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What other games do you know that are already available space-related?


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The list of space-related games is almost without end.

Freelancer, Starlancer, Surviving Mars, Astroneer, Elite: Dangerous, Orbiter, No Man's Sky, Homeworld, Mass Effect, Rogue System, Children of a Dead Earth, Tharsis, Interplanetary... all sorts of games in all sorts of genres have a space theme to them.

You're going to have to clarify.

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2 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

like it's basically ksp with BDA and realism mods, likely? 

Ship customization is far more detailed than KSP can ever be. Also it's got material science stuff with different alloys making your ship perform differently.

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Stellaris is fun to me. I'm in a guerrilla-ish war with the end-game crisis. Space Engine allows you to explore the universe from home - and it's free, and Universe sandbox 2 lets you create your own solar systems. I suppose you could create a mini star cluster, and simulate a setting for a small interstellar empire in sci-fi.

Edited by Spaceception
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5 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

Stellaris is fun to me. I'm in a guerrilla-ish war with the end-game crisis. Space Engine allows you to explore the universe from home - and it's free, and Universe sandbox 2 lets you create your own solar systems. I suppose you could create a mini star cluster, and simulate a setting for a small interstellar empire in sci-fi.

I wish you could take Universe Sandbox 2 and combine it with Spore. Now that would be the ultimate game...

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14 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

I've never played Spore before xD What's it like?

You create a species and evolve it from its microbial origin all the way to interstellar exploration/colonization. It has different gameplay modes. You start as an individual member of your species and eventually you control cities and the like. Pretty interesting game... not very realistic but that's a common theme.

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4 hours ago, Spaceception said:

I've never played Spore before xD What's it like?


4 hours ago, Bill Phil said:

You create a species and evolve it from its microbial origin all the way to interstellar exploration/colonization. It has different gameplay modes. You start as an individual member of your species and eventually you control cities and the like. Pretty interesting game... not very realistic but that's a common theme.

There is also a board game like spore.  It would take several days of gameplay to do.  First, you play Bios: Genesis(bacteria).


Then, Bios: Megafauna(dinosaurs).


Then, Bios: Origins(the dawn of civilization)


Alternatively, play Neanderthal.  


Then, Pax Renaissance(expand your civilization).  


Then, play Kreigbot to expand warfare into the future.


Then, play high frontier, and conquer the entire solar system.


(This is the best game, BTW).

Lastly, leave the solar system to play Interstellar.


It will only take a few hundred hours to learn to play!


BTW, all these games were made by the same guy.

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3 hours ago, Canopus said:

but copies of it seem very expensive

You can get it for free on VASSAL(virtual board games).  Then screenshot all the cards, use imagesplitter.net to split the map into four images, print them out, tape them together, and there you go!  That's what I did.  Since it is out of print, its not really piracy.  

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Hmm... do you want this to be short? I know Star Wars, Star Trek, and Halo. Seriously. Don't click on the tag below (unless you want to read for a minute).


* Halo franchise

* Star Wars: Empire At War

* Star Wars Battlefront

* Galaxy On Fire 2

* Space Invaders

* Universe Sandbox

* NASA ControlLab

* Star Trek Online

* Star Wars Force Unleashed

* Battlestar Galactica Online

* Interkosmos

* EVE Online

* Cat In Space (Indie game where a colony of cats lands on a planet)

* Orbiter

* ET: The Game


* FTL (Faster Than Light)

* Space Wars! 3D

* Homeworld

* Mass Effect franchise

* Galaga

* Star Defender

Congratulations if you made it this far! Here's a cookie: {:*;} (my first time at text pictures) 


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Homeworld series: (Real time strategy) Build strike craft from your mothership, from fighter, bomber, corvette, cruiser, destroyer, and battlecruiser for epic spaceship battle in a fully 3 dimensional space combat




Stellaris: (Civilization building) Build your space empire, research new technologies, expand to new star systems, colonize planet, uplift species, interact with other space empires, wage war and diplomacy, build space fleet from small corvette, to battleship, up to planet-killing superweapon




Everspace: (3D flight shoot em up) You are a fighter pilot, looking for a fortune in a demilitarized space zone. Upgrade your fighter craft, buy upgrades, gather raw materials, craft weapons and interact with other aliens for trading, quest or battle, uncover the plot behind the story. Basically it's like ace combat but in space




Shattered horizon: (First person shooter) Space based FPS, playfield is in space based installation (such as space station, asteroid base, satellite relays), hardest space based shooter so far, you're basically trying to shoot enemies while maneuvering with RCS jetpack (no SAS, you must brake manually or you flying away into deep space), you can toggle the radio silence, which makes you invisible on radar, but also mute any sound, just like in space. Combat is focused more in maneuvering and dodging in zero gravity with RCS instead of closing in on enemy's face




Planetbase: (Civilization building) Command your colonist to build a self sustaining colony on another planet from scratch. Your resources are limited to your colony ship. Build greenhouse, water extraction, habitation, power plants and defenses for dealing with environmental hazard such as meteor shower. Manage the colony's resources to keep colonist alive and happy to attract more visitors for trading, colonizing, and grow even further




Aven colony: (Civilization building) Same like planetbase, except it's more complex and the setting is on semi-fictional star system (planetbase is on real-life based planet) when comparing the two, this is like simcity in space while planetbase is more like anno in space. Has more beautiful aesthetic (being based on sci-fi colony. Planetbase itself has real-life aesthetic)




Battlefleet gothic: (Realtime space combat) Based from WH40K. Command the space fleet, from light cruiser, cruiser, heavy cruiser, battlecruiser and battleship, and battle against enemy fleet with strike squadrons, broadside attack and boarding torpedoes




Fractured space: (MOBA realtime space combat, online only) it's basically DOTA in space, but with giant space warhips,with real-world aesthetic. Each ship is equipped with different weapons, abilities and devices which resulted in different playstyle on each of them. Destroy enemy base or capture it to win the match




Dreadnought: (MOBA realtime space combat, online only) Basically same like fractured space, but the aesthetic is leaning towards more sci-fi instead real-world. The difference is, ships are divided into classes, such as corvette, destroyer, cruiser and dreadnought and each of them is fully customizable, from weapons, modules, appearance, and even your own admiral. Battle is leaning towards deathmatch-style matches




P.S: scores are subjective

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