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Umm... guys? I got some bad news.

daniel l.

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I found this news article on BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/314159/rumors-of-ea-merger-with-taketwo-interactive 


A rumor spreads, by word-of-mouth, across the Electronic Arts (EA) headquarters in Redwood City in California -- a merger with Take-Two Interactive, the developer of popular computer games such as Grand Theft Auto and Bioshock.
"It's really an exciting prospect." An EA employee (who asked us not to reveal his identity) told us. "We could take these games, which are already great, and improve them tenfold like we did with The Sims."
As excited as people may be on the EA side of this event, many Take-Two software developers are visibly nervous.
"Imagine Kerbal Space Program or Civilization under EA control," Said Take-Two employee, Al Coholic. "Imagine having to unlock spaceship parts from lootcrates, or having to pay money to upgrade your buildings."
Given the controversial history of Electronic Arts, which has been described by professional gamers as an "Evil Empire" and a "software-gobbling c*ckwomble", the gaming community is understandably pensive regarding the future of Take-Two Interactive.
"Computer games are art," Says twitter user Patrick Fitzharry, "not an easy way to make money. EA steals these products away from the artists who made them -- with blood, sweat and tears no less -- and squeezed them like a python until the last dollar has been extracted, then they kill it."
Neither EA nor Take-Two has responded to these rumors -- for now, they remain rumors.


Frankly, I'm terrified by this.

Edited by daniel l.
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34 minutes ago, daniel l. said:

I found this news article on BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/314159/rumors-of-ea-merger-with-taketwo-interactive 

Frankly, I'm terrified by this.

Why? T2 has already utterly destroyed the game with micropayments, DRM and cease-and-desist letters to every single modder, if I am to believe the forum. How much more damage can EA possibly do?

Edited by Kerbart
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11 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Why? T2 has already utterly destroyed the game with micropayments, DRM and cease-and-desist letters to every single modder, if I am to believe the forum. How much more damage can EA possibly do?

You didn't click the link, did you?

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Remember how I said on the "What interesting thing happened today" thread how I haven't run into an outrageous joke yet?

I take it back.

I mean, it was blatantly clear that this was a joke, because why in the world should the BBC care about video games?

10 minutes ago, Geonovast said:


April 2nd.

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2 minutes ago, Delay said:

I mean, it was blatantly clear that this was a joke, because why in the world should the BBC care about video games?

That and the fact that the name of the quoted T2 employee was "Al Coholic" :D

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@Raptor9 Didn't read the whole thing. Just quickly read some sentences here and there and immediately concluded that it must be a joke.

I don't trust anything posted on April 1st until proven otherwise, whether it's in the news(-paper) or a forum.

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Well... It could be worse...Like having the Tiagong-1 Space Station Land on your house..(Unless you live  north of 42.7 Degrees North or south of 42.7 degrees south latitude.. then you'll have no worries..


But all humor aside, this could spell trouble for all of us, especially if EA (Those Greedy stand-up guys) want this game.. Heck I I knew a game company whould want this I would tell them to buy the enitre lot out right out from under EA's nose..


Cause we don't need no stinking EA folks getting their hands on this.



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7 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

If your trying to prank some one with a link to an article, at least use a bit.ly addy to mask the youtube addy.   

I suppose I underestimated the amount of population that would recognise this link

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1 minute ago, TheProtagonists said:

I suppose I underestimated the amount of population that would recognise this link

Nope, didn't recognize the link, I just know youtube doesn't have articles.  But I can assume.

It's kinda like saying "Hey, look at that bird", and you're pointing at a boat. 

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2 minutes ago, Mark Kerbin said:

You capitalized parts of the URL, that's how I know its fake.

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