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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Kerbal Flying Saucers - Build Flying Saucers in KSP!

Angelo Kerman

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  On 11/12/2019 at 4:58 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

MM 4.1 is exclusive to KSP 1.8.


I understand the correlation between MM and KSP version, except that CKAN indicates that MM 4.03 requires KSP versions 1.4.0 - 1.7.90; whereas MM 4.1.0 or 4.1.1 requires KSP 1.8.0 -1.8.90. When I apply the same mods from 1.7.3 to 1.8.1, the loading screen hangs on the Hangar mod (before it is physically removed), then on the MOARdV mod, which I understand supports the latest version of Angel125 Flying Saucer mod.

I apologize for not clarifying my posting; in that, I was testing the bare minimum with KSP 1.8.1 so that I could determine what mods were missing that leads to the message *** Contains locked or invalid parts ***, which is typical when I am playing in Career mode. However, I am getting that in Sandbox mode when everything should be unlocked accordingly. For my KSP 1.7.3, I am running about 255 installed mods (not including the manually installed mods, which are mostly Angel125's and supporting mods. But I am still having issues with that version as it continues to crash at various times during game playing. I can post the log and player files if that would help to figure out why it is crashing. I for one, have yet to figure out the actual cause of it crashing.

On the other hand, with these included files:


I am running in KSP 1.8.1, MM is 4.1.1 and I have the most current version of Angel125's mods that I choose to manually install along with supporting mods, which seems to be missing some because of the "locked or invalid parts" message when I try and open the Flapjack crafts in SPH. I also should mention that KSP 1.7.3 is allowing me to actually load up the applicable crafts despite the message "Unknown parts module." while I am in Sandbox mod. And I can actually launch said crafts accordingly. However, in KSP 1.8.1 with the minimum amount of mods installed, I can neither load or launch any Flapjack crafts.

Kind regards,


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  On 11/12/2019 at 10:45 AM, FuzzyG said:

I have the following missing parts as a whole: wbiA51Cockpit, wbiDockingPort, dockingPort1, dockingPort3


Not sure if this matters, but said missing parts are actually missing from the parts inventory in both the Sandbox and Career mode. I have never come across anything like this before. How can I find out what caused those particular parts to disappear???????  :mad:

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  On 11/13/2019 at 9:10 AM, FuzzyG said:

Not sure if this matters, but said missing parts are actually missing from the parts inventory in both the Sandbox and Career mode. I have never come across anything like this before. How can I find out what caused those particular parts to disappear???????  :mad:


It seems like a installation or directory path issue. Search through your log to see if the missing parts are erroring out. That's the 1st step.

As what was suggested above, make sure all your mod versions are current.

Also, always delete the parts database file after making any changes. It can cause weirdness in your install.

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  On 11/13/2019 at 4:00 PM, shdwlrd said:

Search through your log to see if the missing parts are erroring out. That's the 1st step.


Other than the log indicating them as missing parts, I am not sure what it is I should be looking for. My log files are posted above if you want to peruse through them.


  On 11/13/2019 at 4:00 PM, shdwlrd said:

make sure all your mod versions are current.


They are for KSP 1.8.1. On the other hand, for KSP 1.7.3, I know WBI mod versions are the same ones I have installed for KSP 1.8.1. But in retrospect, the problems between the KSP versions seem to be consistent but I will reset the WBI mod versions on the earlier KSP version to coincide accordingly just to be certain. Then again, it doesn't explain the issues I am having with the latter KSP version.


  On 11/13/2019 at 4:00 PM, shdwlrd said:

always delete the parts database file after making any changes


Not sure what you mean or where it is located at other than where they are kept within the WBI folder.

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  On 11/13/2019 at 10:51 PM, FuzzyG said:

Other than the log indicating them as missing parts, I am not sure what it is I should be looking for. My log files are posted above if you want to peruse through them.


The reason I asked you to search the log, is there is a wealth of the info about what is happening with in the game. The problem I'm seeing is there is a NRE with the parts you're listing. KSP won't load a part with a bad part module.

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 Do you have MAS installed? Is it the latest version? The part module AvionicsSystems.MASCamera, is causing the parts not to load. 

  On 11/13/2019 at 10:51 PM, FuzzyG said:

Not sure what you mean or where it is located at other than where they are kept within the WBI folder.


The partdatabase.cfg in the root folder for KSP. You also want to delete the module manager cache files, in the gamedata folder. (Usually after the module manager dll.)

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  On 11/14/2019 at 2:55 AM, shdwlrd said:

Do you have MAS installed? Is it the latest version?


Yes and Yes. However, just to be sure I deleted the MOARdV directory and then copied it over again from the AvionicsSystems-1.1.0.zip file.


  On 11/14/2019 at 2:55 AM, shdwlrd said:

The part module AvionicsSystems.MASCamera, is causing the parts not to load


Now, the current issue at hand seems that certain mods need to be installed to prevent the onslaught of "Unknown Part Module" from popping up. So far I have managed to eliminate all the ones that occurred with A-51/X-51 crafts with the following:

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleKISInventory

    Needed Mod: Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)                                     (added with CKAN)
        which Recommended:    Community Category Kit                        (added with CKAN)
        which Suggested:    Kerbal Attachment System
                            Easy Vessel Switch (EVS)
    Outcome: PROBLEM RESOLVED                            
Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module FlightEngineerModule

    Needed Mod: Kerbal Engineer Redux                                                   (added with CKAN)

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module MASFlightComputer

    Needed Mod: Avionics Systems (MOARdV)                                         (added manually)
        which Depends On:     ASET Props                                                     (added with CKAN)
        which Depends On:    ASET Avionics                                                  (added with CKAN)
            which Depends On:    ASET Agency                                                (added with CKAN)
                which Recommended: Ferram Aerospace Research
                which Recommended: Ferram Aerospace Research Continued
            which Depends On:    RasterPropMonitor Core                               (added with CKAN)
    Outcome: PROBLEM RESOLVED    

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module MASCamera


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module RasterPropMonitorComputer


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module WBIPartScrapper

    Needed Mod: WBI Pathfinder                                                                             (added manually)

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleBreakableFuelTank

    Needed Mod: WBI BARIS                                                                                     (added manually)

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleBreakableSAS


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleBreakableTransmitter


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module MechjebCore

    Needed Mod: MechJeb                                                                                          (added with CKAN)
        Installed: MechJeb 2
        (MechJeb and Engineer for all! was also installed just because)
    Outcome: PROBLEM RESOLVED        

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleQualityControl


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module WBIResourceDistributor

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module SyncModuleControlSurface

    Needed Mod: Atmosphere Autopilot                                                                      (added with CKAN)

Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module FStextureSwitch2

    Needed Mod: Firespitter Core                                                                                  (added with CKAN)
Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleBreakableRCS


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module ModuleBreakableEngine


Vessel A-51A Flapjack is missing part module MASRadar



In addition, I also ended up installing several more of Angel125's mod:

Pathfinder, MOLE, Buffalo and Snacks. However by adding the concomitant crafts accordingly, the "Unknown Part Modules" message returned but is almost resolved except for the following:

--BUFFALO mod--

Vessel V-22 is missing part module SnacksControlSource

Vessel V-22 is missing part module TrajectoriesVesselSettings

Vessel Guppy is missing part module WBIGuppyDiveComputer

--MOLE mod--

Some of the remaining sample crafts are indicating the same first two modules as from the Vessel V-22. For instance,

Vessel Big Brumby, Dolores AFS Core, Kapollo Skybase, just to name a few.


So if you, Angel125 or someone else could identify which additional mods I need to remove the "Unknown Part Module" caption, it would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you for all your help in these matters... G

Edited by FuzzyG
correct minor layout of text
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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 12/13/2019 at 11:15 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

Why are those required?


They are needed for the IVAs. There aren’t any stock IVAs. If you can live without IVAs that are detailed with controls then you don’t need them.

Right now I have little time to mod (gotta play too or modding is just another job), so things are on hold, but I have not abandoned Kerbal Flying Saucers. I expect to finish it early next year after moving and my job settles down. The cockpit IVA is almost done, and hopefully the rest will go quickly. But for now the smaller Flapjack is fully completed. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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  On 12/14/2019 at 2:24 PM, The Minmus Derp said:

That makes sense! I don't really use IVAs, but I might start.


Are there plans to add some way to collect graviolium?


They already exist. You can deploy a graviolium dust collector into orbit, use the refinery at the KSC (see app button), or mine asteroids. With Pathfinder installed you can use GoldStrike to prospect for deposits 

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/3/2020 at 1:18 PM, One Random Kerbal said:

Great mod, probably the only saucer mod for ksp and the looks are great. I like the variation of the classic flying saucer. Only problem is it tumbles in reentry sometimes.


To keep it from tumbling while reentering, slow down so the reentry effects are minimal. Also make sure you have enough exposed control surfaces to the rear of the craft.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 4/15/2020 at 8:02 PM, MacLuky said:

Hi @Angel-125

I have saucer parked in the secret lab which is powered down


But when a second one comes close:



I can off course use this in a story but I don't think it is intended behaviour.



Well, the good news is that it doesn't happen if another gravitic engine is in the vicinity. The weird thing is that it happens when you have the AVR0 Coanda in the vicinity. Fortunately I found a fix, please download the latest update. :) I haven't looked at KFS in awhile- got pretty burned out trying to make mothership IVAs- but I'll get back to it in the summer. Meantime there are bound to be issues...

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Thanks man, I’d offer to help you with the Iva but your work is at a different level. 

No hurries it’s an awesome mod I won’t get around to the mother ship before summer as well.

i never been as busy as with COVID19

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  • 2 weeks later...

@JadeOfMaar when you made the excelcior, did you flip the tranforms of the gravitc engine? or did you translate up/down fwd/reverse? my prototypes are hard to flight unless that engine is in its intended orientation ;-)

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@MacLuky Excelsior? I didn't name it that. But. I kept the gravitic engine in its default orientation. For the ship's size, I had no reason to put it anywhere except as the core of the saucer (as it's built to be). I think I might have experienced your orientation problem a long time ago too but I don't remember now. This ship has decent aerodynamics and handles well while under Mach 1. There are some WBI Buckboards in it but no cargo bay to stop them from producing drag. And it doesn't ave the power to use Crazy Mode at length.



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  • 1 month later...
  On 10/11/2018 at 6:26 PM, Angel-125 said:

Yes. Last release I changed it so that if you’re in Career then your Graviolium must come from the Refinery. Otherwise, when money is no object, you can add Graviolium in the editor and keep it after launch.


Ah that explains a lot

New challenge: figuring out how much I can lift with a single displacement generator, I’m running out of gravity waves in my latest contraption

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  On 6/6/2020 at 2:27 PM, MacLuky said:

Ah that explains a lot

New challenge: figuring out how much I can lift with a single displacement generator, I’m running out of gravity waves in my latest contraption


Its dependent on how much gravity waves and power you can feed it. Earlier in the thread I have an experiment that can lift about 600 tonnes off the ground with just one gravitic drive.


I showed off a transport vehicle with 3 generators and fusion plants that can reliability get 30 tonnes of ore into orbit. I don't remember the exact math, but it works out about 30 tonnes per gravity wave generator and fusion plant. (I mean total craft weight, not dry weight.)

Edited by shdwlrd
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So I just dived in Jools Atmosphere in the hope of finding propelium with the hydro scoop, was that only supposed to work on Laythe? I thought I read Jool would work too

And losing xenon at an alarming. rate as well :-)

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  On 6/6/2020 at 7:30 PM, MacLuky said:

That seems to match my findings too. And if you don’t pack propellium you spent an hour figuring out why the thing is not taking off at all


LOL, very true.

  On 6/6/2020 at 9:02 PM, MacLuky said:

So I just dived in Jools Atmosphere in the hope of finding propelium with the hydro scoop, was that only supposed to work on Laythe? I thought I read Jool would work too

And losing xenon at an alarming. rate as well :-)


You can scoop propelium out of the oceans on Kerbin and Lathe. I've haven't tried Eve. It can also be created using Pathfinder. (I don't remember which module off the top of my head.) I'm guessing you already figured out you have to spam the static dissipation rods. They eat through Xenon like crazy when there's no atmosphere. To make the KFS parts viable for long-term space travel, I patched the static storage on the parts and Xenon usage rates. If you double or triple the storage amount, you can go longer without worrying about an unexpected shutdown. I've never figured out what would be a good ratio for the Xenon consumption. Also, while floating in the black, you can turn everything off to save resources and stop the Xenon usage. The fusion generators have a RTG type function. Once the Excalibur is released, you won't have to worry about that much. The Excalibur is the deep space carrier, where the Flapjack is the shuttle.

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  On 6/7/2020 at 1:33 AM, shdwlrd said:

LOL, very true.

You can scoop propelium out of the oceans on Kerbin and Lathe. I've haven't tried Eve. It can also be created using Pathfinder. (I don't remember which module off the top of my head.) I'm guessing you already figured out you have to spam the static dissipation rods. They eat through Xenon like crazy when there's no atmosphere. To make the KFS parts viable for long-term space travel, I patched the static storage on the parts and Xenon usage rates. If you double or triple the storage amount, you can go longer without worrying about an unexpected shutdown. I've never figured out what would be a good ratio for the Xenon consumption. Also, while floating in the black, you can turn everything off to save resources and stop the Xenon usage. The fusion generators have a RTG type function. Once the Excalibur is released, you won't have to worry about that much. The Excalibur is the deep space carrier, where the Flapjack is the shuttle.


There's also a station module dedicated to discharging static charge. Plus, if you land on the surface of a celestial body, then you'll automatically discharge the static charge. Excalibur will also have technology similar to the ODSY system used on Mass Effect Andromeda Ark ships (M.E. heavily influenced KFS).

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