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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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2 minutes ago, Azic Minar said:

So naming like:

Is the way to go?


Underscores are fine. They get translated into dots at some point. It's in skipping straight to dots that causes problems.

So either of these is fine

name = myFancyPart

name = My_fancyPart

name = myFancy_Part

name = My_Fancy_Part

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Is there a way to force support on an item that has buoyancy? Like inflatable floats. I found out after hard writing the support in that its getting removed. 

I've not mastered inserting features into parts yet, though working with kopernicus is teaching me that know-how

@TranceaddicT @Lisias also, thank both of you

Edited by Azic Minar
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Lisias, I'm getting error spam in the editor:


[ERR 17:28:40.298] Exception handling event onEditorShipModified in class TweakScale:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Behaviour.get_enabled(UnityEngine.Behaviour)
  at TweakScale.TweakScale.OnEditorShipModified (ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <c3d11dd12519438cafd8dbec2a0a0668>:0 
  at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0 

[EXC 17:28:40.298] NullReferenceException
    TweakScale.TweakScale.OnEditorShipModified (ShipConstruct ship) (at <c3d11dd12519438cafd8dbec2a0a0668>:0)
    EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) (at <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0)

Appears to be happening with every change to the current ship.

KSP and output logs.

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7 minutes ago, vossiewulf said:

Lisias, I'm getting error spam in the editor:

<cut by me>

Appears to be happening with every change to the current ship.

KSP and output logs.

Yeah, this was a bork of mine when handling crewed parts. Since only crewed parts needs to have the crew count scaled, I only registered this listener when the part has crew seats. However, this dud sas writing you this post forgot to deregister the listener, and so a partless zombie module lingered trying to access a part that was already garbage collected. And as you load and/or edit new vessels, more zombie modules end up lingering on memory, spamming the KSP.log.

However... This was already fixed. I just noticed that you are using an older TweakScale version:

[LOG 17:52:28.994] [TweakScale] Version /L

So updating it will be the best option for you.

I also noted a lot of Exceptions like this one:

[ERR 17:57:30.836] Module TweakScalerFSbuoyancy threw during OnLoad: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objec
  at TweakScaleCompanion.FS.Buoyancy.TweakScalerFSbuoyancy.InitInternalData () [0x00042] in <9042ad2d21684961ba52e9c0c294474c>:0
  at TweakScaleCompanion.FS.Buoyancy.TweakScalerFSbuoyancy.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x00056] in <9042ad2d21684961ba52e9c0c294474c>:0
  at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0

These are happening because the Helper I wrote for FSBuouancy had some design flaws that blowed up on my face once I updated TweakScale to cope with the new behaviour from Editor about surface attachments. This is already fixed, but I didn't managed time to publish a new version for the Companion for Firespitter.

You may want to wait a bit before updating, because I'm finishing the (new) FINAL release of the TweakScale 2.4.3 series :sticktongue: and so it will save you a new update. The FS Companion (and every Companion with Sanity Checks) will be updated next, hopefully before bed time (as now I know exactly what to do).

Additionally... There're a lot of additional (hopefully unrelated!) exceptions on your log. Once you update TweakScale and the Companion for FS, I suggest checking again for Exceptions and call for help from the current maintainers of the add'ons involved.

Cheers. (and stay tuned!)

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3 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Cheers. (and stay tuned!)

Thanks for the quick and detailed answer, Lisias :) I'll wait for your next release and get both birds with one stone. I'll then look at the other exceptions... annoying, a few weeks ago it was fairly clean, then I made the mistake (I think) to let CKAN update a series of mods with recent updates. In particular, I seem to have rolled forward to a Scansat version from which you can't roll back and it's broken something too.

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11 hours ago, TranceaddicT said:

i'm not home right now so i can't help, but check in CKAN for the mod that adds a hatch to the Mk1 pod. That one uses dots as separators.

BDB mod has the issue with spaces in directory tree names. If I remember correctly, the arises only for parts located in the directory for "Structures and Fuels".

I'm home. And, only to find out my memory suck, I lied. <hangs head>

It's not the Mk1 Hatch mod.  It's this one that stuffs Kerbals in the LanderCan like sardines...

Nor is it BDB.  It's AirplanePlus with the directory snafu.

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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

Cheers. (and stay tuned!)

Some days you just can't win. :P


No new releases today, guys. KSP-Recall and the Companions will have to wait. :)

The good news: I nailed down the bork on the TweakScale module's withdrawal. As long as I confirm how really I should do this stunt, I will update everything using it. The gory details will be published on the issue: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/125 - once github is back online. :D 

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Thank you very much for taking on what I can only imagine to be a coders nightmare. The new version works without errors or glitches as far as I can tell. I am running 2 instances of KSP and it works on both, 1.9.1, and 1.10.0! Thanks again for all your hours of work!  

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It came to my attention that misinformation is being spread about KSP-Recall and TweakScale.

This is wrong at best (or just plain slandering at worst).

Everything I publish on Forum is coded to work with add'ons published on Forum - if they work also on better alternatives not published here, it's just a bonus.


Edited by Vanamonde
Of cuorse, a tyop!
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Trouble-maker here... back for more! I'm having some borkage with struts and fuel ducts. I can build the model fine, launch still looks good, crash (obviously) then revert to launch or SPH and in either case it borks some of the struts/ ducts. One end of some of the struts are moved, sometimes inside the model sometimes going in the air. Different lengths and angles than original, but again only at most one end is changed and some are good on both ends. Yesterday I reloaded the craft in SPH after they borked and I thought it fixed it but today I did it again and it did not. I even exited SPH and went back and reloaded craft. So I guess it's altering the craft file when reverting? I gotta get to bed - sorry, I'll be back tomorrow. 

Thanks for your work! 6m Rapiers rock :cool:

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52 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

Trouble-maker here... back for more! I'm having some borkage with struts and fuel ducts. I can build the model fine, launch still looks good, crash (obviously) then revert to launch or SPH and in either case it borks some of the struts/ ducts. One end of some of the struts are moved, sometimes inside the model sometimes going in the air. Different lengths and angles than original, but again only at most one end is changed and some are good on both ends. Yesterday I reloaded the craft in SPH after they borked and I thought it fixed it but today I did it again and it did not. I even exited SPH and went back and reloaded craft. So I guess it's altering the craft file when reverting? I gotta get to bed - sorry, I'll be back tomorrow. 

Send me a craft with the problem (and the KSP.log of the instalment). It sounds like something about surface attachments. Since TweakScale does not scales Struts and Fuel Ducts, perhaps something else can be interfering?


52 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

Thanks for your work! 6m Rapiers rock :cool:

Welcome. Give a try on the turbo-fans too. I have a lot of fun scaling the Junos. :D 



I gave a minimalist test session using a minimalist instalment: Inline Mk1 Cockpit, FT-L400 tanks scaled up and attached on symmetry.

On KSP 1.9.1 + KSP Recall + TweakScale (both latest release - see KSP Recall thread, is on the wild), I got this after reverting to VAB



On KSP 1.10 + Tweakscale, but now I remembered to add the Struts:


I found no evidences of misbehaviour on both tests.

All DLCs were also installed on both test beds.

-- -- POST POST EDIT -- --

I redid the 1.9.1 test, this time using also the Struts. No problems detected neither (image after launching and reverting to VAB)


Edited by Lisias
aaaw.. krap. I redid the test on 1.9 :P
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On 7/14/2020 at 12:44 AM, Lisias said:

Send me a craft with the problem (and the KSP.log of the instalment). It sounds like something about surface attachments. Since TweakScale does not scales Struts and Fuel Ducts, perhaps something else can be interfering?

Yesterday the tax man interfered with my critical KSP work. How dare he! I will start my own country... after I get my refund! 

Using similar parts in your example, with added drop-explode feature, I could not make the  issue appear. The only thing I noticed is when increasing the tank size after struts and ducts are attached, the second strut/ duct end does not move to stay on the surface of the tank while the 1st end does. That's not what I was talking about before and I don't expect that to work smoothly... a bonus if it does. 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/crujceqt2vu6ctx/bad struts after revert.craft?dl=0



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On 7/16/2020 at 3:25 AM, Krazy1 said:

Using similar parts in your example, with added drop-explode feature, I could not make the  issue appear. The only thing I noticed is when increasing the tank size after struts and ducts are attached, the second strut/ duct end does not move to stay on the surface of the tank while the 1st end does.

Ok, got the files.

  1. Yep, I can see the problem.
  2. You are insane. :D 
  3. The craft takes off and flies magnifically - for a few seconds.
    1. And explodes yet more magnifically on the unplanned splash down! :)

Dunno if it's on TweakScale, but it's possible - I may had forgot a special case when scaling parts with surface attachments. But it can be also something on KSP, I had had some problems on complex symmetry on unscaled parts too.

But at least I have something to work with. I'll let you know as I find something.

-- -- -- POST EDIT -- -- -- 

@Krazy1, I think I got it. I never managed to reproduce the problem on reverting (this may be something induced by a third-party add'on?), but I managed to reproduce something similar.

You detected a flaw on TweakScale (not exactly a bug), a missing feature. Compound Parts are not scalable (there's no point on scaling already stretchable things), but these things needs to be handled nevertheless. Currently, TweakScale only scales the source node (where the thing attaches to the scaling part), but ignores the target node - and so the end point of the thing ends up anywhere but where it should be.

Issue for the problem: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/127


p.s.: I made her fly. But could not landed her. :D 

Edited by Lisias
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On 7/12/2020 at 11:53 PM, vossiewulf said:

Thanks for the quick and detailed answer, Lisias :) I'll wait for your next release and get both birds with one stone. I'll then look at the other exceptions... annoying, a few weeks ago it was fairly clean, then I made the mistake (I think) to let CKAN update a series of mods with recent updates. In particular, I seem to have rolled forward to a Scansat version from which you can't roll back and it's broken something too.

I almost forgot you.

That's what happened : the release of TweakScaleCompanion for FS (TSC4FS for shorts) was made on... less than ideal conditions (coffee always leads to better code, wine on the other hand...). I managed to make that stunt to work by plain luck.

The fundaments, however, were solid - once I got time to really think on the problem, I detected what I got wrong (usually silly and stupid details) and managed to rewrite it the proper way.

TweakScale Companion for Firespitter is available for downloading. Have fun!!





On 7/12/2020 at 5:28 PM, Azic Minar said:

Is there a way to force support on an item that has buoyancy? Like inflatable floats. I found out after hard writing the support in that its getting removed. 

Now it is!!! :)

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging
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On 7/12/2020 at 5:16 PM, Azic Minar said:

So naming like:

Is the way to go?

CamelCase is nice, but not the only solution. I found that you can use dashes "-".

	name = MFA-myFancyPart
	<yada yada yada>
// Where MFA == My Fancy AddOn


On 7/12/2020 at 5:23 PM, TranceaddicT said:

Underscores are fine. They get translated into dots at some point. It's in skipping straight to dots that causes problems.

That's the reason I prefer to avoid them. You need to remember when to use the underscore and when to use the dots.

Avoiding underscores saves me the trouble to have to remember this stunt.

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5 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

@Lisias just to be clear: if I don't use any of the "companions", TW will affect what parts exactly? Only vanilla stock parts?

Yes, only vanilla and DLC parts will be scaled on a default TS instalment in the future (but not today neither the next minor TweakScale version).

On TweakScale 2.5 there will be no more third parties support on the TS distribution. The 2.4.4.x series will transition from the current paradigm to the new on.

There will be Companions for the current deprecated patches, but updated to modern versions of the target add'on. And there will be a Legacy Companion for the lost ones.

TS will be smart to detect the need of Companions and will ask the user to install them. I would like to add support for automated tools as CKAN (it allows extensions, so I plan to give this a try), and CurseForge (if that guys don't write thier KSP plugin, I will do it using Python).

Edited by Lisias
Better phrasing
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On 7/16/2020 at 1:37 AM, Lisias said:

You are insane. :D 

Thank you sir.  

On 7/16/2020 at 1:37 AM, Lisias said:

The craft takes off and flies magnifically - for a few seconds.

  1. And explodes yet more magnifically on the unplanned splash down! :)

That's a feature... until I can fix it. She used to explode on the runway, so I'm making progress.

On 7/16/2020 at 1:37 AM, Lisias said:

You detected a flaw on TweakScale (not exactly a bug), a missing feature.

Well at least I'm good for something. 

On 7/16/2020 at 1:37 AM, Lisias said:

p.s.: I made her fly. But could not landed her. :D 

Landing is easy; surviving it is hard.

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