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[1.12.x] Part Angle Display Continued - including seamless, highly accurate rotation


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@Padishar created this wonderful mod to adjust part angles extremely detailed.  Original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73551-12x

The mod hasn't been updated since 1.2, and the author has not responded to any requests for updates or any contact at all.  I'm adopting this mod now, rebuilt it for 1.3.1, and replaced the toolbar code with the ToolbarController mod instead (a hard dependency now).  I also added new buttons for stock.

From the original thread:

Part Angle Display

This is a simple KSP plugin that allows you to surface attach parts at accurate angles. For compatibility with older versions of KSP, please see the older versions available on the Curse download page or from DropBox below.


Hard Dependencies

If installing with CKAN, they will be installed automatically, otherwise, see the following post for details:


Simply put, the plugin allows you to display a small window in the VAB/SPH that displays the orientation of the currently selected part as pitch, roll and yaw angles and it also allows you to enter increment values for the pitch, roll and yaw and to apply these to the selected part.



The  default keys are the stock settings, which are set in the overall game settings.  To summarize:

Part Pitch Down W
Part Pitch Up S
Yaw Part Left A
Yaw Part Right D
Roll part Left Q
Roll part Right E

The < and > buttons can be used to cycle the angle setting through 120, 90, 72, 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 degrees.

The F key also adjusts the "Fine" angle control (F to cycle down, Shift-F to cycle up and Mod-F to reset to 5)

The key to cycle the fine angle increment now defaults to G because the stock editor uses F.

The normal angle increment can be cycled using B.

The modifier key for the WASDQE keys to use the separate axis increment values now defaults to Ctrl as Mod is used to disable surface attachment which would make it impossible to adjust surface attached parts in place.

Pitch, roll, yaw shows values of current part
Enter the desired values into the +/- fields
Control activates, then use normal keys to rotate, etc.


It originally used a single hotkey of Mod-P (Mod being KSP's configured "modifier" key which defaults to Alt on Windows and RightShift on Linux) as it doesn't clash with any of the mods I use. If you don't have a part selected then it will show or hide the window. If you do have a part selected then it will apply the angle increments to the part by simply adding the increment values to the displayed Euler angles and re-setting the rotation of the selected part. This has strange effects caused by the way that Euler angles work.

Version 0.2 introduced a new way use the plugin. The original Alt-P hotkey still works the same way but it also now overrides the handling of Mod-WASDQE in the stock game (the standard part rotation controls with the configured modifier key held down do the same as the unmodified key, rotate by 90 degrees) to instead rotate by whatever angle increment is entered into the respective field in the dialog. This allows you to set increment values to 1 (or 0.1 or even 0.01) and then have seamless, accurate rotation of parts.

Version 0.2.1 fixed the handling of the standard pitch keys and makes the angle increments they use configurable. W/S and Shift-W/S no longer go in opposite directions. The < and > buttons can be used to cycle the angle setting through 120, 90, 72, 60, 45, 30, 15, 10, 5, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 degrees. The F key also adjusts the "Fine" angle control (F to cycle down, Shift-F to cycle up and Mod-F to reset to 5).

Version 0.2.2 introduced "Part-relative" mode. This changes the rotation keys to act around the axes of the currently selected part rather than the usual fixed axes. E.g. if you rotate a Mk 1 plane cockpit to an odd angle and then switch to "Part-relative" and roll using Q and E the part will roll around its own axis.

Version added the saving and loading of settings (window position, visibility and all the control settings).

Version made the keyboard shortcuts configurable in the settings file. To change the shortcuts you will need to run the game and enter and exit the VAB/SPH once for the default settings file to be written out (in GameData\PartAngleDisplay\PluginData\PartAngleDisplay\settings.cfg). Then simply edit this file (you shouldn't even need to quit KSP) and change the three lines starting "key" to be the keycodes you desire. Note that the "toggle window" and "apply Euler" operations always use the configured modifier key and the "cycle fine" operation uses plain, shifted and modified keypresses.

Version added support for both the stock and Blizzy's toolbars. The use of the stock toolbar can be disabled in the settings file (useAppLaunch).

Version for KSP 0.90 has had to change quite a few things. The key to cycle the fine angle increment now defaults to G because the stock editor uses F. The normal angle increment can be cycled using B. The modifier key for the WASDQE keys to use the separate axis increment values now defaults to Ctrl as Mod is used to disable surface attachment which would make it impossible to adjust surface attached parts in place.

Version for KSP 1.0.2 is simply a recompile for the new version and a minor bug fix.

Version for KSP 1.1 has been significantly refactored to simplify it and fix the part relative rotation that has been broken since the editor changes in KSP 0.90.

Version for KSP 1.1 enables the part rotation keys when the dialog is closed making it usable without ever opening the UI.

Version for KSP 1.2 is a straight recompile.

Version for KSP 1.2 now stores the key bindings as strings rather than integer values.

Version for KSP 1.2 fixes the loss of the toolbar button with Contract Configurator.

A Kottabos review, showing how to use it:

Donations gratefully accepted



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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3 minutes ago, Mrcarrot said:

I wonder... how many mods can you even handle? You maintain more mods than any other single person in this community. That is truly great.

As for the mod itself, I think I'll find it useful, thanks!

The secret is knowing how to automate as much as possible.  I use a Jenkins server, so once a mod is set up, it is very easy to rebuild it for a new KSP release

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16 hours ago, Apaseall said:

Did you install the ToolbarController, its needed

15 hours ago, fourfa said:

(this is not a support request)

Just wanted to say, the new toolbar icon that has color and changes color when you open the window - well done!  Looks very nice and adds a little flair.

Made possible with the new ToolbarController

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Just installed, seems to be working great.  Quick question though.

How can I verify angle in reference to the SPH itself?  Say I want to make sure these nacelles are straight, and the engines won't be pulling at an angle.

The look straight, but it seemed to pop in by accident, but the angle still says 23.33.  I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing so I can verify and reproduce.


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10 hours ago, Apaseall said:

Indeed Sir I do have ToolBarController installed:

  Reveal hidden contents

Load(Assembly): 001_ToolbarControl/Plugins/ToolbarControl <--- line 262 of the provided log.


You have multiple copies of the ToolbarController dll installed.

I assume you are installing by hand and not with CKAN.

Delete the ENTIRE directory:  001_ToolbarControl

and reinstall it


Also, please do the same with the directory:  000_Toolbar

Then let me know how it goes

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7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You have multiple copies of the ToolbarController dll installed.

I assume you are installing by hand and not with CKAN.

Delete the ENTIRE directory:  001_ToolbarControl

and reinstall it


Also, please do the same with the directory:  000_Toolbar

Then let me know how it goes

Tree: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lx6onzbll4vwhnm/saves for PartAngle.1.tree.txt?dl=0

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eoq9zhwues8rqos/saves for PartAngle.1.output_log.txt?dl=0

I cannot help but not like the implications that rise from your statement that I have multiple copies of the ToolbarController dll installed. I know I should not take offense, but I cannot help it, one of my little personality wrinkles. As you can see from the tree only one such file exists. The log file is from the last game I played and is thus using the files listed in the tree file. I presume that the multiple instances you refer to are from a string search performed within the previously provided log file. As we know KSP produces a lot of information in such log files. The same dll will appear more than once due to well basically how KSP loads and logs itself during such.

Given the above I feel confident that I do only have one dll of the name in question.

Please note, I am merely advising you how what you wrote made me feel, I am not having a pop at you.


You are most correct that I install by hand. I download from spacedock using the download links provided. Thus I am a very frequent visitor to that website. I always delete the entire contents of the particular GameData\Mod folder prior to pasting in the update. This can take a little time with some mods which have multiple dependencies. A test run of KSP follows to ensure that KSP prompts me for updates for those dependencies as I do not presume that all authors provide up to date versions of those mods. All that remains then is a quick search to allow me to remove multiple copies of miniavc?

Which reminds me, I do not recall seeing ToolbarControl on there, or at least not the updates for such. That was why I pointed out the issue of the KSP download link earlier.

Edited by Apaseall
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11 hours ago, Geonovast said:

How can I verify angle in reference to the SPH itself? 

press F and make sure the mode is Absolute not Local and then set a 90° angle snap and use that to align the part straight in reference to the SPH, then you can use the angle display from there

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25 minutes ago, Apaseall said:

I cannot help but not like the implications that rise from your statement that I have multiple copies of the ToolbarController dll installed. I know I should not take offense, but I cannot help it, one of my little personality wrinkles. As you can see from the tree only one such file exists. The log file is from the last game I played and is thus using the files listed in the tree file. I presume that the multiple instances you refer to are from a string search performed within the previously provided log file. As we know KSP produces a lot of information in such log files. The same dll will appear more than once due to well basically how KSP loads and logs itself during such.

I wasn't implying that you installed it, but I did have it bundled with another mod for a short time in a different place, and it was possible that you had it installed.  I based my guess on both what I saw in the file as well as experience from another mod and issue which happened a few days ago, same symptoms but with a different mod.  No offense was meant.

On an aside, where did you get the LoadingScreenManager from?  The DLL is not in the correct place, it should be in the GameData directory, NOT in the LoadingScreenManager folder.

I do see one incompatible set of mods, which both directly touch the toolbar:

  • Adjustable Mod Panel
  • Janitor's Closet

Please remove both of those and try again, then, if it works, add back  the AdjustableModPanel first and see if it works, and finally add back the Janitor's Closet.  As long as you don't use the Janitor's Closet to touch the toolbar, you should be fine.

That being said, could you please set up a clean install, and only install Part Angle Display, the Blizzy Toolbar and the Toolbar Controller, and see how that works?

I'm trying to build a similar install to test this, but as you can guess, it's a bit slow going

Oh, and since you delete all the MiniAVC.dlls, you may want to install the mod "ZeroMiniAVC", which automatically deletes all of them for you

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One thing I did notice was that I don't see the KSP-AVC entry for the Adjustable Mod Panel in the log file.  I know that he updated the mod for compatibility with the ToolbarController, so I looked at his old files on GitHub.

The last version of Adjustable Mod Panel which did NOT have a .version file was version 1.0 back on Dec. 31, the latest version is 1.3, released on January 25.

So, while not accusing you of anything, it appears that you may have an old version of this mod, which would cause these problems.


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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

... Adjustable Mod Panel ...

That did it. I can now see both this and the antenna icons in squad toolbar. Thank you and very well spotted. I guess not having a .version file allowed for the lapse of update (that is my story and I am sticking to it lol).


I delete LoadingScreenManager and reinstalled it. Nice that this works: path = ../LoadingScreenManager pngs/

I did make a test install, or rather I make another game like my existing one, all thanks to the power of sym links.

Searching for miniavc is dead easy, explorer and search in source gamedata directory, delete all miniavc. In live gamedata I have none sym linked copies of modualmanger and miniavc. I am uncomfortable about things that delete stuff for me.

Back to short period and phugoid problem solving it is for me then.


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45 minutes ago, Apaseall said:

That did it. I can now see both this and the antenna icons in squad toolbar. Thank you and very well spotted. I guess not having a .version file allowed for the lapse of update (that is my story and I am sticking to it lol).

  Reveal hidden contents

I delete LoadingScreenManager and reinstalled it. Nice that this works: path = ../LoadingScreenManager pngs/

I did make a test install, or rather I make another game like my existing one, all thanks to the power of sym links.

Searching for miniavc is dead easy, explorer and search in source gamedata directory, delete all miniavc. In live gamedata I have none sym linked copies of modualmanger and miniavc. I am uncomfortable about things that delete stuff for me.

Back to short period and phugoid problem solving it is for me then.


And this is why I like CKAN, things like this don't get missed.

Glad it's working for you

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I tried CKAN but never really got on with it. I eventually used it just to find new mods, then download them from here or spacedock. I have read some negative comments about how CKAN can (can can?) install wrong versions etc. Anyway I am glad it got sorted and sorry that it was at my end rather than yours, aka wasting your time chasing not your problem. Thanks again for the help.

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This is my first time actively trying to use this mod. Just so that I am absolutely clear on how to use it, here I am asking. If I use the squad place button and have a part selected (not attached, greyed out with a red outline) I can use WASDQE and manipulate the part by the amount displayed in this mods window. That makes sense. So far so good. What I am wondering is this, can I use this mod with either the squad move or rotate buttons? What I am trying to do is rotate a part that is already attached by the amount displayed in this mods window. Is that possible? If so does it require a special key press? I have tried WASDQE and that just moves me around the hanger. Which is expected. I tried ALT+WASDQE and again moved around the hanger. ALT+P brings up a window titled Interstellar Thermal Mechanics Helper. As does pressing P on its own (an expected result). Do I need to edit this mods settings.cfg? Or am I trying to do something that is not supported? It would be exactly what I wish if I could, so that I can use it in conjunction with the static stability analysis mod...

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On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:11 PM, Apaseall said:

This is my first time actively trying to use this mod. Just so that I am absolutely clear on how to use it, here I am asking. If I use the squad place button and have a part selected (not attached, greyed out with a red outline) I can use WASDQE and manipulate the part by the amount displayed in this mods window. That makes sense. So far so good. What I am wondering is this, can I use this mod with either the squad move or rotate buttons? What I am trying to do is rotate a part that is already attached by the amount displayed in this mods window. Is that possible? If so does it require a special key press? I have tried WASDQE and that just moves me around the hanger. Which is expected. I tried ALT+WASDQE and again moved around the hanger. ALT+P brings up a window titled Interstellar Thermal Mechanics Helper. As does pressing P on its own (an expected result). Do I need to edit this mods settings.cfg? Or am I trying to do something that is not supported? It would be exactly what I wish if I could, so that I can use it in conjunction with the static stability analysis mod...

I am also confused as all get out on how to make this mod work, I've read the info at the beginning of the mod page multiple times, and I'm not understanding.

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On 2/5/2018 at 6:11 PM, Apaseall said:

This is my first time actively trying to use this mod. Just so that I am absolutely clear on how to use it, here I am asking. If I use the squad place button and have a part selected (not attached, greyed out with a red outline) I can use WASDQE and manipulate the part by the amount displayed in this mods window. That makes sense. So far so good. What I am wondering is this, can I use this mod with either the squad move or rotate buttons? What I am trying to do is rotate a part that is already attached by the amount displayed in this mods window. Is that possible? If so does it require a special key press? I have tried WASDQE and that just moves me around the hanger. Which is expected. I tried ALT+WASDQE and again moved around the hanger. ALT+P brings up a window titled Interstellar Thermal Mechanics Helper. As does pressing P on its own (an expected result). Do I need to edit this mods settings.cfg? Or am I trying to do something that is not supported? It would be exactly what I wish if I could, so that I can use it in conjunction with the static stability analysis mod...


2 hours ago, vardicd said:

I am also confused as all get out on how to make this mod work, I've read the info at the beginning of the mod page multiple times, and I'm not understanding.

I just added a new video review to the OP by @Kottabos, which will show you how to use it.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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