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[1.12.x] NOT RO - Kerbal Construction Time - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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  On 8/16/2019 at 10:01 PM, gamerscircle said:

Can KCT be setup where there is "no" construction time?  Why?  I would like to use the "storage" ability and have it part of my "budget" in my save.



You just need to disable "Build Times" in the KCT Settings when you first start the game/

When you start the game, you get this screen:



Click the Choose a Preset button and  you will get the following



Click the Build Times to disable it, you will see the following.  Click Save when done


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 8/16/2019 at 11:51 PM, gamerscircle said:

It would seem, that without a build time, you cannot add to the build que, is there another way to add rockets to storage?


I'll have to look into that, but you can build & launch to the runway/launchpad, and then recover into storage

Maybe not, this is something I'll have to work on

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 8/16/2019 at 11:51 PM, gamerscircle said:

It would seem, that without a build time, you cannot add to the build que, is there another way to add rockets to storage?


You could also activate the build time, but make it very fast.

In the settings, change the following:

Overall MUltiplier , Build Effect, Inventory Effect

to 0.0000.1

This will speed up the building.  May not be exactly what you are looking for, but may do what you need

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  On 8/17/2019 at 3:07 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

You could also activate the build time, but make it very fast.

In the settings, change the following:

Overall MUltiplier , Build Effect, Inventory Effect

to 0.0000.1

This will speed up the building.  May not be exactly what you are looking for, but may do what you need


That does work.. thank you

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There is going to be a new beta soon.  One of the things I'm working on is:

  • Stock Recover button will bring up a dialog asking if it's to be a normal recovery or a KCT recovery
  • Toolbar Button controls internally replaced with the ToolbarController

I'd like a few people to be able to beta-test it, any volunteers?

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Just saw the announcement of KSP2. There's a decent chance that'll bring me back to the game and there's a non-zero chance I would come back to modding as well. So there's a chance that I will be working on KCT2 for KSP2, perhaps in conjunction with @linuxgurugamer if that's something he'd be interested in.

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  On 8/20/2019 at 1:14 PM, magico13 said:

Just saw the announcement of KSP2. There's a decent chance that'll bring me back to the game and there's a non-zero chance I would come back to modding as well. So there's a chance that I will be working on KCT2 for KSP2, perhaps in conjunction with @linuxgurugamer if that's something he'd be interested in.


Was discussing this last night on stream.  Possible future enhancement is the ability to build and store assemblies, and then to integrate assemblies.  Depending on what happens with KCT2, I'd be interested.

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  On 8/20/2019 at 2:55 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Was discussing this last night on stream.  Possible future enhancement is the ability to build and store assemblies, and then to integrate assemblies.  Depending on what happens with KCT2, I'd be interested.


At minimum I'd definitely want your, and the community's, input since it'd probably be something built from the ground up. I imagine you're going to be swamped with trying to move a bunch of things over so I wouldn't want to add to that too much :P. We've got plenty of time before then since it's not until the Spring and we still don't know anything about modding support other than "more things are open to modders".

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  On 8/20/2019 at 3:03 PM, magico13 said:

At minimum I'd definitely want your, and the community's, input since it'd probably be something built from the ground up. I imagine you're going to be swamped with trying to move a bunch of things over so I wouldn't want to add to that too much :P. We've got plenty of time before then since it's not until the Spring and we still don't know anything about modding support other than "more things are open to modders".


As of now, I'm not expecting any mods to be portable over.  Possibly parts mods, but the internals are going to be totally different

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  On 8/20/2019 at 3:06 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

As of now, I'm not expecting any mods to be portable over.  Possibly parts mods, but the internals are going to be totally different


Right, I more meant that there are a number of them that you'll probably have to basically remake. Unless you plan on only supporting them for KSP1 and leaving KSP2 alone. If you're going to "move" (ie rewrite) anything to KSP2 that's gonna probably be a lot of work so I wouldn't want to add anything more to your plate.

Edited by magico13
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  On 8/20/2019 at 3:11 PM, magico13 said:

Right, I more meant that there are a number of them that you'll probably have to basically remake. Unless you plan on only supporting them for KSP1 and leaving KSP2 alone. If you're going to "move" (ie rewrite) anything to KSP2 that's gonna probably be a lot of work so I wouldn't want to add anything more to your plate.


I'm not planning on remaking any at this time.  I first want to see what the new KSP-2 has and what it needs, then I can think about what could be added.

I watched Scott Manley's video about the new KSP-2, and frankly it was a disappointment.  He was analyzing the marketing videos and trying to extraplate, but it was just guesswork.

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  On 8/20/2019 at 3:14 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm not planning on remaking any at this time.  I first want to see what the new KSP-2 has and what it needs, then I can think about what could be added.

I watched Scott Manley's video about the new KSP-2, and frankly it was a disappointment.  He was analyzing the marketing videos and trying to extraplate, but it was just guesswork.


Alright, sounds good. We can maybe talk some more when we find out more details about whats already there and what modding support looks like :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the current level of integration between this and Scrapyard? Particularly e.g. when using the Plans or Duplicate features to build things directly from the KCT menu without visiting the VAB? I'm guessing it doesn't respect Scrapyard's override funds option?

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New BETA release, (not available via CKAN)

  • Added InstallChecker
  • Replaced all button logic with the ToolbarController
  • Removed Blizzy toggle
  • Thanks to github user @henrybauer:
    • Added check for a loaded tech tree (The only way you'd get into this situation is by taking a fresh copy of KSP, installing mods (including KCT) and then copying over a saved game from another copy of KSP.)
  • Added interception of the altimiter Recover button, presents a dialog
  • Added check for full tanks at launch, if so, then it won't show the "Fill tanks & launch" button
  • Renamed the Building Plans window to Building Plans & Construction
  • Added a Build button to the Building Plans window
  • Removed the window showing up when hovering over button
  • Removed Settings button
  • Added right-click on toolbar button to bring up settings window
  • Removed unnecessary 2nd set of code to create the toolbar button

Available here:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KCT/releases/tag/

This is a beta, I need feedback before doing a full release.  There are a lot of changes internally, I need the feedback.

Also, once this is fully released, the RO team will be submitting a number of changes to be merged, with the intent to finally combine both forks into one so that the RO players will be able to install via CKAN

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KCT claiming an edit is more expensive than it should be (and thus takes longer than it should) bug - I think I can recreate it.

Has anyone seen this bug besides me?  I want to see if it's something others have experienced before I write it up as an issue:

To recreate it:

1 - Build a rather expensive rocket - something that will cost like 40,000 or more funds.

2 - Launch it through KCT and wait the required time for it to get to the launchpad and be usable.

3 - Launch it.  Get partway through the launch process - at least far enough to have dropped your first stage and moved on to stage 2 so your rocket is smaller than it was at launch.

4 - Use the stock "revert to launch" feature from the stock "escape menu".  (requires that you not be on the hardest difficulty settings that ban revert to launch).

5 - Now that you're back on the launchpad after the revert, use KCT's window to recover the rocket to the VAB for editing.

6 - Wait the required time to rollback the rocket to the VAB.

7 - Click KCT's "edit vessel' button to bring it into the VAB for edits.

8 - (the bug) Even a minor edit to insert one little part, that should only cost a tiny amount of funds end up costing like over 50% of the rocket cost and costing a large amount of time.  Even making no edits at all and just hitting "save edits" still costs a long delay at least 50% as large as the original build time.

I suspect that something about steps 3&4 is confusing KCT into using an incorrect version of what the rocket's temp craft file was, so it sees a much bigger "diff" of funds in the VAB edit mode than it should.  One suspicion I have is how it seems like step 3 is needed to cause the bug (that you have to have gotten far enough to stage before reverting).  Maybe it's "diffing" versus the smaller leftover rocket you had after the staging, rather than what you had initially on the launchpad.


On another note:


Removed the window showing up when hovering over button


Thank You.  This was always a minor quality of life issue that wasn't a game breaker but was just lightly annoying.  The kOS button is adjacent to the KCT button in my toolbar so every time I moved the mouse down to the kOS button it would pass over the KCT button on the way and trigger this behaviour.

Edited by Steven Mading
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Hi everyone!

For the VABandPartCount preset, I'd like to change it to allow for multiple multiple builds at the same time.  Currently it is one after the other after the other.

So for example, on the tier 1 VAB have one after another,

In the tier 2 have two concurrent builds

In the tier 3 have three concurrent builds


Ideally, this would keep the same length of time for the builds, speed up for each tier, and based on part count.


Could someone please suggest how I would go about this?




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