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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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2 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

@Galileo is correct, but I've inspected the PQSMods and do not see any updating of the textures. The color is currently provided by VertexSimplexNoiseColor, which is currently configured to provide a reddish tint in your config. Remove VertexSimplexNoiseColor entirely and instead add:

	enabled = true
	order = 9999999

Replace FILEPATH with a filepath to your planet's color map.

Also, seeing as you are editing a config made by @KillAshley and seemingly have very little knowledge of Kopernicus (please don't hate me if I'm wrong), may I ask, are you new to Kopernicus modding? Because it seems that you are diving in head-first and know very little of the PQSMods specifically, while the PQS is the most important part of the planet.


It is very true that I'm new and only starting. But thank you for the help  


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3 minutes ago, WolfyAnimations said:
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It is very true that I'm new and only starting. But thank you for the help  


You know, I have written several guides as well as made several videos covering Kopernicus, they should teach you the basiscs of planet making.

Here they are:

First off, the written guides.


And the video guides (don't ask me why this text is in bold, glitch probably.)

Here you go. As I said, these guides should be able to teach you the basics, up to the point where you will be able to write configs yourself.

Hope this helps,


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46 minutes ago, WolfyAnimations said:

Wait if you put .dss instead of .dds it matters I never new that.:) tnx 

yeah dds is a image file. a dss file is an audio file saved by a digital voice recorder which definitely isnt what you are trying to do

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Announcement, to any who are interested in planet modding.

World Building with Gregrox
A Kopernicus Livestream


I will be doing a livestream wherein I design and build a planet for Kopernicus plugin. The resulting body will probably be put into the upcoming planet pack The Holy System of the VerniansThe stream is going to cover how to make a Kopernicus planet in my stockalike art style.



The stream will take place this Saturday (August 27th, 2016), somewhere between 9:00AM and 8:00PM EDT (1:00PM-12:00AM GMT). The exact time is yet to be decided, and the stream is not likely to last more than four hours.


Me, GregroxMun. Creator of several Kopernicus mod projects. My current main projects are Revamped Stock Solar System and The Holy System of the Vernians.

So far it looks like in addition to me and whoever else wants to watch, we could have Kopernicus developer Thomas in the chat for some of the time, as well as GalacticNeighbor (Sigma88). This is not a guarantee, of course. They are real people with real schedules of their own, so this is subject to change. Of course, hopefully you'll be content watching the stream itself.

Generally I have 4 regulars. Me, the streamer; Nightbot, the auto-modderator; GalacticNeighbor, who is also known as Sigma88; and someone who accidentally clicked on my channel link.


My twitch channel at http://www.twitch.tv/gregroxmun. If you want a little preview of what my streams are like, here's a little sample.


Several Reasons:

  • I used to love streaming myself playing Kerbal Space Program. But when I started modding the game, my love for playing the game diminished. I still play sometimes, but I mod a lot more of the time. And I do miss streaming, and I'm sure some of my viewers miss me as well.
  • Some people have asked me how I make planets the way I do, or how I make gas giant textures.
  • I asked on Twitter if people would watch a livestream of building a planet, and no one voted no.


I intend to show more or less the full process of making a Kopernicus Planet, and the steps involved. I will cover the following:

  • Tools that I use to make planets.
  • Creation of Kopernicus config files and usage of Module Manager as it applies to Kopernicus.
  • General Worldbuilding tips and formulas/equations.
  • Heightmap texture creation.
  • Exporting of maps using KittopiaTech.
  • Customizing of exported textures.
  • Usage and customization of PQSMods and other Kopernicus features.
  • Practical use of all of these in creating a planet.
  • Debugging planets.

Note that I will not cover all of this at the same detail. The assumption is that you already know or can figure out how to do some basic stuff with Kopernicus. I won't stop and explain everything perfectly. This isn't scripted after all, and I'm probably going to make a few mistakes along the way. I don't always get everything right the first time, and I'm sure other modders don't either. Also note that I do sometimes do things a little differently than other Kopernicus modders or the way other tutorials teach things.


  • I am not a professional streamer. That said, I have a decent internet and a fairly good setup. There will be some lag or stuttering in all likelihood, but I will endeavor to cut it down as much as possible. Don't come in with KSPTV expectations, you will be disappointed.
  • If after about an hour no one is watching, I will consider ending much earlier. It's easier to do planet building when you're not streaming, so if there's no one watching, there's no benefit to continuing.
  • I am trying to maximize viewership, which is why I'm writing an announcement post in the first place. I usually don't announce my streams in advance.
  • There are a couple of things I'm not sure about, and I would like you opinion on them.

What is the best time for you to watch me stream? (Twitter Poll Here)

  • Times are in Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4)

What do you want me to build? (Straw Poll Here)

  • Gas Giant textures take much less time and the stream will probably last much less time.
  • Some of these are harder than others.


I've been GregroxMun, and I'll see y'all later.

Edited by GregroxMun
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15 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

@Galileo is correct, but I've inspected the PQSMods and do not see any updating of the textures. The color is currently provided by VertexSimplexNoiseColor, which is currently configured to provide a reddish tint in your config. Remove VertexSimplexNoiseColor entirely and instead add:

	enabled = true
	order = 9999999

Replace FILEPATH with a filepath to your planet's color map.

Also, seeing as you are editing a config made by @KillAshley and seemingly have very little knowledge of Kopernicus (please don't hate me if I'm wrong), may I ask, are you new to Kopernicus modding? Because it seems that you are diving in head-first and know very little of the PQSMods specifically, while the PQS is the most important part of the planet.

I have replaced vertex simple noise color with vertex color map and the planet does not apear                    BTW my planet is in between kerbin and duna ALgGs4H.jpg

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Im making a planet called Leasa, and I can get it to appear. but it wont show its surface (I assumed that it was too far from the sun to have sunlight catch onto its surface, due to it having a 11257 AU orbit.) Can you help fix it?


        name = Leasa
            exportMesh = true
            update = true
        cacheFile = Hagito/Cache/Leasa.bin
            name = Jool
            referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 35.2
            eccentricity = 0.01
         semiMajorAxis = 9999999999
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 114
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 347
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.18,0.17,0.39,1
            description = TEST
            radius = 51685000
            geeASL = 0.65
         rotationPeriod = 172500
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 265000 270000 275000 300000 350000 600000 800000

                flyingLowDataValue = 1.8
                flyingHighDataValue = 1.7
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 0.8
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 0.75
                recoveryValue = 1
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 180000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 6000000
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 0

                texture = Hagito/KopernicusFiles/Leasa/PluginData/Leasa_color.dds
                shininess = 0
                specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

                rimPower = 1.7
                rimBlend = 1.5

                    0.0 = 0.25, 0.3, 0.45, 1.0
                    0.5 = 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0
                    0.7 = 0.2,0.175,0.15,1.0
                    0.95 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
                    1.0 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
            ambientColor = 0.243, 0.255, 0.251, 1.0

            lightColor = 0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0

            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
            altitude = 265000.0
            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.000179999990016222
                key = 0 1722.525 -3.82676928301887E-02 -3.82676928301887E-02
                key = 13250 1215.4779 -3.00547169811321E-02 -3.00547169811321E-02
                key = 26500 926.0747733 -1.77258679245283E-02 -1.77258679245283E-02
                key = 39750 745.7422867 -1.26672645283019E-02 -1.26672645283019E-02
                key = 53000 590.39232 -1.07806096603774E-02 -1.07806096603774E-02
                key = 66250 460.0561533 -8.96184188679245E-03 -8.96184188679245E-03
                key = 79500 352.9034533 -7.31650105660377E-03 -7.31650105660377E-03
                key = 92750 266.1688867 -5.87985864150943E-03 -5.87985864150943E-03
                key = 106000 197.0872333 -4.65190950943396E-03 -4.65190950943396E-03
                key = 119250 142.8932733 -3.63266264150943E-03 -3.63266264150943E-03
                key = 132500 100.8216733 -2.82212060377359E-03 -2.82212060377359E-03
                key = 145750 68.1071 -2.22027698113208E-03 -2.22027698113208E-03
                key = 159000 41.98433333 -1.72029735849057E-03 -1.72029735849057E-03
                key = 172250 22.51922 -1.03904859622642E-03 -1.03904859622642E-03
                key = 185500 14.44954667 -4.22108845283019E-04 -4.22108845283019E-04
                key = 198750 11.33333333 -2.36421886792453E-04 -2.36421886792453E-04
                key = 212000 8.184366667 -2.341852E-04 -2.341852E-04
                key = 225250 5.127426667 -2.14067464150943E-04 -2.14067464150943E-04
                key = 238500 2.51158 -1.67596520754717E-04 -1.67596520754717E-04
                key = 251750 0.68612 -9.47766037735849E-05 -9.47766037735849E-05
                key = 265000 0 -5.1782641509434E-05 -5.1782641509434E-05
            temperatureSeaLevel = 243.49
                key = 0 243.49 -0.002421383774 -0.002421383774
                key = 31800 179.5339024 -0.0003429655849 -0.0003419083774
                key = 55650 179.5339024 0.0003419083774 0.0003419083774
                key = 82150 225.2168293 0.0001868733585 0.0001868733585
                key = 148400 225.2168293 -0.0002577087925 -0.0002577087925
                key = 212000 155.446541 -0.0003429655849 -0.0003429655849
                key = 238500 155.446541 0.0001787828302 0.0001787828302
                key = 265000 191.1622838 0.0002621147547 0.0002621147547
                key = 397500 0 -0.0001696638113 -0.0001696638113
                key = 0 1 0 0
                key = 20384.61539 0.5 -0.00002264150943 -0.00003873392453
                key = 22461.86885 0 0 0
                key = 40897.61306 0 0 0
                key = 96519.72691 0.2 0 0
                key = 146361.8646 0.2 0 0
                key = 186090.3384 0 0 0
                key = 265000 0.4 0 0


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I am running version 1.1.2 of KSP, as there are many new bugs with 1.1.3.

I have tried both the 1.1.3-1 and 1.1.2 github releases of Kopernicus

Both result in an error saying that Kopernicus is not compatible with 1.1.2 version of KSP, and it is automatically disabled/not used

I have a heavy mod list but I don't think that it is at fault for this strange thing





Communityresourcepack (TAC LS)


ContractConfigurator - with some packs





Kopernicus, however, does not work

ModularFlightintegrator (Kopernicus)

Docking port alignment indicator

New_Horizons (Requires kopernicus so does nothing)






Texturereplacer - for more kerbal hairs




If I am doing something wrong please tell me. Otherwise Kopernicus is evidently not compatible


PS. all mods installed manually. and of course I have modulemanager

Edited by Pavel ☭
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Hello? Can you guys help out with my planet Leasa? Its surface wont show...


        name = Leasa
            exportMesh = true
            update = true
        cacheFile = Hagito/Cache/Leasa.bin
            name = Jool
            referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 35.2
            eccentricity = 0.01
         semiMajorAxis = 9999999999
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 114
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 347
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.18,0.17,0.39,1
            description = TEST
            radius = 51685000
            geeASL = 0.65
         rotationPeriod = 172500
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 265000 270000 275000 300000 350000 600000 800000

                flyingLowDataValue = 1.8
                flyingHighDataValue = 1.7
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 0.8
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 0.75
                recoveryValue = 1
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 180000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 6000000
            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 0

                texture = Hagito/KopernicusFiles/Leasa/PluginData/Leasa_color.dds
                shininess = 0
                specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

                rimPower = 1.7
                rimBlend = 1.5

                    0.0 = 0.25, 0.3, 0.45, 1.0
                    0.5 = 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0
                    0.7 = 0.2,0.175,0.15,1.0
                    0.95 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
                    1.0 = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
            ambientColor = 0.243, 0.255, 0.251, 1.0

            lightColor = 0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 1.0

            enabled = true
            oxygen = true
            altitude = 265000.0
            atmosphereMolarMass = 0.000179999990016222
                key = 0 1722.525 -3.82676928301887E-02 -3.82676928301887E-02
                key = 13250 1215.4779 -3.00547169811321E-02 -3.00547169811321E-02
                key = 26500 926.0747733 -1.77258679245283E-02 -1.77258679245283E-02
                key = 39750 745.7422867 -1.26672645283019E-02 -1.26672645283019E-02
                key = 53000 590.39232 -1.07806096603774E-02 -1.07806096603774E-02
                key = 66250 460.0561533 -8.96184188679245E-03 -8.96184188679245E-03
                key = 79500 352.9034533 -7.31650105660377E-03 -7.31650105660377E-03
                key = 92750 266.1688867 -5.87985864150943E-03 -5.87985864150943E-03
                key = 106000 197.0872333 -4.65190950943396E-03 -4.65190950943396E-03
                key = 119250 142.8932733 -3.63266264150943E-03 -3.63266264150943E-03
                key = 132500 100.8216733 -2.82212060377359E-03 -2.82212060377359E-03
                key = 145750 68.1071 -2.22027698113208E-03 -2.22027698113208E-03
                key = 159000 41.98433333 -1.72029735849057E-03 -1.72029735849057E-03
                key = 172250 22.51922 -1.03904859622642E-03 -1.03904859622642E-03
                key = 185500 14.44954667 -4.22108845283019E-04 -4.22108845283019E-04
                key = 198750 11.33333333 -2.36421886792453E-04 -2.36421886792453E-04
                key = 212000 8.184366667 -2.341852E-04 -2.341852E-04
                key = 225250 5.127426667 -2.14067464150943E-04 -2.14067464150943E-04
                key = 238500 2.51158 -1.67596520754717E-04 -1.67596520754717E-04
                key = 251750 0.68612 -9.47766037735849E-05 -9.47766037735849E-05
                key = 265000 0 -5.1782641509434E-05 -5.1782641509434E-05
            temperatureSeaLevel = 243.49
                key = 0 243.49 -0.002421383774 -0.002421383774
                key = 31800 179.5339024 -0.0003429655849 -0.0003419083774
                key = 55650 179.5339024 0.0003419083774 0.0003419083774
                key = 82150 225.2168293 0.0001868733585 0.0001868733585
                key = 148400 225.2168293 -0.0002577087925 -0.0002577087925
                key = 212000 155.446541 -0.0003429655849 -0.0003429655849
                key = 238500 155.446541 0.0001787828302 0.0001787828302
                key = 265000 191.1622838 0.0002621147547 0.0002621147547
                key = 397500 0 -0.0001696638113 -0.0001696638113
                key = 0 1 0 0
                key = 20384.61539 0.5 -0.00002264150943 -0.00003873392453
                key = 22461.86885 0 0 0
                key = 40897.61306 0 0 0
                key = 96519.72691 0.2 0 0
                key = 146361.8646 0.2 0 0
                key = 186090.3384 0 0 0
                key = 265000 0.4 0 0




Oh I fixed it, just needed to convert the color map from dds to png...




Edited by Planetace
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1 hour ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Ok need help again, not a bug or glitch though. Just need to change the atmosphere of Leasa from blue to grey. Can you guys help me?

First off, congratulations! For a grey atmosphere, try the following ambientColor:


and the following LightColor:


These should work, let me know if they do.

16 hours ago, Potato3478 said:

is this safe? also can you make a tutorial on how to make planets moons and stars? :confused:

As @Andem said, I have made various tutorials regarding Kopernicus, both in written and video form. Ironically, I already posted them a few posts above yours.

On 23-8-2016 at 10:58 PM, The White Guardian said:

Here they are:

First off, the written guides.


And the video guides (don't ask me why this text is in bold, glitch probably.)

Here you go. As I said, these guides should be able to teach you the basics, up to the point where you will be able to write configs yourself.

Hope this helps,


Also pinging @Thomas P., could you please, please add links of my tutorials to the Kopernicus OP so stuff like this finally stops happening, the amount of times I've written the message quoted above is ridiculous. (I'm referring to my own quote, not the quote of Potato3478)

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@The White Guardian Could you make a public document (Google Docs, Github Gists, whatever), where you list your tutorials? I would just link that and you could update it with new stuff on your own.

Also, sorry if that sounds off, but I dont think a lot of the users will read the OP properly *rolleyes*

Edited by Thomas P.
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9 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

First off, congratulations! For a grey atmosphere, try the following ambientColor:


and the following LightColor:


These should work, let me know if they do.

Thank you! :D

although in the tracking station leasa has a blue sheen, probably due to it being a copy of Sonnah. Can I change it to a grey sheen?

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48 minutes ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Oh wait, did it myself. Just repeated the Ambientcolor for all the gradients ;P

You're almost correct. You see, the rimPower and rimBlend add a nice glowing rim to the planet, and the gradient colors the rim. 0.0 should be the color on the daytime side and 0.5 should be the color on the nighttime side, ergo, the color the atmosphere takes on during dawn or dusk. On Earth, this is a reddish-brown color. For your planet it will require an in-game observation or knowledge of atmospheric scattering to get it right. The former option is the easiest: move a spacecraft to a low orbit and watch the atmosphere colors during dawn and dusk. You can also make it even easier by making a screenshot, opening it in an image-editing program, and selecting the color with the color picker tool.


You can then write down the RGB values and divide each of them by 255 to get the colors on a scale of 0-1, the scale Kopernicus uses, and then you can update the gradient.


For 1.0, ergo nighttime, I add 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0 for a very, very faint glow. No, I totally didn't read that combination in a config written by @KillAshley (I believe it was one of K.A.'s configs, I could be wrong on that) when I was learning Kopernicus and have sticked to it since because it works, what are you talking about? :D

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14 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

You're almost correct. You see, the rimPower and rimBlend add a nice glowing rim to the planet, and the gradient colors the rim. 0.0 should be the color on the daytime side and 0.5 should be the color on the nighttime side, ergo, the color the atmosphere takes on during dawn or dusk. On Earth, this is a reddish-brown color. For your planet it will require an in-game observation or knowledge of atmospheric scattering to get it right. The former option is the easiest: move a spacecraft to a low orbit and watch the atmosphere colors during dawn and dusk. You can also make it even easier by making a screenshot, opening it in an image-editing program, and selecting the color with the color picker tool.


You can then write down the RGB values and divide each of them by 255 to get the colors on a scale of 0-1, the scale Kopernicus uses, and then you can update the gradient.


For 1.0, ergo nighttime, I add 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1.0 for a very, very faint glow. No, I totally didn't read that combination in a config written by @KillAshley (I believe it was one of K.A.'s configs, I could be wrong on that) when I was learning Kopernicus and have sticked to it since because it works, what are you talking about? :D

Thank you for the tip! Just moving on to Leasa`s moon.

Also, how do i change Kerbol (sun in kopernicus code) into a black hole, while making a copy of the original kerbol for kerbin and the other stock planets to orbit?

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2 minutes ago, Galacticvoyager said:

Thank you for the tip! Just moving on to Leasa`s moon.

Also, how do i change Kerbol (sun in kopernicus code) into a black hole, while making a copy of the original kerbol for kerbin and the other stock planets to orbit?

This might help

		name = Kerbol
		cbNameLater = Sun
			name = Sun
			@referenceBody = Kerbol

I'm no expert on making the stock star a black hole, so summoning @Sigma88!

Creating a clone of the stock sun is easy though, however, to avoid conflicts the new sun is actually named 'Kerbol', so use that name in configs, while in-game it will be named 'Sun' thanks to cbNameLater. You can also use cbNameLater to rename the stock sun, 'Galactic Core' for example.

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27 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

This might help

		name = Kerbol
		cbNameLater = Sun
			name = Sun
			@referenceBody = Kerbol

I'm no expert on making the stock star a black hole, so summoning @Sigma88!

Creating a clone of the stock sun is easy though, however, to avoid conflicts the new sun is actually named 'Kerbol', so use that name in configs, while in-game it will be named 'Sun' thanks to cbNameLater. You can also use cbNameLater to rename the stock sun, 'Galactic Core' for example.

Tried this, the game glitches...

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