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[1.9.1 - 1.10.x] Beyond Home 1.5.0 (Supports Parallax)


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I'm trying to use Beyond Home 1.5.2 in KSP 1.10.1 but the performance is really bad- it sits at about 7FPS in KSC view and drops to less than 4 when I put even the most basic vessel on the launchpad or runway. Downgrading to BH 1.4.2 (without Parallax) completely solves the issue, so to me this seems like Parallax is the cause; turning all the settings down in the Parallax global config file didn't help, nor did dialing down the graphics in the KSP main menu settings; deleting Parallax causes the stock system to be loaded instead.

Is there a way to use the latest version of Beyond Home without Parallax? Or do I need to use the older v1.4.2 instead?

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5 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

I'm trying to use Beyond Home 1.5.2 in KSP 1.10.1 but the performance is really bad- it sits at about 7FPS in KSC view and drops to less than 4 when I put even the most basic vessel on the launchpad or runway. Downgrading to BH 1.4.2 (without Parallax) completely solves the issue, so to me this seems like Parallax is the cause; turning all the settings down in the Parallax global config file didn't help, nor did dialing down the graphics in the KSP main menu settings; deleting Parallax causes the stock system to be loaded instead.

Is there a way to use the latest version of Beyond Home without Parallax? Or do I need to use the older v1.4.2 instead?

What are your specs? Please send your log as well

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@Gameslinx I hope these uploads work, never used dropbox before.

Minimal install with just KSP 1.10.1 plus both DLCs, then Kopernicus bleeding edge release 41 added manually (with MFI and MM included) and EVE, scatterer, DOE, Beyond Home and Show FPS added through CKAN with their dependencies auto-installed. I found the setting to make the FPS counter bigger for the 1.5.2 images but after I'd already done them for 1.4.2, but in 1.4.2 they're all sitting at 30FPS and limited by V-sync or they'd be higher.

Here's what happened with Beyond Home 1.5.2 plus Parallax:


And here's what happened with Beyond Home 1.4.2 without Parallax:


I've included a screenshot of the graphics settings in the 1.5.2 folder, they were unchanged when running 1.4.2; full PC specs are in KSP.log


Edited by jimmymcgoochie
wrong folder
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On 9/27/2020 at 6:34 PM, Morphisor said:

So after the release of Parallax and BH 1.5 I have been one of many to try out the new goodies, and so far I really like what I see!

Coming from JNSQ however, the native scale of BH really just feels too small... [snip] ...I thought I'd share my config here for anyone to use: https://github.com/Morphisor244/Beyond-Home-Rescale

Just stopping by to pay respects to the mod author and yourself - I ended up using your Sigma config and I have to say, as a veteran of JSNQ 1.8.1, you really hit the nail on the head. Lot's of stuff I didn't think about for rescaling Rhode such as surface pressure, gravity, atmosphere height, etc that your config really came in handy for. Thank you!

As for Beyond Home, I am truly taken aback by my experience so far. I hesitated for a long time upgrading to 1.10 but after eye-balling this mod for a good minute, decided to make the switch and I'm very glad I did. The hands-down best part for me is the performance - it's superb. I never would have dreamed KSP could run so smoothly loaded down with a heavy planet pack, all the visual bells and whistles, AND parts mods galore. Hats off to the team!

I've taken some sneak peeks at all the planets but for now I'm still puffing around in LRO in my new career game, not that there's anything wrong with that!

Keep in mind this is with 3.5x rescale:






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@lemon cup I’m also amazed by how awesome this mod + parallax is and am loving the 3.5 scale; I echo your praise! One thing I wondered looking at your screencaps - are you using scatterer? I am finding that my atmospheres (both rhode and lua) look very white/hazy such that the terrain from orbit is not as clearly visible. I have some pics here showing a different issue but you will see the haziness:



is this how yours appears on ascent? I’m wondering if this is the intended appearance of these bodies/atmospheres or if I am having a graphical issue. I wonder about scatterer configs..

Edited by Kerbocracy
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2 hours ago, Kerbocracy said:

@lemon cup I’m also amazed by how awesome this mod + parallax and am loving the 3.5 scale; I echo your praise! One thing I wondered looking at your screw caps - are you using scatterer? I am finding that my atmospheres (both rhode and lua) look very white/hazy such that the terrain from orbit is not as clearly visible. I have some pics here showing a different issue but you will see the haziness:



is this how yours appears on ascent? I’m wondering if this is the intended appearance of these bodies/atmospheres or if I am having a graphical issue. I wonder about scatterer configs..

On the first pic, is that Rhode? As far as the small visual breaks where the terrain seems to peek up through the top layer of atmosphere, yes that happens to me too here and there, but I minimized it a bit by turning down the "landscape" setting in the Sigma config. 

As for the atmosphere thickness I did adjust mine slightly. I can't speak for the author but from my experience with various planet packs,  mod authors that provide scatterer configs meticulously tailor them to look good in as wide variety of situations as possible. Scatterer is a great tool but it's not perfect, and what looks realistic from afar may look slightly off in low orbit. I personally play a very large amount of KSP in low orbit so I tend to tweak the scatterer config to look very good from there, which is easy to do using the in-game Alt+F11 interface.

Also using TUFX to boost color and lighting. 

Edited by lemon cup
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So this release got me back into KSP and I am really enjoying it so far, just did my first manned orbit of Rhode and my first unmanned landing on Lua. I can't wait to explore the whole system! It also looks gorgeous, even on my now-dated machine which has required me to turn down the render quality somewhat. My only real complaint is that terrain is *pitch black* at night, even with Ambient Light Boost turned up, but I'm not sure if that's a Parallax issue or a stock one; it's been a while since I played.

I have noticed, though, that it seems to cause issues with science management mods. It looks like all of the anomaly science is technically available in every biome, you just can't access the UI for it -- so anything that bypasses the UI will "see" all of those science experiments.

For example:

  • Searching [x] Science for "huge spire" turns up 386 "huge spire analysis", including things like "huge spire analysis while landed at Rhode's astronaut complex"
  • All y'All's "perform all science" button on an EVA'd kerbal will generate 60-ish science reports, including spires, mushrooms, and "we forgot to write a title for this one", no matter what the situation is
  • AutomatedScienceSampler will do the same thing automatically as soon as you EVA, if it's turned on
  • [x] Science and [x] Science Here and Now will freeze the game briefly when opened, presumably as a result of needing to enumerate thousands of (experiment × biome) combinations

Interestingly this does not seem to affect ScienceAlert ReAlerted, but SARA seems to have problems with EVA reports and surface samples in general, which might be why.

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Hi all long time no see again.

May I ask this mod says for 1.10.x I assume thats also for 1.10.1 ETC

Reason I ask is some mods say 1.10 but there is no way in steam to select 1.10 just 1.10.1 which is default or just 1.9 and lower not specfically 1.10.

So mods for 1.10.1 will they also work for 1.10 and so on


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5 hours ago, ToxicFrog said:
  • Searching [x] Science for "huge spire" turns up 386 "huge spire analysis", including things like "huge spire analysis while landed at Rhode's astronaut complex"
  • All y'All's "perform all science" button on an EVA'd kerbal will generate 60-ish science reports, including spires, mushrooms, and "we forgot to write a title for this one", no matter what the situation is
  • AutomatedScienceSampler will do the same thing automatically as soon as you EVA, if it's turned on
  • [x] Science and [x] Science Here and Now will freeze the game briefly when opened, presumably as a result of needing to enumerate thousands of (experiment × biome) combinations

This is because of the custom "breaking ground"-like experiments that I use Kopernicus for. Might be worth me tagging @R-T-B as Kopernicus-created experiments show up in other mods even when the conditions aren't met

4 hours ago, stk2008 said:

Hi all long time no see again.

May I ask this mod says for 1.10.x I assume thats also for 1.10.1 ETC

Reason I ask is some mods say 1.10 but there is no way in steam to select 1.10 just 1.10.1 which is default or just 1.9 and lower not specfically 1.10.

So mods for 1.10.1 will they also work for 1.10 and so on


By 1.10.x it means BH will work on any version of 1.10, but it's recommended you get the latest version.

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1 hour ago, Entropian said:

Yeah, I'm having the same problem with ForScience!; it spits out a bunch of analyses of trees, structures, etc.  Is there a way to fix this?

What I've been doing is using ScienceAlert ReAlerted, which doesn't automate as much as ForScience or AutomatedScienceSampler, but also doesn't display the surplus experiments (because it doesn't really display EVA experiments at all, beyond a "go EVA" button when you're in the capsule and there's science to be done outside it). It also lets you disable it entirely per experiment.

As far as I know neither ForScience nor AutomatedScienceSampler let you disable individual experiments, and ScienceAlert doesn't let you completely automate experiments, which is a shame.

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6 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

This is because of the custom "breaking ground"-like experiments that I use Kopernicus for. Might be worth me tagging @R-T-B as Kopernicus-created experiments show up in other mods even when the conditions aren't met

By 1.10.x it means BH will work on any version of 1.10, but it's recommended you get the latest version.

Unfortunately I wasn't even aware Kopernicus managed science, so I am unlikely to be of help there.  I'll ping Thomas about it later.

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This is a really great mod, it re-sparked my desire to play ksp. There is one major bug that’s giving me heck, though...

It’s the terrain. It’s absolutely stunning, but whenever I get within a hundred meters or so, it simply disappears. I can still land on it, but it’s not visible. Same thing happens when I am on the launchpad.( terrain disappears, but still has the collision hotbox) This has happened on Rhode, Ash,  and Lua. It hasn’t happened on Armstrong, however. I apologize for the lack of screenshots, it’s essentially impossible for me to post. Could this be a visual mod problem? 

(I am using the latest version of beyond home on ksp 1.9.1, if that helps)

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2 hours ago, Gameslinx said:

Can you try 1.10? I've not had this, even when on 1.9. If you have a log, it would be useful if you could upload it :)

Oy...I’d love to, but I’ve got a bunch of 1.9 dependent mods. 

I’m not sure how to access the log, or what it is, actually. I’ll try to figure this out. (I’ll try re-starting the game, that very well could be the problem)

Edit: it appears that the chunks disappear at roughly 1 to 1.2 kilometers in range. This is got to be some visual mod not playing nicely

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You've probably encountered a serious issue when trying to land on any body besides Rhode, clipping through the terrain and exploding, despite all mods being installed properly and all terrain settings turned up to max.
If you have have successfully landed on multiple bodies with no issues, pay this no mind.
If you have, like myself, I finally came across a solution from Sigma88. Here is a link to the GitHub discussion: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/issues/95

Here is the fix:
-Navigate to GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/resizePQSMods.cfg and delete the following line of text:
                  &minDetailDistance = 8
                  @minDetailDistance /= #$../SigmaDimensions/Resize$

-Save the .cfg and boot up KSP

I was finally able to make my first landing today thanks to this, and hopefully this helps anyone else with this issue.
Armstrong landing with 3.5x rescale

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7 hours ago, lemon cup said:


You've probably encountered a serious issue when trying to land on any body besides Rhode, clipping through the terrain and exploding, despite all mods being installed properly and all terrain settings turned up to max.
If you have have successfully landed on multiple bodies with no issues, pay this no mind.
If you have, like myself, I finally came across a solution from Sigma88. Here is a link to the GitHub discussion: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/issues/95

Here is the fix:
-Navigate to GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/ReDimension/resizePQSMods.cfg and delete the following line of text:
                  &minDetailDistance = 8
                  @minDetailDistance /= #$../SigmaDimensions/Resize$

-Save the .cfg and boot up KSP

I was finally able to make my first landing today thanks to this, and hopefully this helps anyone else with this issue.
Armstrong landing with 3.5x rescale

This screenshot makes me miss Beyond Home again.  I just couldn't handle the timeline though, I wanted to be the first on the Mun, etc.  Beyond Home assumes it's all already been done...  heh.

It's a personal preference thing, and not a gripe at all.  Beyond Home is a top notch experience just wasn't for me.

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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

This screenshot makes me miss Beyond Home again.  I just couldn't handle the timeline though, I wanted to be the first on the Mun, etc.  Beyond Home assumes it's all already been done...  heh.

It's a personal preference thing, and not a gripe at all.  Beyond Home is a top notch experience just wasn't for me.

Well I can only speak for myself, but at a certain point I figure willfully ignoring bits of offered lore is as much a gameplay mechanic as a legitimate play style, the author even encourages it. Many parts of stock KSP urge you to ignore it’s own set narrative and the more you mod the more this becomes true. I mean heck, one of my all time favorite mods supplies exact replicas of historical American rockets, to play in a game about a species of little green men from another star that have never even heard of Earth. That seems like a really really hard contradiction to ignore, but we all do it anyways, because that mod is awesome. And that’s how I currently feel about Beyond Home.

PS: also, thank you for curating the code that makes mods like these possible :)

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Oh god

EDIT: Fixed my problem with the giant black square.

Another question though: I really would like to visit the Kerbol system. But waiting 100 years isn't the greatest thing to do, so I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for mods that are good for this mod. I guess something with propulsion or a warp drive. I don't really wanna just teleport there though, I still want it to take some time.

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18 hours ago, NateDaBeast said:


Oh god

EDIT: Fixed my problem with the giant black square.

Another question though: I really would like to visit the Kerbol system. But waiting 100 years isn't the greatest thing to do, so I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for mods that are good for this mod. I guess something with propulsion or a warp drive. I don't really wanna just teleport there though, I still want it to take some time.

KSP Interstellar Extended

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