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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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  On 10/20/2018 at 1:45 AM, LameLefty said:

I've posted three times in this thread since 1.5.0 was released. Never once have I even intimated that the incompatibility with 1.5.1 is Thomas P.'s fault.

Please, for the love of Jebus Kerman, read what I wrote rather than what you believe I have written. 


I was directing that in general to others complaining and not you specifically.  I read what you wrote.

Sorry about the miscommunication there.

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Adding and Removing Ground Stations? (Successful!)

Now that building Kerbin from another world's template seems to work, I want to place ground comm stations and possibly other artifacts on the newly rebuilt worlds. I'm having trouble with introducing a new ground station on Eve. (of course... where else would I be messing with Kopernicus?)

I landed and placed a flag at the peak of Olympus, and I can either read the save file or use Hyperedit to get the coordinates. I can use Kittopia Tech to place a City2 PQS object at that location and turn on commnetStation = True, and then a second station does link up with craft in orbit... on the other side of the planet.

I can export the resulting world and then I can copy and paste the City2 object to my home world, but it doesn't appear to load after I restart KSP. Kittopia also doesn't recognize its presence. So it seems I can place ground stations using Kittopia, but I can't seem to add them to a planet's configuration.

Here's my example. This works correctly in Kopernicus 1.5.0-1 with the exception of the missing ground station, and there's no Kerbin or its moons where Kerbin would normally be. I don't have any other PQS mods set up as it is templating the home world from Eve.

		//Legacy cbNameLater, I might remove it, replaced with displayName in Properties
		cbNameLater = Eve
		//name = Kerbin
		//cbNameLater = Kerbin
			@name = Eve
		cacheFile = EveSpaceProgram/Cache/Evekerbin.bin
			update = true
			//displayName replaces cbNameLater for localization support, also supports KSP 1.2 still
			displayName = #autoLOC_910049 // Eve
			description = #aspLOC_000001 // (Some localized description)
			isHomeWorld = True
				//Surface and low flight should be as easy as Kerbin
				//High flight would be slightly higher, space even more so
				landedDataValue = 0.3
				splashedDataValue = 0.4
				flyingLowDataValue = 0.7
				flyingHighDataValue = 1.2
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 2
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 3
				recoveryValue = 1

				// flyingAltitudeThreshold = 14000
				// spaceAltitudeThreshold = 400000
			// Fake atmosphere needed for engine ISP calculations
			staticPressureASL = 101.325
			latitude = 0
			longitude = -73.2
			lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
			repositionToSphereSurface = true
			repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = true
			repositionRadiusOffset = -20
			decalLatitude = 0
			decalLongitude = -73.2
			heightMapDeformity = 478
			absoluteOffset = 0
			absolute = true
			radius = 10000

			//Ground Materials
			groundColor = 0.169,0.117,0.230,0.18
			groundTexture = BUILTIN/SandyGround

					snapToSurface = True
					alt = 6866
					lat = -28.0765530079341
					lon = -147.998696163873
					objectName = OlympusStation
					up = 0,1,0
					rotation = 0
					snapHeightOffset = 7
					commnetStation = True
					isKSC = False
					order = 100
					enabled = True
					name = CommNetDish
							visibleRange = 30000
							keepActive = False
							model = BUILTIN/dish1
							scale = 5,5,5
							delete = False

			%referenceBody = Kerbin
			%description = #aspLOC_000013 // Some localization
			//Gilly is tougher to get to from Eve than Minmus is from Kerbin
			//so maybe slightly higher values than Minmus.
				landedDataValue = 5
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 5
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 4
				recoveryValue = 3

				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 60
				spaceAltitudeThreshold = 6000

[Update] It seems I can place ground stations on fully-defined worlds, but not on templated worlds with just these things inserted. Maybe order of insertion has some effect. After exporting homeworld-Eve with Kittopa Tech, massaging it a bit to fix up unneeded items, and then placing this ground station, it seems to work as a ground station. It's just using the wrong model for a ground station now; using the HG-5 Antenna's dish model instead. More investigation is needed.

[Update 2] I'm a moron. I tried to add a new PQS{} section instead of editing the existing one. When I change PQS{} to @PQS{} it then works and it inserts the ground station at the place I wanted. I've edited the example accordingly. It's still using the wrong model, so I'll need to figure out what the actual model name is for the ground station and use that.

[Update 3] More progress. The models "BUILTIN/dish_antenna" and "BUILTIN/dish1" seem to work, though dish_antenna doesn't have a base. Using dish1 I could use scale of 5,5,5 and a height offset of 7, which puts a decently sized satellite dish on the ground with the legs extending a bit into the terrain.

There's only one outstanding issue: The lack of a displayed name for the added ground stations on CommNet. The only one that has a name is Kerbin: KSC. The rest have blank spaces where the name should be. The stations otherwise seem to work.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Successful, and answered my own question.
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so from what i have read and seen here it seems the devs have their reasons for keeping the version lock on (mostly to fix some minor bugs that would behave way differently in 1.5.1) and other things beyond my current education.

But screaming at them to remove the version lock is not going to make the process go faster and instead will mean they will be spending more time hushing hostilities instead of developing this free amazing thing thats pretty good.

Not to mention that sated before removing the version lock ones self means you are "voiding the warranty." I.E if planets decide to be inside each other or random explosions happen when trying to land on shiny new planets the devs will most likely not help.

Best course of action is to downgrade to 1.4.5 to play with the shiny new planets till the mod is updated to 1.5.1 and onward (that and most of the good mods are still on 1.4.5 sooooooooo....)

Also love the work ya did guys. who would have thought when the game came out we would be able to make shiny new planets?

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  On 10/20/2018 at 8:50 AM, AVaughan said:

Well since I don't expect Squad to change that, you could move/copy KSP outside steam, so that Steam can't update your copy of KSP unexpectedly.  (That is always good practice for modded installs.  In my opinion anyone who plays a modded career should always do that).  You could also get in the habit of making a manual named save occasionally, so you can revert that way.  Next option is to open the saves directory, where you will find a directory named backup, that has several older copies of persistence.sfs.  Lastly for such a minor version update, you can probably manually edit the version field in the save, so that KSP could load the save after you have told steam to rollback to an earlier version.  (That last is not really not applicable in this case, because steam 1.5.0 isn't available in the Steam betas tab). 


Oh, I already do. I was identifying a product deficiency, not looking for a solution. Good info for everyone else, though.

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  On 10/21/2018 at 6:59 PM, RedBee92 said:

read the last few pages of this forum, and you'll get your answer

be patient


i am and thanks.

are there any bigger ideas this mod will be taking? any way to like enter a blackhole and go to another system?

just in case this has been asked. i have been out of KSP modding loop for a long time.

thanks everyone and "thank you" to all and everyone who is involved in making this mod.

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  On 10/23/2018 at 10:35 PM, Autolyzed Yeast Extract said:

how patient are we talking here


As patient as is needed to quietly wait until Thomas can find time in his busy schedule to release an update.

  On 10/23/2018 at 5:57 PM, gamerfss86 said:

are there any bigger ideas this mod will be taking? any way to like enter a blackhole and go to another system?


There are already planet packs that have other star systems.  That's been a thing for awhile.  I think some people have messed around with blackholes too, but I don't know for sure about that.

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  On 10/23/2018 at 10:35 PM, Autolyzed Yeast Extract said:

how patient are we talking here


Or do what I did and compile the changes made on the github yourself using Blend for Visual Studio 2017.  I offer no support for that, and if you do that, you are under the full knowledge you are running a beta version of the update that is not officially released.  So.. no support if it is buggy.  That being said, if I DO see bugs, Ill put it in as an issue under the github.. you know, to make peoples lives easier.


If you do decide to do that route... 1. Compile under the latest .NET framework.. 2. Part of the files has to be downloaded separately (you will know which one when the solution tells you its missing files, you can access it via github by browsing to the "missing" area. Its a linked repo you need to grab)  3.  Build the solution to make your life easier

If you did not understand any of that, i don't recommend building your own dlls.  And to answer the question I'm sure people will ask... No, I will not provide the built DLLs. You should NEVER accept modified DLLs from ANYONE but a trusted source.


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i never posted a post to rush the author lol i posted to see if its still active and the author is still working on it. if no one is then i would have to bork my save and start over.


anyways the best anyone can do in this situation "is not let steam finish the update" and stop it then play it as is waiting for mod updates.


yes there is way to play a game on steam with a "update required" thing but i forgot how. thats what google is for.

again thanks everyone for this awesome free mod

Edited by gamerfss86
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So, after building the 1.5.1 patches that is on github, an evident bug is the solar panels broke (again).  This may be why it is taking time to fix.  Honestly, if you cant live without this mod, go to the last stable version of kerbal this mod works on and keep running your games till this is fixed.

I mean, Surely this isnt the ONLY mod you waiting for

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  On 10/24/2018 at 2:43 AM, Valareos said:

So, after building the 1.5.1 patches that is on github, an evident bug is the solar panels broke (again).  This may be why it is taking time to fix.  


Thanks for giving this a go and passing on this information. 

Welcome to the forums too for a second post :)


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A number of posts have been removed from this thread.

Mod makers are unpaid volunteers and work at a pace which is comfortable and convenient for them. They don't owe anybody anything more than that. Asking for updates is fine, but being demanding about it is not. 

Also, if you see someone being demanding toward a mod maker, please simply hit the report button on the post and let the moderators deal with the situation. Replying to it yourself only creates off-topic clutter in the thread that other people must click past to get to the actual content, and leads to arguments which make the forum less pleasant for everyone. 

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There might be a release on GitHub. You should probably check it out (yes I am the only one who makes stupid git jokes on my release notes)


- Updated to KSP 1.5.1
- Fixed a bug where BiomeMap OnDemand Loading would lag a lot in MapView. BiomeMap OD is now disabled by default.
- Fixed the Kittopia planet thumbnails, thanks to Sigma

Expect Squad to release 1.5.2 out of nowhere tomorrow and completely screw with my life

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Is saw this:

If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node

Where do I add, useKopernicusSolarPanels = false

I am kind of a noob. Can someone show me the whole SolarPanel.cfg with the useKopernicusSolarPanels = false 


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Just installed new version of Kopernicus. All parts in the editor are light blue and texture-less. When I hover over them I can see their textures, though.

(I'm not sure if it's specifically Kopernicus that is causing this, but it just started happening today)

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  On 10/24/2018 at 4:14 PM, therealcrow999 said:

Is saw this:

If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node

Where do I add, useKopernicusSolarPanels = false

I am kind of a noob. Can someone show me the whole SolarPanel.cfg with the useKopernicusSolarPanels = false 



I don't think you need to turn off Kopernicus' solar panels, but if you really want to, you need to edit the part configs.  This can be done with a module manager patch.  I think the following does it:

        useKopernicusSolarPanels = false

What this does is find every part that has a "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" module and adds "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to it.

Just copy and paste the above code into a text editor, like Notepad, and save it as a text file but with a .cfg extention.  You can name it anything, something like UseStockSolarPanels.cfg.  Then just copy the file to somewhere inside your GameData folder.

Edited by OhioBob
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  On 10/24/2018 at 3:43 PM, Thomas P. said:

There might be a release on GitHub. You should probably check it out (yes I am the only one who makes stupid git jokes on my release notes)


- Updated to KSP 1.5.1
- Fixed a bug where BiomeMap OnDemand Loading would lag a lot in MapView. BiomeMap OD is now disabled by default.
- Fixed the Kittopia planet thumbnails, thanks to Sigma

Expect Squad to release 1.5.2 out of nowhere tomorrow and completely screw with my life


Cheers and thanks!

If you're familiar with the Dwarf Fortress community, there's a running gag that every time the community launcher/utilities pack catches up with the latest version of the (not frequently updated) game, the dev drops a new update that breaks everything. :D

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  On 10/24/2018 at 4:57 PM, OhioBob said:

I don't think you need to turn off Kopernicus' solar panels, but if you really want to, you need to edit the part configs.  This can be done with a module manager patch.  I think the following does it:

        useKopernicusSolarPanels = false

What this does is find every part that has a "ModuleDeployableSolarPanel" module and adds "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to it.

Just copy and paste the above code into a text editor, like Notepad, and save it as a text file but with a .cfg extention.  You can name it anything, something like UseStockSolarPanels.cfg.  Then just copy the file to somewhere inside your GameData folder.


I did this to the SolarPanels.cfg:

    // This will replace all instances of ModuleDeployableSolarPanel with the Kopernicus version
    // that has proper support for multiple lightsources
    // If you want to keep your ModuleDeployableSolarPanel, add "useKopernicusSolarPanels = false" to the MODULE node
    // That will stop Kopernicus from replacing it
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :F:f:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :A:a:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :L:l:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :S:s:
        @useKopernicusSolarPanels,* ^= :E:e:
        useKopernicusSolarPanels = false
Edited by therealcrow999
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