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[1.9.x-1.12.x] StationKeeping Restationed - Precise Synchronous Orbits


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@MysticDaedra and @Crimor, did you download and try it? Download it and start a sandbox game, send a sat up to keosync (if you cheat it there, make sure it is not already in a perfect orbit), and make sure it has some fuel left. Go to the tracking station, click on the sat with the mod gui open. You'll see you can adjust the orbit to be perfect keosync from almost perfect keosync. While the OP instructions are indeed a little vague, it is pretty easy to figure it out in actual use.

Thanks again for picking up and keep alive another mod!


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  • 2 months later...

I wonder if I should try this out in KSP 1.6.1 with RSS / RO / RP-1 while also trying out the built of OrbitalDecay by @kalmor
(ofc to bork my install)


ofc it's borked - OrbitalDecay got its own station keeping built in.

Edited by Gordon Dry
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it just me or did 1.7x break this mod? I just started a new save file for 1.7.1 and the mod only lets me click sync for the Geostationary network, the Set Sync, Set SMA buttons are non clickable for my other orbits. If the orbit isn't geostationary you can't use this mod anymore?

I tried to click sync on my 250km ScanSat PolarOrbit satellites and it is blocked out. I also run around Kerbin 3 constellations of 3 satellites, 1 in Geo (the mod worked to keep them all spaced), 1 beyond the Mun at 25Mm, 1 beyond Minmus at 60Mm that the mod refused to let me click the sync park buttons for.

Edited by superqboi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there!


First time using the mod and it seems I'm doing something wrong.

I have a satellite in geostationary orbit directly over the KSC and press the "Set Sync" button and the message tells me that it has succesfully changed the orbit but my AP and PE either stay the same or only move marginally but not to the desired height. Here is a screenshot after pressing the Set Sync button: Link


Do I have to press the button at a specific time/point for it to work? Does it work instantly or is it going to adjust over time? I'm really confused... :confused:

Edited by Chrischn89
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't get how this works. It was easy for setting up my Kerbin geosynchronous satellites as I just hit the sync button on each. Setting up a Mun network was different though. When I copied and pasted in an SMA value and hit  the set button they went from being within a few tens of ms of each other, to having orbital periods 90s different.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having a little difficulty understanding how this works outside of perfect keostationary orbits too.  Setting up a mun relay network, 4 satellites at 250km orbits.  Used resonant orbit calculator and mechjeb to get them fairly evenly space.  How does one use this mod now to keep them from drifting closer/further as their orbits are not perfectly the same?  Or is that possible? My last run through I used hyper edit to set the orbits perfect and just forced myself to not use it for anything else, but I like the idea of having it use the required fuel.  TYIA. 

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All the mod does is set the SMA to exactly the same as a reference satellite, so the orbital periods are the same and they'll never drift.  You have to place your 4 sats in a roughly synchronous orbit to start.  Once they're all deployed, decide which one is going to be your reference satellite, then switch to each of the others in turn and sync them to the reference sat - the SMA's will be adjusted to the same and it'll use a little fuel if needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, at the risk of coming off as stupid...

You said that this mod does not adjust AP and PE (which it does not, for me)... but doesn't the orbital period depend on those two values?! How can two satellites have the same orbital period if there AP and PE aren't the same?

I'm sure I'm not getting something... after more than a 1000 hours of KSP, I still have things to learn - apparently.



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Picture two overlapping circles with the same circumference.  It takes the same amount of time to travel around the circles even though they they don't have the same centre point.  Ap/Pe is essentially just a measure from the centre point to the "top" and "bottom" of the ellipse.  SMA is the important number here because it's a measure of how big the ellipse is (and therefore how long it takes to travel around it).  Same SMA = same orbital period.

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  • 3 months later...

CKAN now shows this mod, and click through blocker as incompatible with the latest game.

I had another issue and cleared out my data folder and am re-installing mods I was running yesterday. These are the only mods I was running yesterday that CKAN now shows incompatible.

I am running the latest 1.9.1 something (Steam latest).


I will download and install manually, but I thought you might want to know.

Thanks for all you do @linuxgurugamer


EDIT: I downloaded Click through, Toolbar Controller and StationKeeping and manually installed them. They work fine on KSP, 1.9.1 Making History with 1.4.1 Breaking Ground.

CKAN just won't permit it.

Edited by CranialRectosis
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its saying the same for me. i dont use ckan though but during load up on ksp it says stationkeeping is out of date. i also was trying to use bettertimewarp and janitors closet and was wondering why that couldnt ever work which im assuming its because click through blocker says its out of date 

Edited by rindy
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  • 1 year later...
On 6/17/2020 at 2:42 PM, CranialRectosis said:

CKAN now shows this mod, and click through blocker as incompatible with the latest game.

I had another issue and cleared out my data folder and am re-installing mods I was running yesterday. These are the only mods I was running yesterday that CKAN now shows incompatible.

I am running the latest 1.9.1 something (Steam latest).


I will download and install manually, but I thought you might want to know.

Thanks for all you do @linuxgurugamer


EDIT: I downloaded Click through, Toolbar Controller and StationKeeping and manually installed them. They work fine on KSP, 1.9.1 Making History with 1.4.1 Breaking Ground.

CKAN just won't permit it.

You need to tell CKAN that mods from 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 are all compatible with the latest game

On 6/17/2020 at 9:09 PM, rindy said:

its saying the same for me. i dont use ckan though but during load up on ksp it says stationkeeping is out of date. i also was trying to use bettertimewarp and janitors closet and was wondering why that couldnt ever work which im assuming its because click through blocker says its out of date 

No, you may be missing some dependencies.  

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Ohh got an odd one here...so craft has fuel as per screenshot


i go into tracking station and put in an orbit and get


now go back to the craft and fuel is gone


I am running a stupid amount of mods though so could be an issue with another mod interacting with it will need to test on min install to confirm.

and my logs created and uploaded from bugreport (awesome tool)



Thanks in advance :)




Yay its not my 1000000 mods does it on min install as well

for it to wipe out the fuel you MUST have a tank and thruster that matches eg mono tank and mono thruster

if you have liquid fuel and oxygen tank and relevant engine it will also wipe them out to all at the same time.

BUT YOU MUST get a failed to set orbit message for it to wipe the fuel out so set it to some thing silly logs for the min install


thanks again

Edited by stk2008
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27 minutes ago, stk2008 said:

Ohh got an odd one here...so craft has fuel as per screenshot


Thanks in advance :)

Not sure, but it might be the confusing between "Alt", "SMA", "Sync" and all the other acronyms, and your settings, I may have this wrong (I do use this mod tho):

- Alt is the altitude above sea level, and can be used to set the target as that value.

- Sync is used to set the target as a synchronous (or geosync if equatorial)

- SMA is the average of apoapsis and periapsis, but these are usually measured above sea-level like altitude in KSP. I believe stock, MJ and KER all do this.

- Real SMA is the average but from the body center (ie. it *adds* the body radius).


  • You also have tolerance at 100%, which means "do something even if I'm double the distance off".
    • I'd set this to 1% (reasonable and the default, you're waaay less than 1%).
  • You have "Real SMA" ticked.
    •  I'd untick this.

I think what's happened is you tried to set Real SMA to 800km, which is actually SMA of 200km, but you're at an SMA of nearly 800km, so your ship used all the fuel trying to get to 200km, couldn't and probably the mod just uses all the fuel and leaves you where you. Possibly as a safety measure?

(FYI: I think Real SMA is useful for doing maths on Keplerian orbits?)

Edited by 610yesnolovely
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