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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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On 1/12/2019 at 3:38 PM, Murdabenne said:

I was pointing out that its up to the USER to determine if he should or should not be using a given modification or addon in a given competitive event.  Each competitive event may have differing allowable actions for mods.  And to meet them all, means constantly modifying and tuning, resulting in a nightmare of multiple event-specific versions which can and will confuse users.  So the issues rests with the user, and the designer of the event,. For the most part, the missions were originally intended and designed to be done stock.  Meaning few, if any, addons should be used. 

You are wrong. You didn't understood it at all, apparently.

It's anti-competitive using an add'on that improperly cheats by not doing properly what it claims. TweakScale scales parts' size, capacity, weight and cost - and I, as an Author, guarantee these features.

Knowingly allowing TweakScale to scale some parts to negative masse and/or zero costs while claiming I did it right is, by essence, a kind of fraud. And no fraud should be allowed on any kind of competition.


On 1/12/2019 at 3:38 PM, Murdabenne said:

How do I come by this? [sniped be me]

With due respect, sir, it's irrelevant. Your apparent misunderstanding about the difference between a serious misbehaviour (that also happens to potentially have disastrous consequences) and a proper implemented and documented functionality makes your past experiences irrelevant to this matter (and I'm not making any kind if judgment about the quality of that experience - I'm just saying that such experience doesn't matter right now, since the very premisse of the argument is wrong).

Keep in mind, additionally, that I had criticized your apparent lack of understanding about being an Author (from "Authorship", legal term), not your abilities as a Software Developer or Add'On author. As an Author, I have responsibilities over the work. Using an Open Source license, I waved the legal responsibilities but I still have the moral ones, being between them:

  • Not making false claims about the software functionalities
  • Not doing intentional harm to the user

TweakScale was failing on the first one. Not my fault, but still my responsibility.

And once I became aware of the catastrophic consequences of the misbehaviour, it would fail on the second too had I hidden the problem to save my face. And this would be my fault and my responsibility.


On 1/12/2019 at 3:38 PM, Murdabenne said:

Lets agree to disagree, and I'll not bother you with my opinion since it causes unintended friction. […] Despite my opinion on things, I appreciate your work and the volunteering of your time and brainpower to keep this going.  Thank you for doing what you do.

From my side, I can assure you that I was "fighting" the idea, not the person. My incisiveness were due my perceived seriousness of the situation (game crashing and savegame corruption) being shadowed by an not exactly minor, but way less relevant argument (being it right or not).

Yes, I was aware of the problem I was inducing by tackling the problem the way I did. I would not had issued the warning on the Change Log otherwise. But yet, I saw no other option given the present situation - sometimes, you just can't win: all you can do is to choose the less painful way to loose the battle.

I had loose this battle - but I can assure you I'm working to win this "war". :) 

Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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On 1/11/2019 at 5:25 PM, Drew Kerman said:

would it be possible for tweakscale to adjust the Engineer Report and show mass out to three decimal places? Scaling parts brings up the possibility of having fractional mass values

I had perceived this too when downscaling things. Microprobes are specially affected by this.

Theoretically, yes. We can replace about almost everything on KSP (see FAR !), but in practice, some things are tricky to be replaced without causing some collateral effects. Being honest, I don't know (yet) how to mangle with the Engineer Report so I could tell you where in these two extremes (damn easy and suicidal hard) your suggestion is. Perhaps Contract Configurator or some other reporting Add'On could help, perhaps an alternative way to implement your request would be feasible.

I created an issue for this, but please be patient. This is going take some time, due other pressuring issues. :)


Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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Glad you are so enthusiastic about this - it means you aren't likely to just leave it, and passion cannot be taught.

Wrong?  No. Hardly.  Again, hard to understand the tone, difficult to convey properly on the internet. Yours seems rather harsh, but given all the Brazil references in your profile, English is likely not your primary so perhaps that's it. :unsure:I know my Arabic often comes across that way when I attempt it (and your English is certainly better than my Arabic or German -- or Portuguese).  Anyway, I don t believe that my meaning was what you think it was.  We differ on what we beleive should be done as a mod writer and software maintainer - I don't have the same sense of imperative that you do; to me after all, its just a game and just recreational software and to me these are fringe issues, to you they are central. And you're not wrong to take that position.  At one time I was a strident Open Source crusader (quite difficult in the US government contract world), so I recognize the mindset.

Technically this an ethical disagreement at this point, with my "Weltanshaunng" being different from yours culturally, historically and likely by my advancing age as well. Since there are gigabytes of argument in ontology, deontology vs teleology, informational ethics (with its accompanying branch Epistemology), and ethics of software development out there on the internet. To anyone that made it through that, have fun reading up on those topics - Epistemology (what is knowledge - how do I know what I know) and Ethics (what should I do) are interesting fields I've been dabbling in since my university days as a Philosophy minor. And obviously this is going way off topic, there is no need to go any further. So...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯   :cool: 

I'll leave it at that. Good luck!

p.s. Please make a Patreon so I (and others!) can buy you a beer (or other beverage of your choice)  - which is what I would do if we lived near enough each other to meet at a good pub!

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Good afternoon! Is there an easy way to add scalability  back onto a part? I noticed I can no longer scale any of the parts that have been re-textured by squad in the latest patches (i.e. OKTO 1 & 2, LV-909, 48-7s, and a few others). Also thanks for keeping this mod up to date. I feel it is an absolute must have!

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1 hour ago, vmatt1203 said:

Good afternoon! Is there an easy way to add scalability  back onto a part? I noticed I can no longer scale any of the parts that have been re-textured by squad in the latest patches (i.e. OKTO 1 & 2, LV-909, 48-7s, and a few others). Also thanks for keeping this mod up to date. I feel it is an absolute must have!

I don't know about the other parts, but there's a bug in the cfg file for the LV-909.  It has two lines of rescaleFactor = 1.0 which, as far as I can tell, cause it to not resize correctly.  I was using a custom script rather than tweakscale so it may not be the same issue you are having, but try removing the extra line and see what happens.

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Because I got asked a support question which turned out to be Tweakscale related, I just took a dive into the Tweakscale code.

Imagine my surprise when I came across some of my own code, the file version.tt, which, INCLUDING THE COMMENTS, the first 88 lines are direct copy of the file AssemblyVersion.tt which I include in every single one of my mods which has code.

In fact, the only thing which is unique is the last 14 lines, which is a rather clever way to get the version info into the C code.  I may copy it, if I do, be sure that I will be mentioning where I got it from.


Let see, let me check all my mods....Yup, every one has a license, all of which seem to say something about attribution in one way or another.

I'm not upset about you copying the file (in fact, I encourage it), but not even bothering to acknowledge where you get it from is rather tacky, to say the least.


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Because I got asked a support question which turned out to be Tweakscale related, I just took a dive into the Tweakscale code.

Imagine my surprise when I came across some of my own code, the file version.tt, which, INCLUDING THE COMMENTS, the first 88 lines are direct copy of the file AssemblyVersion.tt which I include in every single one of my mods which has code.

In fact, the only thing which is unique is the last 14 lines, which is a rather clever way to get the version info into the C code.  I may copy it, if I do, be sure that I will be mentioning where I got it from.


Let see, let me check all my mods....Yup, every one has a license, all of which seem to say something about attribution in one way or another.

I'm not upset about you copying the file (in fact, I encourage it), but not even bothering to acknowledge where you get it from is rather tacky, to say the least.


-cringe- oh snap..

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20 hours ago, vmatt1203 said:

Good afternoon! Is there an easy way to add scalability  back onto a part? I noticed I can no longer scale any of the parts that have been re-textured by squad in the latest patches (i.e. OKTO 1 & 2, LV-909, 48-7s, and a few others). Also thanks for keeping this mod up to date. I feel it is an absolute must have!

It will be done - but I can't say exactly when.. Check the issues, and if your part is not already included on one of them, please open a new issue.


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8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Because I got asked a support question which turned out to be Tweakscale related, I just took a dive into the Tweakscale code.

Imagine my surprise when I came across some of my own code, the file version.tt, which, INCLUDING THE COMMENTS, the first 88 lines are direct copy of the file AssemblyVersion.tt which I include in every single one of my mods which has code.

In fact, the only thing which is unique is the last 14 lines, which is a rather clever way to get the version info into the C code.  I may copy it, if I do, be sure that I will be mentioning where I got it from.


Let see, let me check all my mods....Yup, every one has a license, all of which seem to say something about attribution in one way or another.

I'm not upset about you copying the file (in fact, I encourage it), but not even bothering to acknowledge where you get it from is rather tacky, to say the least.

Do you know what's also tacky? Copyright Trolling.

I don't know if you are, indeed, the original author of the file, but YOU had licensed it under the MIT on some of your projects. I don't have the slightest clue from where I took this file, but since usually I'm picky about licenses, it was probably from a MIT or "Do What the <piii> You Want" project.



—— — 

Jesus Christ. The guy is claiming copyright on a T4 template? Damn!

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29 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Do you know what's also tacky? Copyright Trolling.

I don't know if you are, indeed, the original author of the file, but YOU had licensed it under the MIT on some of your projects. I don't have the slightest clue from where I took this file, but since usually I'm picky about licenses, it was probably from a MIT or "Do What the <piii> You Want" project.



—— — 

Jesus Christ. The guy is claiming copyright on a T4 template? Damn!

Ummm, I don't recall saying anything about copyright.  All I said was that you copied my template (which, although it is a T4 template, is still code AND is still copyrightable) without any comment in the file saying where you got it from.

Why are you so sensitive to this?  What's the harm or effort to acknowledging that someone else wrote something that you now use?  Are you afraid that someone will think less of you?

You know, you could have simply said something like "Of course I'll add a comment acknowledging the author", then spent maybe 30 seconds to add it to the file, rather than spending the several minutes it took to write your irritated reply

This is my final word on the subject, I'm not going to respond further.  I am just very puzzled over the attitude here.


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On 1/15/2019 at 2:19 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Ummm, I don't recall saying anything about copyright.  All I said was that you copied my template (which, although it is a T4 template, is still code AND is still copyrightable) without any comment in the file saying where you got it from.

Why are you so sensitive to this?  What's the harm or effort to acknowledging that someone else wrote something that you now use?  Are you afraid that someone will think less of you?

You know, you could have simply said something like "Of course I'll add a comment acknowledging the author", then spent maybe 30 seconds to add it to the file, rather than spending the several minutes it took to write your irritated reply

This is my final word on the subject, I'm not going to respond further.  I am just very puzzled over the attitude here.


hint: "Let see, let me check all my Add'Ons....Yup, every one has a license, all of which seem to say something about attribution in one way or another."

hint2: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VesselViewer/blob/master/license.txt (committed here)- from what I know, PeteTimesSix could be the author of the file. Your name is not mentioned on the file, there's simply not a chance I could guess anything about it. And this file is on more than one repository. And since you are pushing this file into other people's project without the needed attributions, how in hell one could guess you are the original author of the file?

Do you want to be recognized for your work? Correctly follow the attribution rules and add a mention on the file, by God's Sake!

In time, this is a not an issue anymore from now on.

I think this is a good hour to move this discussion to :

@Vanamonde, could you, please?

Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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On 1/12/2019 at 8:20 PM, Murdabenne said:

Glad you are so enthusiastic about this - it means you aren't likely to just leave it, and passion cannot be taught.

Perhaps too much sometimes. :) I had worked on multinational corporations in the past, and had a training about handling "conflicts" that, I'm pretty sure, infected my way of communicate in english. It's usual that I "switch to corporate mode" without being aware, and re-reading what I wrote, I think this happened again. I'm becoming an old fart, and the clock just refuses to stop to tick. :)

Oh, well.  Perhaps I have to admit you are not wrong. You can perfectly be not right on the matter. :) 


On 1/12/2019 at 8:20 PM, Murdabenne said:

p.s. Please make a Patreon so I (and others!) can buy you a beer (or other beverage of your choice)  - which is what I would do if we lived near enough each other to meet at a good pub!

I really appreciate your offer. Thank you. :) 

Given the presented situation where uncredited files are being pushed into people's repositories (some even licensed by MIT, by the way!), and then being used to publicly calling for a license infringement (what, in Open Source licenses, usually leads to automatic copyright infringement), accepting money for this work is, at the present moment, unwise.

About licenses and copyrights, when money walks it's usual that bullets fly. I.e. once monetary revenue (of any kind) is involved, you are a lot more liable to damages under the Copyright Act. At the very best, I could lose the Patronage (see "Copyright Infringement") - the fun thing about Open Source is that it's very easy to spot infringements - the code is all opened to the World! :D 

This is much bigger than some people's egos. We need to rethink things before someone gets hurt.

It certainly spoils the fun - I, as any professional on the field, have very little time to spend on hobbies. And wasting this time handling bogus license claims is, definitively, not the way I intended to use such time.

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On 1/16/2019 at 2:08 AM, Numberyellow said:

Yes, lets get back on topic....I'd like a version of TweakScale, that doesn't break half of my planes..

Agreed (on both sentences). I'm not doing a proper job explaining the situation, so let me try again.

Until recently, TweakScale had a very broad approach on "supporting" parts to be scaled. This worked fine for many years, but then things changed: some new add'ons with particular behaviours came around, and KSP itself added features that TweakScale never had to cope with before.

This is normal business. It happens all the time, and the alternative to that is using a product frozen in time - try to imagine a World where everybody would still be using Windows 95 OSR2… Yep, same thing.

Problem is: some of that changes on third parties modules (and I'm unsure if the new stock parts are involved too, as my time window for properly testing this had closed!) were leading to a system crash. Worse, not an instantaneous system crash, but one that happened hours after the launch. Worse yet, that was corrupting savegames if the user had the unhappy idea of saving his game once that timebomb started to tick.

First time that happened, it was months ago and me, as everybody else is used to do, blamed Squad: "Damn, another crash? AGAIN?". I didn't managed to relate the problem to any other add'on until a lot of time later I left my vessel alone for some hours and this happened:

Some time after this screenshot, the statics (buildings and other non moving objects in scene) started to explode, and the game crashed. NOW I had something to work on, because by plain luck, this was a new KSP installment [with a previous version that never gave me this problem] without any savegames besides that one. And the add'ons. However, since it took more than an HOUR (not always, but usually) for the bug be triggered, I was not being able to zero on the problem until someone else also had this same problem and report it.

Obviously, Murphy was a prophet: a lot of issues were, also, plaguing KSP and TweakScale at that time, I just didn't know who was doing what. A lot of apparently related issues were also diverging my attention.

And then, finally this happened with someone else:

Note that i spent TWO MONTHS pursuing things until finally someone else noticed and reported something I recognized - if you look on my Activities, you will notice that I spent very little time playing KSP on that time period - I spent all that time debugging and testing things. And yet, I couldn't figure out the reason for the crash until Tonka's crash (pun not intended). :D

By analyzing his log, I could figure out a minimum set of add'ons to start testing things (i.e., the ones that were present in both installations - luckily Tonka's gaming style is very different from mine, so we didn't had so many add'ons in common). And them I realized that TweakScale is not the "real culprit", but the "Screaming Victim" - it only happened that such Screaming were scaring KSP to death. :sticktongue:

never figured out for sure the exact conditions in which the crash happened. I don't know what one (or ones) of the issues I closed was/were responsible for the crash - all I know is that once I closed that issues, the crashing is no more.

And since I still have to work to pay my bills, I can't spare the few time I have trying to figure out exactly what fixed what - it's a waste of effort, in the aftermath, as I'm not choosing what to fix and what's not, I will fix everything as the time goes.

But until I fix everything, I can't allow Squad to being blamed by the crashes. Im not "guilty" by the crashes, but I'm responsible for TweakScale actions - and TweakScale was failing on prevent that crashes. I want to make this perfectly clear :

Stock KSP doesn't crashes with blowing statics, modified KSP does.

And TweakScale was the trigger for that crash.

I'm a professional on this trade. I do software for living. As a professional, it's utterly unethical to knowingly allow fellow colleagues to take the blame for things I'm responsible for, even (to tell you the true, besides) I'm not being guilty for the problem. We call this "Responsibility". Worse, is more than unethical on knowingly allow something under my responsibility to crash and corrupt savegames throwing dirty on KSP's public image, what causes direct prejudice to their incoming - they do KSP for living, the same way I do my software.

That said, I understand your reserves about the actions I took. I have them too, my savegames were also affected.

I just couldn't figured out what else I could do - sometimes, you just can't win the battle. All that remains to be done is to choose the less painful way to loose it - and survive to win the next one.

Edited by Lisias
tasting my own medicine :)
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Yeah, english is obviously not your native tongue....no worries. i mostly understand you. You don't need to apologize for that.

In any event, Since i'm wary whenever there's a new release, i have been putting all the latest versions of the mods that i use, along with a copy of my primary sandbox savefile into a 1.6 test environment, isolated from my most recent stable build/environment (based on KSP 1.2.2). So, while a fair few of my aircraft are broken, i have not lost those crafts forever.....and if the world starts exploding...well, i can fix that too, lol. bask in my god-like abilities :cool::sticktongue:

I thank you for the detailed explanation. Having a programmer for a father, i understand what an absolute pain in the rear you're dealing with. Many times, i've watched the man struggle with all manner of gremlins within code, and he routinely bounces problems off me, to help him think....now, i can never really offer him practical ideas on how to fix the problems, but talking it through, helps him think. I have learned a few things along the way.. I tell you this, not to offer assistance, because i'd be utterly useless in that regard, just to hopefully, show you that i do understand what you're on about.

Now then...I'm fairly sure that anyone who's been playing this game long enough, know that Squad would not have released 1.6, if there was a fatal flaw that was destroying save files, and literally blowing up the world. Those of us who have been playing for years, and use mods, know that mods are almost always the cause of such bizarre, and sometimes hilariously catastrophic program failures. This is true of most games...I remember having similar game-crashing issues when playing Fallout 3 modded. Now, i only run this test environment of mine for a few minutes at a time, just to test out new builds on mods...i doubt i've put enough time on the save file to trigger anything else. Now, i said i've been testing repair builds of mods..I'm happy to say that my list is very nearly complete. That's to say, that almost ALL of the mods i used previously, are working 100% with 1.6....except for tweakscale. Not to put pressure on you, but that one mod is now holding me up, lol.

I mean, if it were just a simple matter of "well, it can't scale certain parts, due to changes made by squad", that'd be fine....but it actually ruins entire crafts now. I'm not trying to be a jerk, or anything...but might it not have been a better idea to simply say that tweakscale can't be made to work properly with 1.6 at this time, and NOT released? That is the only reservation i have with your actions....you released something that doesn't work correctly, and obliterates .craft files that may have taken the creator DAYS to build. I know your latest version destroyed aircraft that took me a combined total of approximately 500-700 hours to build....and some of them were very important to some projects i was working on. Now, as i said, i have backups of everything, and this test environment was made to be expendable, if need be. But not everyone else thinks like i do, so who knows how many people lost their stuff for good...

I decided to come back to KSP now, because 1.6 fixes all the performance issues i was having.. i can still use previous versions, but i'd still be plagued by the performance problems that drove me into hiatus, in the first place. If this issue can't be resolved, i guess my hiatus will be even longer....perhaps i can come back when 1.7 comes out.

That being said, if you do come up with any ideas, and you need someone to playtest new builds, by all means, ring me up...i'm more than happy to help in any way that can speed this along....not just for myself, but for the people. :D

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2 hours ago, Numberyellow said:


Now then...I'm fairly sure that anyone who's been playing this game long enough, know that Squad would not have released 1.6, if there was a fatal flaw that was destroying save files, and literally blowing up the world. Those of us who have been playing for years, and use mods, know that mods are almost always the cause of such bizarre, and sometimes hilariously catastrophic program failures. This is true of most games...I remember having similar game-crashing issues when playing Fallout 3 modded. Now, i only run this test environment of mine for a few minutes at a time, just to test out new builds on mods...i doubt i've put enough time on the save file to trigger anything else. Now, i said i've been testing repair builds of mods..I'm happy to say that my list is very nearly complete. That's to say, that almost ALL of the mods i used previously, are working 100% with 1.6....except for tweakscale. Not to put pressure on you, but that one mod is now holding me up, lol.

I mean, if it were just a simple matter of "well, it can't scale certain parts, due to changes made by squad", that'd be fine....but it actually ruins entire crafts now. I'm not trying to be a jerk, or anything...but might it not have been a better idea to simply say that tweakscale can't be made to work properly with 1.6 at this time, and NOT released? That is the only reservation i have with your actions....you released something that doesn't work correctly, and obliterates .craft files that may have taken the creator DAYS to build. I know your latest version destroyed aircraft that took me a combined total of approximately 500-700 hours to build....and some of them were very important to some projects i was working on. Now, as i said, i have backups of everything, and this test environment was made to be expendable, if need be. But not everyone else thinks like i do, so who knows how many people lost their stuff for good...


Actually Squad made changes to existing parts in 1.6 that messed up some peoples' older craft and game companies do that all time.

If Tweakscale wasn't released for 1.6 as you suggest would you have the same problem with all your old craft not working in 1.6? You have a ton of time and effort invested in a previous version of the game. Perhaps the best option for you would be to keep playing using that KSP version. That's probably a better option for the community than the rest of us not having access to a 1.6 compatible version of TS because of some backwards compatibility issues.


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5 minutes ago, Tyko said:

Actually Squad made changes to existing parts in 1.6 that messed up some peoples' older craft and game companies do that all time.

If Tweakscale wasn't released for 1.6 as you suggest would you have the same problem with all your old craft not working in 1.6? You have a ton of time and effort invested in a previous version of the game. Perhaps the best option for you would be to keep playing using that KSP version. That's probably a better option for the community than the rest of us not having access to a 1.6 compatible version of TS because of some backwards compatibility issues.


No, the breaks are because of scaled parts. if it were squad's fault, i wouldn't have said anything.

And continuing on with the earlier version of KSP i was using isn't really an option due to how poorly the older version performs.

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9 minutes ago, Numberyellow said:

No, the breaks are because of scaled parts. if it were squad's fault, i wouldn't have said anything.

And continuing on with the earlier version of KSP i was using isn't really an option due to how poorly the older version performs.

I get that the breaks are due to scaled parts. That doesn't change my point that you can opt to keep using the same version that you spent 500-700 hours playing in. The old version doesn't perform any more poorly now than it did when it was the latest version.

I know you'd like to move to 1.6, but if TS wasn't release for 1.6 as you'd suggested, then you couldn't play in 1.6 anyway. So either way you can't currently play with your old craft on 1.6, so go back to playing your previous version.

Just trying to help here...

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Yeah, see, i stopped playing KSP around a year and a half ago, because the poor general performance, and massive memory leaks were making it impossible to continue. When i heard that 1.6 fixed these issues, i became very excited, because i figured, once all the mods i use were updated, i could get back to what was my favorite hobby.

They all work now....except for TweakScale, lol.

I understand you're just trying to help....but you didn't have all the information, and that's my fault. sorry.


EDIT: i have heard that 1.5.1 performs a bit better than 1.2.2, and is a little better with memory, and i'm entertaining the idea of trying that version out, until everything's sorted with 1.6. So that could be a reasonable compromise....But i didn't want to have to do that.

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22 hours ago, Tyko said:

Just trying to help here...

Rest assured that you (and everybody else) are doing exactly that. Correctly stating the mess it was done on the status quo is also a help. Choosing the less painful way out of a mess is still a pain, and the feedback about these pains are important to me as a decision maker - otherwise, I will ending up taking the wrong decisions in the future. (and it's also possible that I made exactly that this time, right? Had I did it, I need to be informed!).

We have a say here where I live: "Espernear é direito do enforcado". People that had their savegames tainted are in their right to complain (you should had heard what I said to myself when I realized what it did to mine!). And I should hear them, otherwise I will miss that "less bitter spot" in the future in the unfortunate event I get myself involved on similar mess. :)

On 1/16/2019 at 5:19 PM, Numberyellow said:

Yeah, english is obviously not your native tongue....no worries. i mostly understand you. You don't need to apologize for that.

Good thing I'm a software developer, not novel writer. :D 

I was trained in which we call around here "instrumental English" - a minimal set of grammars to make myself understood in technical writings. Dealing directly to normal people :D was out of scope of that training. :) And, to tell you the true, I'm not working for a corporation since about 10 years ago. I lost the touch.

As a fun fact: I once mistyped "analysing" to another, but unfortunately correct (so the spell corrector let it pass) english word. Dude, that was a riot….

Edited by Lisias
yeah. typos. But not in that analysing thing. =P
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