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Real Life "Kerbalisms"


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On 6/7/2023 at 7:03 PM, Lisias said:

In WW2, some aircraft carriers could launch scout planes from the Hangar Deck - in a pretty kludge way, I think.

But, hey, if it works, then it works. Jeb approves! ;) 

"If your stupid plan works, then it isn't stupid."

That could literally be the byline for this entire thread.

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Detailed pics on the new Russian air defense decoy drone have just dropped. Orlan-10 was widely mocked for using the cap of a 5-liter water bottle as part of its fuel system, but here we see a an actual 5-liter bottle as fuel tank held in place by duct tape.


Looks like it's a simplification from an earlier pattern.



There is a perverse beauty in these things looking so WWI.

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On 6/12/2023 at 11:25 AM, DDE said:

Detailed pics on the new Russian air defense decoy drone have just dropped. Orlan-10 was widely mocked for using the cap of a 5-liter water bottle as part of its fuel system, but here we see a an actual 5-liter bottle as fuel tank held in place by duct tape.


Looks like it's a simplification from an earlier pattern.

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There is a perverse beauty in these things looking so WWI.

Yes it look very WW 1, but its an crudely build model plane build to draw anti air missiles as I understand decoy drone correctly. 
Now it might be reusable if not shot down and making it aerodynamic is not an point, kind of wonder about why cut all the holes in the wood? 
The decoy part is probably the most complex as this thing would be much slower than an helicopter and radars can cut out stuff based on velocity so you need to trick the radar. 

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On 6/16/2023 at 10:49 PM, magnemoe said:

The decoy part is probably the most complex as this thing would be much slower than an helicopter and radars can cut out stuff based on velocity so you need to trick the radar. 

Well, there is a target type that is just that slow, so they can't afford to keep the Doppler cutoff high.


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2 hours ago, DDE said:

The U-Boat Express managed to ship a V-1 buzz jet to Japan. And the Japanese did... this.



Is anybody suprised? They had an rocket plane working the same way, but it had an range of less than 40 km so the bombers carrying them was often intercepted. 

Make me wonder if anybody thought of using pulse jets for other uses? they sounds nice for stuff like cheap bomber interceptors who Germany needed a lot. They tried a lot of crazy stuff here so this almost make sense. 

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1 hour ago, Lisias said:

Two downsides, you need to secure the car and you also has to be sure stuff like engine oil and brake fluid did not drain from the car. An more obvious solution who is used today is an double decked rail car you drive cars onto. 
At destination you undock the locomotive and add an ramp. 
But I think of the obvious KSP tricks of having probes around an LV-N engine below an 2.5 meter tank, but behind also inverted the decopler :( 

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5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Triton was a wet sub. Can't have hull collapse if there is no pressure hull!

Piranhas were fun, though. Tiny but titanium-hulled, with "shoulder-mounted" torpedo tubes doubling as cargo compartments.


(Sutton's disallowed image embedding from his own site)

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There's an ongoing discussion about what the term "Kerbal" should mean (here).

Some people thinks we should see the Kerbals as a highly advanced civilisation, others as janky, others (me) just want to have a good time playing with them and that's it. But… There's a trend thinking that we should treat Kerbals as they would be Humans, and while I was thinking about, this marvellous sweet history passed trough my timeline: How a Marine guard refactored a Tomcat into a convertible. :) 

This is not about technology, it's about pure human behaviour, "innovating, adapting and overcoming" an amusingly sequence of mishaps into a Rectangular Pieces of Paper Storm :sticktongue: of epical proportions. Delicious. :) 



 Art imitates Life. The Kerbals are like us (and vice versa).

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