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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

Airplane plus never supported

Well, in 1.7.3 TweakScale worked perfectly with it and with 1.8.1 the UI of the Scaling is missing, and also there are 11 parts that didnt pass the sanity checks (not counting DLC ones), i think that parts are from Airplane plus,


5 hours ago, Lisias said:

What part? Try to reproduce the issue using a clean KSP with just Stock, DLC and TweakScale (and MM). If the problems persists, send me the KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache (and the name of the part!) So I can fix it

You kinda didnt understood me, TweakScale worked in Airplane plus, just its an issue that in the UI shows like 1.250m in a 2.5m part, that doesnt go out of there, if i scale that Size 2 part (2.5m) to ´´1.850m´´ it goes to 3.75m

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11 hours ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

You kinda didnt understood me, TweakScale worked in Airplane plus, just its an issue that in the UI shows like 1.250m in a 2.5m part, that doesnt go out of there, if i scale that Size 2 part (2.5m) to ´´1.850m´´ it goes to 3.75m

Not usual on working days. :P (I work building bridges between different protocols - kinda a simplified service bus. I got pretty wasted some days).

Well, let me try to consolidate the problem. On KSP 1.8.1 with TweakScale and AirplanePlus (and something else that adds TweakScale to it, I'm guessing TMasterson5's , as this is the one linked on Airplane+), there's a Size 2 part that is wrongly default scaled (it should be 2.5, but it's 1.85, and things get messed on scaling it).

I'm downloading the latest Airplane+ (new release for 1.8! I missed it!). I will come back here soon.

— — POST EDIT — — 

here, see this:


This is my 1.8.1 test bed. It have only a few Add'Ons installed on it, as you can see:


In time, I didn't used the Firespitter embedded on AirplanePlus - I downloaded the latest manually, just in case.

And as you can see, they are not scalable on my testbed. And the reason is simple: there're no patches for AirplanePlus - nor on TweakScale, neither on AirplanePlus.

So there're something more on your KSP installment, and the only way I could further help you is by inspecting the KSP.log (and the ModuleManager.ConfigCache can be useful too!). Otherwise, I just can't know what's happening on your machine.

Edited by Lisias
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14 hours ago, Tsani said:

@Lisias Thanks for that tidbit. I will also look in that direction. Right now tho, I think I will just have a whiskey and cool my jets a bit. Game is playable with 17 but I still want to root them out if I can.

What you are getting is something similar to this? (I just got this on one of my "production" installments - damn it. :D )

[LOG 12:18:28.705] [TweakScale] ERROR: Exception on kerbalEVA.prefab.Modules.Contains: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartModuleList.Contains (Int32 classID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at PartModuleList.Contains (System.String className) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter+<WriteDryCost>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 12:18:34.939] [TweakScale] ERROR: Exception on kerbalEVAfemale.prefab.Modules.Contains: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartModuleList.Contains (Int32 classID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at PartModuleList.Contains (System.String className) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter+<WriteDryCost>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

For documentation, on ModuleManager.ConfigCache I found:

        parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVA.cfg
                name = kerbalEVA
                crashTolerance = 50
<lots ot more things>

        parentUrl = SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVA.cfg
                name = kerbalEVA
                bulkheadProfiles = srf, missingBulkheadProfiles
<lots ot more things>


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No, What I am seeing is :


[LOG 20:23:08.969] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for kerbalEVA ().
[LOG 20:23:08.971] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part kerbalEVA () didn't passed the sanity check due not being correctly initialized - see issue [#30]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/30 ).


Now the count is up to 29. I just updated B9PartSwitch and the errors jumped. I am getting tired of this. I might just say screw it and drop backwards to the previous version. This is getting ridiculous. But the good news is that it is not Tweakscale!


[LOG 20:23:09.352] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 1842 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 0 Show Stoppers found; 29 Sanity Check failed; 0 unscalable parts.

Edited by Tsani
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20 hours ago, StoneWolfPC said:

Done, using github.  Thanks!  I'm going to revert the version now and see if I can get the error to go away.  Thank you so much!  Will keep you informed. 

Almost. You didn't pushed the changes, they are probably lingering on your HD. They are not on the github yet.

Alternatively, you can zip the files and drag and drop them on a comment on the github comments. Github will upload the file somewhere, and them provide a link on post. This is a handy way to publish logs and other artifacts that you don't care to maintain. (other than that, the idea of keeping the log files on a github account can be interesting for some use cases… I'm thinking about)

5 hours ago, Tsani said:

[LOG 20:23:08.969] [TweakScale] WARNING: Removing TweakScale support for kerbalEVA ().
[LOG 20:23:08.971] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part kerbalEVA () didn't passed the sanity check due not being correctly initialized - see issue [#30]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/30 ).

Now the count is up to 29. I just updated B9PartSwitch and the errors jumped.

Yep… It is what happened to me too.


5 hours ago, Tsani said:

I might just say screw it and drop backwards to the previous version.

I can't. Because I don't use anything that is not available from 1.4.0 to nowadays. Not a single feature - so there are no "legacy" to cope with from my side.

Recompiling things using the same .NET compiler don't change anything, I got the very same binary (identically) every time I tried.

Recompiling it using the .NET 4.x will not change anything, because the CIL don't magically solve coding problems - not to say a mishap happening from a third party DLL. :)


5 hours ago, Tsani said:

[LOG 20:23:09.352] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 1842 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 0 Show Stoppers found; 29 Sanity Check failed; 0 unscalable parts.

Look on the bright side - Sanity Checks are automatically fixable, and they are fixed on your installment. So you don't have a problem to fix, just a nuisance to be aware (as ideally, these Sanity Checks should not be failing).

About 9 to 15 of these ones (depending from what Add'Ons you are using) are TweakScale not supporting a part that someone had patched (as Module Part Variant with mass, a silly change that I didn't had the time to proper develop - ie, check, code, test, validate and then publish). Other are parts that should never be patched at first place, and kerbalEVA is one of them. In all cases, TweakScale us saying:


"Look, this thing is insane right now. I will not scale this thing - but you can still use it".


On a side note, you should had a 29 for the counter on the "Unscalable parts". :( Fixing it for the next release.

Edited by Lisias
better formatting
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2 hours ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

Alright Lisias here is the log and the configcache via one drive


I got it.

[LOG 17:46:58.565] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost: Started
[LOG 17:48:05.421] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 1069 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 0 Show Stoppers found; 20 Sanity Check failed; 399 unscalable parts.

The good news: no FATALities or exaggeratedly insane parts being sanitized. So, whatever is bugging you, will not kill your KSP. 

I also found no part from Kerbal Standard (the Manufacturer name used on Airplane Plus) with a TweakScale module on the ConfigCache. I didn't checked every single one of them, of course, but I checked that ones you mentioned plus a few more.

So, I decided to check every single patching made by Module Manager on a Airplane Plus part:


[LOG 15:03:20.558] Applying update AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch/Goliath/@PART[turboFanSize2] to Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineBig.cfg/PART[turboFanSize2]
[LOG 15:03:20.608] Applying update AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch/Juno/@PART[miniJetEngine] to Squad/Parts/Engine/miniJet/SmallJetEngine.cfg/PART[miniJetEngine]
[LOG 15:03:20.614] Applying update AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch/Panther/@PART[turboJet] to Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineAfterburning.cfg/PART[turboJet]
[LOG 15:03:20.627] Applying update AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch/Wheesley/@PART[JetEngine] to Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineBasic.cfg/PART[JetEngine]
[LOG 15:03:20.634] Applying update AirplanePlus/Sounds/Patch/Whiplash/@PART[turboFanEngine] to Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngines/jetEngineTurbo.cfg/PART[turboFanEngine]
[LOG 15:03:38.868] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Aero/intake/part.cfg/PART[mk1intake]
[LOG 15:03:38.868] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/144cockpit/part.cfg/PART[144cockpit]
[LOG 15:03:38.869] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Command/falconcockpit/part.cfg/PART[falconcockpit]
[LOG 15:03:38.870] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Early/51/part.cfg/PART[51prop]
[LOG 15:03:38.870] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Early/chaika/part.cfg/PART[chaikaprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.871] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Early/fokker/part.cfg/PART[fokkerprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.871] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Early/hawker/part.cfg/PART[hawkerprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.872] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Early/spad/part.cfg/PART[spadprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.872] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/152prop/part.cfg/PART[152Prop]
[LOG 15:03:38.872] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/609prop/part.cfg/PART[609prop]
[LOG 15:03:38.873] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/CF34/part.cfg/PART[cf34]
[LOG 15:03:38.873] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/CFM56/part.cfg/PART[cfm56]
[LOG 15:03:38.874] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/hercules/part.cfg/PART[herculesprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.874] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/KP-12/part.cfg/PART[KP12]
[LOG 15:03:38.875] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/predator/part.cfg/PART[predatorprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.875] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Modern/tbmprop/part.cfg/PART[tbmProp]
[LOG 15:03:38.876] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/109/part.cfg/PART[109Prop]
[LOG 15:03:38.876] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/Corsair/part.cfg/PART[corsairprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.877] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/DuplexCyclone/part.cfg/PART[duplexcyclone]
[LOG 15:03:38.877] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/K1710/part.cfg/PART[fighterProp]
[LOG 15:03:38.878] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/Marlin/part.cfg/PART[merlin]
[LOG 15:03:38.878] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/Spitfire/part.cfg/PART[spitfiremerlin]
[LOG 15:03:38.879] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/Yak/part.cfg/PART[yakprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.879] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Pre-modern/Zero/part.cfg/PART[zeroprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.880] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Rotorwing/blackhawkprop/part.cfg/PART[blackhawkprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.880] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Rotorwing/chinookprop/part.cfg/PART[chinookprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.881] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Rotorwing/hipprop/part.cfg/PART[hipprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.881] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Engine/Rotorwing/powerprop/part.cfg/PART[powerprop]
[LOG 15:03:38.883] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Structure and Fuel/r22set/mk3s1intake.cfg/PART[mk3s1intake]
[LOG 15:03:38.890] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Utility/APU/parts1.cfg/PART[S1APU]
[LOG 15:03:38.891] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Utility/APU/parts15.cfg/PART[S1p5APU]
[LOG 15:03:38.893] Applying update OPT_Reconfig/CRP/OPT_IntakeAtm/@PART:HAS[@RESOURCE[IntakeAir],!RESOURCE[IntakeAtm]]:NEEDS[CommunityResourcePack]:FOR[OPT_Reconfig] to AirplanePlus/Parts/Utility/APU/parts2.cfg/PART[S2APU]


I realized that Airplane Plus is patching some Stock engines (I didn't knew that!). And then we have 32 patches from OPT_Reconfig into Airplane Plus parts…, what I found unusual. All of that patches is about the IntakeAtm, however, so I'm pretty sure OPT_Reconfig is not involved on the problem you are complaining.

You are using the latest TweakScale, good. And also S.A.V.E. EXCELLENT. :)

I also found that you need to install ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarControl due PatchManager. Or perhaps, uninstall PatchManager if you don't plan to use it.

[WRN 17:31:29.702] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'PatchManager' has not met dependency 'ClickThroughBlocker' V1.0.0
[WRN 17:31:29.702] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'PatchManager' has not met dependency 'ToolbarController' V1.0.0
[WRN 17:31:29.702] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'PatchManager' is missing 2 dependencies

i also run into your GameData folders:


Folders and files in GameData:
Stock folder: Squad

Stock folder: SquadExpansion


No evidence of anything I know that could be borking the way you say it is - unless someone had injected a rogue patch inside a third party Add'On's folder. But I think it's way to soon to be paranoid at this point. :)

However, you are using SXT. And SXT have, indeed, patches for TweakScale. No SXT patch touched any AirplanePlus part, however. But it worth give it a peek nevertheless. SXT has too some Size2 parts!


[LOG 15:03:24.295] Applying update SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/SXT_TweakScale/@PART[SXTSize2SRB]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to SXT/Parts/Rocketry/Engine/size2SRB/part.cfg/PART[SXTSize2SRB]
[LOG 15:03:24.329] Applying update SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/SXT_TweakScale/@PART[SXTsize2to3Adaptor]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to SXT/Parts/SuperLaunchers/Hull/5mQuadAdaptor/size23adapt.cfg/PART[SXTsize2to3Adaptor]
[LOG 15:03:24.623] Applying update SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/CCT/SXT-CCT/@PART[SXTsize2LFtank]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] to SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageLong.cfg/PART[SXTsize2LFtank]
[LOG 15:03:24.633] Applying update SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/CCT/SXT-CCT/@PART[SXTsize2LFtankShort]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] to SXT/Parts/Aviation/Command/Mk1BEntente/Size2LFfuselageShort.cfg/PART[SXTsize2LFtankShort]


However… As you can see, no patch is being applied to any Size2 part of SXT (if it have any). So I don't think SXT has a problem neither.

The only thing that remotely could be similar to what you describes are slanted fuel tanks:


The conical tanks appears listed as one size (Size 2 in this case), but TweakScale lists it on another. This is due these parts has two bulkhead profiles, 2.5 and 3.75 on the ADTP-2-3 - and TweakScale scales them using the bigger size as reference.

This is the only hypothesis I could imagine from what you describes and analysing your kSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache files.

I found nothing more that could explain what you describes.

If you still can reproduce your issue on this environment, I really need a Screenshot of the problem in order to keep going.

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Well, the files in GameData are from mods installed and uninstalled from CKAN, OPT_Legacy is not installed, same with Opt Reconfig, Speed Unity Annex, Near future launch vehicles and with B9 Part switch,so How a deleted mod is generating patches? and no, I can't reproduce it in 1.8.1 due to Tweakscale not working for Airplane Plus.

Edited by Commodoregamer118
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Just now, Commodoregamer118 said:

Well, the files in GameData are from mods installed and uninstalled from CKAN, OPT_Legacy is not installed, same with Opt Reconfig, Speed Unity Annex, Near future launch vehicles and with B9 Part switch,so How a deleted mod is generating patches? 

By not being deleted. Or you have more than one installment, and ended up sending me the wrong one (that one I checked is 1.8.1). Or you have deleted it after copying the logs.

I don't know you, but more than once here I ended up checking the wrong log from someone (search on the thread, you will find at least two… hehehe).


I remember also a dude that once asked for help on a TweakScale issue - he said the thing were silently crashing on startup, as the patches were being applied but parts were not being scaled. Guess what? He was toying with TweakScale, ended up deleting the DLLs and forgot to reinstall them. :D (worst part - I took almost two hours trying to reproduce the problem until I realized that that log was missing the TweakScale greetings log entries!!!)… :P

Anyway, everybody borks, including users. My best guess at the moment is that at some point on that older installment's life, you installed Tmasterson5's (or perhaps some alternative that I don't know about) patches and forgot about, because I know for sure that AirplanePlus never included TweakScale support (at least, from the point in which I first used it), and I know for sure that I never kicked TweakScale through the door with a AirplanePlus patch neither.

One thingy that could had happened (being that patches from tmasterson5, or something equally aged) is that early on my TweakScale career, I implemented a change request asking for adding the 1.875 scale as standard due Making History had introduced this size as standard. Due the nature as Scale Types are configured on TweakScale, that datum changed from:

scaleFactors   = 0.1 ,  0.3   , 0.625 , 1.25  , 2.5  , 3.75 , 5.0 , 7.5 , 10   , 20


scaleFactors   = 0.1 ,  0.3   , 0.625 , 1.25  , 1.875 , 2.5  , 3.75 , 5.0 , 7.5 , 10   , 20

And this could be a perfect explanation for what you are complaining, because now, suddenly, a old patch (or module that choose to hardcode TweakScale in its guts) is getting 1.875 instead of the 2.5 it is used to get on the 5th index.

So, yeah, I'm pretty sure your report is valid, the behaviour fits a valid hypothesis. We are getting some trouble on reproducing it, almost surely because you forgot about the things that you had installed and deinstalled on the older installment - unless we have something deleting things for you when you are not looking, but it's way too soon to be paranoid on the matter - Occam's Razor: the simpler (valid) explanation is, usually, the correct one.

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2 hours ago, Lisias said:

[WRN 17:31:29.702] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'PatchManager' is missing 2 dependencies

What?! Thats impossible!, Patch Manager is installed from CKAN and CKAN said that it doesnt had dependencies!

2 hours ago, Lisias said:

This is due these parts has two bulkhead profiles, 2.5 and 3.75 on the ADTP-2-3 - and TweakScale scales them using the bigger size as reference.

Well, this happends in the Size 2 passenger cabin and the Commercial cockpit, Tail connectors, even with the auxiliary power engine!

But these parts hasnt 2 profiles, its kinda a displaying issue.

Maybe the mod All Tweak adds support for Airplane Plus, i just installed it but i cant play now due to exams tomorrow in school.

But after school i will check it out.

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13 hours ago, Lisias said:

Almost. You didn't pushed the changes, they are probably lingering on your HD. They are not on the github yet.

Alternatively, you can zip the files and drag and drop them on a comment on the github comments. Github will upload the file somewhere, and them provide a link on post. This is a handy way to publish logs and other artifacts that you don't care to maintain. (other than that, the idea of keeping the log files on a github account can be interesting for some use cases… I'm thinking about)

Fixed it lol.  I was wondering what was going on.  Also I saw somewhere I should include modmanager logs, so I included BOTH log files in that, as well as the ksp log itself.  I tried reverting to previous versions of all mods, nothing.  I use CKAN, I've been tempted to wipe my mods out from game data entirely and uninstall using ckan, then redownload them all (all 90) lmao


2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Nobody's perfect.

CKAN being updated right now

Yeah, but my mind is still blown by you guys. lmfao.  I only WISH I understood programming well enough to consider doing what you all do.


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@Commodoregamer118, @StoneWolfPC, the most important thing is to understand how mods in KSP works and how MM allows to be so many mods installed at time without each mod stomping on other mod toes. Then it would be much less issue if you are doing manual install or trough CKAN. CKAN is great tool, but not without flaws. To use it with least amount of possible issues it is important to know it's limits.

Just to link what I wrote in other thread, to not repeat myself:

Does not hurt to read OP of linked thread even if you are using mods in KSP for a long time.

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11 hours ago, StoneWolfPC said:

Fixed it lol.  I was wondering what was going on.  Also I saw somewhere I should include modmanager logs, so I included BOTH log files in that, as well as the ksp log itself.  I tried reverting to previous versions of all mods, nothing.  I use CKAN, I've been tempted to wipe my mods out from game data entirely and uninstall using ckan, then redownload them all (all 90) lmao

A not so comfortable True on Software is that we build things on a Castle of Cards. We have some resilience, of course: once one of that Cards fails, it stresses the other Cards and as the fails pile up, the Castle goes down.

And as a Castle of Cards, the higher is the Castle, bigger is the basement and so, slightly more resilient to failures down there, as there are a lot of Cards to take the hit of a failing Card - as long the Castle stops growing,  because as the Castle keeps growing on a faulty basement, it gets heavier, and sooner or later that redundancy "down there" will be not enough anymore, and so things will collapse.

In a nutshell, the bigger is your KSP installment, bigger are the chances of a hidden and usually inoffensive bug be that last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

So, going back to your problem, yeah - you have 4 FATALities on your instalment:

[LOG 21:07:49.211] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost: Started
[LOG 21:07:51.705] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 2390 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 4 Show Stoppers found; 21 Sanity Check failed; 0 unscalable parts.

being them:

[LOG 21:07:51.375] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part HDUConnector (DSSHU 4-way connector) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 21:07:51.375] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part HDU1 (DSSHU - Habitat Unit 1) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 21:07:51.376] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part HDU2 (DSSHU - Habitat Unit 2) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).
[LOG 21:07:51.376] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part HDU3 (DSSHU - Habitat Unit 3) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ).

They appears to be all related, so there's a good chance that they share the same glitch. Let's check one of them:

[LOG 18:28:17.640] Applying update DSSHU/DSSHU-KerbalInventorySystem/@PART[HDU*]:NEEDS[KIS] to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:17.645] Applying update DSSHU/DSSHU-Tweakscale/@PART[HDU*]:NEEDS[Tweakscale] to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:17.648] Applying update DSSHU/Patches/DSSHU-KerbalInventorySystem/@PART[HDU*]:NEEDS[KIS] to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:17.652] Applying update DSSHU/Patches/DSSHU-Tweakscale/@PART[HDU*]:NEEDS[Tweakscale] to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:18.539] Applying update REPOSoftTech/AmpYear/MMConfigAmpYear/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[FlagSite]]:NEEDS[AmpYear] to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:36.265] Applying update InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IntegratedDecoupler/@PART[*]:FINAL to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]
[LOG 18:28:36.804] Applying update WarpPlugin/Patches/OreTanksFix/@PART[*]:FINAL to DSSHU/Connector/HDUConnector.cfg/PART[HDUConnector]

And yeah, I think we had found it: do you see that DSSHU-TweakScale and also Patches/DSSHU-TweakScale on these lines? There're two copies of that file on your installment.

My guess is a mistake on the package (there're two copies of that file on the ZIP file), or perhaps the newest version changed the place of the file for better maintenance (I did it more then once on my projects), and when you (or the tool) installed the update, the older files were not removed.

The Add'On Install Best Practices says you must remove all the older files before installing the new version exactly to prevent this kind of problem. However, with Add'Ons saving configurations and settings on the same place as most of the Add'Ons does (not mine, I'm moving them to <KSP>/PluginData/<name>), I agree this can be somewhat tricky. No one wants to lost all his settings on a update.

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Thanks!  I thought I had looked through everything and somehow that one never registered to be a possible issue.  I reinstalled it after fully wiping it out and it still gave me the same issue, so I'm just going to get rid of it.  I was mistaken on my mod count, down to 64.  And thankfully there are no more errors!  I had backed up my save using S.A.V.E. so will be restoring it before testing to make sure that fixed the issue.  I'm sad though, because there were a couple of really cool looking parts that I wanted to use from that mod. :P  Not worth breaking things, however lmao.  Now to figure out why my Interstellar Extended built vessel keeps randomly exploding and sending my kerbals into light speed directly into the sun.......... I know that's a heat and build issue (not mod issue) just got to figure out what I did wrong :P lmao.

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1 hour ago, StoneWolfPC said:

Thanks!  I thought I had looked through everything and somehow that one never registered to be a possible issue.  

To tell you the try, I just fixed one of mine "production" installments with his exact very same problem. I'm migrating one of them from 1.7.0 to 1.7.3, using the 1.7.3 test bed as base install. Things is… The newer installment had some patches of mine on the "new, correct place" as they are now stable. The 1.7.0 was where these are being final tested (and since it's months since I played on 1.7.0, I completely forgot about).

Guess what? When I merged the installments, my patches were duplicated exactly as it happened to you. 70 FATALities. And I'm the author of the damned thing! :D 

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8 hours ago, Lisias said:

To tell you the try, I just fixed one of mine "production" installments with his exact very same problem. I'm migrating one of them from 1.7.0 to 1.7.3, using the 1.7.3 test bed as base install. Things is… The newer installment had some patches of mine on the "new, correct place" as they are now stable. The 1.7.0 was where these are being final tested (and since it's months since I played on 1.7.0, I completely forgot about).

Guess what? When I merged the installments, my patches were duplicated exactly as it happened to you. 70 FATALities. And I'm the author of the damned thing! :D 

Lol, I'm going to play with that mod later and see if I can try to get it to behave.  If so, I'm going to keep using it, but if not I won't be too upset.  In a year or so I'm going to go back to college and learn programming, so if nothing else between now and then maybe I'll use reading over some code to learn a little. lmao

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11 hours ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

Right, it worked, so i can reproduce the display issue!! Here is the image


Well. Finally we diagnosed the problem! :)

Things is… All Tweak is the Add'On in need to be maintained to fix this (or not, it's up to All Tweak maintainer to decide if he wants to support AirplanePlus this way!).

The nice thing with All Tweak is that it's a quick&dirty way to add support to parts not supported by TweakScale or third parties. The not so nice thing is that it doesn't works perfectly every time. You found one of this times where All Tweak doesn't works perfectly.

Unfortunately, I'm currently completely out of time to engage into such entrepreneurship. I'm currently overwhelmed by TweakScale's back log, that includes the included patches for third parties Add'Ons. I just can't build this patches myself - not because it's hard, but because I don't have the time to proper do it; implement, test, check for compatibility issues with others, implement again, repeat until it's good to ship.

Additionally, I'm reticent on adding such patch into TweakScale, as it's already fat enough - and all that weight is costing me too much when inside TweakScale. My goal is to create a "TweakScape Companion Pack" where third parties support will be added (and properly supported - no Savegame will be left behind!), leaving the "vanilla" TweakScale with the duty to support only Stock and DLC parts.

More than half of TweakScale releases this year were sorely due problems on patches!! I barely touched TweakScale code for more than six months. What's a problem, because there're interesting Research in Development in need to be retaken. See the next post of mine, to be published in the next few hours with a interesting report with findings of mine!

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I think I need a new definition for "few hours". :sticktongue:

That's this history: I toyed a bit with scaling up parts with crew capacity. Again. :) This time on 1.8.1 to see if something had changed.

TL;DR : No, it's no possible to scale up CrewCapacity due some hardcoded limits on KSP - some heavy hacking will be needed.

Default Behaviour - no scaling up.

Previously, I had postulated that probably the UI was borking because it was coded using the Part's prefab CrewCapacity value, instead of the part's CrewCapacity. This was confirmed for 1.7.x and 1.8.x (almost certain for every KSP in the past, but I didn't bored to confirm this - yet).

I had confirmed this by trying a stunt: I scaled the prefab's CrewCapacity too (while saving the original value in another place). By doing that, the UI started to behave as I intended - but, of course, mangling with the prefab caused collateral effects. The Part capacity for new parts started to have more crew seats, no matter it was scaled or not - what's expected, after all, I was mangling the prefab!

By mangling the prefab, things kinda works. More or less..

You can at least populate the part now.

But we have this glitch on the Part List now… (due the prefab mangling)

In 1.8.x I run trough a new behaviour, however.  Now there's a check on launching the craft to prevent it to be launched with more crew than available seats - on prefab. Previously I could hand code a craft file with the crew capacity expanded and crew allocated, and the craft was being launched all right. But now a Exception is being thrown - of course, the check is looking the prefab CrewCapacity, not the living part's one. Damn:huh:

[EXC 02:35:05.426] IndexOutOfRangeException: [PartCrewManifest Error]: seat index out of range: i = 4 while mk1-3pod has 3 seats
        PartCrewManifest.AddCrewToSeat (ProtoCrewMember crew, System.Int32 seatIndex) (at <394a98b9c7624adc895c04290da62640>:0)
        KSP.UI.BaseCrewAssignmentDialog.GetManifest (System.Boolean createClone) (at <394a98b9c7624adc895c04290da62640>:0)
        KSP.UI.BaseCrewAssignmentDialog.Refresh () (at <394a98b9c7624adc895c04290da62640>:0)
        KSP.UI.CrewAssignmentDialog.MoveCrewToEmptySeat (KSP.UI.UIList fromlist, KSP.UI.UIList tolist, KSP.UI.UIListItem itemToMove, S
        KSP.UI.BaseCrewAssignmentDialog.ListItemButtonClick (KSP.UI.CrewListItem+ButtonTypes type, KSP.UI.CrewListItem clickItem) (at
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`2[T1,T2].Invoke (T1 args0, T2 args1) (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`2[T0,T1].Invoke (T0 arg0, T1 arg1) (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        KSP.UI.CrewListItem.<Awake>b__26_0 () (at <394a98b9c7624adc895c04290da62640>:0)
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        KSP.UI.UIStateButton.<Awake>b__24_0 () (at <394a98b9c7624adc895c04290da62640>:0)
        UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <7d9ec060e791409ab3eb85c61e312ed6>:0)
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <6b3e52a3b1e042958be60434d0f24ce7>:0)
        UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <6b3e52a3b1e042958be60434d0f24c
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystem
        UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData event

So, besides being able to hack my way into the UI (even by relying on dirty tricks), apparently on 1.8.x they had shut tighter the door for this feature. I can't edit or launch the craft anymore after forcing my way into scaling up the Crew Capacity - unless I mangle the prefab, with undesirable collateral effects. So the following screenshot will be still a dream for some time yet.

At least we still have our dreams!

If you want to give a shot on this, you need to checkout this branch and then define the symbols CREW_SCALE_UP and, if you are feeling adventurous, PREFAB_SCALE_HACK

Symbols to be defined to compile the hack.

I think the only way out for this feature will be patching KSP code using Harmony. It's something I prefer not to do dure the potential collateral effects this can incur, but as it looks, will be the only possible way for this.

Historic of the feature:

Also available on my site.

Edited by Lisias
Added instructions to compile the stunt.
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That went right over my head in some places lmao, but I got the gist of it.  Thanks for explaining it all a bit more in depth!  I think I'm happy with standard capacity and the like honestly lol.  I love going into cockpit views to see the interior, and seeing it all weird would take some of the effect away I think.  I see a lot of people using IVA mods that make the interiors look so much more realistic and useful, and I would love to get that going someday, but for now my install is all working perfectly, and I figured out (by reading back to what you said and what I did and all) what I was doing wrong getting that one mod to work.  Now everything is playing well together. I've got a nice new save started up just because I made too many mistakes in my last career campaign, and want to maintain 100% or at least 99% reputation :P.  Anyway, yeah my brain hurts so I'm heading off to bed now lmao. :P Thanks again for all your help!

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22 hours ago, StoneWolfPC said:

That went right over my head in some places lmao, but I got the gist of it.  Thanks for explaining it all a bit more in depth!  I think I'm happy with standard capacity and the like honestly lol.  I love going into cockpit views to see the interior, and seeing it all weird would take some of the effect away I think. 

It's not that complicated, the problem is lack of information on Unity's guts, I think.

When you click on the Part's Palette (or Menu), you instantiate a Part. "Instantiate" is a programming lingo that means that some data structures are initialized and made ready for use (it's related to OOP, Object Oriented Programming). On Unity, the Constructor (a special function used to do this job) is not the canonical way of instantiate things, they prefer to use a thing called "Prefab" where a lot of "premade" data for each possible object is stored, and then fast-applied to a new born object. (The config files are a trick to populate the prefab on the user's machine using text files, usually the prefab is compiled with the program on the developer's machine).

Think on the prefab as a "template factory".

Once you instantiate a Part and it got its initial values from the prefab, it's a "living object" and then any change on its data belongs only to him. TweakScale (and almost everything else) acts on that data. One of such data is called CrewCapacity.

The prefab says CrewCapacity is 3 to that Part, TweakScale later tries to change it as it does with mass, fuel capacity, etc, but borks because a lot of code on the KSP User Interfaces uses the prefab value to check things, and not the data from the living Part - if every code of KSP would be using the prefab to check things, TweakScale would not function at all.

On KSP 1.7.something (the last time I checked, I think), it was possible to force the hand into shoving more Kerbals on the part and launch the craft - the UI would choke , but if you manage to launch the thing, it would work fine from that point. On 1.8, a new check was coded to prevent the stunt, so I can't hand made a craft with more Kerbals and launch directly anymore.

So, there's no alternative but to hot patch the KSP code using Harmony. It was already used with success by Crew Manifest (I think) AirlockPlus but there're also ways to do that directly (see Hyperspace). But… THIS is not for the faint of heart. I would probably expend the whole Seasons hacking my way into it, so it's probably something that will take some time waiting more important things be done first. :)

Edited by Lisias
I was wrong, it's AirlockPlus
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10 hours ago, Lisias said:

It's not that complicated, the problem is lack of information on Unity's guts, I think.

When you click on the Part's Palette (or Menu), you instantiate a Part. "Instantiate" is a programming lingo that means that some data structures are initialized and made ready for use (it's related to OOP, Object Oriented Programming). On Unity, the Constructor (a special function used to do this job) is not the canonical way of instantiate things, they prefer to use a thing called "Prefab" where a lot of "premade" data for each possible object is stored, and then fast-applied to a new born object. (The config files are a trick to populate the prefab on the user's machine using text files, usually the prefab is compiled with the program on the developer's machine).

Think on the prefab as a "template factory".

Once you instantiate a Part and it got its initial values from the prefab, it's a "living object" and then any change on its data belongs only to him. TweakScale (and almost everything else) acts on that data. One of such data is called CrewCapacity.

The prefab says CrewCapacity is 3 to that Part, TweakScale later tries to change it as it does with mass, fuel capacity, etc, but borks because a lot of code on the KSP User Interfaces uses the prefab value to check things, and not the data from the living Part - if every code of KSP would be using the prefab to check things, TweakScale would not function at all.

On KSP 1.7.something (the last time I checked, I think), it was possible to force the hand into shoving more Kerbals on the part and launch the craft - the UI would choke , but if you manage to launch the thing, it would work fine from that point. On 1.8, a new check was coded to prevent the stunt, so I can't hand made a craft with more Kerbals and launch directly anymore.

So, there's no alternative but to hot patch the KSP code using Harmony. It was already used with success by Crew Manifest (I think) AirlockPlus but there're also ways to do that directly (see Hyperspace). But… THIS is not for the faint of heart. I would probably expend the whole Seasons hacking my way into it, so it's probably something that will take some time waiting more important things be done first. :)

You're insanely awesome man.  I'll be sitting here patiently while it takes you however long you need to get things done.  I love your work, and I don't think i can play KSP now without Tweakscale as it is.........  Even if just for the fact of making parts match size in some cases where things just look strange without rescaling something lmfao.  When I first read the description of the mod before downloading it, I was thinking changing sizes would be handy just for aesthetics and potential aerodynamics, but when I saw it changes the tank values etc. I didn't hesitate to download it.  Oh, one interesting note I do want to mention that I'm positive you're aware of already.....  on many resized parts, things that should "clip" to the surface tend to sink in ever so slightly.  Not quite as deep as to the original size, but deep enough to notice.  MOSTLY I notice this when I'm putting science experiments on the exteriors of something like my rover after rescaling the rover m8.  In fact that's where I first noticed it at all.  Not so much a bug or an issue, just something I figured I'd toss your way.

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