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[1.8.x] UnKerballed Start v1.1.0 (updated Oct 27, 2019)


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  On 5/16/2019 at 6:01 AM, Steven Mading said:

Be aware that thrust plates only exist in the Making History DLC, not the stock game (which is annoying - they are an important base part for exactly this reason - multi-engine mounts are a basic rocketry idea dating back to the early days.)  Without thrust plates, most engines will refuse to surface attach to the bottom of a fuel tank so you can only mount one engine, in the center of the tank, on the attachment node.

The structural parts that fork multi-ways (2-way, 3-way, 4-way adapter) are the only other option I've found without DLC parts, and I don't think they're available at the start in the tech tree.


You can use the small cube structural piece to accomplish the same thing. Attach as many as needed to the bottom of a tank and add the engines to those. Scootch them up to improve appearance. I demoed it in one of my Let's Play videos.

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  On 5/16/2019 at 2:08 PM, SpinkAkron said:

You can use the small cube structural piece to accomplish the same thing. Attach as many as needed to the bottom of a tank and add the engines to those. Scootch them up to improve appearance. I demoed it in one of my Let's Play videos.


That causes drag, and causes a flex point where there should be a rigid flush attachment.  It just really bugs me that people who don't have the DLC are penalized by having to pay the price of extra drag and extra bendiness for a basic construction feature that has nothing to do with the point of the DLC.

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  On 5/16/2019 at 1:14 AM, SpinkAkron said:

The delayed availability of larger engines is intended. Fuel tanks availability is based on volume not radius. Multi-engine stages are encouraged and work great.



  On 5/16/2019 at 1:14 AM, SpinkAkron said:

Not changing parts is one my design principles.  I use a mod that nerfs reaction wheels so using RCS on small probes is mandatory.  I reduce the power of RCS thrusters in the build menu to 25% or less and get good results. 



  On 5/16/2019 at 6:01 AM, Steven Mading said:

Be aware that thrust plates only exist in the Making History DLC, not the stock game (which is annoying - they are an important base part for exactly this reason - multi-engine mounts are a basic rocketry idea dating back to the early days.)  Without thrust plates, most engines will refuse to surface attach to the bottom of a fuel tank so you can only mount one engine, in the center of the tank, on the attachment node.

The structural parts that fork multi-ways (2-way, 3-way, 4-way adapter) are the only other option I've found without DLC parts, and I don't think they're available at the start in the tech tree.


I understand your idea behind choices you have made. However, there is some gaps that need to be attended for better overall gamebalance.
I have pretty much stummbled upon with lack of some parts that are available only in DLC or covered with oter part pack mod that player for some reason don't have installed (for various reasons: not being supported with current KSP release, conflict with some other mod that player use, or simply don't like some mod etc.).

To test overall gamebalance with this texch tree, I'm using pretty hard difficulty and with minimal mods installed (still tracking what mod can cause issue and what not). Installe dmods in spoiler section:

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I have ditched out SETI contracts (some of contract packs were causiing spam in logs and this pack may contain obsolete MM commands). That contract pack also mess with Custom barn kit configuration. Starting funds is 10000 and 0 science points. Have to pay entry for each researched part, no additional relay ground stations besides KSC. I also restricting myself only to level 1 buildings, to see how much is feasible to accomplish.

So, I need to establish comm network in orbit with minimum of 6 satelites in equator orbit somewhere between 120 - 160 km and additional 2 in polar orbit with 90 degree longitude orbit difference. Whole craft need to be cheap as possible as I might not be able to have any contract from it as minimum refund. But those are necessary to be able to accomplish any future contracts and grind some scinece points later on.

Since picture tells more than thousens of words - craft example:


So, for latest stage, to be controlable in space I need 8 linear RCS ports with still lacking 4 more to have proper roll control. Those weight too much for such small probe, cuting down upper stage dV a lot. Yemo have solved this issue by adding custom parts in SETI probes mod, previously being integrated with UBM. Sure, I can cut down throttle on those to 25% for better control with kOS, but trough ascent is necessary to have 100% of trust, because boosters don't have any gimbal control and wing surfaces are too heavy.

Instead of solid rocket boosters I can use engine attached to truss and surface attach those to fuel tank. But for 4 engines it is additional 4 more parts that adds to overall part count in VAB/SPH. 40 parts as I suggested might not be enough to counterbalance this issue. And more than 40-50 might be overkill for level one buildings.

Sure, I can use tweakscale to cut down weight of RCS linear ports in half, but I attempt to do test without it, using tweakscale only for IR parts. Just to test overall game balance and get better feel what might be necessary to change. I have only "cheated" a bit trough GAP mod, to get decoupler slightly earlier. Otherwise, might not be possible to even reach space early in game.

There is also missing longer variant of oscar LQ fuel tank, I need to put stack of 3 of them instead of using just one as you have used in your video examples.

I understand your reasons to not change any stock parts. But it might be necessary to add some new ones similar as it is case with LVT-10 engine. I have used MM patch over stock part, but might be better idea to create new part from stock part copy with custom modifications on it. Structural adapters might be also good idea to create 2-4 stack addapters, but for 0.625 size tanks. Just scale down existing stock parts and put it somewhere earlier in tech tree. That would cut down part count from 8 to 5 for same thing.

I would try at first by only adding mentioned additional probe with poor reaction wheels and scaled down 3-4 way adapters. There was some issues with custom RCS ports inYemo's command probes mod between KSP versions, so I would not recommand those as it might be difficult to maintain in future.
Also with ARR licence that mod can also become obsolete, so there is need some other solution for people without DLC packs.

  On 5/16/2019 at 1:14 AM, SpinkAkron said:

I won't have time to work on this for awhile but these are some great ideas for the next version. 


No worries, I was not being able to play KSP for a long time either, not to mention ability to help with mod. Take your time, I will keep posting any other obstacle I found and possible solutions. I understand that you might not be willing to addopt all of them, but I will leave it here for others if they want same changes/solutions that I made.

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@theonegalen, is it possible to remove "FINAL" from this KAX config ?

//Hide Propelators, which asre useless without tiny SXT wings 
	@TechRequired = unresearchable
	@category = none
	@TechHidden = true

I don't use SXT mod, but don't find those engines useless without it. And because of "FINAL" command, I need to comment out this piece of code each time when UKS mod updates. I can't create my own MM patches that could overrride that MM comand. It wont work. More apropriate thing would be to use BEFORE or AFTER UKS or something like that.

I understand that there is some people who want just to hide those parts, though.

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Found some more parts that does not seem to fit properly in tech tree. SIGINT parts from DMagic Orbital science apear too soon in tech tree, much sooner than most powerful stock RA-100 Antenna. While those parts serve as science part, their secondary role is over powered Relay in comparison to stock parts. Put one such part in geostationary orbit and your comm network is early covered for whole KSP universe.

So, I moved those for my peronal purpose much higher in tech tree. Also note that there is 3 similar SIGINT parts: "dmSIGINT.Small", "dmSIGINT" and "dmSIGINT.End".
Seems like "dmSIGINT.Small" was not covered at all in config files, so it apeared too soon in "miniaturization" tech tree node. To balance out changes I have also moved part "dmScope" (least powerful in terms of Science collection) to "miniaturization" node, it was just one tier less than before, but also that part should be available sooner than GORESAT (infrared scope).

	@TechRequired = experimentalScience
	//@TechRequired = miniaturization // apear too soon

	@TechRequired = longTermScienceTech
	//@TechRequired = advScienceTech // previous tech node	

	@TechRequired = longTermScienceTech
	//@TechRequired = advScienceTech // previous

		@TechRequired = miniaturization  // tier 5
		//@TechRequired = advExploration // previous tier 6


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IR Next is just released.

While IR Next comes with Ctt support, seems to be off the place for UKS. So, I re-positioned those along robotic line of tech tree branches:

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Since I didn't find Unkerballed at GitHub I post it here. Compatibility for PEBKAC Industries: Launch Escape System:


		@TechRequired = enhancedSurvivability

		@TechRequired = recycling



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  On 5/22/2019 at 8:05 PM, kcs123 said:

@theonegalen, is it possible to remove "FINAL" from this KAX config ?

//Hide Propelators, which asre useless without tiny SXT wings 
	@TechRequired = unresearchable
	@category = none
	@TechHidden = true

I don't use SXT mod, but don't find those engines useless without it. And because of "FINAL" command, I need to comment out this piece of code each time when UKS mod updates. I can't create my own MM patches that could overrride that MM comand. It wont work. More apropriate thing would be to use BEFORE or AFTER UKS or something like that.

I understand that there is some people who want just to hide those parts, though.


Regardless, using FINAL should be a 'last resort' for stuff you definitely aren't going to distribute and don't want to tinker too much with. For most cases "AFTER[]" is good enough, for edge cases you can use "LAST[]", but FINAL?

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New postitions for Breaking Grounds DLC parts. Just slight movement trough tech tree that have more sense with UKS.

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And if you need to mark new parts, to be more readable for further adjustment you can do this with following MM patch:

// marking BG parts in title
	@title ^= :$: *BG GroundScience*:

	@title ^= :$: *BG GroundExperiment*:

	@title ^= :$: *BG GroundCommsPart*:

	@title ^= :$: *BG GroundExpControl*:

	@title ^= :$: *BG RobotArmScanner*:

	@title ^= :$: *BG InventoryPart*:

// --------------


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  On 6/9/2019 at 8:45 AM, Bluehelmet said:

Is the mod going to be updated with these changes anytime soon? Cheers


It is hard to tell, SpinkAkron is busy lately, haven't be even able to visit forum in last week or two. Proposed changes may or may not be adopted in next mod update. I'm using those in my personal game and I provided those patches to help development when mod authors are able to make such changes. And to provide help for others, to customize their game if they want it until official mod update.

  On 5/16/2019 at 6:01 AM, Steven Mading said:

Be aware that thrust plates only exist in the Making History DLC, not the stock game (which is annoying - they are an important base part for exactly this reason - multi-engine mounts are a basic rocketry idea dating back to the early days.)  Without thrust plates, most engines will refuse to surface attach to the bottom of a fuel tank so you can only mount one engine, in the center of the tank, on the attachment node.

The structural parts that fork multi-ways (2-way, 3-way, 4-way adapter) are the only other option I've found without DLC parts, and I don't think they're available at the start in the tech tree.


That gave me inspiration for new part propsal. Thanks, @Steven Mading.

When I was playing a bit more, I have created smaller versions of 2,3 and 4 way adapters. Basicaly, just scaled down of existing in game adapters. Those comes with trade-off, though, not ultimate solution. It will cost slightly more than if you use cubic truss to attach engines, weight is also increased, so you will end up with lower overall dV. But, it can help a lot with level one SPH/VAB building when you need to worry a lot about part count limits.

TVR-200Ls Stack Bi-Adapter:

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TVR-300Ls Stack Tri-Adapter:

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TVR-400Ls Stack Quad-Adapter:

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And localization file with description for all parts:

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  On 6/10/2019 at 4:34 PM, Jognt said:

@kcs123 Y'know, I agree with your proposal to remove FINAL, but don't you think you should let the guy manage his own mod? :D


Totally cool. This sort of thing will save me a lot of time when I can get back to gaming. 

Sorry I've been AWOL. I have to paint my house this summer and all my formerly free time has to go scraping 120 years of paint and restoration generally if I'm to have any chance of getting my house done before I have to go to the old folks home. Thanks to @kcs123 for helping out with questions,fixes,and updates in the interim!

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  On 6/10/2019 at 4:34 PM, Jognt said:

@kcs123 Y'know, I agree with your proposal to remove FINAL, but don't you think you should let the guy manage his own mod? :D


I always respect mod authors, it is their finall decision should some of proposed be adopted on the end or not. Instead of just complaining about something, I have also proposed solutions. Even if something is not adopted as proposed, it will be easier to do additional adjustments for the next update. I post all my findings here on forum because I'm "lazy" to create github account (have already too much account to handle, both, private and at work). Also, I don't know how much time I would have in future, to create some kind of UKS config extension or similar add-on mod and continue to maintain it.

@SpinkAkron, take your time, private life commitments have always priority. Community will have to either, be patient for next update or learn how to create their own set of patches for personal needs.

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  On 5/26/2019 at 10:13 PM, kcs123 said:

Found some more parts that does not seem to fit properly in tech tree. SIGINT parts from DMagic Orbital science apear too soon in tech tree, much sooner than most powerful stock RA-100 Antenna. While those parts serve as science part, their secondary role is over powered Relay in comparison to stock parts. Put one such part in geostationary orbit and your comm network is early covered for whole KSP universe.

So, I moved those for my peronal purpose much higher in tech tree. Also note that there is 3 similar SIGINT parts: "dmSIGINT.Small", "dmSIGINT" and "dmSIGINT.End".
Seems like "dmSIGINT.Small" was not covered at all in config files, so it apeared too soon in "miniaturization" tech tree node. To balance out changes I have also moved part "dmScope" (least powerful in terms of Science collection) to "miniaturization" node, it was just one tier less than before, but also that part should be available sooner than GORESAT (infrared scope).

	@TechRequired = experimentalScience
	//@TechRequired = miniaturization // apear too soon

	@TechRequired = longTermScienceTech
	//@TechRequired = advScienceTech // previous tech node	

	@TechRequired = longTermScienceTech
	//@TechRequired = advScienceTech // previous

		@TechRequired = miniaturization  // tier 5
		//@TechRequired = advExploration // previous tier 6



In that case, I think you could squish the above bit into

	@TechRequired ^= :miniaturization:experimentalScience:
	@TechRequired ^= :advScienceTech:longTermScienceTech:
	@TechRequired ^= :advExploration:miniaturization:

I haven't tested it but I think it should work, and it saves on lines :)

edit: In case I'm totally missing something, let me know.. Because part of me is facepalming in the back of my head, so I'm probably missing something obvious..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Without reading 9 pages of posts, does anyone know if the reactor science nodes got moved back to come off the propulsion nodes? It's weird to have all the late-game nuclear engines and reactors that are all used for propulsion to sit off the electrics branch of the tech tree.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mod compatibility request:

Is it possible to nerf the probodobodobodyne qbe when Kerbalism is installed? 

Kerbalism uses hard drive space, and early cores have 0.5-1.0 Mb of storage, but the qbe gets 80Mb, so it's OP in early career. 

Asking here, since Kerbalism dev team have other priorities before supporting this mod. 

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  On 7/11/2019 at 6:41 AM, Therese said:

Mod compatibility request:

Is it possible to nerf the probodobodobodyne qbe when Kerbalism is installed? 

Kerbalism uses hard drive space, and early cores have 0.5-1.0 Mb of storage, but the qbe gets 80Mb, so it's OP in early career. 

Asking here, since Kerbalism dev team have other priorities before supporting this mod. 


Yep, it is possible, but you would probably want to add some personal patch for that part for personal usage. I'm not familiar with Kerbalism mod, so I don't know what exact module name for disk storage it add to command module, but I can give you example that I used to add reaction wheels to it. Note that I don't know exact folder name for Kerbalism and for disk storage, so you will need to search trough Kerbalism config files to see what kind of new module is added to command probes.

See in spoiler section example how it should work. Sorry, I have no time right now to try Kerbalism and chase down all necessary exact variable names, but it may help you to do it by yourself. Post it here if you find exact proper solution, if not, I may do it later on when I grab more free time for it.

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  On 7/11/2019 at 2:56 PM, kcs123 said:

Yep, it is possible, but you would probably want to add some personal patch for that part for personal usage.


The devs for Kerbalism actually uploaded a supporting version yesterday, so it's not an issue after all.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion

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  On 7/11/2019 at 8:41 PM, Therese said:

The devs for Kerbalism actually uploaded a supporting version yesterday, so it's not an issue after all.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion


You are welcome. Good to know that you are sorted out that thing with Kerbalism developers.

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Firstly, thank you for a great mod. It has encouraged me to get back into playing KSP, as I always played with Unmanned Before Manned.

May I politely request for mod support to be added for OPT Space Plane, please? This really helps fill the tech tree out and provides some later game options and fun choices :)

Thank you in advance!

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Could I ask some help here with a modification I am trying to make with the tech tree and an SSTU upgrade.  Here is the original code from the mod.

	name = SSTU-SC-ENG-SRB-GeneralRocketry
	partIcon = SSTU-SC-ENG-SRB-A
	techRequired = generalRocketry
	entryCost = 2000
	cost = 0

	title = Modular SRB Efficiency Upgrade
	manufacturer = SSTU
	description = A new, more explosive fuel mixture improves the burning efficiency of solid rockets.

I have been making some changes with SSTU parts successfully so I thought I would try using the same structure like this:

	@TechRequired = heavierRocketry

But its not working.  Can someone give some guidance here?

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I'm not familiar that much with part upgrade, but have you tried this:

	@TechRequired = heavierRocketry

Although, I think that "zzzUnkerballedStart" that is written everywhere trough UnkerbaledStart patches does not do anything, because there is no such folder inside Gamedata folder or plugin with that name. I think that it is leftover of WIP version of Unkerballed Start mod, but have to check with @SpinkAkron to tell for sure. Any of those does not cause any harm, though.

To ensure that your patch is executed after all other patches applied in game, it is good practice to place your own patches in your own folder that start with "Z*". I used "ZX_CustomTweaks" for my personal purposes for example. If you want to execute some commands BEFORE some other mod patches are executed, that will work properly if you tell MM to do so, but placing your own patches in "Z" folder will make those that were executed last.

And you may want to execute your patches last, because if you put BEFORE command, some other MM patch may override your command. To check out if your filter clause of MM patch (needs, has, etc.) work properly, you may want to try with something more simple, like changing a title of part, to visualy detect if patches are applied properly.

Other than that, if above tips does not help, you may want to ask questions in MM thread instead. More people with better knowledge of MM follow that thread and you may find answer sooner.

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