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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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I'm very confused. The first thing I am trying to do seems to be the simplest, but yields no change whatsoever, does anyone know what is wrong with this?

				texture = MyTerrain/Textures/Kerbin_ScaledVersion
				normals = MyTerrain/Textures/Kerbin_ScaledVersion_n

Kopernicus requires the ModularFlightIntegrator mod that is not included in the Plugins directory.

Edited by Electrocutor
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1 hour ago, Fireheart318 said:

How do you move the KSC up and down? I messed with the terrain height but the KSC didn't move with it

I know the space center has some offset settings, but I don't know enough about it to tell you what or how to change it.

Edited by OhioBob
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Okay... next issue. My goal is to allow the Shores area around KSC to have a single tiling texture with normal map without being tinted.

			%materialType = AtmosphericExtra
				%lowTex = MyTerrain/Textures/White

The problem:
This makes the shores so dark-green that it's almost black and seems to completely disregard the colors in my texture. Even when the texture is 100% solid white, it's still shows up as an almost black dark-green. Any help?

[Partially Solved]
powerFar blends the color of the LandClass into whatever texture you have for the terrain. Unfortunately, you cannot edit any values that are applied via Templates.

Even after setting powerNear = 1 and powerFar = 0, it still has a pea-green hue that gets blended in, so this is coming from somewhere else. tintColor is completely ignored by the AtmosphericExtra materialType.

Edited by Electrocutor
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I installed GPP with Kopernicus and EVE. I also have the near future tech mods installed. All fresh install.
These error keeps pooping up in the console and i was wondering if its something i did incorrectly?
No Crashes tho

[ERR 22:52:44.850] Exception handling event onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned in class RuntimeUtility:System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  at Kopernicus.StorageComponent.Get[Int32] (System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Storage.Get[Int32] (.CelestialBody body, System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.RuntimeUtility.<Awake>b__1_0 (GameScenes scene) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 22:52:44.851] InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
    Kopernicus.StorageComponent.Get[Int32] (System.String id)
    Kopernicus.Storage.Get[Int32] (.CelestialBody body, System.String id)
    Kopernicus.RuntimeUtility.<Awake>b__1_0 (GameScenes scene)
    EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

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KSP 1.3.1 (recently updated), Kopernicus 1.3.1-2, SVT 2.0.8

I recently (and finally) updated to KSP 1.3.1.  In doing so, I included SVT which installed Kopernicus.  I thought everything was ok until I started visiting my pre-existing in-orbit craft and noticed that all of the solar panels were now retracted when before they were extended.  In the cases where the panels were the non-retractable, stock ones, I could no longer deploy them and no button appeared on the right-click menu to do so.  The only relevant menu entry is "Status: Retracted".  I confirmed that new launches aren't affected.  So, I researched a bit and found this Redit thread which lead me to think that it might be related to Kopernicus.

Is this a known issue when installing Kopernicus mid-game?  Could I remove SVT and Kopernicus to resolve the problem?

Minimal log file coming soon.

Edit: I've confirmed that removing SVT and Kopernicus does not affect the status of the non-retractable panels; they're still permanently retracted.  I did notice, however, that retractable ones that were extended prior to my removing the mods, were retracted after the removal.

Is there something in the persistence.sfs file that I could edit to return the existing panels to extended or give me the ability to re-extend them?

Edited by Brigadier
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1 hour ago, Brigadier said:

Is there something in the persistence.sfs file that I could edit to return the existing panels to extended or give me the ability to re-extend them?

I think you need to do this:

  • Find the vessel.
  • Find the solar panel part.
  • Find the KopernicusSolarPanel module
  • Change the deployed state to EXTENDED.

It should look something like this:

			name = CommSat 1

				name = solarPanels4
					name = KopernicusSolarPanel
					deployState = EXTENDED

Of course that's just the pertinent stuff; there are thousands of lines of other stuff you'll have to wade through.

Be sure to make a backup before you change the file. 

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10 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

I think you need to do this:

  • Locate the vessel.
  • Find the solar panel part.
  • Find the KopernicusSolarPanel module
  • Change the deployed state to EXTENDED.

It should look something like this:

Of course that's just the pertinent stuff; there are thousands of lines of other stuff you'll have to wade through.

Be sure to make a backup before you change the file. 

Thanks, @OhioBob, I'll give this a try.  I have about two dozen satellites in orbit in the Kerbin SOI so I'll try one at a time.  I had a look through the file earlier but didn't see anything that stuck out as being deployment related but, silly me, didn't search for "deploy" or "extend".

Edit: The relevant entries all say "EXTENDED" already :(, such as:


                    name = KopernicusSolarPanel
                    isEnabled = True
                    trackingBodyName = The Sun
                    manualTracking = False
                    relativeSunAOA = False
                    efficiencyMult = 1
                    launchUT = 3085229.3337618499
                    currentRotation = (-0.50311929, -0.503162444, -0.496934503, 0.496744096)
                    storedAnimationTime = 0
                    storedAnimationSpeed = 1
                    deployState = EXTENDED
                    stagingEnabled = True



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7 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Edit: The relevant entries all say "EXTENDED" already :(

That's strange.  I'm not sure how to fix it in that case.

The only other thing I can think of for you to try is to disable the Kopernicus solar panel module and go back to stock.  But I don't know what that will do if you change it in a middle of a save.  If you want to try it, I believe there are instructions on how to disable it in the file Kopernicus/Config/SolarPanel.cfg.  Better make a backup of your save.

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2 hours ago, OhioBob said:

That's strange.  I'm not sure how to fix it in that case.

The only other thing I can think of for you to try is to disable the Kopernicus solar panel module and go back to stock.  But I don't know what that will do if you change it in a middle of a save.  If you want to try it, I believe there are instructions on how to disable it in the file Kopernicus/Config/SolarPanel.cfg.  Better make a backup of your save.

Humm...I removed Kopernicus earlier (see post a couple above) so there is no such path.  Interestingly, there are still four, and only four, PART entries in the .sfs file with KopernicusSolarPanel which are associated with two vessels, one older one and one built and launched after the update to 1.3.1.  This seems strange to me since they use different solar panels (Dr Jet's Chop Shop and stock, respectively).  The Chop Shop ones won't stay extended from game load to game load (i.e. non-persistent state) when they did before, but the non-retractable stock ones don't seem to have any problems at all.

Man...finding all of the solar panel entries for a specific craft is tough, error-prone and tedious. :confused:

37 minutes ago, Gorby1 said:

Complete guess on my part - change the deployState to RETRACTED and see if you once again have the option to extend them when you're in the game?

I haven't gone quite this far, but as a first step I've altered the state of one satellite's non-retractable panels from RETRACTED to EXTENDED and now my space telescope is getting Ec again.  Since this worked, I'll try your suggestion once I identify a suitable candidate, preferably one that I have already visited since the update.  More to follow...

Thank you both for your assistance so far.  Much appreciated.

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Ok...this is probably going to sound silly.  I have Extrasolar Planets installed.  I simply want to change Eeloo for Minmus with a radius of 350 km and moving the moon out 38k km.  Since the last update (1.3.1) I cannot seem to make this simple swap and I get that popup message that my planet pak wasn't installed.  Any suggestions?  Most likely some little part of the code has changed.  Suggestions?

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Prior to 1.3.1,  I  based my simple changes off New Horizons and OPM.  (I liked NH very much, just miss Final Frontier support.)  Thus my simple changes moves and/or substitutes some planets:

            @referenceBody = Kerbin
            inclination = 5.25
            eccentricity = 0.08
            semiMajorAxis = 360785000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 110
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 11

However, I have played with the "@" and played with various portions similar to above.  My coding skill is at about "dabbling" status and basically like to make a few changes and then play a campaign.  Dabble in parts like KSPI's lab instead of Squad's.  This also includes changing Kerbin's radius and her satellites.  Prior to 1.3.1 (really 1.3), I have no problems moving planets around and tinkering.  I took some time off and played TW: Warhammer and now I've come back and missed some changes?

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18 minutes ago, Meridius said:

            inclination = 5.25
            eccentricity = 0.08
            semiMajorAxis = 360785000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 110
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 11

These lines will only do something if there are no values set for these properties before your patch is applied, but of course Eeloo already has an orbit, so they are ignored. Try a % prefix instead (@ means edit, % means create-or-edit, so @ will fail if the value doesn't already exist). I successfully used this to move Laythe around:

            %inclination              = 10
            %eccentricity             = 0
            %longitudeOfAscendingNode = 180


18 minutes ago, Meridius said:

Prior to 1.3.1 (really 1.3), I have no problems moving planets around and tinkering. I took some time off and played TW: Warhammer and now I've come back and missed some changes?

Nope, it's always worked this way. Maybe you forgot?

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