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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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16 hours ago, stk2008 said:

So what's the final take away from this.

Still work in progress. Unless someone around here has access to the PDLauncher's Source Code or direct access to the Developers, we just don't know what's expected behaviour and what's a bug. From where I'm looking, it's perfectly possible that PD decided to implement a walled garden on KSP1 the same way they are doing on KSP2, and so only "blessed" (i.e., digitally signed - the PDLauncher is signed, as well its payload on the zip file) add'ons will be allowed to run from there - or it may be just someone royally screwing up things on the depot deployment.

We just don't know.

So we are all working with out best guesses based on knowledge from past similar occurrences. The best ones are figuring out ways to double check their findings (remembering the Forum Rules about modding - see Legal Boundaries) before publishing their own fixes, in a (hopeful) attempt to prevent making things worse.


16 hours ago, stk2008 said:

There is no real solid way to bypass the new launcher and play with mods in a way that causes no issues?

Yes, there's. Just don't use PD Launcher.

Copy the KSP installation to another place, and run KSP_x64.exe from there. If you have KSPe installed, it will yell about the PWD stunt not being correctly set - but this is not mandatory, TweakScale will yell if things go south in a way or another. KSPe only does a specific check, and so a line on KSP.log is added with the problem, what makes the diagnose easier.

POST EDIT: to avoid problems on PD Launcher, just don't do anything, Just use the thing. If you see the need to change who Steam launch KSP somehow, fire it up outside Steam.


16 hours ago, stk2008 said:

Have they also messed with the original. EXE Files because I dont launch from the new launcher nor do I run ksp from steam dir But still feel some how they have messed with the original ksp64.exe file

I didn't had time to fully check TweakScale on KSP 1.12.4 (by more than obvious reasons), so it's perfectly possible you are right on this.

My best advise is to keep a full backup of your KSP 1.12.3 installment, while avoiding PDLauncher on it as it was the plague until we have this thing really sorted out.

EDIT: We have the thing sorted out, PD Launcher IS NOT A PROBLEM.

Usually, things ends up being sorted out in a couple weeks so, unless you have a compeling reason to use 1.12.4 right now, usually it pays off to wait some weeks before migrating.


17 hours ago, TameTheKraken said:

I dont know if this means anything or not. It seems related, so, i decided to just launch directly through the KSP_x64.exe. Well the good news is that, on windows, i no longer have a showstopper error and its not yelling at me anymore. Only thing it is telling me is that the Tweakscale version is outdated. Everything works as it did before. 

As soon as I have all this krap figured out, I will release a new TweakScale version with this pesky "advise" removed. Please report anything else weird in the mean time.


17 hours ago, TameTheKraken said:

In summary, my question now, does this relate to the PDlauncher in anyway? If so, launching from the KSP_x64.exe directly seems to have temporarily managed this, for me at least. 

To the best of my knowledge, all the krapness we are getting until this moment is due the PDLauncher.

EDIT : NOPE. PD Launcher wasn't the problem (not TweakScale, by the way).

It's possible that something else may had changed inside KSP, and sometimes such change ends up hurting an add'on or two - but, right now, I don't have notice of anything "weird" on TweakScale that wasn't there before 1.12.4 (and, so, are not on its shoulders).

Edited by Lisias
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3 hours ago, Gotmachine said:

A workaround is to make a shortcut to KSP_x64.exe, let's say I'm renaming it "KSP_x64_Steam". Then in the steam command line options, point to that shortcut :

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Steam" %command%

This looks promising.

Works Perfectly. Thanks @Gotmachine.. I think. I only tried it once. But tweakscale didnt have a heartattack

Edited by Anth12
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12 hours ago, Anth12 said:

This looks promising.

What will really have the issue fixed is making add'ons not borking when PD Launcher is used - because most people will not go to the extra step of creating a shortcut and then configuring Steam to use the shortcut to launch the game - not to mention Steam features, will the user still have access to the Steam's overlay? Some users like to launch from Steam exactly due the overlay.

Keep in mind that last week Steam KSP users (including the ones that didn't updated to KSP 1.12.4) had a perfectly working game, and suddenly they launched the game and got buried by a ton of problems - including the ones that didn't upgraded to KSP 1.12.3 . PDLaucher was installed for everybody, as it appears. It's so a surprise that people started to try any kind of shenanigans they could think if in order to get their game running on this weekend and salvage it for gaming instead of debugging?

Do you remember your attempts to workaround the problem by moving the TS DLLs out of their place? Why people around the World would not try to do the same tricks, or similar or even completely messed up ones (as copying the contents of the GameData into PDLauncher! I'll be honest, this hadn't crossed my mind…). And later, if things ends up going South, we will have more people losing savegames - and at this point, I'm not sure even if the savegame would be written on the place we think they should in order to backup them.

(Windows machine is available just now).

And, again, all of this would be easily avoided if whoever configured the KSP launching would not had screwed up the PWD on KSP launch - assuming, again, that this was an accident, and not things changing to a walled garden. And, by then, we will have to update everything the same way.

— — POST EDIT — — 

The whole ordeal was a mess. PD Launcher is not a problem. POINT. TweakScale was the one reporting something wrong, not the victim nor the cause of the problem. POINT.

Some dude tried to accomplish something on Steam Launcher, made a mistake, and then a lot of people started to shoot the messenger (TweakScale) and I got involved on the shooting without a gun.

Edited by Lisias
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18 minutes ago, Lisias said:

What will really have the issue fixed is making add'ons not borking when PD Launcher is used - because most people will not go to the extra step of creating a shortcut and then configuring Steam to use the shortcut to launch the game - not to mention Steam features, will the user still have access to the Steam's overlay? Some users like to launch from Steam exactly due the overlay.

Keep in mind that last week Steam KSP users (including the ones that didn't updated to KSP 1.12.4) had a perfectly working game, and suddenly they launched the game and got buried by a ton of problems - including the ones that didn't upgraded to KSP 1.12.3 . PDLaucher was installed for everybody, as it appears. It's so a surprise that people started to try any kind of shenanigans they could think if in order to get their game running on this weekend and salvage it for gaming instead of debugging?

Do you remember your attempts to workaround the problem by moving the TS DLLs out of their place? Why people around the World would not try to do the same tricks, or similar or even completely messed up ones (as copying the contents of the GameData into PDLauncher! I'll be honest, this hadn't crossed my mind…). And later, if things ends up going South, we will have more people losing savegames - and at this point, I'm not sure even if the savegame would be written on the place we think they should in order to backup them.

(Windows machine is available just now).

And, again, all of this would be easily avoided if whoever configured the KSP launching would not had screwed up the PWD on KSP launch - assuming, again, that this was an accident, and not things changing to a walled garden. And, by then, we will have to update everything the same way.

Life unfortunately isn't perfect. Right I am off to add to my posts about the Launcher work around and make a proper post if one hasn't been done yet.

nm theres already a post on the bypass and GotMachine has added a correction

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5 minutes ago, Anth12 said:

Life unfortunately isn't perfect. Right I am off to add to my posts about the Launcher work around and make a proper post if one hasn't been done yet.

Without a doubt. It's up to us to make life better, or perpetuate the pain for everybody else. ;) 

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9 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Without a doubt. It's up to us to make life better, or perpetuate the pain for everybody else. ;) 

I must love the torture of bugs considering I like to figure them out or find work arounds.

Part of that though is to reduce the pain of others :P

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3 hours ago, Anth12 said:

I must love the torture of bugs considering I like to figure them out or find work arounds.

Part of that though is to reduce the pain of others :P

I hate them. It's the reason I choose to solve them, eliminating the pain at first place! ;)

Edited by Lisias
yeah, typo.
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So I just update a game from 1.10.1 to 1.12.3 using Ckan, when I run the updated game a warning message appears saying that tweakscale is not known to work on 1.12.3 (?), indeed all my scaled parts on the game returned to his default size, I hope there is a way to fix this..

log https://www.mediafire.com/file/j1hyj6lxk4byhsu/KSP.log/file


thxs in advance

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7 minutes ago, Makrom said:

So I just update a game from 1.10.1 to 1.12.3 using Ckan, when I run the updated game a warning message appears saying that tweakscale is not known to work on 1.12.3 (?), indeed all my scaled parts on the game returned to his default size, I hope there is a way to fix this..

log https://www.mediafire.com/file/j1hyj6lxk4byhsu/KSP.log/file

Ouch - but apparently you have a pretty old release of TweakScale, I declared 1.12.3 supported on Dec 14th, 2021!

In a way or another, I hope you had made backups of your savegames.

Anyway, let's check your problem:

[LOG 22:44:49.856] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us *******
Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us

OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
Environment Info

Well, no PDLauncher detected. One less problem to worry about.

However, I found this later on your log:

[LOG 22:58:58.349] [TweakScale] WARNING: Duplicate TweakScale module on part [KWFlatadapter3x2] KW Flat Adapter [3:2]
[ERR 22:58:58.356] *RFMEC* Could not find appropriate module of type ModuleEnginesRF, with ID= and index -1

[LOG 22:58:58.357] [RealFuels.ModuleFuelTankRF] MEMLander Area Calcs: DragCube: 21.82 | TotalSpherical: 4.07 | SubTankSpherical: 4.64
[LOG 22:58:58.357] [RealFuels.ModuleFuelTankRF] MEMLander.totalTankArea = 4.64
[EXC 22:58:59.503] ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
        System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.GetFilename () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.CreateLogger (Vessel vessel) (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnStart () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        VesselModule.Start () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Something it pretty wrong on your patching, as having duplicated TweakScale sections on a part is a serious NoNo. But the worst part is the Exception on RealFuels.

Unfortunately, I found this happening on FAR too:

[EXC 23:02:01.542] ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
        System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.GetFilename () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.CreateLogger (Vessel vessel) (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnStart () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        VesselModule.Start () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

These exceptions, if happening on some critical places of the PartModule life cycle can "abort" the full execution of it, and so TweakScale is rendered useless (as it is never called), and so you have unscaled parts.

BUT. It's a wild guess, because I need more information about your case.

Do you have the savegame where things gone south? Do you have a backup os such savegame?

If you can reproduce the problem without MJ2 installed I may be able to detect something else - as I said, MJ2 mangles a bit how KSP logs things and this makes my life harder. You can install it back later, MJ2 is almost surely not the troublemaker, I only need a more "standard" KSP.log to work with.

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5 hours ago, Anth12 said:

Life unfortunately isn't perfect. Right I am off to add to my posts about the Launcher work around and make a proper post if one hasn't been done yet.

You can say it again.

I sourced a Windows machine, submit myself to the utter humiliation of installing and configuring the damned thing - after spending some hours trying to remember how to do basic things on that krap - only to realise Windows 10 completely screwed up the UI (last time I booted Windows, it was still 7).


Oukey. Installed CygWin (can't withhold Windows without it) and Steam Client. Installed KSP. Yes, the PD Launcher was installed. Fired the game, the Laucher was shown and I choose to fire the game and the KSP.log was found on the right place.

Damn. On vanilla it appears to work, it was something I did wrong on KSPe, KSP-Recall or TweakScale?

So I installed the latest releases of (canon) MM, KSP-Recall and TweakScale, fired up KSP again from Steam and braced for impact. Guess what? No problems again, and the KSP.log was found on the right place!

SO… I could not reproduce the problem, it works for me. I don't know if they fixed something on Steam, or if the problem happens only by customizing Steam somehow (I installed everything on Defaults) - but the final result is that I could not reproduce the problem.

Worst. I kinda liked the PD Launcher (shame on me). Have this guys implemented some kind of hook so we can add our DLL for system checks and AddOns updating, and I would fall in love with it for sure. :sticktongue:

I will try to mangle things a bit in order to try to reproduce the problem. Curiously, on the "Win32NT 7FFFFFF Args" line, the PatchLoader.exe file is not mentioned. I didn't fully installed the Windows Machine, it doesn't have a decent browser neither my Forum/Github accounts yet - so I will not upload logs now.

@Anth12, may I suggest to completely uninstall your KSP and reinstall it from scratch? If the problem vanishes, them we have confirmation that they fixed the problem. Otherwise, I would like your help on comparing my box with yours looking for differences that can pinpoint why the thing would be working for me and not for you!


24 minutes ago, Makrom said:

Yeah, I have backups, MJ2 uninstalled, same issues, hope this can help

log https://www.mediafire.com/file/j1hyj6lxk4byhsu/KSP.log/file

Thanks! You can install MJ2 back, I (didn't) found what I thought I would find. Apparently, TweakScale is being loaded allright:

[LOG 00:33:17.195] [KSPe.Light.TweakScale] Version /L
[LOG 00:33:17.230] [TweakScale] Version /L
[ERR 00:33:17.293] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale.PartDB.18x

[LOG 00:33:17.295] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for Scale.PartDB.18x.dll on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\...
[LOG 00:33:17.295] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\Scale.PartDB.18x.dll.
[LOG 00:33:17.327] [TweakScale] Support for KSP 1.8.0 to 1.12.x Version /L

So let's keep digging. And I found some new Exceptions!

[ERR 00:47:11.062] Module KSPWheelSuspension threw during OnStart: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSuspension.postControllerSetup () [0x0002b] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSubmodule.initializeController () [0x00057] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSubmodule.OnStart (PartModule+StartState state) [0x00016] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSuspension.OnStart (PartModule+StartState state) [0x00000] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00120] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0

[ERR 00:47:11.331] Module KSPWheelSuspension threw during OnStart: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSuspension.postControllerSetup () [0x0002b] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSubmodule.initializeController () [0x00057] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSubmodule.OnStart (PartModule+StartState state) [0x00016] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at KSPWheel.KSPWheelSuspension.OnStart (PartModule+StartState state) [0x00000] in <a7d74310cb9149c3813872450a43f727>:0
  at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00120] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0

As well our old friends:

[LOG 00:47:12.132] [RealFuels.ModuleFuelTankRF] MEMLander.totalTankArea = 4.64
[EXC 00:47:13.273] ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
        System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.GetFilename () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.CreateLogger (Vessel vessel) (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnStart () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        VesselModule.Start () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 00:47:13.991] ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
        System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.GetFilename () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.CreateLogger (Vessel vessel) (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnStart () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        VesselModule.Start () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 00:47:14.011] ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
        System.IO.Path.Combine (System.String path1, System.String path2) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.GetFilename () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightDataLogger.CreateLogger (Vessel vessel) (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        FerramAerospaceResearch.FARGUI.FARFlightGUI.FlightGUI.OnStart () (at <21ad72cae05f439aaf4873ff81e9ad5a>:0)
        VesselModule.Start () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        KSPe.Util.Log.UnityLogDecorator:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

I also found some exceptions from Principia, but I was informed that they are not meaningful (that DLLs are native, they do not have Assemblies on it, so they do not trigger the KSP's Assembly Loader/Resolver bug). Found some exceptions from Scatterer, but I was also informed that they are harmless the same.

My best guess is some 3rd party somehow messing up the PartModule life cycle, but this is something that I will only detect by mirroring your installment. Do you use CKAN? If yes, can you send me an export of the installed add'ons? Doing it by hand will be worksome...

Edited by Lisias
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@LisiasWait you aren't having any problems with using the launcher bypass?

I don' remember having any problems if I use KSP on steam without the bypass except that the borderless window command -popupwindow doesn't work.

But if you are using the bypass and having no issues I have a theory why. And this is going to hurt to test.

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4 hours ago, Anth12 said:

@LisiasWait you aren't having any problems with using the launcher bypass?

Bypass? It was my understanding that the PDLauncher itself was the problem. The reports I got were explicit about TweakScale borking when KSP was being launched using the PD Launcher, no one talked squat about bypassing.

So I did the obvious test: got myself a Windows machine borrowed, installed the whole shebang from scratch and launched the damned thing to see what happens - AND EVERYTHING WORKED FINE FROM START.


4 hours ago, Anth12 said:

I don' remember having any problems if I use KSP on steam without the bypass except that the borderless window command -popupwindow doesn't work.

OOOWWWN KRAAAPPPP. (In bold and comic sans.)

So you are telling me that PD Launcher never was the problem, and that this whole drama was due someone trying to mangle the Steam launch to accomplish something else?


4 hours ago, Anth12 said:

But if you are using the bypass and having no issues I have a theory why. And this is going to hurt to test.

Don't bother, our diagnosis was correct. The prognosis was the problem.

I don't know WHY this huge messed up started, but I know HOW it started. Somehow, people managed to launch KSP from the wrong PWD (a similar problem I had on some Linux GUI Shells in the past, by the way).

Everything else was a consequence of pure miscommunication and misjudgement. If the problem only happens after mangling the Steam launching options, why by Kraken's name TweakScale got involved on this mess? If you have a situation where the system is working fine, you change a critical setting and then something else gets screwed, it's not obvious that the problem was the option being changed at first place?

If you mangle the KSP's PWD, it will start to try to load and save things on the wrong places. TweakScale, as a side effect of its own safety checks, were the thing preventing people from get screwed by this problem on the long run.


3 hours ago, Anth12 said:

Reinstalling Steam is what I did. And running KSP with the bypass without using a shortcut still caused Tweakscale not to see the DLLs

So the problem wasn't the PD Launcher. Never was. I have a lot of posts to fix and a lot of explanations to do. And some words to eat, as this time, I WAS THE ONE IN LACK OF JUDGMENT. 

(And, yeah, I'm not happy on this one)


3 hours ago, Anth12 said:

GotMachine is correct about having to change the shortcut. Make sure the shortcut is not KSP_x64 or KSPe will cause an error.

The whole ordeal is wrong at first place, I will check the shortcut stunt and see if the Steam features gets disabled - I remember something about losing the Overlay last time I mangled with the Steam launcher (but it was a long time ago).

And, by last, KSPe is not causing an error. IT IS REPORTING AN ERROR. This is a huge difference, I hope people start to learn about it, people around here needs to learn not to shoot the messenger.

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21 hours ago, ColdJ said:

I think it is actually a number of different problems, but they all got mushed together and confused. You should probably do a slow read of the 2 previous pages before you proceed.

It's exactly what I did.

On every KSP.log that has the following entry on KSP.log:

Environment Info
Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF  Args: KSP_x64.exe C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\PDLauncher\launcherpatcher.exe

the Steam's launching configurations were badly configured, and this was the source of the problem. I didn't dug into this to fully understand why this caused KSP to be launched using the wrong Program Working Directory - this was the problem that triggered the huge krapfest on the whole ordeal to tell you the true.

Using the default configuration does not cause any problem. For people really wanting to get things the other way, adding KSP_x64.exe as an external program solves the issue the easier way. Creating a shortcut and using it on the Steam Launcher will allow you to run the game using "steam://run/220200", but I don't know if this will add any benefit over just adding the KSP as an external program.

All the other reports are real problems, and I will proceed on their diagnosis as usual.

— — post edit — — 

And yeah, I found where it was mentioned bypassing the launcher, but I didn't knew about the Thread, so I took bypassing the launcher as what we were trying to do, and not as some new "technique" to (not) be applied to the Steam Launcher. :/ 

Edited by Lisias
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40 minutes ago, Lisias said:

And, by last, KSPe is not causing an error. IT IS REPORTING AN ERROR. This is a huge difference, I hope people start to learn about it, people around here needs to learn not to shoot the messenger.

I stand corrected ;)

@LisiasI just watched the 2nd Enola Holmes movie with my mother. For some reason I can imagine you as an older Sherlock Holmes letting lose on the simpletons ;)

Pity we will probably never meet. You would be quite interesting to talk to face to face.

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22 minutes ago, Anth12 said:

@LisiasI just watched the 2nd Enola Holmes movie with my mother. For some reason I can imagine you as an older Sherlock Holmes letting lose on the simpletons ;)

What implies you see yourself as simpleton? Too much modesty I say! :)

Real life is way simpler: I'm rarely harsh with users, I'm the one knowing better, it's up to me to explain how things works.

But I agree I tend to be more demanding with people that appears to know more. The more you know, the more I tend to hold you responsible.


27 minutes ago, Anth12 said:

Pity we will probably never meet. You would be quite interesting to talk to face to face.

That would probably end up with bloody noses or with bloody marys. Sometimes both! :D

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11 minutes ago, Lisias said:

That would probably end up with bloody noses or with bloody marys. Sometimes both! :D

Both. We would first both get utterly pastered talking about the PDLauncher bypass tweakscale misunderstanding and then end up walking into doors.

No. The walking into doors doesn't make sense....Someone overhears us and insults us both. We fight that person. No.

We both belong to the same boxing club and then we end up fighting. Afterwards we both get a bloody mary? No.

We meet. I am the windows guy. You are the Mac  guy. We don't get on. We fight. A linux guy breaks us up. We become friends over bloody marys. Thats the most likely. Yeah. Yeah. Good.

All sorted.

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8 hours ago, Lisias said:


My best guess is some 3rd party somehow messing up the PartModule life cycle, but this is something that I will only detect by mirroring your installment. Do you use CKAN? If yes, can you send me an export of the installed add'ons? Doing it by hand will be worksome...

and there you go ...https://www.mediafire.com/file/t8akgc2fz38g5kr/exported-Ksp+1-12-3-RSS.ckan/file

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Okay...I still have the warning message at start loading the game, BUT now sized parts are OK, what I did? I remove the KSPwheel mod that is installed by default by other mods (ROcapsules) as a dependency (and it is a mod that was NOT listed as a dependency on the old version of ROcapsules for 1.10.1, the version from where I update to 1.12.3).

I could n´t remove it using Ckan because it wants to uninstall the other dependent mods so I uninstalled manually and voila! sized parts are ok now, I don´t think that should be a problem, apart for quitting some realism to wheels behaviour..

So maybe there is some incompatibility between KSPwheels and Tweakscale.

But I still have the warning message, dunno why if I have the last version of Tweakscale installed, do you have any clue about how to get rid of it?


thanks in advance

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18 hours ago, Makrom said:

I'm building the testbed at this exact moment - but Internet is slow around here - don't have a clue why. Oh, well.. I survived dial-up, I will survive this. :)


8 hours ago, Makrom said:

Okay...I still have the warning message at start loading the game, BUT now sized parts are OK, what I did? I remove the KSPwheel mod that is installed by default by other mods (ROcapsules) as a dependency (and it is a mod that was NOT listed as a dependency on the old version of ROcapsules for 1.10.1, the version from where I update to 1.12.3).

That's odd, I don't remember any patching about KSPWheels from my side.

In a way or another, while firing up the rig after applying your CKAN file, ModuleManager complained about a fatal error and asked to quit the game. So quit the game I did, but didn't found any error message on KSP.log neither MM ones! But on Player.log I found a MM Exception about missing the MiniAVC-V2.dll. Odd.

I'm still digging using KSPWheels installed for while. I think the problem may be something else, with random DLLs being caught in the crossfire - this had happened before.

— — POST EDIT — — 

Now I'm getting Error Messages from B9PS. Since you didn't complained about it, I'm assuming I may be on the right trend on believing there's something else on the rig screwing up innocent bystanders.

On the other hand, this Windows machine I'm using has only 8GB of memory, what can be a problem - your rig is way more powerfull that this one...

In a way or another, still digging...

I will come back to you soon.

— — POST POST EDIT — — — 

Kopernicus borked on me too. I didn't found any Kopernicus complains on your KSP.log, however...


OUKEY. Found something:

[WRN 23:20:19.271] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' has not met dependency 'RemoteTech' V1.7.0
[WRN 23:20:19.271] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'CC_RemoteTech' is missing 1 dependencies
[WRN 23:20:19.271] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' has not met dependency 'KerbalKonstructs' V0.9.0
[WRN 23:20:19.271] AssemblyLoader: Assembly 'KerKonConConExt' is missing 1 dependencies

Contract Configurator has a hard dependency on RemoteTech and it apparently failed to be loaded. . But it was not installed!

This triggered that nasty KSP Assembly  Loader/Resolver, and by then nothing more works.

The KSP.log your CKAN file generated here is substantially different from the KSP.log you had sent until this moment, by the way. So take what I'm saying here related to a KSP rig built with the CKAN file you just sent, and not to the KSP logs you had sent earlier.

I will install RemoteTech and see what happens. But later, right now I need to give attention to something else.

— — POST EDIT — — 

By installing RemoteTech and Kerbal Konstructs I fixed all dependency problems on the system built by your CKAN. However, the game doesn't loads, it enters into a loop inside Kopernicus - something about missing a Star System?

Well, I will start removing things now, being Kopernicus the first of them. Once I managed to have a working rig, I will be able to identify what's happening.


OUKEY. I removed Kopernicus, and by some reason CKAN removed a lot of add'ons too. B9PS is still complaining, however - but this didn't prevented me from launching a savegame and playing a bit on the Editor.

I found why your crafts lost Scalings, something had completely removed the TweakScale scalings and added its own - very limited, if compared with the default TweakScale ones.

I will work on this new misfeature now, and later I will try to understand why CKAN removed a lot of (apparently) unrelated add'ons when I asked it to removed Kopernicus, and then I will try to diagnose why adding Kopernicus (or some of the add'ons CKAN removed) was preventing me from launching the game correctly.


I'M AN IDIOT! :sticktongue:

There's no problem related to TweakScale on your rig. What's happening is that you had installed Realism Overhaul, and RO has their own rules for scaling. They removed the default Scales from everything, and then added their own - and some parts are not scaled anymore, while others have different scaling rules.

There's nothing to be done about this, it's take it or leave it. If you want to use RO, you need to wave TweakScale as I publish it and embrace TweakScale as they envision it should be used. If you want to use TweakScale the way I publish it, you will need to uninstall RO and play without it. Sorry.


humm… well... I had heard of a fellow Kerbonaut that wanted to play RO using Default TS Scalings, and what he did was edit all the RO CFG files that were removing TweakScale from parts removing the command to remove TweakScale. It's a bit laborious, it's highly prone to errors when done by laykerbals :P and it will surely "void your warranty" on the RO guys.

In a way or another, I consider this aspect of your report as closed/wontfix - I can't further help you on this matter, as I would be intentionally "mangling" other peoples work by their backs.

I will uninstall RO on my rig and try to figure out why all that Exceptions are happening.


So this is what I did to have a working KSP rig using your CKAN file:

  1. Installed RemoteTech to satisfy the ContractConfigurator dependencies
  2. Installed Kerbal Konstructs to satisfy KerKonConConExt dependencies
  3. Removed RealismOverhaul (and anything that was installed due it).

It worths to mention that B9PS stopped yelling on me after removing RO, so I'm pretty sure that one of the things installed due RO was screwing it up. Since this is something related to B9PS and/or RO, I think you should reach them for help to fix this one, assuming you really want to keep RO installed - remember that by installing RO, you will lose your crafts scalings as RO uses a completely different (and incompatible) scaling system.


Edited by Lisias
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