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[WIP] Neist Airliner parts


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  On 6/22/2018 at 12:34 PM, Kartoffelkuchen said:

Would be awesome if you could make an imgur album embedded in the OP showing all the parts which are finished, since the album in the op is not updated. Love your work :)


If you happen to know how to make embedded albums work I would be happy to listen. Strictly speaking there is only 4 parts that I can think of that are actually finished, the two conformal tanks, the passenger door and the 12NCS nosecone. The cockpits are mostly just missing IVA textures and props though. I could probably make s showcase album with the almost finished parts, there are like 20 of those. And I will update the album in the OP, I just kind of forgot about it. -edit- ok showcase album here: https://imgur.com/

Edited by neistridlar
added showcase album
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  On 6/22/2018 at 1:00 PM, neistridlar said:

If you happen to know how to make embedded albums work I would be happy to listen. Strictly speaking there is only 4 parts that I can think of that are actually finished, the two conformal tanks, the passenger door and the 12NCS nosecone. The cockpits are mostly just missing IVA textures and props though. I could probably make s showcase album with the almost finished parts, there are like 20 of those. And I will update the album in the OP, I just kind of forgot about it. -edit- ok showcase album here: https://imgur.com/a/ljyIgIH


Awesome thank you. Love the engine too!

You can embed an imgur album by simply copying your album code (in your case: ljyIgIH ) and then click the 'imgur Album' symbol in the editor (7th one from the left) and paste the link :)

Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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  On 6/22/2018 at 5:55 PM, Kartoffelkuchen said:

Awesome thank you. Love the engine too!

You can embed an imgur album by simply copying your album code (in your case: ljyIgIH ) and then click the 'imgur Album' symbol in the editor (7th one from the left) and paste the link :)

It's not working for me, just get this broken link:
Album /a/ljyIgIH will appear when post is submitted
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  On 6/22/2018 at 6:57 PM, CobaltWolf said:

the link is missing an a/ before the album code... or something


Now I've tried: https://imgur.com/a/ljyIgIH/a/ljyIgIHa/ljyIgIH/ljyIgIHljyIgIH, non of them make an embedded album, though the ones with the a/ in them work as a link to the album at least. And the album is set to public on Imgur, in case that matters.

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A full-time job is exactly what I'm looking for, although teaching is more like a double-time job, so maybe I should look into something else... IDK.

Anyway, for the adjustable seats, look at the code in the newest version of ASET Props for the seat and switch configs. If you know RPM syntax, it's not too hard to figure out.

All the parts are looking very good now.

Edited by theonegalen
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1.25m nosecone textures are now done:


Also question time: Should I do some kind of part-switch thing for these nosecones for instance, So you don't have to scroll through endless streams of similar parts to find the one you are looking for? And if so which one would people recommend? I want to keep the mod light on dependencies, so the stock variants is tempting, but I am worried it is too limited, and also the parts will not be compatible with versions before 1.4, which might be an issue for people with mod heavy installs. Any thoughts on this?

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  On 6/27/2018 at 10:19 AM, neistridlar said:

Also question time: Should I do some kind of part-switch thing for these nosecones for instance, So you don't have to scroll through endless streams of similar parts to find the one you are looking for? And if so which one would people recommend? I want to keep the mod light on dependencies, so the stock variants is tempting, but I am worried it is too limited, and also the parts will not be compatible with versions before 1.4, which might be an issue for people with mod heavy installs. Any thoughts on this?


nice idea, but keep the slanted nose alone maybe? just use the partvariant only on round noses

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  On 6/27/2018 at 1:20 PM, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

nice idea, but keep the slanted nose alone maybe? just use the partvariant only on round noses


Not entirely sure what you mean, none of them have a purely circular cross-section, and only the DC-3 is symmetric top to bottom, all of the others are only symmetric side to side. I could make it so that stubby ones are together, and long ones are together though, that might make sense.

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  On 6/27/2018 at 11:33 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@neistridlar I would recommend making that texture in the from the bulkhead on the mk1 fuel barrels in stock. 


Thanks for the feedback, but the mk1 parts in stock is kind of all over the place in looks:


Since this is a crew carrying part and not a fuel carrying one, I decided it made the most sense to go with something that looked more like the passenger carrying parts, though it is entirely possible I will change it some time in the future. Right now I don't really care enough to put much effort into it, since it should only be seen in the editor anyways.

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  On 6/27/2018 at 10:19 AM, neistridlar said:

Should I do some kind of part-switch thing for these nosecones


I like to keep the parts list parred down so would personally want this and will probably make one for myself if you don't. I prefer to avoid dependencies if possible and (depending on what you do with the nose cones) would consider the variant route if I did this and it didn't restrict the functionality. For backward compatibility you could always save off the current config files and store in a non-GameData folder - users would need to remove the variant config and replace with the individuals to use in a pre 1.4.X game - could create a bit of a headache support wise though. Side note: Someone (RoverDude?) had a post that said mass changes are now possible with variants in 1.4.4 (but I haven't found any examples in my limited search) and didn't save the post location.

Edit: Found an example - look at the structural tubes in Making History - Variants can change both cost and mass.

Edited by wasml
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Away from home now, so I don't have access to a computer with Unity and enough computing-power to run KSP, but I can do some models still. So here is a little more serious concept for the 3.75m passenger-cabin. Those two big cylinders in the cargo hold are 1.25m diameter, just to show that there will be enough space for them, and will not be part of the actual part.


And 3.125m Passenger-cabin. The cargo hold fits 3 0.625m tanks.


And some chissel tail like thing. It is 1.25m and tapers down to ~0.625m at the end.


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  On 7/2/2018 at 12:34 PM, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@neistridlar Thanks for those images. It made me change the diameter of my dreamliner cockpit from 3.125m to 3.75m because I realized that 3.125m wouldn't allow a widebody-like seat configuration.


Np. The thing I have realized when making this mod is that kerbals are almost as wide as humans, they need 0.42m pacing as to not clip their hands together, so seat configurations become more or less the same for similar fuselage widths. You could do it like I have with the A350, and DC-10 cockpits though. make it 3.125m, but have the top slope at 13 degrees, and the bottom at 0 or 4 degrees. That way it will fit with the 3.125m to 3.75m adapters I am planing to make. The player can then choose if it wants to go 3.125m or 3.75m.

Also, a more serious 5m concept. It does not fit 3 1.25m tanks in the cargohold, but there is ample space for 2.


I will see if I can get some models done for later today of the adapters that I plan to do, there is a lot of them, but hopefully they will work nicely as a system for creating tail pieces, and attaching adapting cockpits to various sizes.

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  On 4/23/2018 at 8:21 AM, neistridlar said:

Thanks for pointing that out. I have been thinking about making a semi modular system for realistic looking wings. The Idea is to make something that looks like the stock FAT wings, but the trailing edge is cut off. Then make an assortment of control surfaces and non moving "filler" surfaces, so you can get that sleek looking trailing edge, like most real planes do, but still have flexibility in the control surface design. <edit> I just had to draw up some concept art for it. The cordlength for each segment correspond to the sizes currently in game, so 5m, 3.75m, etc. down to 0.925 at the tip. Each segment would have two nodes for easy allignement, but also be able to surface attach at the root, for flexibility. As it turns out there are two different lengths of segment with this approach, one being double the other, so that should work out nicely. </edit>


Would you mind testing the curvy tail with far? It is supposed to be a smooth curve all along the fuselage. That is good for transonic design right?

Mission accomplished then! I am personally not quite happy with how the external model looks, as far as being a CRJ replica. From above the nose is to pointy, and form the side the curves are too "swoopy". The picture in the OP is kind of too far the other way, with completely straight edges. 

Right now I am focusing on figuring out a workflow to make stock alike textures though. For the last iteration I simply reused some textures from squad, and squished them into some shapes that I could use, but I am not quite happy with the results. Now I am thinking I will do the main design in Inkscape, then move to GIMP to add some grit and splotchynes to it.


If you can pull this off my DC-3 and DC-4 will look perfect :)

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Here are the tailcone shapes I was talking about. These models in particular are 3.75m to 2.5m. They have a 13 slope up from below, straight, or smooth transition. On top they are flat or 4 degree slope down, with and without smooth transition. for 3.125m I plan to do only the curved transition variants to 2.5m, and the same for 1.875m-1.25m and 5m-3.75m, while 2.5m to 1.25m will also get all of these variants. This is a compromise to keep the part count down (for my sanity, and your computers performance). I think it will still provide enough flexibility for tail design, it just will not enable abrupt transitions for some of the sizes. I May or may not make them hollow. It's like 3 times the work to make a hollow part. And one last thing about these. Some of the larger varieties will come in passenger cabin and passenger door varieties.

This is of course just my ideas, not much work has gone into it yet, so Things can still change.


Also some concepts for 1.875m cargo fuselages:


More stuff in the imgur album. Please read the desctiptions: https://neistridlar.imgur.com/all/


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  On 7/3/2018 at 7:37 PM, JPmAn said:

If you are going to make the DC-9 and DC-8 the same cockpit, could you please add intakes/airstart inlets for the DC-8? The ones I'm talking about are the things on the bottom side of the cockpit in the pictures here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_DC-8


Maybe I will do something like that with the variants in the future. For now I am going for width first. Until I get around to that I am sure you could come up with a way to use the stock radial intakes to do the same look.

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Spent the better part of today figuring out how to export .mu files with Taniwahs blender Add-on. Still some kings I need to figure out, but it is working at least. The first victim, a 3.125m passenger cabin. It still needs work obviously. The texture is just reused from the 1.875m one, which it self is not finished. As you can see in the lower picture, at 0.95m tall the cargohold is just big enough to walk into with a kerbal.




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