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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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I've made some progress tonight to make my generator of TS config files more flexible. I have still strong enhancements to make because scaling methods are not 100% accurate. For example solar panels with a size (you know the curved ones) for NFS should not be free_square (scaled in %) but stack_square (scaled in meters).

As a reminder the program is designed to support ReStockPlus, ReStockRigidLegs and NFS. It is highly depending on a good governance in the part naming.

A new dev branch is now available https://github.com/xot1643/TS-Restockplus/tree/dev

Files generated in the Config folders are not curated yet and have not been tested at the moment.

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Lisias I have a few questions regarding your TweakScale Companion patch for NFS.

@PART[nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FOR[TweakScaleCompanion_NFS] // K20-K 1+2+1 Concentrating Photovoltaic Panels
       type = free_square

I can see there is no FOR or NEEDS statement for the NearFutureSolar AddOn thus that there is no dependency with this AddOn.

  • Do you consider with the @ that nothing will be done if no nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1 part already exists ?
  • Do you consider there is no problem at all since TweakScaleCompanion_NFS has a CKAN depency with NearFutureSolar so it does expect NearFutureSolar to be present ? Same for the TS AddOn ?
  • It is possible to have multiple NEEDS statement like NEEDS[TweakScale]:NEEDS[NearFutureSolar] or the last NEEDS override the first one ?


Edited by DarkNounours
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3 minutes ago, Ciko said:

Is this mod full working without bugs glitchs with all  vanilla parts 1.8.1 ?

I have never experienced a problem with TweakScale for vanilla parts from 1.4.2.

Be aware that not all vanilla parts are not scalable : there are issues with fairings, docking ports, maybe ladders as well. These parts are currently not supported by TS.

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54 minutes ago, PeteKonrad said:

Hello @Lisias

I hope I'm not being rude by asking, but I could use some help getting a TweakScale fix for the NFS "Orion" solar panels to work (fix courtesy of @Jay The Amazing Toaster. Would it be best to PM you? 

Please consider using the file produced by Lisias here : https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_NFS/blob/master/GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/NFS/patches/NFS_TweakScale.cfg

I don't recommend using mine at the moment (dev branch) as I know scaling methods are not always correct.

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15 minutes ago, DarkNounours said:

Please consider using the file produced by Lisias here : https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_NFS/blob/master/GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/NFS/patches/NFS_TweakScale.cfg

I don't recommend using mine at the moment (dev branch) as I know scaling methods are not always correct.

Great, thank you! Will give this a whirl after work and let you know how I get on. 

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16 hours ago, PeteKonrad said:

Hello @Lisias

I hope I'm not being rude by asking, but I could use some help getting a TweakScale fix for the NFS "Orion" solar panels to work (fix courtesy of @Jay The Amazing Toaster. Would it be best to PM you? 

@DarkNounours already answered part of the question, let me answer the rest. :)

NO, it's never rude to ask for something, at least on this thread. Now and then I have a bad day and end up leaking the Grumpyness Factor™ around here. When it happens, it's because I couldn't control my temper due external events, not because you were rude by asking. Kick my balls at the event, I don't recollect failing to acknowledge it (both the grumpyness, and the balls being kicked! :sticktongue:).

About bugs, if you think you have a bug, there's mainly three possibilities:

  1. TweakScale has a bug. I should fix it.
  2. Something else have a bug, and I can try to diagnose (and sometimes fix it) if I have sparing time.
  3. There's no bug, and so I need to understand why you thought it was a bug, so
    1. I can build a Knowledge Base that can be used by people (including me!) to prevent further misunderstandings in the future
    2. Or I can detect a new feature in need to be implemented (or a current one badly implemented), and so I can do something about.

Of course, it's not rude to say "sorry, can't help" neither. But usually, it's more as a "can't help now, let's try on the weekend/holidays/lazy day?". :)

I don't mind being contacted in private, by email or by github issues. But usually is better to make the initial contact openly here so things can be searched for in the future (and I notice it faster) - even myself am using the Search on this thread nowadays, it's far from uncommon that the subject was already handled in the past and I had forget about! :P 

Edited by Lisias
Of cuorse, a tyop!
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5 hours ago, SovietGamer said:

hi i wanna know if TweakScale is updtae for ksp 1.8.1 if u have it send me the link in a comment.

Hi! The OP has all the information you need (perhaps too much?), but in a nutshell, TweakScale currently works on every KSP from 1.4.0 to the newest 1.9.1 1.9.0, with 1.8.0 presenting a bug on the UI due a mishap on the prefab (fixed on 1.8.1 and forward).

You can download the newest version:


5 hours ago, SovietGamer said:

I like thsi mod is very good and help many others mods.

Thanks! Drop us a post here anytime you need! Cheers!

Edited by Lisias
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23 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

umm... did something happen I don't know about? :o:P  :cool:

Ouch. Time travels usually ends up with me a bit confused for some hours, I wasn't supposed to talk about this yet

Temporal Sickness is a pain in the SAS. :P


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Is there an option to scale a part to 1.875m? I want to use the RK-7 engines (well, the ReStock version, but same thing) on my Soyuz-like launcher, but they're a bit weak, and I was wondering if I could step up their size so that the 1.25m-boattail mode is made into a 1.875m boattail.

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35 minutes ago, Alex33212 said:

Is there an option to scale a part to 1.875m? I want to use the RK-7 engines (well, the ReStock version, but same thing) on my Soyuz-like launcher, but they're a bit weak, and I was wondering if I could step up their size so that the 1.25m-boattail mode is made into a 1.875m boattail.

The part would have to have tweakscale on it, but even then some parts won't ever work with TS. Also, some parts are set as % and others are set to actual size scales. I don't think Restock has TS support, but I could be wrong since I don't use it

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TS doesn't seem to be working correctly for copied Monoprop tanks. Resource scales fine for first/original part, but gives the original amount on copies (ALT+Drag on original) scaled up or down.

Before I go on a massive journey to investigate this further, can anyone confirm if this is happening only for me (ie mod conflict of some kind) or is an issue for everyone?

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On 2/23/2020 at 7:19 PM, Alex33212 said:

Is there an option to scale a part to 1.875m? I want to use the RK-7 engines (well, the ReStock version, but same thing) on my Soyuz-like launcher, but they're a bit weak, and I was wondering if I could step up their size so that the 1.25m-boattail mode is made into a 1.875m boattail.

TL;DR: Yes.

ReStock support is being worked out by a fellow kerbonaut. Stay tuned. :)


On 2/23/2020 at 7:57 PM, Azic Minar said:

I don't think Restock has TS support, but I could be wrong since I don't use it

It has not. It's being implemented by @DarkNounours

What made me realise I missed a post from him! Sorry, dude!


On 2/18/2020 at 5:23 AM, DarkNounours said:

I can see there is no FOR or NEEDS statement for the NearFutureSolar AddOn thus that there is no dependency with this AddOn.

  • Do you consider with the @ that nothing will be done if no nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1 part already exists ?


Nothin will be done if nfs-panel-deploying-concentrator-1x3x1-juice-1 doesn't exists. The "@" means "edit an existing node, or do nothing if it doesn't exists".


On 2/18/2020 at 5:23 AM, DarkNounours said:
  • Do you consider there is no problem at all since TweakScaleCompanion_NFS has a CKAN depency with NearFutureSolar so it does expect NearFutureSolar to be present ? Same for the TS AddOn ?


Relying only on CKAN is not advisable, as there're people that prefers doing it by other means (manually, usually).


On 2/18/2020 at 5:23 AM, DarkNounours said:
  • It is possible to have multiple NEEDS statement like NEEDS[TweakScale]:NEEDS[NearFutureSolar] or the last NEEDS override the first one ?

Only the first one is "executed", and the later ones will be ignored (or at least it's what I was told). You :NEED :P to use the somewhat MM's convoluted syntax for multiple symbols on the same directive, being the reason I avoid it when possible.

With the @ ignoring non-existent parts, I choose to avoid "cluttering" the patch by an otherwise redundant directive.

Of course, if someone decide it's a good idea to name his parts the same as ReStock, we would get some problems on this patch. But it's a compromised between "safety" and "usability".

It's like the 4 point safety belts on racing cars and fighter planes not being used on street cars or airplanes - street cars don't need the extra protection and it would impair the day-to-day use, while on the airplane it would prevent the passenger to be on the safest crash position on an accident. Makes sense to you?

Edited by Lisias
somewhat more friendly emphasis - the way I did sounded a bit... too much impositive. :)
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22 hours ago, AlmightyR said:

TS doesn't seem to be working correctly for copied Monoprop tanks. Resource scales fine for first/original part, but gives the original amount on copies (ALT+Drag on original) scaled up or down.

Before I go on a massive journey to investigate this further, can anyone confirm if this is happening only for me (ie mod conflict of some kind) or is an issue for everyone?

I too am having this issue.  Also scaled parts seem to wander when loading into the world (VAB or flight).  Try loading a craft several times and see if the part starts to appear in an odd location.  Had 4 tanks foating several meters from my lander because I had moved them to overlap the center tank.  Each load they moved a small amount outward until I was left with a VERY stable yet VERY impossible lander.

You are the first I've seen with this same issue.  Hopefully Lisias can give us a fix.  KSP is an addiction and it isn't the same without tweakable parts.

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On 2/23/2020 at 2:57 PM, Azic Minar said:

The part would have to have tweakscale on it, but even then some parts won't ever work with TS. Also, some parts are set as % and others are set to actual size scales. I don't think Restock has TS support, but I could be wrong since I don't use it

Ohhh, I thought TS was like... auto-applied to parts
(also the RK-7 is a Vanilla - well, Making History - part; ReStock just reskins it, as far as I know)

18 hours ago, Lisias said:

TL;DR: Yes.

ReStock support is being worked out by a fellow kerbonaut. Stay tuned. :)

Oooo, excited to see!

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On 2/25/2020 at 2:05 AM, AlmightyR said:

TS doesn't seem to be working correctly for copied Monoprop tanks. Resource scales fine for first/original part, but gives the original amount on copies (ALT+Drag on original) scaled up or down.

I had confirmed this misbehaviour on KSP 1.9.0 using a minimal set of Add'Ons.

It works fine on KSP 1.8.1, however. It's something new introduced on KSP 1.9. :(

Well, new issue on the block. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/96 (thx, ferox!)


3 hours ago, ferox96 said:

I too am having this issue.  Also scaled parts seem to wander when loading into the world (VAB or flight).  Try loading a craft several times and see if the part starts to appear in an odd location.  Had 4 tanks foating several meters from my lander because I had moved them to overlap the center tank.  Each load they moved a small amount outward until I was left with a VERY stable yet VERY impossible lander.

This one I didn't managed to reproduce. I will need a craft file with the problem and your KSP.log (and MM logs and cache too, just in case) in order to try to understand what's happening, how and why!


21 minutes ago, Alex33212 said:

Ohhh, I thought TS was like... auto-applied to parts

Nope. Someone needs to write a "scaling receipt" for a part in order to get it scalable. The way TweakScale works make such receipts a breeze to be made most of the time, however. :)


21 minutes ago, Alex33212 said:

(also the RK-7 is a Vanilla - well, Making History - part; ReStock just reskins it, as far as I know)

Well, I just checked it again and the RK-7 engine is being scaled correctly on a stock KSP. It's probable that ReStock had renamed the part - that would make TweakScale miss it, as the patch is tied to the original part name (do not misunderstand it with the part tittle, that it's what we see on the U.I.).

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging,
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22 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Nope. Someone needs to write a "scaling receipt" for a part in order to get it scalable. The way TweakScale works make such receipts a breeze to be made most of the time, however. :)

Ahhhh, gotcha

22 minutes ago, Lisias said:

Well, I just checked it again and the RK-7 engine is being scaled correctly on a stock KSP. It's probable that ReStock had renamed the part - that would make TweakScale miss it, as the patch is tied to the original part name (do not misunderstand it with the part tittle, that it's what we see on the U.I.).

Well, it's good that it's being scaled on stock; I'm not sure what you mean with the rest, since I was asking if it worked, not asking why it didn't ^^;
(Unless you mean you tested it with ReStock and found it didn't, in which case, thank you for taking the time to test that :D)

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