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What crimes against Kerbin have you committed?


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In 1.3.1, I once tried to get the less reputation points as possible. I began this horrible career save by putting 4 MK-1 command pods on top of each other and a solid fuel booster. All of the original four died, but I surprisingly gained some points. Went in the cheat menu, recuited a maximum of kerbalnauts, but the "problem" persisted again and again.

I finally gave up with 96 dead kerbals and plenty of reputation points, even with 1000% reputation penalties. 


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copying scott manley's idea of putting dozens of puff monopropellant engines on a Mk1 lander can, and shot it towards the mun at 20 km/s (maybe more, but I don't remember). It was manned.

I also once deorbited a massive interplanetary craft because it was far too wobbly to go anywhere. I intended in ejecting the kerbals in 4 two seater escape pods and one 3 seater lander. They all died except for one female kerbal who parachuted down.

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I left jeb stranded on Mun in the shadow of a monolith for four days, two hours, and thirty three minutes. then he tumbled a kilometer down a slope and into a lander that was supposed to rescue him, only it ran out of fuel. Not sure how long he's been there now.

I have also tried to nuke the VAB but it never really worked out. I'm still kinda new to this game.

There's also the fact that i semi regularly forget to put important parts on my spacecraft, like parachutes. Or solar panels. Or reaction wheels. I have ADHD i can't remember everything!


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I recently murdered 32 tourists because they were cluttering my astronaut roster. And I used cheatmode (HyperEdit) while doing it because I'm a tightwad; I didn't want to pay for engines so I stuck them into cheap utility crew modules, lifted it into the air, and let gravity complete my murder scheme.

Why murder tourists? One of the mods I'm using is the Tourism Plus contract pack. I already built the casino and took many tourists back and forth, bringing my bankroll to 160 million funds. That's adequate to finance unlimited station and base expansion.

I eventually noticed that there were tourists in my astronaut complex even though I had zero pending contracts. As some other users have reported, either the base game or Tourism Plus has a bug that can occasionally leave tourists after a contract is completed. It was safer (for me and my game, not for them!) to kill them all than to edit the savefile (the tourists were listed in 3 different sections of the savefile). The dismiss button interface can get rid of the 3 normal types of astronauts but cannot removed tourists.


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Sooooo... There's the list:
- Forgetting to put a flag on Bop

- Forgetting parachutes for re-entry... twice.

- Getting Kerbals stuck in space twice.

- Almost stranded 2 kerbals twice on atmospheric bodies (Laythe and Eve). Luckily, they survived by EVA.

- Accidentally destroying a rover on Vall by going too fast and hitting the ground too hard.

- Destroyed KSC for fun.

- Awakening Kraken (is that a crime?)

- Leaving debris in space
I guess that's all?

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I repeatedly bombed the KSC just because I wanted to. I also left 23 kerbals in a submarine for over 3 years w/out any sunlight, water, or food. They are still in the sub to this day because it is out of fuel.

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2 hours ago, Maxsimal said:

I helped make sure Kerbals suffocate to death I'd you try to take them to space riding in a command chair without a helmet on.

Best crime ever. I'm still holding out for a Galaxy Quest reference when you try to remove your helmet anywhere outside of Kerbin "Don't take off your helmet, it's an alien planet! Is there air? You don't know!" followed by science points for trying ;)

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It was one of my career contracts. I was (and still am) a noobie with KSP. It was to put a Kerbal into orbit for 30 Days. Just getting into orbit myself, I did that. I saw how slow it was for time passing even with the time warp, so I kicked up to the max. it went to 96 days or so. When I looked to return with a re-entry, I saw there was NO kerbal in my capsule. No one was there at all.

Hmmm, I aborted that task quickly. 

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