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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-0921


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27 minutes ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

Hi @Lisias sorry for the bother.

Don't worry about "bothering" - an error is an error, and software is useless if it can't be used. I'm here to help.


27 minutes ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

I'm getting the missing dll error in ksp 1.12 and i was wondering what mod you think it causing it to break? I can start the process to removing mods one by one,  but it would be nice to know where to start

KSP.log here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YbMYbJ0_zs4BZCxsaibuwFJsANOEmd2S/view?usp=sharing

Found it (or I think I did, sometimes the first exception is a misfire):

[WRN 15:30:29.281] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'RCSBuildAidToolbar' has not met dependency 'Toolbar' V1.0.0
[WRN 15:30:29.281] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'RCSBuildAidToolbar' is missing 1 dependencies
[ERR 15:30:29.482] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: CommNetManagerAPI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

I think you need to install Toolbar (Blizzy Toolbar, I think). It's a hard dependency for RCSBuildAidToolbar,  and from that point everything else start to bork due that KSP's Assembly Loader bug (allegedly fixed on the newest 1.12.3).



Following that (probably useless by this time) tradition of TweakScale, follows the part/module report I just built for KSP 1.12.3 (on the spoiler - you will need to maximise the window to be able to read this one - sorry, Mobile Users!)

  Version   |   ReleaseDt    |  ∑Modules  | ∑AllParts  | ∑AllDeprecated |  ∑Stock  |  ∑MH   | ∑Serenity  
         0.0|   2011-01-17   |           0|           0|               0|         0|       0|           0
        0.22|   2013-10-16   |          31|         168|               0|       168|       0|           0
      0.23.0|   2013-12-17   |          36|         170|               0|       170|       0|           0
      0.23.5|   2014-04-01   |          37|         170|               0|       170|       0|           0
      0.24.0|   2014-07-17   |          38|         172|               0|       172|       0|           0
      0.24.1|   2014-07-24   |          38|         172|               0|       172|       0|           0
      0.24.2|   2014-07-25   |          38|         172|               0|       172|       0|           0
        0.25|   2014-10-07   |          38|         166|               0|       166|       0|           0
        0.90|   2014-12-15   |          41|         182|               0|       182|       0|           0
       1.0.0|   2015-04-27   |          69|         266|               1|       266|       0|           0
       1.0.1|   2015-05-01   |          69|         267|               1|       267|       0|           0
       1.0.2|   2015-05-01   |          69|         267|               1|       267|       0|           0
       1.0.3|   2015-06-22   |          71|         272|               1|       272|       0|           0
       1.0.4|   2015-06-23   |          71|         272|               1|       272|       0|           0
       1.0.5|   2015-11-09   |          74|         285|               1|       285|       0|           0
       1.1.0|   2016-04-18   |          80|         290|               0|       290|       0|           0
       1.1.1|   2016-04-29   |          80|         290|               0|       290|       0|           0
       1.1.2|   2016-04-30   |          80|         290|               0|       290|       0|           0
       1.1.3|   2016-06-21   |          80|         290|               0|       290|       0|           0
       1.2.0|   2016-10-11   |          89|         297|               0|       297|       0|           0
       1.2.1|   2016-11-01   |          89|         297|               0|       297|       0|           0
       1.2.2|   2016-12-06   |          89|         297|               0|       297|       0|           0
       1.3.0|   2017-05-25   |          90|         298|               0|       298|       0|           0
       1.3.1|   2017-10-05   |          90|         298|               0|       298|       0|           0
       1.4.0|   2018-03-06   |          92|         301|              13|       301|       0|           0
       1.4.1|   2018-03-13   |          94|         364|              13|       301|      63|           0
       1.4.2|   2018-03-28   |          94|         364|              13|       301|      63|           0
       1.4.3|   2018-04-27   |          94|         364|              13|       301|      63|           0
       1.4.4|   2018-06-21   |          94|         364|              13|       301|      63|           0
       1.4.5|   2018-06-26   |          94|         364|              13|       301|      63|           0
       1.5.0|   2018-10-15   |          94|         364|              21|       301|      63|           0
       1.5.1|   2018-10-17   |          94|         364|              21|       301|      63|           0
       1.6.0|   2018-12-19   |          94|         364|              29|       301|      63|           0
       1.6.1|   2019-01-09   |          94|         364|              29|       301|      63|           0
       1.7.0|   2019-04-10   |          95|         366|              20|       302|      64|           0
       1.7.1|   2019-04-30   |         106|         396|              20|       302|      64|          30
       1.7.2|   2019-06-12   |         106|         396|              20|       302|      64|          30
       1.7.3|   2019-07-11   |         107|         414|              20|       302|      64|          48
       1.8.0|   2019-10-16   |         108|         426|              22|       306|      66|          54
       1.8.1|   2019-10-29   |         108|         426|              22|       306|      66|          54
       1.9.0|   2020-02-12   |         109|         427|              24|       307|      66|          54
       1.9.1|   2020-02-27   |         109|         427|              24|       307|      66|          54
      1.10.0|   2020-07-01   |         117|         438|              24|       316|      68|          54
      1.10.1|   2020-07-28   |         117|         438|              24|       316|      68|          54
      1.11.0|   2020-12-17   |         119|         453|              26|       333|      68|          52
      1.11.1|   2021-01-28   |         119|         453|              28|       333|      68|          52
      1.11.2|   2021-03-16   |         119|         453|              28|       333|      68|          52
      1.12.0|   2021-06-24   |         119|         460|               9|       339|      69|          52
      1.12.1|   2021-06-29   |         119|         460|               9|       339|      69|          52
      1.12.2|   2021-09-03   |         119|         461|              11|       340|      69|          52
      1.12.3|   2021-12-13   |         119|         461|              11|       340|      69|          52

new modules by version report
	From 0.0 to 0.22
		['FXModuleAnimateThrottle', 'FXModuleConstrainPosition', 'FXModuleLookAtConstraint', 'KerbalSeat', 'LaunchClamp', 'ModuleAlternator', 'ModuleAnchoredDecoupler', 'ModuleAnimateGeneric', 'ModuleAnimateHeat', 'ModuleCommand', 'ModuleDataTransmitter', 'ModuleDecouple', 'ModuleDeployableSolarPanel', 'ModuleDockingNode', 'ModuleEngines', 'ModuleEnviroSensor', 'ModuleGenerator', 'ModuleGimbal', 'ModuleJettison', 'ModuleLandingGear', 'ModuleLandingLeg', 'ModuleLight', 'ModuleParachute', 'ModuleRCS', 'ModuleReactionWheel', 'ModuleResourceIntake', 'ModuleSAS', 'ModuleScienceContainer', 'ModuleScienceExperiment', 'ModuleWheel', 'RetractableLadder']
	From 0.22 to 0.23.0
		['ModuleControlSurface', 'ModuleEnginesFX', 'ModuleScienceLab', 'ModuleSteering', 'MultiModeEngine']
	From 0.23.0 to 0.23.5
	From 0.23.5 to 0.24.0
	From 0.25 to 0.90
		['CModuleFuelLine', 'CModuleLinkedMesh', 'CModuleStrut']
	From 0.90 to 1.0.0
		['ModuleAblator', 'ModuleAeroSurface', 'ModuleAnalysisResource', 'ModuleAnimationGroup', 'ModuleAsteroid', 'ModuleAsteroidAnalysis', 'ModuleAsteroidDrill', 'ModuleAsteroidInfo', 'ModuleAsteroidResource', 'ModuleBiomeScanner', 'ModuleCargoBay', 'ModuleDragModifier', 'ModuleFuelJettison', 'ModuleGPS', 'ModuleGrappleNode', 'ModuleHighDefCamera', 'ModuleLandingGearFixed', 'ModuleLiftingSurface', 'ModuleOrbitalScanner', 'ModuleOrbitalSurveyor', 'ModuleOverheatDisplay', 'ModuleProceduralFairing', 'ModuleResourceConverter', 'ModuleResourceHarvester', 'ModuleResourceScanner', 'ModuleScienceConverter', 'ModuleSeeThroughObject', 'ModuleSurfaceFX']
	From 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
	From 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
		['ModuleActiveRadiator', 'ModuleDeployableRadiator']
	From 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
		['ModuleCoreHeat', 'ModuleOverheatDisplay', 'ModuleToggleCrossfeed']
	From 1.0.5 to 1.1.0
		['ModuleStatusLight', 'ModuleWheelBase', 'ModuleWheelBogey', 'ModuleWheelBrakes', 'ModuleWheelDamage', 'ModuleWheelDeployment', 'ModuleWheelLock', 'ModuleWheelMotor', 'ModuleWheelMotorSteering', 'ModuleWheelSteering', 'ModuleWheelSuspension']
	From 1.1.3 to 1.2.0
		['FlagSite', 'KerbalEVA', 'ModuleColorChanger', 'ModuleDeployableAntenna', 'ModuleExperienceManagement', 'ModuleKerbNetAccess', 'ModuleProbeControlPoint', 'ModuleRCSFX', 'ModuleStructuralNode', 'ModuleStructuralNodeToggle', 'ModuleTripLogger']
	From 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
	From 1.3.1 to 1.4.0
		['ModuleEvaChute', 'ModulePartVariants']
	From 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
		['ModuleDynamicNodes', 'ModuleServiceModule']
	From 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
	From 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
		['ModuleGroundCommsPart', 'ModuleGroundExpControl', 'ModuleGroundExperiment', 'ModuleGroundSciencePart', 'ModuleInventoryPart', 'ModuleRobotArmScanner', 'ModuleRoboticController', 'ModuleRoboticRotationServo', 'ModuleRoboticServoHinge', 'ModuleRoboticServoPiston', 'ModuleRoboticServoRotor']
	From 1.7.2 to 1.7.3
	From 1.7.3 to 1.8.0
	From 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
	From 1.9.1 to 1.10.0
		['FlagDecalBackground', 'ModuleComet', 'ModuleCometAnalysis', 'ModuleCometDrill', 'ModuleCometInfo', 'ModuleCometResource', 'ModuleDeployablePart', 'ModuleMirrorPlacement']
	From 1.10.1 to 1.11.0
		['ModuleCargoPart', 'ModuleGroundPart']
	From 1.11.2 to 1.12.0

new parts by version report
	From 0.0 to 0.22
		Stock        :['AdvancedCanard', 'CanardController', 'CircularIntake', 'GooExperiment', 'JetEngine', 'MK1Fuselage', 'Mark1-2Pod', 'Mark1Cockpit', 'Mark2Cockpit', 'Mk1FuselageStructural', 'R8winglet', 'RCSBlock', 'RCSFuelTank', 'RCSTank1-2', 'SmallGearBay', 'StandardCtrlSrf', 'adapterLargeSmallBi', 'adapterLargeSmallQuad', 'adapterLargeSmallTri', 'adapterSmallMiniShort', 'adapterSmallMiniTall', 'advSasModule', 'airScoop', 'airplaneTail', 'asasmodule1-2', 'avionicsNoseCone', 'batteryBank', 'batteryBankLarge', 'batteryBankMini', 'batteryPack', 'commDish', 'crewCabin', 'cupola', 'decoupler1-2', 'deltaWing', 'dockingPort1', 'dockingPort2', 'dockingPort3', 'dockingPortLarge', 'dockingPortLateral', 'engineLargeSkipper', 'fuelLine', 'fuelTank', 'fuelTank1-2', 'fuelTank2-2', 'fuelTank3-2', 'fuelTank4-2', 'fuelTankSmall', 'fuelTankSmallFlat', 'fuelTank_long', 'ionEngine', 'ksp_r_largeBatteryPack', 'ladder1', 'landerCabinSmall', 'landingLeg1', 'landingLeg1-2', 'largeAdapter', 'largeAdapter2', 'largeSolarPanel', 'launchClamp1', 'linearRcs', 'liquidEngine', 'liquidEngine1-2', 'liquidEngine2', 'liquidEngine2-2', 'liquidEngine3', 'liquidEngineMini', 'longAntenna', 'mark3Cockpit', 'mediumDishAntenna', 'microEngine', 'miniFuelTank', 'miniLandingLeg', 'mk1pod', 'mk2Fuselage', 'mk2LanderCabin', 'mk2SpacePlaneAdapter', 'mk3Fuselage', 'mk3spacePlaneAdapter', 'nacelleBody', 'noseCone', 'noseConeAdapter', 'nuclearEngine', 'parachuteDrogue', 'parachuteLarge', 'parachuteRadial', 'parachuteSingle', 'probeCoreCube', 'probeCoreHex', 'probeCoreOcto', 'probeCoreOcto2', 'probeCoreSphere', 'probeStackLarge', 'probeStackSmall', 'radialDecoupler', 'radialDecoupler1-2', 'radialDecoupler2', 'radialEngineBody', 'radialEngineMini', 'radialLiquidEngine1-2', 'radialRCSTank', 'ramAirIntake', 'rcsTankMini', 'rcsTankRadialLong', 'rocketNoseCone', 'roverBody', 'roverWheel1', 'roverWheel2', 'roverWheel3', 'rtg', 'sasModule', 'science_module', 'seatExternalCmd', 'sensorAccelerometer', 'sensorBarometer', 'sensorGravimeter', 'sensorThermometer', 'sepMotor1', 'smallCtrlSrf', 'smallHardpoint', 'smallRadialEngine', 'solarPanels1', 'solarPanels2', 'solarPanels3', 'solarPanels4', 'solarPanels5', 'solidBooster', 'solidBooster1-1', 'spotLight1', 'spotLight2', 'stackBiCoupler', 'stackDecoupler', 'stackDecouplerMini', 'stackPoint1', 'stackQuadCoupler', 'stackSeparator', 'stackSeparatorBig', 'stackSeparatorMini', 'stackTriCoupler', 'standardNoseCone', 'stationHub', 'structuralIBeam1', 'structuralIBeam2', 'structuralIBeam3', 'structuralMiniNode', 'structuralPanel1', 'structuralPanel2', 'structuralPylon', 'structuralWing', 'strutConnector', 'strutCube', 'strutOcto', 'sweptWing', 'tailfin', 'telescopicLadder', 'telescopicLadderBay', 'toroidalAerospike', 'toroidalFuelTank', 'trussAdapter', 'trussPiece1x', 'trussPiece3x', 'turboFanEngine', 'wheelMed', 'wingConnector', 'winglet', 'winglet3', 'xenonTank', 'xenonTankRadial']
	From 0.22 to 0.23.0
		Stock        :['Large_Crewed_Lab', 'RAPIER']
	From 0.23.5 to 0.24.0
		Stock        :['omsEngine', 'vernierEngine']
	From 0.24.2 to 0.25
		Stock        :['MK1IntakeFuselage']
	From 0.25 to 0.90
		Stock        :['adapterMk3-Mk2', 'adapterMk3-Size2', 'adapterMk3-Size2Slant', 'adapterSize2-Mk2', 'adapterSize2-Size1', 'adapterSize2-Size1Slant', 'adapterSize3-Mk3', 'mk3CargoBayL', 'mk3CargoBayM', 'mk3CargoBayS', 'mk3Cockpit_Shuttle', 'mk3CrewCabin', 'mk3FuselageLFO_100', 'mk3FuselageLFO_25', 'mk3FuselageLFO_50', 'mk3FuselageLF_100', 'mk3FuselageLF_25', 'mk3FuselageLF_50', 'mk3FuselageMONO']
	From 0.90 to 1.0.0
		Stock        :['FuelCell', 'FuelCellArray', 'GearFixed', 'GearFree', 'GearLarge', 'GearMedium', 'GrapplingDevice', 'HeatShield1', 'HeatShield2', 'HeatShield3', 'ISRU', 'IntakeRadialLong', 'LargeTank', 'LaunchEscapeSystem', 'MassiveBooster', 'OrbitalScanner', 'RadialDrill', 'ServiceBay_125', 'ServiceBay_250', 'Size2LFB', 'Size3AdvancedEngine', 'Size3EngineCluster', 'Size3LargeTank', 'Size3MediumTank', 'Size3SmallTank', 'Size3to2Adapter', 'SmallTank', 'StandardCtrlSrf', 'SurfaceScanner', 'SurveyScanner', 'airbrake1', 'airlinerCtrlSrf', 'airlinerMainWing', 'airlinerTailFin', 'airplaneTailB', 'deltaWing', 'delta_small', 'elevon2', 'elevon3', 'elevon5', 'fairingSize1', 'fairingSize2', 'fairingSize3', 'mk2CargoBayL', 'mk2CargoBayS', 'mk2Cockpit_Inline', 'mk2Cockpit_Standard', 'mk2CrewCabin', 'mk2DockingPort', 'mk2DroneCore', 'mk2Fuselage', 'mk2FuselageLongLFO', 'mk2FuselageShortLFO', 'mk2FuselageShortLiquid', 'mk2FuselageShortMono', 'mk2SpacePlaneAdapter', 'mk2_1m_AdapterLong', 'mk2_1m_Bicoupler', 'pointyNoseConeA', 'pointyNoseConeB', 'radialDrogue', 'sensorAtmosphere', 'shockConeIntake', 'size3Decoupler', 'smallCtrlSrf', 'solidBooster_sm', 'structuralWing', 'structuralWing2', 'structuralWing3', 'structuralWing4', 'sweptWing1', 'sweptWing2', 'wingConnector', 'wingConnector2', 'wingConnector3', 'wingConnector4', 'wingConnector5', 'wingShuttleDelta', 'wingShuttleElevon1', 'wingShuttleElevon2', 'wingShuttleRudder', 'wingShuttleStrake', 'wingStrake', 'xenonTankLarge']
	From 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
		Stock        :['basicFin']
	From 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
		Stock        :['foldingRadLarge', 'foldingRadMed', 'foldingRadSmall', 'radPanelLg', 'radPanelSm']
	From 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
		Stock        :['MK1CrewCabin', 'MiniDrill', 'MiniISRU', 'RadialOreTank', 'SSME', 'adapterEngines', 'miniFuselage', 'miniIntake', 'miniJetEngine', 'mk3CargoRamp', 'radPanelEdge', 'turboFanSize2', 'turboJet']
	From 1.0.5 to 1.1.0
		Stock        :['GearSmall', 'HECS2_ProbeCore', 'HighGainAntenna', 'InflatableHeatShield', 'LgRadialSolarPanel']
	From 1.1.3 to 1.2.0
		Stock        :['HeatShield0', 'HighGainAntenna5', 'RelayAntenna100', 'RelayAntenna5', 'RelayAntenna50', 'ScienceBox', 'SurfAntenna']
	From 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
		Stock        :['InfraredTelescope']
	From 1.3.1 to 1.4.0
		Stock        :['Decoupler_0', 'Decoupler_1', 'Decoupler_2', 'Decoupler_3', 'Rockomax16_BW', 'Rockomax32_BW', 'Rockomax64_BW', 'Rockomax8BW', 'Separator_0', 'Separator_1', 'Separator_2', 'Separator_3', 'externalTankCapsule', 'externalTankRound', 'externalTankToroid', 'mk1-3pod']
	From 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
		MakingHistory:['Decoupler_1p5', 'Decoupler_4', 'EnginePlate1p5', 'EnginePlate2', 'EnginePlate3', 'EnginePlate4', 'EquiTriangle0', 'EquiTriangle1', 'EquiTriangle1p5', 'EquiTriangle2', 'HeatShield1p5', 'InflatableAirlock', 'LiquidEngineKE-1', 'LiquidEngineLV-T91', 'LiquidEngineLV-TX87', 'LiquidEngineRE-I2', 'LiquidEngineRE-J10', 'LiquidEngineRK-7', 'LiquidEngineRV-1', 'MEMLander', 'Mk2Pod', 'Panel0', 'Panel1', 'Panel1p5', 'Panel2', 'Separator_1p5', 'Separator_4', 'ServiceModule18', 'ServiceModule25', 'Size1p5_Monoprop', 'Size1p5_Size0_Adapter_01', 'Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_01', 'Size1p5_Size1_Adapter_02', 'Size1p5_Size2_Adapter_01', 'Size1p5_Strut_Decoupler', 'Size1p5_Tank_01', 'Size1p5_Tank_02', 'Size1p5_Tank_03', 'Size1p5_Tank_04', 'Size1p5_Tank_05', 'Size1to0ServiceModule', 'Size3_Size4_Adapter_01', 'Size4_EngineAdapter_01', 'Size4_Tank_01', 'Size4_Tank_02', 'Size4_Tank_03', 'Size4_Tank_04', 'Triangle0', 'Triangle1', 'Triangle1p5', 'Triangle2', 'Tube1', 'Tube1p5', 'Tube2', 'Tube3', 'Tube4', 'fairingSize1p5', 'fairingSize4', 'kv1Pod', 'kv2Pod', 'kv3Pod', 'monopropMiniSphere', 'roverWheelM1-F']
	From 1.4.5 to 1.5.0
		Stock        :['mk1pod_v2', 'probeCoreHex_v2', 'probeCoreOcto2_v2', 'probeCoreOcto_v2', 'probeCoreSphere_v2', 'roverBody_v2', 'solidBooster_sm_v2', 'solidBooster_v2']
	From 1.5.1 to 1.6.0
		Stock        :['Size3To2Adapter_v2', 'liquidEngine2-2_v2', 'liquidEngine3_v2', 'liquidEngineMini_v2', 'mk2LanderCabin_v2', 'rocketNoseCone_v2', 'stackBiCoupler_v2', 'stackTriCoupler_v2']
	From 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
		Stock        :['RCSBlock_v2', 'microEngine_v2', 'radialEngineMini_v2', 'rocketNoseConeSize3', 'smallRadialEngine_v2']
	From 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
		Serenity     :['DeployedCentralStation', 'DeployedGoExOb', 'DeployedIONExp', 'DeployedRTG', 'DeployedSatDish', 'DeployedSeismicSensor', 'DeployedSolarPanel', 'DeployedWeatherStn', 'RobotArmScanner_S1', 'RobotArmScanner_S2', 'RobotArmScanner_S3', 'cargoContainer', 'controller1000', 'hinge_01', 'hinge_01_s', 'hinge_03', 'hinge_03_s', 'hinge_04', 'piston_01', 'piston_02', 'piston_03', 'piston_04', 'rotoServo_00', 'rotoServo_02', 'rotoServo_03', 'rotoServo_04', 'rotor_01', 'rotor_02', 'rotor_03', 'smallCargoContainer']
	From 1.7.2 to 1.7.3
		Serenity     :['RotorEngine_02', 'RotorEngine_03', 'lGripPad', 'lGripStrip', 'largeHeliBlade', 'largePropeller', 'mGripPad', 'mediumHeliBlade', 'mediumPropeller', 'noseconeTiny', 'noseconeVS', 'rotor_01s', 'rotor_02s', 'rotor_03s', 'sGripPad', 'sGripStrip', 'smallHeliBlade', 'smallPropeller']
	From 1.7.3 to 1.8.0
		Stock        :['Clydesdale', 'Mite', 'ServiceBay_125_v2', 'ServiceBay_250_v2', 'Shrimp', 'Thoroughbred']
		MakingHistory:['Pollux', 'Size_1_5_Cone']
		Serenity     :['FanShroud_01', 'FanShroud_02', 'FanShroud_03', 'largeFanBlade', 'mediumFanBlade', 'smallFanBlade']
	From 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
		Stock        :['ReleaseValve', 'engineLargeSkipper_v2', 'liquidEngineMainsail_v2']
	From 1.9.1 to 1.10.0
		Stock        :['Magnetometer', 'MpoProbe', 'MtmStage', 'flagPartFlat', 'flagPartSize0', 'flagPartSize1', 'flagPartSize2', 'flagPartSize3', 'smallClaw']
		MakingHistory:['flagPartSize1p5', 'flagPartSize4']
	From 1.10.1 to 1.11.0
		Stock        :['CargoStorageUnit', 'ConformalStorageUnit', 'HighGainAntenna5_v2', 'RCSLinearSmall', 'RCSblock_01_small', 'Size2LFB_v2', 'cargoContainer', 'domeLight1', 'evaChute', 'evaCylinder', 'evaJetpack', 'evaRepairKit', 'evaScienceKit', 'groundLight1', 'groundLight2', 'navLight1', 'smallCargoContainer', 'spotLight3', 'stripLight1']
	From 1.11.0 to 1.11.1
		Stock        :['spotLight1_v2', 'spotLight2_v2']
	From 1.11.2 to 1.12.0
		Stock        :['fireworksLauncherBig', 'fireworksLauncherSmall', 'rocketNoseCone_v3', 'solarPanelOX10C', 'solarPanelOX10L', 'solarPanelSP10C', 'solarPanelSP10L']
	From 1.12.1 to 1.12.2
		Stock        :['groundAnchor', 'liquidEngine2_v2', 'liquidEngine_v2']



(I'm going to fire up this thingy now - wish me luck! :P )

Edited by Lisias
Shoving the report on a Spoiler to declutter the thread.
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52 minutes ago, Lisias said:

I think you need to install Toolbar (Blizzy Toolbar, I think). It's a hard dependency for RCSBuildAidToolbar,  and from that point everything else start to bork due that KSP's Assembly Loader bug (allegedly fixed on the newest 1.12.3).

YAY! This completely fixed it! Tweakscale is working great so far in 1.12.3 

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On 12/4/2021 at 8:29 PM, Lisias said:

So, yeah. You found something, and this something is bitting your SAS.

Hi @Lisias I see you're thinking about this issue complicated issue  https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/223

But it's not just my SAS... I think lots of people using TS are in trouble. If we build a ship with side-attached tweaked fuel tanks that have variants and fly it *without reverting to VAB*, there's no problem. But reloading it in the editor reveals the problem. So it must be rebuilt every time it is loaded. I'm on KSP 1.12.2 and TS now.

So If I build this thing and save it and reload it... it's OK, because the tanks don't have any variants (I believe that's why).



But if the tanks have variants, then the offset is borked when it's reloaded. 

Building OK:



save and reload, or launch and revert to VAB:



Note I did not change the variant, it only needs to have them. It still does this if radial decouplers are used to attach the tanks. 

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3 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

But it's not just my SAS... I think lots of people using TS are in trouble. If we build a ship with side-attached tweaked fuel tanks that have variants and fly it *without reverting to VAB*, there's no problem. But reloading it in the editor reveals the problem. So it must be rebuilt every time it is loaded. I'm on KSP 1.12.2 and TS now.

I know. This crap is bitting me too.

Problem - right now, I have RL™ duties ongoing. That kind of duties that pay my bills, so there's no way they can be postponed.

The problem happening on Editor is enervating, I know. But the alternative was that happening on crafts on flight - and this would be infuriating, trust me (been that, done that - it's the meaning of "eating your own dogfood").

This is not a OnLoad problem, it' an Editor problem. If you launch the craft from the launchpad or runway, the problem doesn't manifest itself. It only happens when you load crafts on the Editor.

The good news: I know what the problem is, and I have some ideas to work around this (yet another) Editor idiosyncrasy.

The not so good news: I will have time to do it only on this WeekEnd, what means that a fix will be published by Saturday night at best (Sunday night more likely).


3 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Note I did not change the variant, it only needs to have them. It still does this if radial decouplers are used to attach the tanks. 

Yep, and this is what really hit my nerves about this crap. Why an event advising that the Variant has changed is called when the variant was not changed at all? This makes no sense, what suggests that whoever wrote that code, just hacked and slashed his way into the feature calling functions that worked as wanted disregarding the semantics of that thing.

"Hey, if I call this function, things magically happens as I want now. I don't care about the side effects, this closes my Ticket the easiest way. Let someone else cope with the consequences."

What I will have to do is to write (or hack) a minimalistic Finite State Machine to control when this crappy Event is being called on the life cycle of the part, and so proceed or ignore with the handling accordingly. Or perhaps check the stack frame of the call, and ignoring it when it's triggered by anything else but a click of the user (as I did on the deceased feature "StealthSave", that only acted when it was sure the click came from the Save Button).

In a way or another, it's a less than a simple "IF" on the code. And that's the reason I didn't tackled it out yet - I mess this up, you will have your flying crafts messed on the savegame.

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On 12/16/2021 at 9:27 AM, Satsuki said:

I removed the mods that seemed to be useless and reinstalled Tweak related and MM, but it's no good ...

help me…KSP.log(One Drive)

There's a huge amount of problems on your rig. Let's start for the easier one:

[ERR 21:22:45.402] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'ProbeControlRoom.ProbeControlRoom:toolbarControl' (35) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'ToolbarControl, Version=0.1.9.
4, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assembly:ToolbarControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:<unknown type> member:(null) s

[ERR 21:22:45.402] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'Tac.FuelBalanceController:toolbarControl' (11) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'ToolbarControl, Version=, Cultu
re=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assembly:ToolbarControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:<unknown type> member:(null) signature

You need to install ToolbarControl.

Additionally, there's a bunch of rogue patches on your system:

[LOG 21:22:40.468] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Thoroughbred (S2-17"サラブレッド"固体燃料ブースター) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 21:22:40.469] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Clydesdale (S2-33"クライズデール"固体燃料ブースター) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 21:22:40.470] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Shrimp (F3S0"シュリンプ"固体燃料ブースター) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 21:22:40.471] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Mite (FM1"マイト"固体燃料ブースター) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 21:22:40.502] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part rocketNoseConeSize4 (ロケット保護用ノーズコーンMk16A) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 21:22:40.503] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Size.1.5.Cone (ロケット保護用ノーズコーンMk5A) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

And the problem is an old friend, BladeTweaks:

[LOG 21:13:29.236] Applying update BladeTweaks/Squad-TweakScale/@PART[Thoroughbred]:FOR[TweakScale] to Squad/Parts/Engine/solidBoosterS2-17/solidBoosterS2-17.cfg/PART[Thoroughbred]

Delete BladeTweaks/Squad-TweakScale.cfg and this should solve these last problems.


p.s.: By reading the messages above, you should be aware that there's a bug on KSP affecting TweakScale when attaching radially parts with Variants - you will be bitten by it almost surely. You can overcome the problem by launching crafts directly from LaunchPad or Runway without loading the craft on the Editor - once the craft is loaded on Editor (and only when loading the craft on the Editor), it wills screw up the surface attached parts with Variants that are scaled, and the only solution is to re-place the parts.

It's a pain in the SAS, I know. I will work on this bug on this WeekEnd. [EDIT: NO MORE! KSP-Recall to the Rescue!]

Edited by Lisias
No More!
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On 12/16/2021 at 11:17 AM, Satsuki said:

I've tried running it, but I can't solve it...(´;ω;`)


Humm… I missed these two last report:

[LOG 22:53:25.876] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part rocketNoseConeSize4 (ロケット保護用ノーズコーンMk16A) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 22:53:25.876] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part Size.1.5.Cone (ロケット保護用ノーズコーンMk5A) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

Humm… found it.

[LOG 22:43:55.857] Applying update BladeTweaks/MakingHistory-TweakScale/@PART[rocketNoseConeSize4] to SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk16/rocketNoseCone_size4.cfg/PART[rocketNoseConeSize4]
[LOG 22:43:55.854] Applying update BladeTweaks/MakingHistory-TweakScale/@PART[Size_1_5_Cone] to SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk5A/Size_1_5_Cone.cfg/PART[Size_1_5_Cone]

I had forgot about this other patch from BladeTweaks. Delete BladeTweaks/MakingHistory-TweakScale.cfg and (if I didn't missed something else), you will be fine.

Additionally, and since we are here, I found some more missing DLLs on your log:

[WRN 22:43:44.502] [Kerbalism] Profile.Nodeparse failed to load process
System.Exception: resource LqDeuterium doesn't exist for process LqDeuterium Boiloff
  at KERBALISM.Process..ctor (ConfigNode node) [0x00131] in <508759cbee33445e8d50142044bd4b10>:0
  at KERBALISM.Profile.Nodeparse (ConfigNode profile_node) [0x00116] in <508759cbee33445e8d50142044bd4b10>:0

You are missing some dependency from KERBALISM - perhaps the Community Resource Pack? (I don't know Kerbalism, sorry)

There's also this ToolbarControl problem yet:

[LOG 22:49:46.727] [MechJeb2] Starting the Dispatcher
[ERR 22:49:46.839] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ToolbarControl, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 22:49:46.840] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: ToolbarControl, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

But then I remembered that it (and a lot more) add'ons need Click Through Blocker to work:

[WRN 22:43:24.094] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Toolbar' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.7.0
[WRN 22:43:24.094] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'Toolbar' is missing 1 dependencies
[WRN 22:43:24.094] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.0.0
[WRN 22:43:24.094] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'ToolbarController' is missing 1 dependencies

So, yeah - you instaled the Toolbar Control and the Blizzy Toolbar - but I forgot to tell you to install Click Through Blocker. This will fix these DLL related problems.

— — 


I'm getting too old for these things… (sigh)

Yet about that pesky problem on the surface attachements...

This is really what's happening: TweakScale is doing everything right, definitively this is not a TweakScale bug.

While debugging the damned thing, after implementing the hack to suppress the GameEvents.onEditorVariantApplied, I noticed that it was not making any effect at all - not to mention the problem not being present!

I took some good hours, confused, trying to figure out what was happening when I suddenly realised I was running KSP 1.8.1 . I do tests on many different KSP versions, to the point sometimes I forget what KSP I'm running at one moment.

So I did what I should had done since the Day Zero: I did a regression test on every KSP available on my machine. And this is what I found:

  • KSP 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 doesn't present the problem - obviously, it doesn't have Variants. :)
  • KSP 1.4.0 to 1.7.3 DOES NOT present the problem.
  • KSP 1.8.1 DOES NOT present the problem. So this is not Unity related for sure.
  • KSP 1.9.1 to 1.12.3 DOES present the problem!!

So at least from KSP 1.9.1 (probably 1.9.0, but I don't have it installed anymore), something changed on Editor that started to screw me up. What's not a surprise, KSP-Recall has a fix for a problem on the Attachment Nodes (the same way it does for Resources), but I ended up not using it because at that time I thought that TweakScale would handle this better. Famous last words. :P 

MOAR info on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/223 as I remember more things.

There's a good chance that I may handle this on KSP-Recall, after all. Because this is not screwing up only TweakScale, this is screwing up any PartModule that changes the Attachment Nodes, and I'm got reports for some 3rd parties add'ons that appears to be similar in effect to what's happening here. [EDIT: Nope. This was screwing up the Part's position!!!]

Edited by Lisias
My grammars skills degrades as I get sleep deprived…. :(
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17 hours ago, Lisias said:

The not so good news: I will have time to do it only on this WeekEnd, what means that a fix will be published by Saturday night at best (Sunday night more likely).

Don't stress on KSP. The Kerbals don't have to deal with RLTM so they'll just have to wait. 

17 hours ago, Lisias said:

I mess this up, you will have your flying crafts messed on the savegame.

That's not good. Get some sleep.  

I found this gem in the 1.9 release notes: Fix surface attach node handling on Part Variants

Seems "fix" is the wrong word here...? :/

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3 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Don't stress on KSP. The Kerbals don't have to deal with RLTM so they'll just have to wait. 

Yep - otherwise I would ended up being *poofed* the same! :P (Kerbals at least have some fun on the launch before the poofing end)


3 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

That's not good. Get some sleep.  

Just did a bit, but I ended up being up with the lark ("caí da cama", as we say around here). It will take some good days until I fix my circadian cycle - I was on my toes for almost 5 weeks now.

That funny thing about these crunching times is that you have a lot of free time between finishing a task and waiting for the next one that it's blocked by someone else: you can't just start a unrelated complex task because you don't know if you will finish it, not to mention squandering the mindset what would further hinder the completion of the currently blocked (you are crunching due a reason). Ideally you would take a nap, but sometimes the adrenaline is too high - like happened twice on the last week due.. humm… "external reasons".

Nietzsche was right, by the way.



And Einstein too:



3 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I found this gem in the 1.9 release notes: Fix surface attach node handling on Part Variants

Seems "fix" is the wrong word here...? :/

Probably. I never had this problem myself but, granted, I never used too fancy fuel switches or similar thingies on my gaming - I'm a UNIX guy, and I live, kill and die by the UNIX Way™: simple programs, complex interactions are way easier to cope than complex programs with minimalistic interactions. Give me solid interfaces, it's all what I need.

It's some time since I detected a pattern on KSP (and in some add'ons too) to "fix" problems where they are detected, not where they are generated. The (tragic) consequences we can easily see nowadays.

KSP-Recall is a testimonial of this tendency - some of the worst problems Recall works around (because that bag of tricks and stunts are not fixes!) are still there and, from the ones that were fixed on KSP, some of them rendered inferior results compared to what Recall ended up accomplishing by hacks (it's a long time since I checked it, but when KSP fixed the drifting problem, I felt my solution did a better work).

Interesting enough, and going back to the problem at hands, the OnCopy and OnLoad generating a OnEditorPartVariantChanged even when the Variant was not changed is a problem, but it's not affecting this problem. It ended up being just noise on this matter.

And I was wrong, by the way, the stunt was being applied on ModulePartVariants.OnStart:

[LOG 11:04:46.765] [TweakScale] TRACE: Called by    at TweakScale.Log.stackdump(System.String msg, System.Object[] params)
   at TweakScale.PartDB.GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener.isSpuriousCall()
   at TweakScale.PartDB.GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener.EditorVariantAppliedHandler(.Part part, .PartVariant partVariant)
   at EventData`2[[Part, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[PartVariant, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]].Fire(.Part data0, .PartVariant data1)
   at ModulePartVariants.ApplyVariant(.Part part, UnityEngine.Transform meshRoot, .PartVariant variant, UnityEngine.Material[] materials, Boolean skipShader)
   at ModulePartVariants.RefreshVariant()
   at ModulePartVariants.OnStart(StartState state)
   at Part.ModulesOnStart()
   at Part+<Start>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

And this, my friend, it's a potential source of trouble: I don't think it's a good idea to send Changing events to a module that it still being started. It't my understanding that Changing States should only be sent after things are started - there's nothing to change before that! It looks to me that ModulePartVariants.RefreshVariant() is badly coded. ("Calling this method magically does what I need without effort - so screw the collateral effects, I want to close my ticket fast.").

For the sake of comparison, this is what happens when you click the PAW to change the variant:

[LOG 15:52:11.242] [TweakScale] DETAIL: isSpuriousCall
[LOG 15:52:11.249] [TweakScale] TRACE: Called by   at TweakScale.Log.stackdump (System.String msg, System.Object[] params) [0x00000] in <5128b97299ae4d6db38986bd3a7846c3>:0
  at TweakScale.PartDB.GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener.isSpuriousCall () [0x00000] in 42e2243022f74a25b18528b4bfa5d1f2>:0
  at TweakScale.PartDB.GameEventEditorVariantAppliedListener.EditorVariantAppliedHandler (Part part, PartVariant partVariant) [0x00000] in <42e2243022f74a25b18528b4bfa5d1f2>:0
  at EventData`2[T,U].Fire (T data0, U data1) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at ModulePartVariants.ApplyVariant (Part part, UnityEngine.Transform meshRoot, PartVariant variant, UnityEngine.Material[] materials, System.Boolean skipShader) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at ModulePartVariants.RefreshVariant () [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at ModulePartVariants.SetVariant (System.String variantName) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at EditorLogic.SpawnPart (AvailablePart partInfo) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at EditorLogic.OnPartListIconTap (AvailablePart p) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at KSP.UI.Screens.EditorPartList.TapIcon (AvailablePart part) [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at KSP.UI.Screens.EditorPartIcon.MouseInput_SpawnPart () [0x00000] in <48dcb08e2e1542e2af1286b02d2eb072>:0
  at UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () [0x00000] in <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0
  at UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () [0x00000] in <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0
  at UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ReleaseMouse (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData pointerEvent, UnityEngine.GameObject currentOverGo) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMousePress (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule+MouseButtonEventData data) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent (System.Int32 id) [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ProcessMouseEvent () [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.Process () [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0
  at UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.Update () [0x00000] in <edc19f239d8642a2b533c214a7b029d5>:0

See the RefreshVariant being called by SetVariant? Same thing. My current working theory is that this is the source of my problems now.

This last StackDump was taken from KSP 1.9.1 by the way (I overwrote the logs from earlier versions, and I already had ditched this code - so I don't know if RefreshVariant is present on KSP 1.8.1 and earlier where the problem doesn't manifest itself).

No "illegal" (please note the quotes), EULA "forbidden" (please note the quotes again)
 or Non Forum Compliant practices were employed on this research. :sticktongue:

Well, the calming (prophylactic) meds are kicking in. I will take some more sleep (hopefully) and later I will try to decide if I will tackle down this crap on TweakScale (unlikely, due the nasty side effects I got in the recent past - but still a possibility) or if I will work around the problem on KSP-Recall (what I prefer to do, but need to measure the complexity of the stunt) and allow the fix to be reused by anyone else that needs it.

Cheers, and Scale Safe! ;) 


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The problem described on my last post was handled on KSP-Recall.

The rationale is simple: THIS IS A KSP SCREW UP, TweakScale was doing it right until Release, when I naively found it would be a good idea to tackle the problem on TweakScale itself, since apparently only TS was being hit by the problem.

Huge mistake, that I regret bitterly.

In the end, the problem was not on the attachment nodes as I concluded at that time (and kept believing until recently). By some reason beyound my comprehension, the Part's position was being mangled by Editor somewhere after PartModule.OnLoad and before the PartModule.OnStart event.

Well, once I finally understood what was happening and where, the fix was incredibly obvious: save the current part position after loading it from the config node, and restore it on OnStartOnly on the Editor Scene.

A new KSP-Recall release will be issued today (probably on lunch or late afternoon - I want some time testing it on my rig first), keep an eye on KSP-Recall's thread.

In the mean time, I'm considering locking up the fix only for TweakScale at first - it's kinda defeating the very purpose of KSP-Recall, but after more than an year since the problem stroke our SASes, it is reasonable to consider that the most used add'ons that were affected by this problem had handled it themselves in a way or another, and fixing this now may break them.

I may be wrong, however, so any comments about are more than welcome. In a way or another, KSP-Recall goes that extra-mile to ensure every single component can be locally activated or deactivated by the user or even 3rd-parties add'ons, so this fix can be activated if needed even if I decide to do not activate it by default for parts without TweakScale.



No "illegal" (please note the quotes), EULA "forbidden" (please note the quotes again)
 or Non Forum Compliant practices were employed on this research. :sticktongue:

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KSP-Recall , with the (proper) fix discussed on the last post, is on the wild! NOPE! New bug found!!

All TweakScale users are advised to update as soon as it is available on your favorite Distribution Channel. NOT ANYMORE!!! SEE BELOW!

I will deploy the release gradually - right now, only Github is up to date. CurseForge and Spacedock will follow as soon as I'm confident this stunt will not break something I didn't foresee: empirical tests suggests that it's unlikely this will cause undesired collateral effects on most add'ons, mas some Fuel Switches and similar add'ons may be affected (mostly the ones that tried to cope with the problem themselves).

Since unfortunately Day Job is still bitting, I'm currently without enough time to check anything but Stock + TweakScale.

— — POST EDIT — — 

I found a new misbehaviour, and probably the reason that sadly excuse of a fix on KSP 1.9 was coded.

Details on https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/34 .

This new problem is worse than the other Recall fixed, so I'm demoting this release as PRE-RELEASE and I advise installing it unless you want to help me diagnosing this new problem.

TL;DR: Apparently someone on Squad brute forced a hack to every part to overcome a bug (that it's still there) on OnCopy.

DAMN, I opened a can of worms… :( 


It was detected that the problem happens from KSP 1.10 to newer.

The original misbehaviour WAS FIXED for KSP 1.9.1. Ladies and gentleman, we have a NEW KSP problem to cope with.


KSP-Recall was released, see KSP-Recall thread.

The fix published on worked fine, but only on KSP 1.9.x. On KSP 1.10.x a new misbehaviour was detected, I'm not sure yet if it's really a new bug or a new corner case that to be tackled down by a new incarnation of the work around (the current one is written on stone now, KSP 1.9.x users may rest assured that this work around is here to stay).

For the curious, follow https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/34 for more details. This one is going to fight back, as it appears.


KSP-Recall was released, see KSP-Recall thread.

I forgot to handle OnCopy on the damned stunt. Fixed.


KSP-Recall was released, see KSP-Recall thread.

FINALLY tackles down the problem, including on newer KSPs!

Edited by Lisias
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KSP-Recall is on the wild, finally tackling down the problem described on the previous posts for all affected KSP versions.

See KSP-Recall thread for download links.

There's a gotcha, however: the first time you load a craft after installing KSP-Recall, the problem will still be there (I need to workaround somehow the Upgrade Pipeline thingy). But once you fix the craft and save it, it will stay fixed.

think you can work around this problem by manually adding the AttachedOnEditor config node by hand on parts that have variants and TweakScale on the craft file:

                name = AttachedOnEditor
                isEnabled = True
                active = True
                stagingEnabled = True

This will "fool" the Upgrade Pipeline, and so your crafts should work fine from the start.

But I didn't tested this yet, and you need to be careful to do not mess up the craft file! (make backups, just in case).

Cheers, and Scale Safe!!

Edited by Lisias
Hit Save too soon.
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I've got a weird issue relating to the KSPe missing DLL alert. After reading through the forums and following the basic troubleshooting methods posted, I found the first exception thrown was by Janitors Closet:

[ERR 02:29:14.031] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'JanitorsCloset.JanitorsClosetLoader:Log' (0) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'KSP_Log, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. assembly:KSP_Log, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:<unknown type> member:(null) signature:<none>

So, I deleted janitors closet as it was an unnessary mod and I could live without it. I was curious though, so I made a clean install of KSP and installed only janitors closet and tweakscale (+ dependencies ofc). Weirdly, an exception was not thrown and I could load the game fine. I tried adding JC back to my main install, and sure enough, the exception was thrown.

The log for my main install, the one where JC threw the exception, is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jeundgqwpfjxglg/KSP.log?dl=0

If someone could look into why this oddity occurred, that would be great! It's not really urgent because JC is just a quality of life mod, but I have a feeling that this may come to bite me in my a** later. 

Edited by Kev1n8088
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On 12/27/2021 at 5:16 PM, Kev1n8088 said:

Update: It appears that JC had a hidden dependency, SpaceTuxLibrary. Not sure why it didn't pop up as an error in my clean install, but I have it fixed. Sorry for wasting your time!

Hi! Not a waste at all - sorry not being able to answer you in time, but Real Life™ stroke again and I'm terribly busy this last week of the year (long story made short: something that just could not break broke on Day Job© , and I'm burning the midnight oil to get it fixed…)


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7 hours ago, mariagorl said:

Houston we have a (fatal) problem :p

Oh, yes. This year could not end without a Houston for the New Year's Day! :sticktongue:


7 hours ago, mariagorl said:

Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbwu7zml7-nVBiysE1LCmN53-5NLfd_y/view?usp=sharing

I can do Dropbox too if that's preferred. Tried looking at the log myself, but couldn't find anything with my knowledge.

Oukey, let's tackle this down before popping the champagne!

[LOG 08:19:56.435] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 3711 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 2 Show Stoppers found; 9 Sanity Check failed; 9 unscalable parts.
[LOG 08:19:56.443] [TweakScale] "Houston, we have a Problem!" about show stoppers on patching was displayed

Not too bad. 2 show stoppers - but that 9 parts failing to be checked is something that unrest me.

Well, one problem at time:

[LOG 08:19:55.256] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.A.L04F (CADS 0.9375m Docking Port (Active)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 08:19:55.257] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.P (CADS 0.9375m Docking System (Passive)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

Hummm, let's check who is patching these parts:

[LOG 07:56:42.527] Applying update Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Tweakscale/tweakscale_APAS/@PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]
[LOG 07:57:23.352] Applying update CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale/@PART[*]:HAS[#author[cxg2827]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]]:AFTER[CxAerospace] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]

Oh yeah, "old friend". :P The CxAerospace patches for TweakScale are, well, terrible. There's a long history of problems about it...

TL;DR: someone thought it would be a good idea to patch parts from a specific author, but then this author transfered the rights for some of his parts to 3rd parties, and now these old patches are messing  with parts from unrelated add'ons.  :( 

I tried to reach CxAerospace's author some years ago, but.. No dice. And I can't fix the thing myself due licensing issues.


The other part from BDB is also affected by the same problem.

There's no fix for this problem other than delete the file GameData/CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale.cfg and install the TweakScale Companion for Living Style, where patches for CxA were reimplemented in a safer way.

Link for download:  https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_LivingStyle/releases/

Happy New Year! :) 



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14 hours ago, Lisias said:

Oh, yes. This year could not end without a Houston for the New Year's Day! :sticktongue:


Oukey, let's tackle this down before popping the champagne!

[LOG 08:19:56.435] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 3711 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 2 Show Stoppers found; 9 Sanity Check failed; 9 unscalable parts.
[LOG 08:19:56.443] [TweakScale] "Houston, we have a Problem!" about show stoppers on patching was displayed

Not too bad. 2 show stoppers - but that 9 parts failing to be checked is something that unrest me.

Well, one problem at time:

[LOG 08:19:55.256] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.A.L04F (CADS 0.9375m Docking Port (Active)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 08:19:55.257] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.P (CADS 0.9375m Docking System (Passive)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

Hummm, let's check who is patching these parts:

[LOG 07:56:42.527] Applying update Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Tweakscale/tweakscale_APAS/@PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]
[LOG 07:57:23.352] Applying update CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale/@PART[*]:HAS[#author[cxg2827]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]]:AFTER[CxAerospace] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]

Oh yeah, "old friend". :P The CxAerospace patches for TweakScale are, well, terrible. There's a long history of problems about it...

TL;DR: someone thought it would be a good idea to patch parts from a specific author, but then this author transfered the rights for some of his parts to 3rd parties, and now these old patches are messing  with parts from unrelated add'ons.  :( 

I tried to reach CxAerospace's author some years ago, but.. No dice. And I can't fix the thing myself due licensing issues.


The other part from BDB is also affected by the same problem.

There's no fix for this problem other than delete the file GameData/CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale.cfg and install the TweakScale Companion for Living Style, where patches for CxA were reimplemented in a safer way.

Link for download:  https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_LivingStyle/releases/

Happy New Year! :) 



Went ahead and did as told! Love working to fix KSP issues right as I wake up on the first day of a new year lol

Gonna launch the game now and hope all goes well, but I don't doubt it'll work out! Thank you! :D

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16 hours ago, Aussie Toad Stool said:

Hi just wondering, when rescaling parts, it jumps from 3.100m to 3.150m. Is there anyway to but a step in between at 3.125m?. As some rockets scaled down for ksp sizes come to this diameter. Such as LDC Titan,  Delta IV, H-IIb rockets.

The 3.125m is a default "scale factor" [Whoops…. the dude was meaning 3 meters and 125 mm, not 3 hundred and 25mm… See the post below for the correct answer]

        scaleFactors   = 0.1 ,  0.3125 , 0.625 , 0.9375 , 1.25  , 1.875 , 2.5  , 3.75 , 5.0 , 7.5  , 10   , 20

You should be able to set the scale to it by clicking on the outer "arrows" (<< and >>) on blue buttons on the scaling bar:


Additionally, there's a "new old" feature on TweakScale called "Scale Chaining" (CTRL-K) and another called "Auto Scale" (CTRL-L) that will help you a lot (most of the time :P) on your designs, as they will try to scale the part being attached to match the size of the part in which it is being attached.

Since some newer Add'Ons ended up taking these shortcuts, there's also a simple GUI accessible by this button Scale_Auto.png  where you can enable and disable these features using the mouse.


Edited by Lisias
Whoops.. :P
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