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[1.8.x] UnKerballed Start v1.1.0 (updated Oct 27, 2019)


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  On 8/29/2020 at 2:34 AM, Clamp-o-Tron said:

I did it a bit differently, with Titov (V2) parts in the start node, Capella (Bumper) in tier 2. Your choice though.

I forked your repo with some of the .cfgs I made. They rely on Spink's template, so I can change them if they don't match with the new syntax, or if they are not quite in agreement with the rest of the tree. I think I balanced them well, though.


Sounds great. I wanted the Capella science parts to be alongside the stock versions of the same parts, so that's why Capella went in start for me.


EDIT: Getting into Github Desktop and realizing how incredibly useful it is. Like, organization, making sure you don't forget stuff, having an easily switchable master and development branch... I think I'm in love.

Edited by theonegalen
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  On 8/29/2020 at 1:29 AM, theonegalen said:


  On 7/16/2019 at 2:43 PM, kcs123 said:

Although, I think that "zzzUnkerballedStart" that is written everywhere trough UnkerbaledStart patches does not do anything, because there is no such folder inside Gamedata folder or plugin with that name. I think that it is leftover of WIP version of Unkerballed Start mod, but have to check with @SpinkAkron to tell for sure. Any of those does not cause any harm, though.


Spink originally used :FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart] in order to make sure that the UKS patches ran after whatever part mods someone might have. I asked him to use :BEFORE[zzzUnkerballedStart] so that I could make the tree adaptive - using :AFTER[zzzUnkerballedStart] to move parts around depending on which mods someone had installed. The CustomBarnKit config has :FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart], which tells ModuleManager that it exists. Not sure where the zzz came from. I might try without it, but not in my first update.


I migt be wrongf on this, but IIRC, CustomBarnKit configs were optional/disabled at some point of development ? Again, it is jut my blurred memory from top of my head, I will need some time to check out all of my old installs, but might no longer be of importance at all. At time of wroting that post, I was not having knowledge about MM syntax and proper usage of FOR command.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 9:14 AM, kcs123 said:

I migt be wrongf on this, but IIRC, CustomBarnKit configs were optional/disabled at some point of development ?


Yep, I've decided to leave it on by default now that it's only increasing partcount for the Tier 1 SPH and VAB, which is less disruptive to gameplay than switching the upgrade costs. If you want to disable it, just delete or rename the config in the UnKerballedStart directory.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 4:03 PM, theonegalen said:

Yep, I've decided to leave it on by default now that it's only increasing partcount for the Tier 1 SPH and VAB, which is less disruptive to gameplay than switching the upgrade costs. If you want to disable it, just delete or rename the config in the UnKerballedStart directory.


I second that! Nice to have for planet packs that have ranges beyond stock.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 4:03 PM, theonegalen said:

Yep, I've decided to leave it on by default now that it's only increasing partcount for the Tier 1 SPH and VAB, which is less disruptive to gameplay than switching the upgrade costs. If you want to disable it, just delete or rename the config in the UnKerballedStart directory.


Yes, I know about it because it was adopted on my suggestion, to have increased part count slightly instead of price swap changes for SPH/VAB/Launchpad :). I don't complain about it. Reason why I mentioned it is this:


I asked him to use :BEFORE[zzzUnkerballedStart] so that I could make the tree adaptive - using :AFTER[zzzUnkerballedStart] to move parts around depending on which mods someone had installed. The CustomBarnKit config has :FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart], which tells ModuleManager that it exists.


Meaning, since FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart] command is definded in CustomBarnKit and not anywhere else, MM is not aware of "zzzUnkerballedStart" if CustomBarnKit config is disabled. And it was disabled  by default for few versions of UKS. That implies that all of BEFORE/AFTER[zzzUnkerballedStart] patches were not executed exactly as intended when CusomBarnKit config was disabled. If I understanded properly how MM works. As much as I know, disabled CustomBarnkit config didn't do any harm, or I didn't notice any on applied UKS patches.

So, if :FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart] is necessary to have for proper patching order, might be good idea to declare it in some other config file that is not recommended to be deleted/disabled for users that don't like current CustomBarnKit config. Just wanted to be aware of it. Sorry if I'm wrong in case that I missed something else that I didn't aware of.

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  On 8/29/2020 at 5:36 PM, kcs123 said:

So, if :FOR[zzzUnkerballedStart] is necessary to have for proper patching order, might be good idea to declare it in some other config file that is not recommended to be deleted/disabled for users that don't like current CustomBarnKit config. Just wanted to be aware of it. Sorry if I'm wrong in case that I missed something else that I didn't aware of.


Gotcha. It's also in the Making History config.

Would be great if we could move all conversations to the new thread.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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