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[1.8-1.12] Ferram Aerospace Research Continued: v0.16.0.5 "Mader" 03/04/22


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  On 11/24/2020 at 12:19 AM, kcs123 said:

That MM patch will put "Non FAR" text in part title, so you would be able to identify culprit parts from VAB/SPH.




Hey, thanks for that patch.  As many mods I have installed, there are surprisingly few parts that got flagged.  Funny enough, all the new stock prop blades are on the list. Which might explain why I was having such a hard time making a prop plane with them.  

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  On 11/24/2020 at 1:59 AM, eberkain said:

Hey, thanks for that patch.  As many mods I have installed, there are surprisingly few parts that got flagged.  Funny enough, all the new stock prop blades are on the list. Which might explain why I was having such a hard time making a prop plane with them.  


You are welcome. Stock robotics and propelers are discussed earlier in this thread why it can't be supported by FAR. In short (and very rough) explanation, stock robotics and props use mesh transformation instead animations (if I recall terms correctly). Which means, there is no way to create code that will hook up on events when transformations start and stops. So FAR or any other mod that have need to intercept those events and do some custom calculations can't do that properly.  On the other hand, Infernal robotics mod made long time before stock robotics is making animation start/stop calls, so whenever some robotic part stop moving and changing craft shape it "tell" FAR to recalculate lift/drag from voxel shape and wing shape.

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Resized (again) toolbar icon to 64x64
All meshes in TransparentFX layer are ignored for voxelization, previously only visible non-skinned meshes had this check (f6a005d)
Improve async config loading and saving (9e67b32)
Enable debug voxels in flight mode (5560079) with:

@FARConfig:FINAL {
    @Voxelization {
        %debugInFlight = true
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With the new version my aerodynamic center disapeared. Reverted also fixed this one. Can't remember if I could generate lift, not sure I made a single flight fot the time I installed it...
(Thanks for that mod, I keep using it, it is the second major mod I installed :) )

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A question to you all :

I want to build a seaplane (more like a flying boat if I'm corect). I got two of them, and one of them (with mk3 and mk2 parts) can't stop bouncing on water... I don't event know why. With timewarp I am able to stop it, but as soon as I stop timewarp, it start bouncing again, and it increase bouncing. It's on the pitch axes (the plane keep pitching up and down, and more and more).

Do you have any idea why ? Is building seaplane with FAR's water still that difficult ?

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This 2 files don't load from "...\GameData\Custom_FARAeroData.cfg", "...\GameData\Custom_FARConfig.cfg" - Error is in the "KSP.log"

[WRN 00:31:10.438] Config in file 'E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Custom_FARAeroData.cfg' contains an unnamed node. Skipping.
[WRN 00:31:10.438] Config in file 'E:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Custom_FARConfig.cfg' contains an unnamed node. Skipping.




I think this is good to delete the first "{" and last "}"



-edit. Thanks @Beetlecat

Edited by Lumaan
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  On 12/4/2020 at 11:56 AM, Lumaan said:

This 2 files don't load from "...\GameData\Custom_FARAeroData.cfg", "...\GameData\Custom_FARConfig.cfg" - Error is in the "KSP.log"



I think this is good to delete the first "{" and last "}"




In your bottom example, one of the braces is reversed (the first one) -- but it seems like if you match this layout it should be fine:

@FARConfig:FINAL {
    @Voxelization {
        %debugInFlight = true
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/3/2020 at 5:40 PM, Sppion1 said:

A question to you all :

I want to build a seaplane (more like a flying boat if I'm corect). I got two of them, and one of them (with mk3 and mk2 parts) can't stop bouncing on water... I don't event know why. With timewarp I am able to stop it, but as soon as I stop timewarp, it start bouncing again, and it increase bouncing. It's on the pitch axes (the plane keep pitching up and down, and more and more).

Do you have any idea why ? Is building seaplane with FAR's water still that difficult ?


Similar to this question -- is there a potential way to disable/revert FAR's implementation of water interaction altogether? The drag and buoyancy interactions just feel off. I totally get that slamming into the water should destroy a craft, but what we have now is totally weird. Part buoyancy seems almost random, and craft/pods will bounce weirdly, or move as if they're in jell-o.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so I was using this on 1.11 and the convection flux is strange to a little broken. In stock it seems when a part is behind another part the same size or bigger, the parts convection flux goes to zero after some velocity is gained which seems a little strange already. When you add FAR and fly the first stock space plane in a stock game the parts take convection even stranger. One part will be taking no heat from air while the symmetrical opposite part takes a ton. In my game I tried using an inflatable heat shield. It protected my entire hull but not the nose cone it was attached to. I tried putting more parts in between the shield and the nose but only a few made it work and didn't work with my design. I also have a line of parts on the bottom of the hull that seem to either take zero flux or so much they explode. As seen in this pic every part that looks hot or hotter is taking convection flux. Every part that not white hot is taking none. Yes the right rudder is over heating while the left (built with symmetry) is taking no heat from convection.srKf7gS.jpg

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  On 12/30/2020 at 8:37 PM, SpaceFoon said:

Hey so I was using this on 1.11 and the convection flux is strange to a little broken. In stock it seems when a part is behind another part the same size or bigger, the parts convection flux goes to zero after some velocity is gained which seems a little strange already. When you add FAR and fly the first stock space plane in a stock game the parts take convection even stranger. One part will be taking no heat from air while the symmetrical opposite part takes a ton. In my game I tried using an inflatable heat shield. It protected my entire hull but not the nose cone it was attached to. I tried putting more parts in between the shield and the nose but only a few made it work and didn't work with my design. I also have a line of parts on the bottom of the hull that seem to either take zero flux or so much they explode. As seen in this pic every part that looks hot or hotter is taking convection flux. Every part that not white hot is taking none. Yes the right rudder is over heating while the left (built with symmetry) is taking no heat from convection.srKf7gS.jpg


I've seen some general thermal weirdness affecting mods resulting from this last update, but I'll note that FAR doesn't claim compatibility with KSP 1.11 yet so I'd wait for a release.

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  On 12/31/2020 at 11:50 PM, jandcando said:

I've seen some general thermal weirdness affecting mods resulting from this last update, but I'll note that FAR doesn't claim compatibility with KSP 1.11 yet so I'd wait for a release.


Oh yea for sure, I'm just glad it works at all with being 2 version behind. I used radiators inside a payload bay to get around this.

Edit: Found another problem with using FAR with 1.11. Its really weird you like hit the water 30 meters before you hit the water. It makes splashing noises and splashing FX on your wings or whatever but its not as dense as the actual water and it prevents you from pulling up due to drag but you can't hit the actual water either. Just kinda stuck bouncing. If you hit the weird barrier hard enough you can go though the water though but if I live I just bounce back up.

Edited by SpaceFoon
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  On 1/4/2021 at 9:18 PM, SpaceFoon said:

Oh yea for sure, I'm just glad it works at all with being 2 version behind. I used radiators inside a payload bay to get around this.

Edit: Found another problem with using FAR with 1.11. Its really weird you like hit the water 30 meters before you hit the water. It makes splashing noises and splashing FX on your wings or whatever but its not as dense as the actual water and it prevents you from pulling up due to drag but you can't hit the actual water either. Just kinda stuck bouncing. If you hit the weird barrier hard enough you can go though the water though but if I live I just bounce back up.


odd.   only issues I've had with it are:

1. editor functions are completely not working - static aero calculations, etc, everything reads zero inside sph/vab's FAR menu.  Not a critical problem unless you're having design difficulties.  Test pilots get a little extra hazard pay...
2. airspeed settings (I set mine to IAS/kts, like in real life, since I'm a pilot), they work at first, but if you go to space and come back, it locks the units at m/s and ignores the FAR units setting for the airspeed.  Annoying but not critical

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So I'm having issues with some parts.. and I honestly don't know what is causing it..

It seems like stock stuff like "wing connector C" for example is not giving proper amounts of lift.. I need to be going at something like 100m/s before it starts generating any type of lift what so ever.

like-wise, the drag factor on stuff seems to be completely over kill.

Example: Due to how the science is on stock stuff, I have to have a thermometer and Barometer on the outside of my rocket. However, even with wings and rudders/ailerons, etc. on my rocket... the drag from these tiny parts is enough to drag the entire rocket back into the ground by the time I reach 150m/s my rocket is uncontrollable as it gets dragged in the direction of the science equipment. Which seems completely ludicrous. This also seems to happens even if I have the bulb of the probe in front of the science equipment. I thought Ferram was supposed to identify whether a part should be causing drag or not if another part is in front of it.

I know this is going on, because if I add 4 of them in a properly balanced layout on all 4 sides, the pull in 1 direction stops.

Additionally if I put a comms unit on the top of my plane, the plane constantly wants to flip end over end by the time I hit 100m/s because of the drag factor on the comms unit.



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  On 1/6/2021 at 6:05 PM, LadyAthena said:

So I'm having issues with some parts.. and I honestly don't know what is causing it..

It seems like stock stuff like "wing connector C" for example is not giving proper amounts of lift.. I need to be going at something like 100m/s before it starts generating any type of lift what so ever.

like-wise, the drag factor on stuff seems to be completely over kill.

Example: Due to how the science is on stock stuff, I have to have a thermometer and Barometer on the outside of my rocket. However, even with wings and rudders/ailerons, etc. on my rocket... the drag from these tiny parts is enough to drag the entire rocket back into the ground by the time I reach 150m/s my rocket is uncontrollable as it gets dragged in the direction of the science equipment. Which seems completely ludicrous. This also seems to happens even if I have the bulb of the probe in front of the science equipment. I thought Ferram was supposed to identify whether a part should be causing drag or not if another part is in front of it.

I know this is going on, because if I add 4 of them in a properly balanced layout on all 4 sides, the pull in 1 direction stops.

Additionally if I put a comms unit on the top of my plane, the plane constantly wants to flip end over end by the time I hit 100m/s because of the drag factor on the comms unit.




Do you get stock arrow lift indicator on craft when you put culprit part on craft ? If you have those instead of just blue ball, then that is indication that such part does not have proper MM patches for it. Usually all of stock parts are covered by FAR config files, but it is possible that squad have changed some part or module names in latest release. I didn't yet downloaded last KSP release and played it yet, so, can't help you more about it.

There is MM patch on previous page that can help you to identify problematic parts, if it is same case.

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  On 1/9/2021 at 4:02 AM, Drew Kerman said:

there's a problem here, !@MODULE should be just !MODULE. I copied this to use for a similar purpose for another mod and found numerous false positives until I made this change


That is good to know. I no longer recall original author of that patch (it was posted somewhere on forums long time ago) and I didn't encountered such issue, so I didn't noticed.

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I'm trying on 1.11, and I find sometimes my center of lift indicator gets stuck, in the sense that it will stay in the same place no matter what parts I add or remove. I can get it un-stuck by exiting the editor completely and going back into it. I don't recall seeing this when playing on previous KSP versions.

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  On 1/13/2021 at 4:52 PM, BTAxis said:

I'm trying on 1.11, and I find sometimes my center of lift indicator gets stuck, in the sense that it will stay in the same place no matter what parts I add or remove. I can get it un-stuck by exiting the editor completely and going back into it. I don't recall seeing this when playing on previous KSP versions.


That was happening to me on the 1.10 version too. Wasn't too inconvenient as you could just click the buttons to show/hide them and they would change.

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  On 1/13/2021 at 9:53 PM, JebIsDeadBaby said:

@BTAxis - yeah, can confirm, had the same problem too (I switched back to 1.10 since then though). Do you also have log spam in VAB after adding something to the scene (for me it was Mk1 pod)? Mine was so intense that my frame rate was dropping to 15 fps. 


I haven't checked the log, but I did not notice any impact on my frame rate.

  On 1/13/2021 at 10:46 PM, SpaceFoon said:

That was happening to me on the 1.10 version too. Wasn't too inconvenient as you could just click the buttons to show/hide them and they would change.


Hmm, that doesn't work for me, I actually have to exit the VAB/SPH and reload it. Sometimes, the CoL ceases to work altogether (I can't get it to show up at all), but that's relatively rare. It seems to be related to deleting parts, but so far I haven't been able to reliably reproduce the behavior.

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