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Poll: How many active flights do you have in your main career save?


How many active flights do you have in your main career save?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. How many active flights do you have in your main career save?

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Well, I haven't gotten very far in my career mode yet. I expect when my Dres Mission starts, I will be sending a load of probes and manned space craft so by the end of this game, I'll probably expect to have 40-50 active flights. 

Happy Explosions

Edited by Alpha 360
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Over 200 since in addition to the orbital junk, I've coated Kerbin's mountains with a surface grid of relay probes to allow a link from KSC to radio towers at Kerbin's south pole, to Mun's south pole and then out from there.  Got a solid belt around Minmus north/south and east/west.  All fixed ground stations so there is no orbital drift and connectivity is guaranteed for eternity in case my Kerbals ever feel the need to check their chatterer messages.

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Lots.  A couple of things, though:

  On 1/30/2018 at 4:58 AM, Clockwork13 said:

I am including everything except untouched asteroids.


...I'm going to assume you also don't intend to include flags?  Might want to mention that explicitly.


My active ship count is pretty high... but an awful lot of them are there just for communications relay purposes.  I have a habit of building a communications network "for free" by making sure that everything I launch always has a relay antenna on it, and then leaving them in place after I'm done.  "Put a new station in solar orbit" contract?  Relay antenna.  "Put a new station around <planet>"?  Relay antenna. 

Since these are missions that I'm never going to do anything with ever again, I don't want them cluttering up my map view and my ship list and so forth.  So what I normally do is, I assign them all the "ship type" of "communications relay", and I turn that category off in the map view.  So my total active ship count is pretty high, but the list of ones that I keep "visible" and ever interact with is quite a bit lower.

On those occasions when I have a ship that has a relay antenna on it (and may serve an important relay purpose, such as my first "pioneer" ship I send to any given planet)... I make a point of setting the ship type to "probe" so that it won't be hidden along with all the comsats.  When it has eventually served its purpose and I don't plan to tinker with it anymore, that's when I hide it by switching the ship type to the hidden category.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 7:50 PM, Atkara said:

This got me to rush to the game and make sure it doesn't count flags as flights :P


I haven't actually bothered to check lately whether it still does this.  But certainly, it used to count flags as flights.  It was kind of annoying.  Maybe they've fixed it now.

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Being stuck with 1.0.2 I rarely go past 5 at a time. Flags excluded of course.


Gonna have to change my habits A LOT when (or should I say IF) I get my new PC and buy KSP another time to finally be able to update or if the same problem happens to me again at least have a somewhat up to date version.

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Well, here's the deal...

When the new Kerbnet stuff came out, I literally launched a series of 14 satellites to assure I'd not lose communications with any craft on Kerbin or in Kerbib's orbit. They are still in orbit. Counting them and the various colonies set up on the Mun, the settlements on Kerbin, and the orbiting space station... 54.

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For those who have more than a hundred.... I wonder: 

Does the number of crafts currently in flight has an impact on the game performance? The application is keeping track of those while you are playing other flights so I guess it should have a performance hit at some point?



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  On 2/1/2018 at 7:56 PM, Snark said:

I haven't actually bothered to check lately whether it still does this.  But certainly, it used to count flags as flights.  It was kind of annoying.  Maybe they've fixed it now.


Seems they did. The number reported in the 'load save' tab, does correspond to what is currently deployed and thankfully, flags aren't included.

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Currently 52, but the career is young. Scansat probes and comm sats tend to increase the number quite a bit. I try to never have more than 2 or 3 manned missions going at the same time, since I play with USI-LS.

Edited by Norcalplanner
Autocorrect weirdness
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I'm on my first career, still unlocking the 160 nodes in the tech tree (a couple more to go).  At present, I have two flights active -- probably not coincidence they're my first two stations, both commanded by rescued pilots: one in LKO (pretty basic, doesn't even have maneuvering other than reaction wheel) and the other, still under construction, in Munar orbit.  The contract for the Munar station will close when it has accommodation for 14 kerbals and three pilots aboard -- which will occur when the two crew modules are docked and their pilots still present.  Munar Station Alpha also has significant monopropellant capacity, RCS, and a set of Puff engines for orbital adjustments (Kerbin Station Alpha is planned to gain maneuvering capability when it gets its own pair of crew modules, albeit with much more modest thrust from just the RCS quads on the crew modules).

So far, I haven't done much with probes (other than using a Stayputnik to control the first orbital passenger flight, which used a Mk. 1 Command Pod to carry the tourist).  That may change when I need to get science from further afield than Minmus -- though that'll be a while yet.

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