Dont Use this one! ill leave it here if you REALLY want a old version without extra cool features for someone in 2 years to find, but whatever.

If you want the NEW awesome version with all this cool shiz go to my forum thread, I love this mod. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/18194-Dilin-s-US-Military-Supply-Zone%21

I dont THINK you need any mods and ive downloaded A LOT but i tired to use only RedStar if it doesnt work then ill find part names. im also going to add Aviation Lights its linked somewhere in this thread! Also, if you make a cheat pack of the parts vvaris that are all super id be forever grateful. It doesnt need super speed just strength and the ability to stick together beacuse i had to add a TON of wires so it could take off, youll see what i mean when you use it.

Edited by Dilin
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Sweet! Although I've kept working on my F/A 18 and when it wants to work when I make it "improve" I can land find, but I guess a Little cushion wont hurt as I have to add struts to the wings so that the wheels touch the ground and it doesn't spaz out on the run way. Also, do you have any idea why when I dive with W the plane starts to turn to the right? I keep checking everything to see if its even and it just keeps slanting when I start to dive. It goes up JUST fine, also some of the things maxpanic listed the Square intakes, would be wonderful because if you hadn't seen my Fighter Jet it looks Pretty real but with more parts it could be MUCH better.

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Hi, I was wondering if the ejection seats will work on the empty space capsules if I build a rocket with them?

Also, would it be possible to have more than one ejection seat if all the other seats were just dummy ejection seats?


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  qwertyx2y said:
won't install

Really? Weird. Whats your Computer 64 bit or 32? Ill link you the download for your system off of Rarlabs.com if i can.

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  qwertyx2y said:
no wait just got 7 zip instead lasts forever too no trial period

Winrar Trial never expires it just says that, ive had the trial version for years, i dont like 7-Zip because it has a large pop up that switches the no thanks button each time its opened.

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