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SpaceDock.info (Mod Hosting Site)


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44 minutes ago, Cytauri said:

I tested CKAN and it still works, though, it has to run off of archives of SpaceDock to get the mod files.

Depends on the mod. Some mods are hosted on GitHub instead of SpaceDock, some have fallback URLs at archive.org, and some are actually unavailable till SpaceDock comes back.

... which it just seems to have done.

Edited by HebaruSan
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Posted (edited)

There was some klang in the klong system and the reverse proxy ran out of snacks. all topped up now.

Edited by VITAS
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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

@VITAS, update the cert.

I think it's more like to fire up the Let's Encrypt daemon. SpaceDock uses Let's Encrypt, and the current cert were issued Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:40:08 GMT. Exacts 3 months ago.

I'm betting that whatever he had to do to survive the klang in the klong, he had to update something and/or perhaps reboot the server and forgot to fire the daemon.

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

I think it's more like to fire up the Let's Encrypt daemon. SpaceDock uses Let's Encrypt, and the current cert were issued Tue, 06 Feb 2024 13:40:08 GMT. Exacts 3 months ago.

I'm betting that whatever he had to do to survive the klang in the klong, he had to update something and/or perhaps reboot the server and forgot to fire the daemon.

More likely needs to restart the web server so it sees the new cert.  I've had issues with that before.  Have to put in a cron job to restart the server every month or so to make sure it's looking at the new cert before the old cert expires.

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Posted (edited)

The DC has blocked the server infrastructure. Im working on it.


Took some convincing that ksp is no acronym for some piracy ring. :D

Edited by VITAS
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  • 1 month later...


O noticed https://spacedock.info is down right now.

I can ping it

> ping spacedock.info
PING spacedock.info ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=49 time=227.223 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=230.501 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=226.199 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=49 time=226.935 ms

But can't curl it:

> curl https://spacedock.info ; curl http://spacedock.info
curl: (7) Failed to connect to spacedock.info port 443 after 239 ms: Couldn't connect to server
curl: (7) Failed to connect to spacedock.info port 80 after 237 ms: Couldn't connect to server

What suggests the HTTPD is down, but not the machine!

Edited by Lisias
I managed to do a tyop on the URL!!! A new feat!! :P
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  • 2 weeks later...


im sorry for the outages this month. Stuff crashed and all i had was a "smart" phone whoes "keyboard" and child like ui made me angry.

At least i can say: i did manage to cycle to a 10 year long ksp community buddy in Sweden and we meet up for the first time. Took only 2.5 Mm to get to him. Not even as far as a proper ksp mission.

Now im back at kicking bits for you to let you have the mods you desire for the game you love.


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  • 2 months later...

I foolishly thought i could update the os on the rev proxy. now the rev proxy has all manners of bugs.
in other words: ims weating over it :D

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2 hours ago, VITAS said:

I foolishly thought i could update the os on the rev proxy. now the rev proxy has all manners of bugs.
in other words: ims weating over it :D

Check the NGINX release notes (if you are using NGINX). I did exactly the same thing, but instead of a rev proxy, it was a frontend proxy on another country to receive and redirect (via tunnel) the requests from a client that only were allowed to hit servers from that country (don't ask, I didn't understood neither).

And I got royally screwed. Really, really screwed. Spent hours from late night to early dawn trying to figure out what I did wrong while updating the OS - TL;DR, nothing. What happened is that some years ago, when I configured that damned proxy, I (ab)used an NGINX configuration in a way that at that time was legal, but somewhere in time became illegal. Silently illegal, because I didn't found any warning or error message on the logs.

I only detected that huge <insert your non forum compliant expletive here> when I finally concluded I didn't did anything wrong (recently), and gone reading release notes - release by release - from the version it was installed before to the version it ended up being installed after the update. I rewrote a single line, getting rid of that abuse and using something more orthodox and voilà, everything was working again.

About 5 hours trying to find a bug that never existed, one hour reading release notes and 30 seconds fixing the damned thing. Rebooting the server took longer.

Good luck!

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Posted (edited)

Working again.
Quite the journey.

Techno babel:


im using apache trafficserver.
My oddyse trough many distros in many versions:
ubuntu 20->22->24 not booting inside lxc anymore
direct install of ubuntu 22 gets ATS 9.1 that seems to have a bug with ssl / https remaping
went to fedora server 38 same ATS ver.
updated proxmox to 8 something in hopes i could get a 6.x kernel and maybe a newer fedora ver
still fc 38 so i manualy updated to 40 and it didnt boot anymore.
retried different ubuntu versions but no other than 9.1 was avialable with the same bug.
infos that its fixed in ats 10 so i tried compiling 10 but didnt have the nerve to watch it compile and then burn.
info that thers a 10 rc0 package for fedora but couldnt find it
finaly the acceptance i had to go back to ubuntu 20 and ats 8
Thats where we now and all because i thought i should maybe update the rev proxy container to something newer than ubuntu 20 and maybe even find an ats ver that supports http/3 (releasenotes for 10 say nope anyways)

So thats half of my day ruined and me closer to heart problems :D


Edited by VITAS
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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, @VITAS

I think there's something weird happening on SpaceDock. Since Sep 9th, the downloads for the majority of the add'ons I checked plummeted from 6 to even 16 times less than the day before!







This is a too much dramatic drop, something wrong must be happening - or perhaps was happening before? :0.0:

Not every add'on is being affected, I paid attention mainly to the most downloaded ones, but I found some newer ones also getting screwed - I'm still investigating.

In a way or another, I think you guys need to do a public statement about what's happening - this is risking affecting the confidence on the site.

=== == = POST EDIT = == ===

Finally finished munching some numbers.


SpaceDock had a peak of downloads at 2024-0908 in the early hours (4k downloads).

On the early hours of the next day, the site's download reached the rock bottom (ONE download).

Things apparently were coming back to normal on 2024-0910 peaking nearly 3K at 19:00, but then plummeted again and didn't recovered until this moment.

Whatever is happening, is affecting the whole site. Are you guys under a DoS attack?

=== == = POST POST EDIT = == ===

SpaceDock downloads from the last 90 days. Note the rock bottom values on September 9th and 11th.


Edited by Lisias
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