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[1.9.1+] OPT Legacy 3.1.2 | Reconfig 3.4 [Apr 20, 2021]


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6 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Nori That kinda bloat is definitely interesting. Hah. Part of the point of OPT's engines is so you don't need bigger drop tanks. And yet I'm sure I've felt the need for it too but mainly because I tend to playtest on 2.7x scale.

I don't think there's a means to address that AM tank problem. The only solution might be to stop providing AM storage. FFT's tanks easily don't have that problem because they don't offer to hold other resources.

It's not that many extra parts and you already have them in their own category assuming, uh CCK is installed. I think that's the one. Could even make another sub category with just the LH2 ones.
I also play exclusively on JNSQ so yeah on stock I highly doubt drop tanks are useful, but I like the idea of being able to shed some weight on a SSTO and it's difficult to do otherwise with OPT parts.


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15 minutes ago, Nori said:

shed some weight on a SSTO

It's not an SSTO anymore if drop tanks are involved. ;)

16 minutes ago, Nori said:

Could even make another sub category with just the LH2 ones.

Easily done. Though the subcategory thing uses stock features, not CCK so you know

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Just now, JadeOfMaar said:

It's not an SSTO anymore if drop tanks are involved. ;)

Easily done. Though the subcategory thing uses stock features, not CCK so you know

haha, well uh, maybe I don't stage them... SSTO is tough in JNSQ.. That's how I knew the ARI engine needed work. Stuck 6 of them on a plane and within minutes I was in space with hardly any fuel used.

Ah nice. I have all the mods so I can't always tell who does what. Stock has added a lot of nice QOL features in the last couple years, so sadly I think mods do a lot of them better.

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7 hours ago, Dovahkiin2132 said:

How do i add ignitions to these engines in RO?

From what I know you simply have have to do this. OPT has some RO configs already so some engines should show an ignition count already and require ElectricCharge since no ignition resource is specified. I don't play RO so I never confirmed it and don't have further knowledge to share.

	@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 // the first engine mode
		%ignitions = 0 // 0 is infinite
		%ullage = True // in case you want this too
	@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 // the second engine mode if it exists
		%ignitions = 0


Alternatively you can try this but there's a catch.

	// I don't think this works with multi-mode engines which are most of OPT's engines
		name = ModuleEngineConfigs
		type = ModuleEnginesFX
		configuration = Default // replace with the name of a reference engine. No spaces please
		origMass = #$/mass$
		modded = false
			name = Default // replace with the name of a reference engine. No spaces please
			description = TBA //description
			specLevel = operational
			minThrust = 0
			maxThrust = #$/MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]/maxThrust$ // default max thrust
			heatProduction = #$/MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]/heatProduction$ // default heat production
				name = LqdHydrogen
				ratio = 0.7454
				DrawGauge = True
				name = LqdOxygen
				ratio = 0.2546
			// atmosphereCurve{} needs to exist in here so do A or B, not both
			// A: MM copy-paste node magic /easymode
			#/MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]/atmosphereCurve {} 
			// B: manually copy-paste the atmosphereCurve{} 
			atmosphereCurve // fixme
				key = 0 301
				key = 1 262.1
			ullage = True // ullage
			pressureFed = False
			ignitions = 1 // ignitions
				name = ElectricCharge
				amount = 0.5
				name = TEATEB
				amount = 1
		// add another CONFIG{} if you want to change stats including fuel mix and Isp
	RESOURCE // add me if included above as an IGNITOR_RESOURCE
		name = TEATEB
		amount = 1 // multiply by number of ignitions
		maxAmount = 1 // multiply by number of ignitions


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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, RunaDacino said:

If I have both WBI and B9Partswitch, is there any way to force fuel tanks to allow B9PartSwitch as well as WBI config? Part switch is much more convenient when designing.

If you mean to use both resource switchers on a part then no, that's an actual nightmare and the switchers themselves won't like it. I've made it so the WBI switcher is optional (it was a bit of a hassle to do this) but currently I've only made it available as part of the big update I'm working on. Feel free to try it out: OPT beta. The changelog is quite tall so be sure to read it.

If you use TURD then TURD gets broken, sorry.

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5 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

If you mean to use both resource switchers on a part then no, that's an actual nightmare and the switchers themselves won't like it. I've made it so the WBI switcher is optional (it was a bit of a hassle to do this) but currently I've only made it available as part of the big update I'm working on. Feel free to try it out: OPT beta. The changelog is quite tall so be sure to read it.

If you use TURD then TURD gets broken, sorry.

Sweet and awesome, that's a very fast reply!

Thank you very much.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Is there anything I can do to configure whether the cockpits use MAS or RPM displays? On the OPT J QS02 cockpit, the MAS MFDs do not work for me. Even when they intially worked, they lack the navUtilities continued mod for landing assistance and well... landing OPT planes from IVA is a bit hard without a localizer to line things up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/29/2024 at 12:58 AM, CalixK said:

Hey all, I wanted to post TURD configs to add compatibility.

TURD - Legacy OPT :


That looks freaking fantastic. I'm not gonna lie I've never seen this mod. That reminds me of the command section in an old Microprose game called I-War (Independence War).

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VTOL landing on Mars with my Martian OPT

I tried the Beta Version but I did succeed with Thermal power! What's the way to get Thermal power on OPT space plane?? So I stay on the previous 3.4.1


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On 5/31/2024 at 11:31 AM, gilflo said:

VTOL landing on Mars with my Martian OPT

Congrats on that! :D

On 5/31/2024 at 11:31 AM, gilflo said:

What's the way to get Thermal power on OPT space plane??

Currently there isn't a way but users of my other mods: Rational Resources Nuclear Family or Sterling Systems will have thermal power producing devices.

I've wanted to rewrite the OPT power spheres to be sources of ThermalPower but I've been beside myself about it.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, slyfox023 said:

so there's a problem with the Avatar cargo ramp, every time I spawn it on the runway or pad, it throws the entire craft with insane speeds and breaks it, is there anyway to fix that? 

That problem has been around forever but I finally fixed it (for 4 parts, not just that 1). On the GitHub page for each file linked below, on the toolbar that stars with "Code" and Blame" buttons, go to the set of 3 buttons at the right. Click the 3rd button "Download raw file" to get the updated files. Then find and replace them in your GameData:

If you're interested in trying the WIP BETA with a bunch of other changes, do check this out.


It breaks TURD compatibility (in case you use that). Sorry.

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12 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

That problem has been around forever but I finally fixed it (for 4 parts, not just that 1). On the GitHub page for each file linked below, on the toolbar that stars with "Code" and Blame" buttons, go to the set of 3 buttons at the right. Click the 3rd button "Download raw file" to get the updated files. Then find and replace them in your GameData:

If you're interested in trying the WIP BETA with a bunch of other changes, do check this out.


It breaks TURD compatibility (in case you use that). Sorry.

thanks for the information man, I didn't even know you was doing a rework of the mod, I'll definitely be watching out for that

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12 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

That problem has been around forever but I finally fixed it (for 4 parts, not just that 1). On the GitHub page for each file linked below, on the toolbar that stars with "Code" and Blame" buttons, go to the set of 3 buttons at the right. Click the 3rd button "Download raw file" to get the updated files. Then find and replace them in your GameData:

If you're interested in trying the WIP BETA with a bunch of other changes, do check this out.


It breaks TURD compatibility (in case you use that). Sorry.

also I wanted to ask, since you are re-working on the mod, will you be  adding wings that would match the Avatar shuttle? considering you already have the haul and engines, I think it would be reasonable to have those things to fit the vector thrust engines right? 

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1 hour ago, slyfox023 said:

also I wanted to ask, since you are re-working on the mod, will you be  adding wings that would match the Avatar shuttle? considering you already have the haul and engines, I think it would be reasonable to have those things to fit the vector thrust engines right? 

I won't be making those. Everyone's build is different and will need different wing size and placement offset. You're better off getting as creative as I did with proc wings if you want the perfect fit.


Also, some existing OPT wings are what you're asking for but are undersized.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/16/2024 at 4:02 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

That problem has been around forever but I finally fixed it (for 4 parts, not just that 1). On the GitHub page for each file linked below, on the toolbar that stars with "Code" and Blame" buttons, go to the set of 3 buttons at the right. Click the 3rd button "Download raw file" to get the updated files. Then find and replace them in your GameData:

If you're interested in trying the WIP BETA with a bunch of other changes, do check this out.


It breaks TURD compatibility (in case you use that). Sorry.

Built a Humpback based rover carrier and it went together ok.  Went to fly it and it spawned 1k up and crashed.  Came here to complain and found this post.  Curses, foiled again! 

Anyways, I tried the Beta and it did not want to go into gamedata properly.  Think I managed to get it in anyway and got 30 errors.  Something about Visp.  Two cockpits were gone after the first try.  Tried to install it again and the cockpits were there but the humpback still spawned 1k up.  Went into CKAN and deleted OPT Legacy, reinstalled, and then put the Humpback ramp config and model in.  It spawned correctly.  Now to see if it will fly. 

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5 hours ago, miklkit said:

Went to fly it and it spawned 1k up and crashed. 

Pitch down, go full throttle, gain speed and pull up. 1km is enough for a stall recovery if the aircraft is not a brick.

P.S. doesn't work for rovers, submarines or space stations.

Edited by Manul
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Cycling through the OPT line looking for the best version for my purposes and built up an Avatar one.  The crew cannot get out of the cockpit to EVA.  They exit through a hatch in the back and wander around in the empty space underneath and behind the cockpit.  They can transfer to a docked rover in the cargo bay tho. 


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2 hours ago, miklkit said:

The crew cannot get out of the cockpit to EVA.  They exit through a hatch in the back and wander around in the empty space underneath and behind the cockpit. 

Boarding through the cargo ramp is more convenient than clipping a hundred ladders into the curved fuselage to make the upper hatch accessible from the ground. I wish there were more cockpits like this.  And a cargo bay side door like this to avoid climbing over the pile of cargo or squeezing under the rover.


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