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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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5 hours ago, SSr48 said:

I'm pretty sure its Extraplanetary Launchpads because when I run it on 64 bit it does not work. Thanks again for all your help.

Extra planetary launchpad works fine in 64 bit. Maybe what you need to do is start a 64 bit game without any mods then add one mod at a time until you find the problem mod. Don't limit yourself to 32bit if you don't have too.  

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So I am using a kerbin template for another planet Im working on and think i have successfully removed everything I needed to, however I cant seem to find how to get rid of the deformity caused by the space center. Is there something i can add to do that? If not, it will just be a crater :) 

			name = Kerbin 
			removePQSMods = PQSCity[IslandAirfield], MapDecalTangent[IslandAirfield], PQSCity[UFO], PQSCity[Pyramids], FlattenArea[Pyramids], PQSCity


Edited by Galileo
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33 minutes ago, Galileo said:

I have yet another, probably dumb question. On the poles (probably other places as well) of my my planet which uses a Kerbin template, I am experiencing what im pretty sure is the kerbin heightmap showing up.

this is what i have in my template node

			name = Kerbin
			removePQSMods = PQSCity[IslandAirfield], MapDecalTangent[IslandAirfield], PQSCity[UFO], PQSCity[Pyramids], FlattenArea[Pyramids]

Adding VertexHeightMap to the removed PQS mods didnt help.

Scaled space looks fine

But as you get closer..

it becomes obvious

That's the LandControl mod! Kerbin's IceCaps LandClass has a height alterer, that's why the icecaps appear so smooth - they aren't on Kerbin's heightmap.

Here's literally what the LandClass in question has:

alterApparentHeight = 100

alterRealHeight = 10

On all other LandControl classes these values are equal to zero to remove any change in height made by LandControl.

So, remove LandControl, re-add it from here, (thanks, @Sigma88!), and set the values listed above to zero in Kerbin's IceCaps LandControl LandClass.

It can also be because Kerbin's heightmap is listed in LandControl. Still, I'm 90% sure it's LandControl, to be safe, you can also patch it's enabled value and disable it temporarily to check.

Edited by The White Guardian
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11 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

That's the LandControl mod! Kerbin's IceCaps LandClass has a height alterer, that's why the icecaps appear so smooth - they aren't on Kerbin's heightmap.

Here's literally what the LandClass in question has:

alterApparentHeight = 100

alterRealHeight = 10

On all other LandControl classes these values are equal to zero to remove any change in height made by LandControl.

So, remove LandControl, re-add it from here, (thanks, @Sigma88!), and set the values listed above to zero in Kerbin's IceCaps LandControl LandClass.

It can also be because Kerbin's heightmap is listed in LandControl. Still, I'm 90% sure it's LandControl, to be safe, you can also patch it's enabled value and disable it temporarily to check.

Ok great thanks! 

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1 hour ago, The White Guardian said:

That's the LandControl mod! Kerbin's IceCaps LandClass has a height alterer, that's why the icecaps appear so smooth - they aren't on Kerbin's heightmap.

Here's literally what the LandClass in question has:

alterApparentHeight = 100

alterRealHeight = 10

On all other LandControl classes these values are equal to zero to remove any change in height made by LandControl.

So, remove LandControl, re-add it from here, (thanks, @Sigma88!), and set the values listed above to zero in Kerbin's IceCaps LandControl LandClass.

It can also be because Kerbin's heightmap is listed in LandControl. Still, I'm 90% sure it's LandControl, to be safe, you can also patch it's enabled value and disable it temporarily to check.

Worked perfectly thanks so much!

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On 9/30/2016 at 2:28 PM, Galileo said:

So I am using a kerbin template for another planet Im working on and think i have successfully removed everything I needed to, however I cant seem to find how to get rid of the deformity caused by the space center. Is there something i can add to do that? If not, it will just be a crater :)


On 9/30/2016 at 3:12 PM, CSE said:


@Galileo: Might be that the KSC has a MapDecalTangent as well as a PQSCity.



Speaking of PQSCity and MapDecalTangent, I've been making alternate KSC sites for KSC Switcher, but am having a problem with the KSC facilities and buildings being too high above the ground; there is too much of that underlying "pad" showing, and rather than having a short gentle slope like it is with the stock KSC, the slope is much longer, and there is a break where the slope angle gets steeper.

What are the correct settings for the offsets to recreate the stock KSC appearance.  Looking at that pic that@Galileo posted, it appears that the offset(s) for at least MapDecalTangent may be far higher than I had supposed, if it produces a giant crater like that without PQSCity.

Edited by Laguna
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8 hours ago, Laguna said:

Speaking of PQSCity and MapDecalTangent, I've been making alternate KSC sites for KSC Switcher, but am having a problem with the KSC facilities and buildings being too high above the ground; there is too much of that underlying "pad" showing, and rather than having a short gentle slope like it is with the stock KSC, the slope is much longer, and there is a break where the slope angle gets steeper.

What are the correct settings for the offsets to recreate the stock KSC appearance.  Looking at that pic that@Galileo posted, it appears that the offset(s) for at least MapDecalTangent may be far higher than I had supposed, if it produces a giant crater like that without PQSCity.

basically, there is no way to calculate that (that I know of)

you'll need to change numbers untill you're good with your result

the offset is calculated above sea level (iirc) so you need to take that into account.


the standard ksc uses these values:

  absolute = True
  absoluteOffset = 0
  angle = 220
  heightMapDeformity = 70
  radius = 7500

this means that the height map starts at sea level (offset = 0)

and spans from:

black = 0 meters ASL


white = 70 meters ASL


but keep in mind that the KSC heightmap doesn't have any white, so the highest point ends up being at 35ish meters ASL (IIRC)

(EDIT: or maybe ~65ish)

Edited by Sigma88
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Ooookay, now for third time, let's hope this is the right one!

Hello! First of all, sorry if I misplaced the topic or something, I'm new to the forum.

Well, the thing is that I've been trying to make planets with Kopernicus, but my planet doesn't show up in the game. I'm a newbie at this, so I need help. Here is the .cfg file:



        name = Planet1

            description = Description. Write later.
            radius = 200000
            geeASL = 0.2
            mass = 2.5263617E+20
            isHomeWorld = false
            tidallyLocked = false
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 36090
            timewarpAltitude = 0 5000 10000 15000 30000 50000 90000
            landedDataValue = 10
            splashedDataValue = 7
            flyingLowDataValue = 9
            lyingHighDataValue = 7
            inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.89
            inSpaceHighDataValue = 3.6
            recoveryValue = 0
            flyingAltitudeThreshold = 30000
            spaceAltitudeThreshold = 500000

                referenceBody = Sun
                semiMajorAxis = 4678597376
                inclination = 2
                eccentricity = 0.45
                longitudeOfAscendingNode = 80
                argumentOfPeriapsis = 180
                meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 12
                epoch = 4
                color = 1.0,0.5,0.5,1.0

                        deformity = 4
                        scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                        offset = 1
                        enable = true
                        order = 10
                        seed = 670000
                        deformity = 1700.0
                        octaves = 12.0
                        persistence = 0.5
                        frequency = 4.0
                        enabled = true
                        order = 21
                        name = Alpha
                        deformity = 3000
                        octaves = 3
                        persistence = 0.5
                        frequency = 1
                        seed = 567
                        enabled = true
                        order = 2
                          name = Beta
                          seed = 456
                          deformity = 2500
                          octaves = 3
                        	persistence = 0.5
                        	frequency = 1
                        	enabled = true
                        	order = 3

                          seed = 45
                          blend = 1.0
                          colorStart = 0.33,0.2784313,0.2784313,1
                          colorEnd = 0.13,0.1294117,0.1294117,1
                          octaves = 12.0
                          persistence = 0.5
                          frequency = 2.0
                          enabled = true
                          order = 200

                  					deformation = 500
                  					voronoiSeed = 999
                  					voronoiDisplacement = 0
                  					voronoiFrequency = 4
                  						key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
                  						key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
                  						key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
                  						key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
                  						key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
                  						key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
                  						key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
                  						key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
                  						key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
                  					simplexSeed = 123123
                  					simplexOctaves = 3
                  					simplexPersistence = 0.5
                  					simplexFrequency = 120
                  					jitter = 0.1
                  					jitterHeight = 3
                  						key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
                  						key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
                  						key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
                  						key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
                  						key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
                  						key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
                  						key = 0.9970253 0.003401639 0 0
                  					rFactor = 1
                  					rOffset = 1
                  					colorOpacity = 0.7
                  					DebugColorMapping = False
                  					enabled = True
                  					order = 100

                        	blend = 0.5
                        	enabled = true
                        	order = 9 //make this number higher than the HeightMods
                        			name = Base
                        			altitudeStart = 0
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.1
                        			color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = Low
                        			altitudeStart = 0.1
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.6
                        			color = 0.1,0.1,0.6,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = Mid
                        			altitudeStart = 0.6
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.8
                        			color = 0.2,0.2,0.8,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = High
                        			altitudeStart = 0.8
                        			altitudeEnd = 2
                        			color = 1.0,1.0,1.0,0.8
                        			lerpToNext = false



Please tell me what's wrong and what can I do. Also, the Kopernicus log file:


//=====  Kopernicus 1.1.3-1 - (BuildDate: 04.07.2016 19:47:37; AssemblyHash: 8+hAbAwc1tawplHVoco1Ej+9agw=)  =====//
[LOG 16:43:36]: Logger "Planet1.Body" was created
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Ocean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OceanLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target SpaceCenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.SpaceCenterLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Debug in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.DebugLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target barycenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: [Kopernicus]: Planet1 is using custom cache file 'C:/Games/Kerbal Space Program v1.1.3.1289/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData\Planet1/Cache/Planet1.bin' in 'C:/Games/Kerbal Space Program v1.1.3.1289/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData\Planet1/Cache'
[LOG 16:43:36]: [Kopernicus]: Body.PostApply(ConfigNode): Loading cached scaled space mesh: Planet1
[LOG 16:43:36]: --------- Celestial Body ------------
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyName = Planet1
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyDescription = A mysterious uncharted celestial body.
[LOG 16:43:36]: GeeASL = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Radius = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Mass = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Density = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: SurfaceArea = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: gravParameter = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: sphereOfInfluence = Infinity
[LOG 16:43:36]: hillSphere = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: gMagnitudeAtCenter = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmDensityASL = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06
[LOG 16:43:36]: navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055
[LOG 16:43:36]: use_The_InName = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: isHomeWorld = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: ocean = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanUseFog = True
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogPQSDepth = 1000
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogPQSDepthRecip = 0.001
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityStart = 0.015
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityEnd = 0.13
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityPQSMult = 0.02
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityAltScalar = -0.0008
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityExponent = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogColorStart = RGBA(0.000, 0.337, 0.486, 1.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogColorEnd = RGBA(0.000, 0.084, 0.122, 1.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDawnFactor = 10
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorMult = 1.2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorOpacityBase = 0.2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorOpacityAltMult = 2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanDensity = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGBase = 0.6
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGAltMult = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGMin = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunBase = 0.5
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunAltMult = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunMin = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGLerp = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMinAlphaFogDistance = 200
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMaxAlbedoFog = 0.95
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMaxAlphaFog = 0.9
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAlbedoDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAlphaDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphere = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereContainsOxygen = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereDepth = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureSeaLevel = 288
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureSeaLevel = 101.325
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereAdiabaticIndex = 1.4
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureLapseRate = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereGasMassLapseRate = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereUseTemperatureCurve = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: latitudeTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: latitudeTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: axialTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: axialTemperatureSunBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: maxAxialDot = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: eccentricityTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: albedo = 0.35
[LOG 16:43:36]: emissivity = 0.65
[LOG 16:43:36]: coreTemperatureOffset = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: convectionMultiplier = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: shockTemperatureMultiplier = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereUsePressureCurve = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: radiusAtmoFactor = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 16:43:36]: orbitDriver = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: pqsController = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: scaledBody = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: afg = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotates = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotationPeriod = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: solarDayLength = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: solarRotationPeriod = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: initialRotation = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotationAngle = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: directRotAngle = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: angularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 16:43:36]: zUpAngularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 16:43:36]: tidallyLocked = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: inverseRotation = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 15000
[LOG 16:43:36]: angularV = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: timeWarpAltitudeLimits = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphericAmbientColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: orbitingBodies = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody]
[LOG 16:43:36]: progressTree = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyType = Generic
[LOG 16:43:36]: scienceValues = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: BiomeMap = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyTransform = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: --------------------------------------


Thanks in advance, I hope I can do something because I've been like two weeks wondering!

Just in case, I'm trying to do a planet with no textures or maps created earlier, I'm trying to do that with the code, maybe that's too difficult for me, or... I don't know :(

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1 hour ago, chicote_angi said:

Ooookay, now for third time, let's hope this is the right one!

Hello! First of all, sorry if I misplaced the topic or something, I'm new to the forum.

Well, the thing is that I've been trying to make planets with Kopernicus, but my planet doesn't show up in the game. I'm a newbie at this, so I need help. Here is the .cfg file:


  Hide contents

        name = Planet1

            description = Description. Write later.
            radius = 200000
            geeASL = 0.2
            mass = 2.5263617E+20
            isHomeWorld = false
            tidallyLocked = false
            rotates = true
            rotationPeriod = 36090
            timewarpAltitude = 0 5000 10000 15000 30000 50000 90000
            landedDataValue = 10
            splashedDataValue = 7
            flyingLowDataValue = 9
            lyingHighDataValue = 7
            inSpaceLowDataValue = 4.89
            inSpaceHighDataValue = 3.6
            recoveryValue = 0
            flyingAltitudeThreshold = 30000
            spaceAltitudeThreshold = 500000

                referenceBody = Sun
                semiMajorAxis = 4678597376
                inclination = 2
                eccentricity = 0.45
                longitudeOfAscendingNode = 80
                argumentOfPeriapsis = 180
                meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 12
                epoch = 4
                color = 1.0,0.5,0.5,1.0

                        deformity = 4
                        scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                        offset = 1
                        enable = true
                        order = 10
                        seed = 670000
                        deformity = 1700.0
                        octaves = 12.0
                        persistence = 0.5
                        frequency = 4.0
                        enabled = true
                        order = 21
                        name = Alpha
                        deformity = 3000
                        octaves = 3
                        persistence = 0.5
                        frequency = 1
                        seed = 567
                        enabled = true
                        order = 2
                          name = Beta
                          seed = 456
                          deformity = 2500
                          octaves = 3
                        	persistence = 0.5
                        	frequency = 1
                        	enabled = true
                        	order = 3

                          seed = 45
                          blend = 1.0
                          colorStart = 0.33,0.2784313,0.2784313,1
                          colorEnd = 0.13,0.1294117,0.1294117,1
                          octaves = 12.0
                          persistence = 0.5
                          frequency = 2.0
                          enabled = true
                          order = 200

                  					deformation = 500
                  					voronoiSeed = 999
                  					voronoiDisplacement = 0
                  					voronoiFrequency = 4
                  						key = -0.9982381 -0.7411783 -0.06500059 -0.06500059
                  						key = -0.9332262 -0.7678316 -0.2176399 -0.2176399
                  						key = -0.8990405 -0.7433339 -2.560626 -2.560626
                  						key = -0.7445966 -0.8581167 0.4436148 0.4436148
                  						key = -0.4499771 -0.1392395 5.289535 5.289535
                  						key = -0.4015177 0.2551735 9.069458 -2.149609
                  						key = -0.2297457 0.002857953 -0.4453675 -0.4453675
                  						key = 0.2724952 0.00423781 -0.01884932 -0.01884932
                  						key = 0.9998434 -0.004090764 0.01397126 0.01397126
                  					simplexSeed = 123123
                  					simplexOctaves = 3
                  					simplexPersistence = 0.5
                  					simplexFrequency = 120
                  					jitter = 0.1
                  					jitterHeight = 3
                  						key = -1.000701 0.4278412 0.1577609 0.1577609
                  						key = -0.7884969 0.09487452 -0.7739663 -0.7739663
                  						key = -0.6091803 0.072019 0.123537 0.123537
                  						key = -0.3930514 0.3903495 3.300831 3.300831
                  						key = -0.3584836 0.8643304 0.07139917 0.07139917
                  						key = -0.2988068 0.002564805 -0.01814346 -0.01814346
                  						key = 0.9970253 0.003401639 0 0
                  					rFactor = 1
                  					rOffset = 1
                  					colorOpacity = 0.7
                  					DebugColorMapping = False
                  					enabled = True
                  					order = 100

                        	blend = 0.5
                        	enabled = true
                        	order = 9 //make this number higher than the HeightMods
                        			name = Base
                        			altitudeStart = 0
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.1
                        			color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = Low
                        			altitudeStart = 0.1
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.6
                        			color = 0.1,0.1,0.6,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = Mid
                        			altitudeStart = 0.6
                        			altitudeEnd = 0.8
                        			color = 0.2,0.2,0.8,1.0
                        			lerpToNext = true
                        			name = High
                        			altitudeStart = 0.8
                        			altitudeEnd = 2
                        			color = 1.0,1.0,1.0,0.8
                        			lerpToNext = false



Please tell me what's wrong and what can I do. Also, the Kopernicus log file:

  Reveal hidden contents

//=====  Kopernicus 1.1.3-1 - (BuildDate: 04.07.2016 19:47:37; AssemblyHash: 8+hAbAwc1tawplHVoco1Ej+9agw=)  =====//
[LOG 16:43:36]: Logger "Planet1.Body" was created
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Ocean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OceanLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target SpaceCenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.SpaceCenterLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target Debug in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.DebugLoader)
[LOG 16:43:36]: Parsing Target barycenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 16:43:36]: [Kopernicus]: Planet1 is using custom cache file 'C:/Games/Kerbal Space Program v1.1.3.1289/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData\Planet1/Cache/Planet1.bin' in 'C:/Games/Kerbal Space Program v1.1.3.1289/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData\Planet1/Cache'
[LOG 16:43:36]: [Kopernicus]: Body.PostApply(ConfigNode): Loading cached scaled space mesh: Planet1
[LOG 16:43:36]: --------- Celestial Body ------------
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyName = Planet1
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyDescription = A mysterious uncharted celestial body.
[LOG 16:43:36]: GeeASL = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Radius = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Mass = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: Density = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: SurfaceArea = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: gravParameter = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: sphereOfInfluence = Infinity
[LOG 16:43:36]: hillSphere = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: gMagnitudeAtCenter = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmDensityASL = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06
[LOG 16:43:36]: navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055
[LOG 16:43:36]: use_The_InName = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: isHomeWorld = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: ocean = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanUseFog = True
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogPQSDepth = 1000
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogPQSDepthRecip = 0.001
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityStart = 0.015
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityEnd = 0.13
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityPQSMult = 0.02
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityAltScalar = -0.0008
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDensityExponent = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogColorStart = RGBA(0.000, 0.337, 0.486, 1.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogColorEnd = RGBA(0.000, 0.084, 0.122, 1.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanFogDawnFactor = 10
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorMult = 1.2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorOpacityBase = 0.2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSkyColorOpacityAltMult = 2
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanDensity = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGBase = 0.6
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGAltMult = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGMin = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunBase = 0.5
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunAltMult = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanSunMin = 0.05
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAFGLerp = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMinAlphaFogDistance = 200
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMaxAlbedoFog = 0.95
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanMaxAlphaFog = 0.9
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAlbedoDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: oceanAlphaDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphere = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereContainsOxygen = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereDepth = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureSeaLevel = 288
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureSeaLevel = 101.325
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereAdiabaticIndex = 1.4
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureLapseRate = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereGasMassLapseRate = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereUseTemperatureCurve = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: latitudeTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: latitudeTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: axialTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: axialTemperatureSunBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: maxAxialDot = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: eccentricityTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: albedo = 0.35
[LOG 16:43:36]: emissivity = 0.65
[LOG 16:43:36]: coreTemperatureOffset = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: convectionMultiplier = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: shockTemperatureMultiplier = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphereUsePressureCurve = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmospherePressureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 16:43:36]: radiusAtmoFactor = 1
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 16:43:36]: orbitDriver = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: pqsController = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: scaledBody = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: afg = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotates = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotationPeriod = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: solarDayLength = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: solarRotationPeriod = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: initialRotation = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: rotationAngle = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: directRotAngle = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: angularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 16:43:36]: zUpAngularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 16:43:36]: tidallyLocked = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: inverseRotation = False
[LOG 16:43:36]: inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 15000
[LOG 16:43:36]: angularV = 0
[LOG 16:43:36]: timeWarpAltitudeLimits = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: atmosphericAmbientColor = RGBA(0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000)
[LOG 16:43:36]: orbitingBodies = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody]
[LOG 16:43:36]: progressTree = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyType = Generic
[LOG 16:43:36]: scienceValues = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: BiomeMap = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: bodyTransform = 
[LOG 16:43:36]: --------------------------------------


Thanks in advance, I hope I can do something because I've been like two weeks wondering!

Just in case, I'm trying to do a planet with no textures or maps created earlier, I'm trying to do that with the code, maybe that's too difficult for me, or... I don't know :(

        name = Planet1


erm, you should check your brackets :D

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It's not made clear in Asteroid.cs what the spawn interval unit is. I assume days? So if I reset the config to

  !Asteroid[Stock] {}
    name = Stock
          body = Kerbin
          minDuration = 15
          maxDuration = 60
          probability = 5
          reached = false
    interval = 6
    minUntrackedLifetime = 1
    maxUntrackedLifetime = 20
    probability = 5
    spawnGroupMinLimit = 0
    spawnGroupMaxLimit = 3
        key = 0   0
        key = 0.3 0.45
        key = 0.7 0.55
        key = 1   1

this means every 6 days I have a 5% chance of spawning up to 3 fly by asteroids? Does the probability of the asteroid orbit type even factor in here when there is only one type of orbit? Like do I have a 5% of a 5% chance to spawn an asteroid? Or does the probability in the Flyby{} node only matter if there is more than one type of orbit to choose from?

Edited by Drew Kerman
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Im sorry for asking for help for so much time but if anyone can fix this problem I could stop asking... finaly

So I had problems with making planets and with getting mods as when I made a planet it wouldn't appear even with 64 and 32 bit versions of ksp and when I got the mod Kerbal galaxy not too long ago like before summer I did everything like it was supposed to put the mod in gamedata etc when I booted up ksp none of the modded planets shows up so I went into 32bit and still nothing so I got a different mod still wouldent work. I went and got the templates from this forum only the gas gigants and the stars showed up and i can only make stars and gas gigants wierd right. If anyone can help me than that helps me with all  my kopernicus problems. I would appreciate it tnx 

Btw sorry if there are misstakes blame autocorrect not me. Just get make sence of this



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30 minutes ago, WolfyAnimations said:


Sorry but how do I put the log up?

And there is nothing wrong with Kerbal Galaxy every planet mod is like this ;.;

The log: go to your KSP directory and upload the following files:




Just open them with Notepad, copy the contents and paste them in a message here. Please put all of them in a spoiler (click the eye icon), one log per spoiler.

This is a spoiler:


:science::funds::antiradial::radial::maneuver::targetretro: New emoticons?! :0.0:

Spoilers will help to keep the message short in inboxes.


If you're having trouble with making planets, send me a private message and I'll send you a few links to some tutorials I made, and answer any question you might have.

If some, but not all planets, show up, that means that Kopernicus works, but the planet mod itself does not. Probably a problem on the end of the creator of the pack. If it's one of your planets that won't show, it's a problem with the config file. If so, I'll help you with that in the PM.

Edited by The White Guardian
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When you have a problem with Kopernicus and need support here's what you should do:


Find the files requested down here, put all of them into a zip archive and upload that to dropbox/googledrive

(then share the link with the person you are asking for support)




Use the minimun amount of mods necessary.

If you have extra mods I will ask you to remove them and repeat everything from step 1,
so you might just save us both time and remove them now.



the files you will need to upload are the following:

1- the cfg you are using (only if you are using custom configs you wrote, not all the cfgs in GameData)

2- a list of the mods you have installed, complete of which version of KSP you are running

3- KSP logs

  • Windows: %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  • Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

4- ModuleManager.ConfigCache  (you can find that file in GameData, otherwise specify you didn't find one)

5- Kopernicus Logs: the whole "Logs" folder you can find in your KSP installation directory

6- a screenshot of the content of your GameData folder

7- if you have any of my mods, a screenshot of the content of the GameData/Sigma folder

Edited by Sigma88
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43 minutes ago, WolfyAnimations said:

Here is my drive @Sigma88 and @The White Guardian https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3UdoHQeelGmMWEwZGFrclkwWnM i hope i didn't mess up.

sorry if i did :)

so, what kind of issue are you having exactly?


you say you don't have extra mods, but still your logs show you have tweakscale and firespitter, B9 and many others

and there's no trace of kopernicus in your logs

Edited by Sigma88
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