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[1.4.*] KSP Logitech RGB Control [v1.1.1] [2018-06-02]


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This add-on is a fork of KaeltisKSP Logitech RGB Control that has been updated to work with KSP 1.4.1. The add-on allows Kerbal Space Program to modify the lighting on your Logitech RGB Keyboard.

A full feature summary and source code is available on GitHub - https://github.com/battlemoose/ksp-logirgb

Downloads are also available on GitHub -  https://github.com/battlemoose/ksp-logirgb/releases

New features:

  • Add-on is compatible with KSP 1.4.*
  • Added support for staging key
  • Major contributions and new features, including multiple keyboard layout support from @RandyTheDev. See the changelogs here and here.

This work is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. Contributions by @RandyTheDev are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Edited by battlemoose
1.1.1 release
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Hi, @battlemoose (cool name :)). Thanks for your work on this fork! I noticed you seem to have the license, source etc. in order in the github link, but could I ask you to also state the license in the original post to this thread? That will make it in line with the rules, thanks :)

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  On 1/30/2018 at 10:09 PM, Thorman said:

can you make it work with corsair keyboards or is it not possible?


This certainly could be me made to work with Corsair keyboards if there is an adequate SDK available for integrating third party software into Corsair's RGB system. I don't own a Corsair keyboard so it would be tough for me to investigate this. This add-on is very modular though thanks to it's original author, so a Corsair owner could fork it and attempt a port.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You, sir, are spamming the heck out of my logs. I believe the offending code is KSPLogiRGBPlugin.cs line 41: Debug.Log(count);

That debug trace is logged on every physics frame with a constantly-incrementing integer that appears to reset on scene changes. It added ~377k lines of tracing to a log with ~110k other "LOG"-level traces. On an install with nearly 200 mods (yes, yes, I know - many of them are micro-mods), that's quite impressive :D

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  On 2/18/2018 at 12:22 AM, battlemoose said:

Apologies @coolguy8445! You're right, looks like I've forgotten to remove some debug code. I'll push an update as soon as I can.

@Jesusthebird I'm afraid this kind of mod is unlikely to work with Microsoft devices. As far as I can tell there's no API available for integrating third party software into Microsoft's RGB system.


thats what I found too...made me sad...as I was pretty hyped too see the Logitech and x4 looks pretty similar..shame keyboards dont have a standard for such a thing...It could be done I think....but it would require developing an API from scratch just for this keyboard..or something along those lines. A serious modding project to say the least

Edited by Jesusthebird
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I have a strange kind of problem here... I installed your plugin from CKAN too and then tried to uninstall it via CKAN, but CKAN crashed, when trying to. So I removed the files manually and then unticked it in CKAN and "uninstallation" worked. Now comes the funny part... after removing all the files inside the ksp folder i still get the lighting effects on my keyboard. So i  removed the ksp installation from my computer and made a fresh installation over steam. Now i have a mod-free, freshly downloaded ksp and guess what... the lighting effects still work, without even installed them.

So where could CKAN have put those files without me knowing, so ksp still makes use of them? I just don't know what is happening here, please help.

btw... i am using the original logitech software and the aurora lighting software for my keyboard light effects.

wow... i just found the LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll inside my overwolf folder... i don't know if it's the one from your mod or if overwolf has the same file-naming for lighting keyboards, but after deleting all the LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll files inside the overwolf folders and restarting aurora the effects are finally gone.

I guess i will install it manually now :)

Thank you so much for the work on converting this to 1.3.1 ... i really like this plugin :wink:

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  On 3/2/2018 at 2:06 PM, Dark Necrotic said:

I have a strange kind of problem here...


Hi @Dark Necrotic, sorry to hear you've been having problems, indeed they are strange. I have to say I'm not really sure what could be causing lighting effects to remain after the mod is uninstalled. The only insight I can provide is that LogitechLedEnginesWrapper.dll is the library that Logitech provides in order to facilitate integration with their LED system and therefore it probably belongs in your Overwolf install.

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thanks for the answer... :wink: i think it was ckan which messed it up and just put it into a wrong place on my computer... nevermind. Installing it manually did work great :wink:
I still have one more question. Since I am playing on a german keyboard setup, "y" and "z" are switched obviously. The problem is, if i reset the keys in the ksp setup... the lighting of course switches too. (always to  the opposite one  of the one which is actually the key for full throttle.)
Is there something I can do about this? I mean, i can live with it, but it would be nice if it would be possible to switch those two buttons in the lighting scheme.

Edited by Dark Necrotic
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I compiled it with 1.4's DLLs and it worked fine without code changes, so I assume that also means that the one compiled for 1.3.1 will also work with 1.4. I also made a fork to use the Colemak keyboard layout. It would be great if there was some way to autodetect a different layout, I know many games are able to do it now. I'm looking into it.

Edited by RandyTheDev
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Woo! It was a pleasure. If anyone's having issues with keyboard layout support @mention me, and I'll try to work with you to diagnose the problem. Unfortunately, KSP, Unity, and Logitech's combined support for multiple layouts is a bit of a nightmare to get perfect!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Layout is working fine in the new version! :wink: thx ... i am currently running it on 1.3.1 and so far everything seams to work flawless. (only the message at the start pops up which says it's made for 1.4.1, but that's no problem)

Also, i think the new packing of the mod es much better, because users can lean back and only copy the KSPLogiRGB folder into the data folder. Good work guys!!!


btw... you should update it on ckan too, so people don't download the old version :wink:

Edited by Dark Necrotic
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