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The Dessert Derby 2018

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  On 9/3/2018 at 12:12 AM, Vinhero100 said:

Does the "Plane" (or any mode of transport) Have to be intact when it delivers the vehicle to the ground?


No,  I think you are talking about airdrop where you can't land or save the plane ?

If you can't get the plane to the starting flag that is no problem, just make sure your car gets there, that will be your "flight" time.

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  On 9/3/2018 at 1:46 AM, qzgy said:

Mine certainly wasn't.


Nor mine. Not a hope.


  On 9/3/2018 at 2:01 AM, Vinhero100 said:

ok, so when the rover reaches the staring point because I will inevitably be off by a kilometer or 2, that's when the flight time ends, or when it is dropped?



I parachuted in and stopped my flight time when the rover had reached the start flag.

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Saw some of the times posted, and decided to spend some extra time to try and get a better time as i know that it can be done.


Here's a pick showing my latest effort


I started from the runway without going to the start flag, so about 2 minutes prob should be taken from my final time.

My time was 12.15, so about 10 minutes is what it would have taken if i started from the flag.

That's about 1/3 taken away from my original time witch was about 15min if i remember correctly.

I modded the vehicle a bit before the run, namely by making the wheels double wide and stiffening the custom suspension.

I still need to do some more tinkering on the vehicle to make it even better. One of the things that needs fixing, is the RTG's that exploded during that run, meaning i had no power to the wheels. After that, i dunno, i guess it's just a matter of fixing issues as they come.


It will be quite difficult to reach that 6 minute mark with this one, as it uses more...how should is say...realistic engineering (no offense to anyone)...well, minus the jet-engines of-course.


Oh, and here's the new transport, witch should allow me to get to the start-point...or at-least close to it, in less than 20 minutes.


(yeah, the paint-job is a little "gotta represent yo", but why not. Plus, i didn't really like the way it looked with the red-yellow and black paintjob of the "Storm")

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  On 9/3/2018 at 1:16 AM, Triop said:

No,  I think you are talking about airdrop where you can't land or save the plane ?

If you can't get the plane to the starting flag that is no problem, just make sure your car gets there, that will be your "flight" time.


Plane doesn't need to get to the starting line you say... hmmm... might have another crack at this with a "slightly" different delivery system.

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  On 9/5/2018 at 11:43 AM, Klapaucius said:

Sorry, should've asked this on the other forum earlier but...is it okay to fly to the start flag, record my flight time and then do a quicksave?  In other words, if I crash my rover, do I need to start over from the KSC?


Good question, I guess you could start over from the starting flag, but won't you still have to fly your new buggy there ?

Or are you using HyperEdit ?

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  On 9/5/2018 at 5:26 PM, Triop said:

Good question, I guess you could start over from the starting flag, but won't you still have to fly your new buggy there ?

Or are you using HyperEdit ?


I think what the poster meant is if they can fly their rover to the flag and then create a save to load if they crash their rover while driving to the Pyramids (Tuten Kerman Uldum)

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  On 9/5/2018 at 5:51 PM, Triop said:

Well, preferably not.


I think taking a save at the start of the driving part of the race is ok. KSP isn't exactly a contest grade bit of software; several times on trial runs I've had that GC stutter issue happen right at the wrong moment, resulting in death. That's not driver error, it's game glitchiness and I think reverting back to the start flag because of that is ok.  
I've also got an issue with (i think) Scatterer/EVE which results in horrible z-fighting with textures and it happens when approaching something that was previously outside of physics range. So when I land near the flag, texture issues start happening. The only cure is to do a quicksave/reload.

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  On 9/5/2018 at 6:07 PM, katateochi said:

I've also got an issue with (i think) Scatterer/EVE which results in horrible z-fighting with textures and it happens when approaching something that was previously outside of physics range. So when I land near the flag, texture issues start happening. The only cure is to do a quicksave/reload.


We've been dealing with this issue in BDAc for awhile now .... It's actually caused by Unity itself, mods just make it more noticeable

Unity, even though being 64 bit, has some of its functions and code stuck at 32 ... In this case it has to do with the render pipeline which still has a cap on the total size of all textures in the game that can be passed through said pipeline

This problem is still in Unity as of 2018.1 iirc ... not much can be done except to reduce the texture load on the render pipeline

Basically what is happening is the textures are in memory but due to the memory cap KSP loses the reference to the texture so it reloads the reference and the texture but the texture is still there ... this causes the flickering, it is switching between the 2 textures in memory because the reference is seeing both textures and it just jumping between the two

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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  On 9/5/2018 at 5:51 PM, Triop said:

Ah, ok.

Well, preferably not.

C'mon, it's only 22 km &)


Sorry, I was not clear. What I meant is, if I crash my rover, can I restart at the beginning of the driving part of the course (from the 1st flag) and redo the 22km section or do I need to start the whole thing over by taking off once again from the KSC and redoing the flight as well.

So, I would leave KSC, fly to the flag, create a quicksave, and then start driving. I will very likely crash a lot, so I would restart from the flag and try driving again. 

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  On 9/5/2018 at 6:38 PM, Klapaucius said:

Sorry, I was not clear. What I meant is, if I crash my rover, can I restart at the beginning of the driving part of the course (from the 1st flag) and redo the 22km section or do I need to start the whole thing over by taking off once again from the KSC and redoing the flight as well.

So, I would leave KSC, fly to the flag, create a quicksave, and then start driving. I will very likely crash a lot, so I would restart from the flag and try driving again. 


Ok, I will allow it.

Goodluck. &)

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  On 9/5/2018 at 6:36 PM, DoctorDavinci said:

We've been dealing with this issue in BDAc for awhile now .... It's actually caused by Unity itself, mods just make it more noticeable


I had the feeling that it was a core issue and mods accentuated it.  I get it crazy bad around KSC, but after getting a certain distance away it suddenly stops (which makes sense with what you said).  And then when approaching another craft it starts up again, but gets fixed with a quicksave/reload.....so does that mean that extra textures are being left as active, thus overloading the system, but a quicksave/reload clears them out? Just wild guessing. Anyway, sorry, this is off topic.


  On 9/5/2018 at 6:48 PM, Triop said:

Ok, I will allow it.


Nice. I think from a "having fun" point of view that's better. Plus it's quite hard to prove/disprove that someone quicksaved/loaded so it makes it easier for you if it's allowed.

So....the starting point...I'm curious why you didn't go for starting actually at the runway, or at least in the flat land around it? Was that just to add a challenge to landing stupidly fast cargo planes? (if so...you monster!). Or was it because those without the DLC don't get the flat area?

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  On 9/5/2018 at 8:46 PM, katateochi said:

I had the feeling that it was a core issue and mods accentuated it.  I get it crazy bad around KSC, but after getting a certain distance away it suddenly stops (which makes sense with what you said).  And then when approaching another craft it starts up again, but gets fixed with a quicksave/reload.....so does that mean that extra textures are being left as active, thus overloading the system, but a quicksave/reload clears them out? Just wild guessing. Anyway, sorry, this is off topic.


Yup, pretty much the case .... when you quicksave and reload the whole scene and everything in it is reloaded from scratch which resets everything back to normal ... part of the reason why I went the route I did with the HoloCaches in OrX

If you have more questions feel free to pm me and I can clarify any further questions you have ... Don't want to derail the thread :wink:

Sorry @Triop ... thought the info might help other challengers understand what is actually going on with the flickering textures

If anyone wants a more in depth explanation feel free to message me ... now back to your unregularly scheduled Derby :)

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  On 9/5/2018 at 8:46 PM, katateochi said:

I think from a "having fun" point of view


I agree, having fun is what it's about, BUT as this is a competition and 6 players are allready competing it would not be fair if someone who keeps saving his game makes the fastest time.

Now I do realize that you are not going for the fastest time, so be my guest and do this challenge however you want to.

As long as you have fun doing it. ;)

And yes, I can't check if people save or not, that's were the trust comes in.

  On 9/5/2018 at 8:46 PM, katateochi said:

So....the starting point...I'm curious why you didn't go for starting actually at the runway, or at least in the flat land around it? Was that just to add a challenge to landing stupidly fast cargo planes? (if so...you monster!). Or was it because those without the DLC don't get the flat area?



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  On 9/5/2018 at 8:59 PM, Triop said:

Now I do realize that you are not going for the fastest time, so be my guest and do this challenge however you want to.


I may not get the fastest time, but I'm aiming to be as fast as I possibly can! So if we're driving competitively, it's got to be from take off to finish flag without reloads? That's fine, but I have to do a quickload/reload once I've unloaded the rover or it's just a flickering mess.

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  On 9/5/2018 at 10:30 PM, katateochi said:

I may not get the fastest time, but I'm aiming to be as fast as I possibly can! So if we're driving competitively, it's got to be from take off to finish flag without reloads? That's fine, but I have to do a quickload/reload once I've unloaded the rover or it's just a flickering mess.


Stop asking questions, just go do it !



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