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[1.12.x] MissingHistory v1.9.3: Handy parts to complement Making History.


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  On 12/22/2020 at 3:12 PM, VoidSquid said:

Reverting to 1.8.2, as KSP 1.11.0 is way too bug ridden for my taste.


Note that Missing History 1.9 should work just fine for you in KSP 1.10... just don't use the new orange variant for the size 4 parts, is all.  Or you can manually fix your MissingHistory 1.9 installation by just deleting the errant files that I accidentally released, which are located in GameData\MissingHistory\rescaled:

  • Size4Cone.cfg
  • Size4Tank_04.cfg

...Doing that will allow you to get the benefit of having the new Stowaway pod without having to update to KSP 1.11 if you choose not to.

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All good, I'm fine with how things were with 1.10.1 :) 

Everything worked for me with that version, no need to upgrade/update and introduce new bugs.

Latest version compatible with 1.10.1 then, is it 1.8.2? 1.9?


Lesson learned: Never, ever do upgrade to a new KSP version until making sure that there aren't any new game breaking bugs.

Edited by VoidSquid
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  On 12/22/2020 at 3:27 PM, VoidSquid said:

Latest version compatible with 1.10.1 then, is it 1.8.2? 1.9?


MissingHistory 1.9 should be compatible with KSP 1.10.1.

The only issue I'm aware of is that I accidentally released those two files in 1.9, for a couple of color variants on the size 4 tanks & cones that don't quite work.

So, if you're running KSP 1.10.1, you should be able to use MissingHistory 1.9 just fine.  Just, don't use those accidentally-released color variants on the big tanks, or else delete the accidentally-released files manually after installing MissingHistory 1.9, as I describe above.

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Excuse my ignorance, please, but what would I install for KSP 1.10.1 then, MH 1.9 or 1.9.1?

As we say in German, burned child stays away from fire. And KSP 1.11.0 did already cost me a significant amount of hassles and time, to no avail.

Edited by VoidSquid
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  On 12/22/2020 at 4:15 PM, VoidSquid said:

Excuse my ignorance, please, but what would I install for KSP 1.10.1 then, MH 1.9 or 1.9.1?

  • If you're running KSP 1.10.x, you should run MissingHistory 1.9.  (It contains a small bug due to two extra files that I accidentally released.  That's easily dealt with, just delete those two files, or else just don't try to use the color variants that they try to add.)
  • If you're running KSP 1.11 or later, you should run MissingHistory 1.9.1 or later.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi gang,

I've released MissingHistory v1.9.2.  No new features, just some bug fixes.  ;)

  • Fix a bug in the "Stowaway" crew cabin's model that caused odd behavior with ambient light boost.  Thanks to @Hex3 for reporting, and to @JadeOfMaar for quickly supplying an updated model!
  • KSP 1.11 compatibility update:  Various MissingHistory parts have been updated for appropriate cargo stowability.  This was an oversight on my part in earlier releases.  :blush:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 1/27/2021 at 8:08 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

I believe they're referring to this mod:


Ah.  Well, in that case, the answer to the original question,

  On 1/27/2021 at 12:11 PM, ItsSnowyy said:

waterfall compatibality?


...is "I have no idea, why don't you try it and see?"  ;)

Had never heard of that mod before.  I have no idea how it works or how it's designed, so therefore no idea to what degree it does or doesn't play nice with MissingHistory.

Certainly there's nothing special in MissingHistory to try to specially be compatible that way.  So basically, whether it'll be "compatible" or not depends on, 1. what you mean by "compatible", and 2. to what degree that mod is designed to work "in general" rather than, say, addressing certain specific engines.

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  On 1/27/2021 at 11:30 PM, Snark said:

Ah.  Well, in that case, the answer to the original question,

...is "I have no idea, why don't you try it and see?"  ;)

Had never heard of that mod before.  I have no idea how it works or how it's designed, so therefore no idea to what degree it does or doesn't play nice with MissingHistory.

Certainly there's nothing special in MissingHistory to try to specially be compatible that way.  So basically, whether it'll be "compatible" or not depends on, 1. what you mean by "compatible", and 2. to what degree that mod is designed to work "in general" rather than, say, addressing certain specific engines.


Ok its basicaly a plume mod ill try to mess around with missing history and waterfall since waterfall itself doesnt provide configs for others mods exept mods made by nertea

Edited by ItsSnowyy
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/7/2021 at 2:15 PM, VoidSquid said:

Is this issue is present in MH 1.9 too?


I assume so, yes.  It was an issue with the shaders on the part, which are now fixed.

There's nothing about the Stowaway model that's particularly tied to a KSP version, so if you're running an older version of KSP and want the Stowaway in it, I expect you ought to be able to just copy the model & config from the latest MissingHistory build and it should "just work"-- it ought to be backwards compatible.

I say "ought to" because I haven't actually tested that myself.  ;)  But I'd be astonished if it didn't work.

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  On 2/7/2021 at 4:53 PM, therealcrow999 said:

So if I use this mod with Restock+, what does the compatibility patch do?


Well, I'm slightly fuzzy on the exact technical details, since I've never been a ReStock user myself, and this patch was kindly supplied (and updated) by others.

But my understanding is basically this:  ReStock is supplying new models for a huge swath of the existing stock parts.  That's a pretty big memory load, and the default way that would work with most KSP mods is that the original models would also get loaded by the game, even if they're not being used.  So, apparently, to conserve memory, ReStock does a thing where it has special code to prevent the game from loading models other than its own.

Which can cause problems for 3rd party mods (such as MissingHistory) that rely on those stock models.  The ReStock people have provided a mechanism to deal with that-- a "whitelist" file that, if present, basically tells ReStock "hey, please don't prevent this part's stock model from getting loaded".

So that's basically all it is, as far as I know.

  On 2/7/2021 at 4:53 PM, therealcrow999 said:

Does it remove redundant parts?


Nope.  MissingHistory doesn't remove anything.

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  On 2/7/2021 at 5:07 PM, Snark said:

Well, I'm slightly fuzzy on the exact technical details, since I've never been a ReStock user myself, and this patch was kindly supplied (and updated) by others.

But my understanding is basically this:  ReStock is supplying new models for a huge swath of the existing stock parts.  That's a pretty big memory load, and the default way that would work with most KSP mods is that the original models would also get loaded by the game, even if they're not being used.  So, apparently, to conserve memory, ReStock does a thing where it has special code to prevent the game from loading models other than its own.

Which can cause problems for 3rd party mods (such as MissingHistory) that rely on those stock models.  The ReStock people have provided a mechanism to deal with that-- a "whitelist" file that, if present, basically tells ReStock "hey, please don't prevent this part's stock model from getting loaded".

So that's basically all it is, as far as I know.

Nope.  MissingHistory doesn't remove anything.


Ah, OK. Thanks @Snark

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