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Synonym/Offbrand movie titles


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10.000 A.D


Transducer: Replace the Current

Transducer: Dork Side of Power Socket

Transducer: AC of Direct Current

Blast and Ridiculous


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1 hour ago, Delay said:

I'll be incredibly dumb right now: I have no idea what this is about.

It started as an xkcd post, shown above. You take a name of a movie, and replace it with synonyms, causing the title to become obfuscated. For instance, 

Star Wars: A New Hope -> Space Fights: Sudden Optimism


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  • 3 months later...

Malicious Deceased

Malicious Deceased 3: Battalion of the Shadows

Commencement (*Ship Horn!*)

Creatures Ltd.

Absolute Memory

A Handful of Pounds

Journey for a Source of Heat

Sword Sprinter

Crimson Sunrise

High Firearm

Phobias in Nevada


To Assassinate a man named Will

Recreational Warfare



And now for some John Housebuilder Movies: 

The Entity

Black Sun

Offensive on Station 31

All Hallows' Eve

Getaway from Manhattan

Getaway from Southern California

The Shadow Royalty

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