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[1.12] Community Parts Titles (2024-07-04)


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On 7/30/2019 at 8:33 AM, whitespacekilla said:

Search doesn't work when "category = none"

thanks for the clarification.

I moved @category = none patch to a separate file.



For canceling "recategorization", remove 002_CommunityPartsTitles\Extras\
For only restoring search, remove 002_CommunityPartsTitles\Extras\category_hide_cck.cfg   (since CPT v



All is working on my side up to the last KSP 1.7.3.
Do you have the mod path <GAMEDIR>\GameData\002_CommunityPartsTitles\Localization\...  ?

Also the mod is intended and was tested for the English version of the game.
Using the mod with not-English game will entail re-title-ing only parts of mods, that do not support localization, because I was using plane MM patch for them.
The stock parts and mods supporting localization will not be affected, because I was using English-language localization configs. 


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4 minutes ago, flart said:

All is working on my side up to the last KSP 1.7.3.
Do you have the mod path <GAMEDIR>\GameData\002_CommunityPartsTitles\Localization\...  ?

Also the mod is intended and was tested for the English version of the game.
Using the mod with not-English game will entail re-title-ing only parts of mods, that do not support localization, because I was using plane MM patch for them.
The stock parts and mods supporting localization will not be affected, because I was using English-language localization configs. 


Sure do and it's the English steam version of the game, running in English. Everything but stock parts work fine, can even see the CPT localization config getting loaded, just doesn't effect the names. I wrote a python script that replaces the stock localizations with your improved titles, so I'm all good (just have to re-run each KSP or CPT update), I just suspect a similar problem for other players (parts titles being changed is hard to test I suppose? could be no one has the problem, could be everyone does and just doesn't know it?). It works for me thanks to my manual overwrite so my motivation to attach a debugger and figure out why it's loading differently for us is low...

A caution about the way you've arranged "Extras" - CKAN is installing them all by default. There's some metadata config you can do to split your extras into their own CKAN installs (Nertea/ChrisAdderly does this really well in all of his mods). Most authors end up having this issue if their mods are on CKAN and contain extras (another one of the long term issues with CKAN). Tweakscale just had similar (but worse) problems the other day because while they are combating the multiple tweakscale modules on some parts bug, they released a few opt-in, moderately destructive fixes (to destroy parts/craft with the problem) that got distributed to CKAN users until it was caught.

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41 minutes ago, whitespacekilla said:

A caution about the way you've arranged "Extras" - CKAN is installing them all by default.

Some time ago I abandoned the idea of separation Extras/ because it is "highly recommended" extras, and some renaming rely on these patches. But since a bug with the search is discovered, I should consider separating Extras/ or only category_hide_cck.cfg 

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  • 1 month later...

Version 0.5.0

  • Separated Extras/ from the main CPT on the CKAN.
    They both are highly recommended, so extras still in the CPT folder in the archive.
    • separate Community Parts Titles Extras: Category mod 
      Create new categories or place parts to a more appropriate category.
      For now it is only create Universal Storage category, put all KAS to cck-eva and fill cck-lights by lights from mods
    • separate  Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates mod
      If parts are placed in a CCK category, it usually also appeared in the original category.  
      This patch hide all CCK-parts from the original categories. 
      The mod was separated, because it has one disadvantage: 
      parts what was hided from their original categories are not available in the search. 
  • new
    • Recycled Parts: Atomic Age 0.1.7
    • Solid Fuel Cell
  • updates
    • nf-aeronautics




Reinstall CPT on CKAN, for getting window with these recommended Extras and all supported mods

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


  • new (Beta)
    • NF Exploration 1.0.4

Antennas titles mostly unchanged (besides prepending zeros).
I prepended new probecores with RC-01—RC-03, based on the SAS level, as it is in the CPT from the beginning, 
and not sure about buses, for now text is unchanged.



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@flart How's this?


// Adjust SmartParts names to match Community Parts Title style
// Author: Deimos Rast

@PART[kb-fuel-breaker1]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-12 Fuel Flow Breaker, 1.25m }  // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.25m 
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker15]:NEEDS[SmartParts]    	{ @title = SMRT-18 Fuel Flow Breaker, 1.875m }  // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.875m  
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker2]:NEEDS[SmartParts]  		{ @title = SMRT-25 Fuel Flow Breaker, 2.5m }  // Fuel Flow Breaker 2.75m
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker3]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-37 Fuel Flow Breaker, 3.75m }  // Fuel Flow Breaker 3.75m

@PART[FuelController]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-07 Fuel Controller }  // KM Fuel Controller

@PART[km_valve]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-08V Fuel Valve }  // V1 Valve
@PART[km_valve2]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-09V Fuel Valve (90°)}  // V2 Valve

@PART[km_smart_alt_low]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-01 Altimeter Action Group Trigger }  // ALT-Pro Altimeter and Action Group Trigger

@PART[km_smart_time]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-02 Chronometer Action Group Trigger }  // AGT-Timer Timed Action Group Trigger

@PART[km_smart_speed]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-03 Speedometer Action Group Trigger }  // Speed-Pro Speedometer and Action Group Trigger

@PART[km_prox_sensor]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-04 Proximity Action Group Trigger }  // PROX-Pro Proximity Sensor

@PART[km_smart_radio]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-05 Radio Action Group Trigger }  // Radio-GAGA - A Radio for Action Groups

@PART[km_smart_DPLD]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-06 CommNet Action Group Trigger }  // Comm-Pro Communication Net Action Group Trigger


@PART[km_smart_ResourceFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-01C Resource Level Action Group Trigger (craft) }  // Resource Level Detector
@PART[km_smart_ResourceFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @description = Fires an event if the total specified resource for the entire craft has crossed a specific threshold. }  

@PART[km_smart_ECFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-02C ElectricCharge Level Action Group Trigger (craft) }  // EC Level Detector
@PART[km_smart_ECFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @description = Fires an event if the total ElectricCharge resource for the entire craft has crossed a specific  threshold. }  

@PART[km_smart_fuel]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-03P Resource Level Action Group Trigger (part) }  // Drainex 1 - Fuel Sensor and Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_smart_fuel]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @description = Fires an event if the total specified resource for the attached part has crossed a specific threshold. } 

@PART[km_smart_srb]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @title = SMRT-04P SRB TWR Action Group Trigger (part) }  // SRB Monitor
@PART[km_smart_srb]:NEEDS[SmartParts]       { @description = Fires an event when the attached SRB's thrust drops to less than or equal to its mass. } 


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@Deimos Rast, it looks pretty good, I made few changes:

  • If the parts within the group are the same size, I usually trying to sort them by techtree level or cost.
  • the parts with "(craft)" postfix also have part/stage/craft switcher. I would remove (part)  and (craft), and make SRB with an index P: SMTR-05P
  • I usually change the description if they mentions changed title, but you provide a fix of descs for the current functionality of parts, so I will ask lgg does he want to merge them.
    And the desc of the km_smart_srb is the same as original.

@PART[km_smart_ECFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]         { @title = SMRT-01 EC Level Action Group Trigger           } // EC Level Detector
@PART[km_smart_fuel]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                    { @title = SMRT-02A "Drainex-1" Resource Level AG Trigger  } // Drainex 1 - Fuel Sensor and Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_smart_ResourceFloorDetector]:NEEDS[SmartParts]   { @title = SMRT-02B "Drainex-2" Resource Level AG Trigger  } // Resource Level Detector
@PART[km_smart_alt_low]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                 { @title = SMRT-03 Altimeter Action Group Trigger          } // ALT-Pro Altimeter and Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_smart_DPLD]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                    { @title = SMRT-04 CommNet Action Group Trigger            } // Comm-Pro Communication Net Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_smart_srb]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                     { @title = SMRT-05P SRB TWR Action Group Trigger           } // SRB Monitor
@PART[km_smart_speed]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                   { @title = SMRT-06 Speedometer Action Group Trigger        } // Speed-Pro Speedometer and Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_smart_time]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                    { @title = SMRT-07 Chronometer Action Group Trigger        } // AGT-Timer Timed Action Group Trigger
@PART[km_prox_sensor]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                   { @title = SMRT-08 Proximity Action Group Trigger          } // PROX-Pro Proximity Sensor
@PART[km_smart_radio]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                   { @title = SMRT-09 "Radio-GAGA" Radio Action Group Trigger } // Radio-GAGA - A Radio for Action Groups

@PART[FuelController]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                   { @title = SMRT-10 Fuel Controller   } // KM Fuel Controller
@PART[km_valve]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                         { @title = SMRT-11A Fuel Valve       } // V1 Valve
@PART[km_valve2]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                        { @title = SMRT-11B Fuel Valve (90°) } // V2 Valve

@PART[kb-fuel-breaker1]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                 { @title = SMRT-12 Fuel Flow Breaker (1.25m)  } // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.25m 
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker15]:NEEDS[SmartParts]    	          { @title = SMRT-18 Fuel Flow Breaker (1.875m) } // Fuel Flow Breaker 1.875m  
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker2]:NEEDS[SmartParts]  		          { @title = SMRT-25 Fuel Flow Breaker (2.5m)   } // Fuel Flow Breaker 2.75m
@PART[kb-fuel-breaker3]:NEEDS[SmartParts]                 { @title = SMRT-37 Fuel Flow Breaker (3.75m)  } // Fuel Flow Breaker 3.75m



@linuxgurugamer there is update of the descriptions of the 3 parts, could you update it?


  • old: Fires an event if the Electric Charge of the whole craft has drained below or been increased above the defined threshold.
  • new: Fires an event if the total Electric Charge for the entire craft has crossed a specific  threshold. You could limit function of the device to the current stage or the single attached part.


  • old:   Fires an event if the tank or battery it is attached to has drained. Works with any resource.
  • new: Fires an event if the total specified resource for the attached part has crossed a specific threshold.


  • old:  Fires an event if a specified resource of the whole craft has drained below the defined threshold.  Also, this can be set to fire an event if the specified resource of the whole craft has been filled above a defined threshold.
  • new: Fires an event if the total specified resource for the entire craft has crossed a specific threshold. You could limit function of the device to the current stage or the single attached part.
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Version 0.6.0

  • It dawned on me, that using MM regex replace I can easily replace part numbers within descriptions, to correspond titles. 
    Like so: @description ^= :RT-10:Hammer:
  • new:
    • SmartParts 1.9.14
    • Regex-replace for the stock descriptions: titles corresponds descriptions now.
  • updates:
    • ksp 1.9.0
    • renamed cfg files
    • SCANsat 19.0 beta
    • Restock+ 1.0.3
    •  kOS 1.2.1
    • US2 Beta


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! Do you know if it is possible to make modifications to the given titles via a second localization patch? I.E. I want to rename 'Mk1 Cockpit' and 'Mk1 Cockpit (Inline)' to 'Mk1-P Cockpit' and 'Mk1-P Cockpit (Inline)', so that they appear at the end of the Mk1 list, right before the other plane cockpits.


I figured it out! You just have to make sure the patch runs before the original. It looks like KSP accepts the first change, and doesn't apply any other ones after it.

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1 hour ago, Avera9eJoe said:

I want to rename 'Mk1 Cockpit' and 'Mk1 Cockpit (Inline)' to 'Mk1-P Cockpit' and 'Mk1-P Cockpit (Inline)', so that they appear at the end of the Mk1 list, right before the other plane cockpits.

make sense, probably I didn't touch it because several planes mods have plenty mk1 cockpits, and they all appears there, so I just leave it alone. On the next update I will look into that.



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9 hours ago, flart said:

make sense, probably I didn't touch it because several planes mods have plenty mk1 cockpits, and they all appears there, so I just leave it alone. On the next update I will look into that.



No worries! I There were a few changes I wanted to make myself and so I made a small localization patch that renames the handful of parts to what I want. It's slightly messier than how your naming scheme works though so I don't it's something you would want to include, I.E. I renamed the three engine Nacelles to add 'Mk1' in front of them so they sort next to the other Mk1 fuel tanks. I Likewise I renamed the 1.875 soyuz style decoupler to make the the other decouplers and stack separators fit evenly on two rows instead of bleeding into the row above.

The next step is to see if I can find a way to place parts in more than one category. There are a few parts that could be considered in more than one category, like listing the engine nacelles also in fuel tanks since they carry fuel, or listing the structural pylons in Coupling since they have a decouple function. I tried adding more than one part category to each in the config file, but it seemed to only show the part in the last listed category. I.E. 'category = Structural, Coupling' only displays the part in Coupling, not both.

The stock system for custom categories works decently well, but I dislike how each part has a big X in the corner that removed it from the group if you miss-click. I wish there was a way to 'lock' categories.

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  • 1 month later...
22 hours ago, Krzeszny said:

That weird conical tank

It's Restock replacement for the MH parts, and they are hidden from user with the MH, so I haven't seen them.


22 hours ago, Krzeszny said:

it's even in the engines category

probably it's Filter Extension or some extension of Filter Extension put the tank into Engines category, because it has built-in buster


22 hours ago, Krzeszny said:

Double KerryKan

I am not so familiar with USI, but probably the same. Based on modules of the part, Filter Extension put it to several categories.


I will release update for restock+ replacement for the MH parts

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6 hours ago, flart said:

I am not so familiar with USI

The KerryKan comes from the Karbonite mod, I think. If not, then USI.


6 hours ago, flart said:

I will release update for restock+ replacement for the MH parts

Hold on, it's actually RS+'s fault. It's in the wrong place on ALL parts lists - modded and stock.

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Version 0.6.1

  • updates:
    • ReStock+ 1.1.1
    • NF Launch Vehicles 2.0.1
    • MM 4.1.3


Version 0.6.2

  • updates:
    • SCANsat 20.1


Version 0.6.3

  • updates:
    • UniversalStorage2
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  • 4 months later...

Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates is bugged and has no function.

First of all, I don't understand what No Duplicates is trying to achieve. "This patch hides all CCK parts from the original categories". What are the "original categories"? What are "CCK parts"? In my game all it does is hide parts from one of my mods.

I tested it and here's what I found:

  1. CPT Extras - No Duplicates hides parts (purchased or not) from some mods such as Near Future Launch Vehicles from the stock categories (non-CCK categories).
  2. CCK itself hides non-purchased parts from its own categories (the green categories). This prevents me from purchasing parts from specific mods such as NF:LV in the VAB at all. I can only purchase them in the tech tree.

What is No Duplicates trying to achieve? It doesn't do anything else in my game than hiding NF:LV parts from the stock categories and doesn't hide duplicates in CCK such as double 'Poodle', double 'Twitch', double 'Mainsail' etc. It doesn't hide any duplicates.

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Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates suppose to hide parts from the stock category, if it is already within at least one CCK-category.
CCK support by other part-mods is usually adding some new cck-categories by using the tag system (there can be several cck-tag-categories for one part), while the stock category is just  the category field.
So only thing that the mod is doing is it sets category field (stock category) to none, if there is some tags with cck. (cck-category) 

Try make the category_hide_cck.cfg :FINAL, may be there is some order problem.


  @category = none



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15 hours ago, flart said:

Community Parts Titles Extras: CCK - No Duplicates suppose to hide parts from the stock category, if it is already within at least one CCK-category.

  Reveal hidden contents

  @category = none



Which is why I'm surprised that it ONLY removes NFLV parts from the stock category, without removing the NFPropulsion parts, which obviously have their own CCK categories: Argon engines, Xenon engines etc.

I'm not interested in learning Mod Manager and I don't need the No Duplicates extension. I only wanted to report that it doesn't work properly.

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  • 1 month later...

I made a little testing. So:

On 9/21/2020 at 2:33 PM, Krzeszny said:

CPT Extras - No Duplicates hides parts (purchased or not) from some mods

The Easiest way to test the CPT Extras - No Duplicates itself it is the stock Illuminator mk1 and Illuminator mk2.
CPT Extras: Categories copy them  from Filter by Function/Utility to the Filter by Function/Lights category, and  CPT Extras - No Duplicates remove them from Filter by Function/Utility category.
If you have found  some problem with CPT Extras compatibility with other mods, name the mods.


On 9/21/2020 at 2:33 PM, Krzeszny said:

CCK itself hides non-purchased parts from its own categories

CCK doesn't hide non-purchased parts.




On 9/22/2020 at 12:15 PM, Krzeszny said:

the green categories
double 'Poodle', double 'Twitch', double 'Mainsail' etc.
NFPropulsion parts, which obviously have their own CCK categories: Argon engines, Xenon engines etc.

Neither CCK nor CPT Extras have CCK-category for Poodle, Twitch or Mainsail.
iirc, Argon engines, Xenon engines and "green categories" is subcategories in the Filter Extensions mod, that has nothing to do with CCK or CPT.

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Version 0.6.5

  • new:
    • Missing Robotics 1.0
    • KSP Secondary Motion 0.1.1
    • Wyvern 5 Capsule 0.5
  • updates:
    • OpenCockpit 1.3.0

Version 0.6.6

  • updates:
    • ksp 1.11

Version 0.6.7

  • new:
    • kiwi tech tree 1.3.0

Version 0.6.9

  • updates:
    • ksp 1.11.1
    • MissingHistory 1.9.2
    • Restock+ 1.3.1
    • SmartParts 1.9.16
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