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Flags lost. I am a bit disgusted by Squad

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This needs to be said and this needs to be talked about. [snip] To start I am a huge fan of the game, I am glad there coming up with new updates and new features which is pretty exciting to see the progression of the game. However there is a downfall to this which I am about to talk about. When I updated to KSP v1.5 I loaded the flags that I planted and now there lost forever. What the hell. If the game aint broken, dont fix it. I can plant flags but I cannot load them or risk loosing them. I am pretty sure at least some of you when you load your flag, the game think its crashing and you cannot even switch vessels as to before you could. OI am pretty shocked noone is talking about this.

What is this? First the map had lines in between which they did fix, and now my vessels flys off drastically whenever I parachute it in some parts on the water, now this? Notch please make your game stable already, do you even test it? This is horrible and it does make me want to quit the game. On one hand I love the game, on the other these little updates are whats destroying it. Its like minecraft all over again, the game is practically unplayable now because of the bugs and render. I feel this game is becoming exactly like the direction minecraft is going and is why I quit it long time ago.  Sure I could not update but I feel like id be missing out on new features. 


Please devote your whole time in testing your game in low end computers and make sure its at least playable before you add new features, not after. Its getting really annoying and frustrating. At least my computer can play it but I heard people having lag times more often. You should not need a high end computer to play this game.

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Nobody's talking about it because to the best of my knowledge this is not happening to anybody. I never bother with flags so can't comment personally.

When you say they're gone, are they literally not there when you load the scene or are you not seeing them in the map? I ask because you can filter them out.

I do however use parachutes all the time and my parts never fly off in all directions, water involved or not.

Notch does not work on KSP. Heck he doesn't even work on Minecraft anymore.

As of this most recent update they have stopped doing "little updates" and are instead only updating every 3 months. I don't know if this will make things better for you but you did ask for it.

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14 minutes ago, ShadowElite said:

No I am not using any mods. I play solely vanilla. I took a screenshot of my issue. Hopefully its self explanatory.


That looks like it's inside a mission, not a regular saved game?

Keep in mind that what is crystal clear for you is not so clear for us; we have to work with the very limited information that is provided.

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to explain simply. I have flags planted in my save file that whenever I load them in tracking station. There preload in flight mode, not landed. In other words if I leave them, they get considered as crashing. In other words they get lost completely.

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How old is your save? What version is it from? Was it in 32 bit mode? Does this happen in a new save made in this version?

It's very possible that something changed if you changed versions. If so, then I'm not sure what can be done though I bet there's a way to go into the save and mark the flags as landed manually.

Most important: Did you keep a backup of your save before the problem started?

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To answer your question. Its a pretty old save. I think its from 1.2 or something. I do backup my files but I choose not to revert which is my own choice. Luckily I can replant them where they were. The issue I guess is I cannot view them on game or risk loosing them. Plus I also heard 1.3 hopper, pod and parachute are not enough to stop crashing to ground. Little off topic but for new players, this would really throw them off. Squad really does need to get it together and make their game playable to players. Stuff like this is very disturbing to hear especially when fixes and design should have been thought of long time ago.

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6 hours ago, ShadowElite said:

To answer your question. Its a pretty old save. I think its from 1.2 or something. I do backup my files but I choose not to revert which is my own choice. Luckily I can replant them where they were. The issue I guess is I cannot view them on game or risk loosing them. Plus I also heard 1.3 hopper, pod and parachute are not enough to stop crashing to ground. Little off topic but for new players, this would really throw them off. Squad really does need to get it together and make their game playable to players. Stuff like this is very disturbing to hear especially when fixes and design should have been thought of long time ago.

A. You can't exactly blame Squad for your decision to keep the same save since 1.2.

B. Flags work fine in my game.

C. 1.3? We're on 1.5.

D. That's not true, The first SRB+Command Pod+Parachute still works fine, I just did it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A: I dont blame squad for using old save file. However I tested it on other newer save files and it still persist

B: They might work fine for high end computers. But you should not need high end computers. Plus did you even listen to what Ive said? They worked very well before and somehow the game thinks flags are crashing so I cant switch out of it.

C: [snip]  the flea rocket+Command Pod+parachute will crash due to parachute destroyed by heating. This is for new players who are just starting there science. ( I was wrong about this one)

Right now the flag that I replanted somehow got missing again. This issue needs to be fix and no im not gonna ignore it. Squad you better have  a stable game otherwise I am quitting and I am sure others will as well.

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On 11/27/2018 at 4:28 PM, ShadowElite said:

C: [snip]  the flea rocket+Command Pod+parachute will crash due to parachute destroyed by heating. This is for new players who are just starting there science

Could you maybe record a video or something of it and send it to us so we can see what's going on?

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On 11/27/2018 at 4:28 PM, ShadowElite said:

A: I dont blame squad for using old save file. However I tested it on other newer save files and it still persist

B: They might work fine for high end computers. But you should not need high end computers. Plus did you even listen to what Ive said? They worked very well before and somehow the game thinks flags are crashing so I cant switch out of it.

C: [snip] the flea rocket+Command Pod+parachute will crash due to parachute destroyed by heating. This is for new players who are just starting there science.

A: You're pretty much the only person experiencing this issue. Otherwise we'd be seeing a lot more complaint threads, I loaded up flags in my save which is fairly old; since 1.3.1 and they were fine.

B: It's not an issue of high vs. low end computers. Something is borked with your save likely because it's old. It's time to start a new save.

C: I'm literally uploading a vid of me doing it to YouTube right now to prove it to you. I didn't change the parachute settings, nothing but Flea, Command Pod, and Parachute. It works the same as it always did, I have no idea where you are getting this idea that it suddenly doesn't work?

D: Here ya go.

[snip - sorry folks, moderators had to snip a pretty good YouTube video, simply because of the title containing profanity.  Please don't use profanity, because that forces us to snip it, which is a shame because the video was pretty good. :(  @Rocket In My Pocket, feel free to restore the video here, if you can remove the profanity from it first.  Thanks, the moderator team.]


@Snark Sorry about that, I was just being flippant with the name. Although the video has already served it's purpose, I've removed the profanity, and re-posted it anyways just on the off chance that it benefits someone having issues with the starter launch in 1.5.1 at some point. (Plus, that bit were Jeb was waving at the end was totally unintended and hilarious.) I'd also like to point out that I was wrong about nothing having changed, the aerodynamics of the new Flea seem to let it go quite a bit higher and faster than before, but as you can see in the video it's still entirely doable, you just have to be more careful now.

Don't mind Jeb's arm twitching at the end, he's waving, he's fine. I promise.

Edited by Deddly
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On 11/28/2018 at 6:49 PM, ShadowElite said:

I apologize for the flea rocket. It did worked on a fresh install. However regardless the issue is the flag. It seems I have this problem and it seems random. Now I am really curious to what this is. Please take a look at it.

I watched the video. Yes, it looks like it might be a bug. It could be the terrain detail setting.

Ordinarily, I'd be very happy to spend 30-60 min of my own time trying to help you solve this problem, but I've known and respected the other people in this thread for years. After your commentary upthread [snip], I don't care.

Good luck.

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[snip] Ive already stopped playing this game till they release the next patch. If they dont fix it within the next patch then I am gonna stop entirely and im not the only one. [snip]

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[snip] We've just taken time out of our day to try and help you. (That Command Pod test video took me like an hour or two to upload to YouTube btw.)

On 12/2/2018 at 12:26 AM, ShadowElite said:

Ive already stopped playing this game till they release the next patch. If they dont fix it within the next patch then I am gonna stop entirely and im not the only one.

You can do what you want, but you're only hurting yourself. You already bought the game, Squad has your money, and it's a singleplayer game, so [snip].


No one else is experiencing your problem, you may literally be the only player in the world currently experiencing this bug and we've told you the only fix we can suggest which is to start a new save. [snip]


For my part, I'm with @FleshJeb; I don't think there is anything more to be gained from this thread; get off your ancient save file, or keep dealing with the flag issue. Best of luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks,

Some content has been removed from this thread, because discussion got acrimonious to the point of being openly insulting and disrespectful to one another.

Folks, please play nice.  We're all friends here.  We all want everyone to be able to play the game and have fun, which means we're all on the same side and there's no call for anyone to be rude or disrespectful to everyone else.

I can summarize the discussion thus far as:

  • @ShadowElite appears to be running into a legitimate bug in the stock game that is significantly impacting his ability to enjoy the game.
  • Various kind people here have done their best to try to help and provide the best suggestions they can.  Some have taken significant time and effort to try to help.
  • ShadowElite does not currently have a solution for the problem that he's happy with.  That's unfortunate for him and of course he's unhappy about that.  But also, of course that's not the fault of any of the kind, helpful people who have spent their personal time trying to help-- after all, they're not magicians.  Since they can't reproduce his problem themselves (nor has anyone here seen anyone else with this problem), naturally it's not their fault if they can't wave a magic wand and make the problem go away.

All of which is perfectly reasonable.  What's not reasonable is for anyone here to be getting mad or rude at anyone else.  So, let's play nice, okay?  If you're unhappy with something, just walk away.  There's no call for angry ranting at each other.

Okay, unlocking the thread now.  I trust we can all behave ourselves like civil adults?  Thank you for your understanding.

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On 12/17/2018 at 1:59 PM, Snark said:

Hi folks,

Some content has been removed from this thread, because discussion got acrimonious to the point of being openly insulting and disrespectful to one another.

Folks, please play nice.  We're all friends here.  We all want everyone to be able to play the game and have fun, which means we're all on the same side and there's no call for anyone to be rude or disrespectful to everyone else.

I can summarize the discussion thus far as:

  • @ShadowElite appears to be running into a legitimate bug in the stock game that is significantly impacting his ability to enjoy the game.
  • Various kind people here have done their best to try to help and provide the best suggestions they can.  Some have taken significant time and effort to try to help.
  • ShadowElite does not currently have a solution for the problem that he's happy with.  That's unfortunate for him and of course he's unhappy about that.  But also, of course that's not the fault of any of the kind, helpful people who have spent their personal time trying to help-- after all, they're not magicians.  Since they can't reproduce his problem themselves (nor has anyone here seen anyone else with this problem), naturally it's not their fault if they can't wave a magic wand and make the problem go away.

All of which is perfectly reasonable.  What's not reasonable is for anyone here to be getting mad or rude at anyone else.  So, let's play nice, okay?  If you're unhappy with something, just walk away.  There's no call for angry ranting at each other.

Okay, unlocking the thread now.  I trust we can all behave ourselves like civil adults?  Thank you for your understanding.


I apologize for this as well. Your right about everything you said. I wish I could have titled this and chose my words differently howevefr I chose not to continue this and just focus on the bugs. I appreciate with all the features and updates this game has and appreciate of someone is spending the time to fix it. I am just a bit annoyed that before the update, I never had any flag issues and after the update, it just started. Thats where I got a bit annoyed. So something appears different and I have been trying to experiment to what it is.I could be the the framless window setting which was changed on launcher, before it was on, now it was off. I turned back on and that seemed to work so far. I dont know what it does but somehow it seems to fix it. This problem has been so random and confusing to me. I am glad I took a break from it. I will still play this game.

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@ShadowElite I had a problem involving one of my flags disappearing and I thought that I would share the solution. This is just one of those random bugs that pops up now and then and as KSP's codebase is rather messy, it's quite difficult for SQUAD to fix.

Now, onto the solution:

1. Find a previous version of your save's persistent.sfs file (it should be under KSP > saves > your savegame) that has the flag(s) in it.

2. Open up the current version of your save's persistent.sfs. Find the segment in the old version containing the data for the vessel. It should start with:


and end with 


Leave the next VESSEL segment as it is, including the bracket just before 'VESSEL'.

3. Copy and paste that into the current save.

4. Enjoy your flags brought back from the dead.

I do hope that made sense. Please ask if you don't understand! :D

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1 hour ago, RealKerbal3x said:

@ShadowElite I had a problem involving one of my flags disappearing and I thought that I would share the solution. This is just one of those random bugs that pops up now and then and as KSP's codebase is rather messy, it's quite difficult for SQUAD to fix.

Now, onto the solution:

1. Find a previous version of your save's persistent.sfs file (it should be under KSP > saves > your savegame) that has the flag(s) in it.

2. Open up the current version of your save's persistent.sfs. Find the segment in the old version containing the data for the vessel. It should start with:


and end with 


Leave the next VESSEL segment as it is, including the bracket just before 'VESSEL'.

3. Copy and paste that into the current save.

4. Enjoy your flags brought back from the dead.

I do hope that made sense. Please ask if you don't understand! :D

But make backups of your save first! If you do this wrong it won't end well.

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