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Kerbal Space Program 1.7: “Room to Maneuver” Grand Discussion Thread


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Black screen on start like 1.6 again for 1.7 KSP store Mac non-launcher version. Copy and paste to and from the Application folder dosent fix it this time. Squads monkey head has been so not funny for a long long time! 

  On 4/12/2019 at 11:34 PM, TonedMite133805 said:

When will 1.7.1 be released? I screwed up my 1.6.1 KSP file and I don’t want to have to go through the manual install slog twice in a short time. On a related note, when will the godd**n LAUNCHER get fixed? It would really help non-steam players (like me).



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Great job!!!

One little things bugs me about the orbital UI. Could we have all the parameters displayed at once ?

When hitting for a specific orbit I usually go for both Ap/Pe and inclination, which requires me to switch between displays. 

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So I've been playing on 1.7 for a couple of hours and I'm really impressed.  I'm using a 2011 iMac w/32gb on board and the game runs silky smooth with 131 mods installed.  The only grief I've gotten so far was a re-entry slowing down to the point of being a slide show right around 24km, but otherwise the game runs more smoothly with a LOT less crashes than previous versions.

I stayed with the updates until 1.3.1 and then I said enough, I'm going to actually PLAY for a while instead of installing and re-installing and constantly starting over.  I skipped all of the 1.4 and 1.5 iterations and only just started on 1.6.1 a few weeks ago.  After seeing some of the updates for 1.7 I figured the pain was worth it and made the leap.  I'm glad I did.  Other than a few texturing issues, most of my mods made the leap, and I only had to fix the RCS-based camera in JSI, everything else seemed to work okay (well, there's Kopernicus, but I had that fixed before I made the attempt.)

So bravo, Squad.  I think this is one of the best KSP updates you've done.  Great work.

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  On 4/13/2019 at 12:02 PM, TonedMite133805 said:

Oh my god this sucks. How am I supposed to download new versions without having to download it all over again? FYI I don’t have Steam.


Seriously, downloading fresh every update is no problem, I have always done it that way.

Once downloaded, just copy your saves and mods from your 'old' version directly into the same folders in the 'new' version. The only 'hassle' is resetting the 'settings' to how i like them and remembering to create a new shortcut for the new version.

As a bonus though, if you don't delete it, your 'old' version is still there as a backup in case you forgot to copy something over (usually custom flags in my case), or something goes badly wrong with the new update.

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I still don't agree with locking away flight tools in early career.  You're essentially making the game it's hardest in the beginning.  You're making new players guess, instead of giving them the tools they need, and teaching them to use those tools.  The difficulty of KSP should come from getting to the next planet.  Not arbitrary unlocks.

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  On 4/13/2019 at 12:43 PM, pandaman said:

Seriously, downloading fresh every update is no problem, I have always done it that way.

Once downloaded, just copy your saves and mods from your 'old' version directly into the same folders in the 'new' version. The only 'hassle' is resetting the 'settings' to how i like them and remembering to create a new shortcut for the new version.

As a bonus though, if you don't delete it, your 'old' version is still there as a backup in case you forgot to copy something over (usually custom flags in my case), or something goes badly wrong with the new update.


Well for some reason it’s a massive PitA for me: Dad said the only software that was more difficult to install was a clean Windows install— on a Mac.

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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:36 PM, klgraham1013 said:


I still don't agree with locking away flight tools in early career.  You're essentially making the game it's hardest in the beginning.  You're making new players guess, instead of giving them the tools they need, and teaching them to use those tools.  The difficulty of KSP should come from getting to the next planet.  Not arbitrary unlocks.


It's just more proof that new players should. not. play. career. They should play Science mode. I've thought this for years and every change to either mode has just solidified that more in my mind.

The only problem is there's no indication that science mode is the obvious correct choice for new players, and no way to make science mode more difficult by finding a way to add building upgrades to it.

  On 4/13/2019 at 3:45 PM, TonedMite133805 said:

Well for some reason it’s a massive PitA for me: Dad said the only software that was more difficult to install was a clean Windows install— on a Mac.


Weird. You install it by unzipping it into a new folder.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:45 PM, TonedMite133805 said:

Dad said the only software that was more difficult to install...


I think this is the root of your problem right here.  Dad’s busy, he doesn’t have time for this.  I know, I’m dad too.  

Im on Mac and have zero issues, and I got the game from the store, not a reseller. All you do is download the zip version, NOT the installer version.  Put it somewhere, drag the ksp app to your desktop and then back to its folder and then ctrl-right click it and run it. Presto, done.  Easy peesy.  

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  On 4/13/2019 at 8:50 PM, 5thHorseman said:

and no way to make science mode more difficult by finding a way to add building upgrades to it.


My suggestion would be to upgrade with reputation, which you could get by completing worlds first contracts in the background. All the buildings should upgrade at once to the next tier so you don't have to "spend" rep. 

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Many good things in this version, well done, that new maneuver tool is especially useful.

Now if the size of the text on some of the features in map mode was large enough to read it would be damn near perfect.

And by perfect I mean better than 1.3.1

Edited by spongebobsquaresaget
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  On 4/13/2019 at 3:36 PM, klgraham1013 said:


I still don't agree with locking away flight tools in early career.  You're essentially making the game it's hardest in the beginning.  You're making new players guess, instead of giving them the tools they need, and teaching them to use those tools.  The difficulty of KSP should come from getting to the next planet.  Not arbitrary unlocks.


I disagree. The first time we kicked something into space, we were unable to predict exactly what would happen. Lots and lots of calculations were perfected by trial and error.

This emulates that times.

But, of course, these are not mutually exclusive ideas. There's a thing called "easy mode" for a reason. :)

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I found a glitch on KSP 1.7 (modded).

Ok, it's a modded KSP,  but I didn't had this before using the same Add'Ons on previous KSP versions: the sky box starts to flicker, perhaps some error on the texture position values? (something initializing something to zero, or perhaps a numeric error?)

If anyone gets this too, please advise - so we can try to nail down the problem, instead of just opening a bug telling "It's not working" :)

— — — POST EDIT — — — 

Just found another one. This can be something about memory - I'm using a MacMini with shared memory on CPU/GPU, and Unity historically doesn't behaves very well under memory constrictions. :P 


Edited by Lisias
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  On 4/13/2019 at 8:50 PM, 5thHorseman said:

It's just more proof that new players should. not. play. career. They should play Science mode.


New players will obviously gravitate toward something called career.  To me, it's just more proof that Squad really needs to rethink career.  It just doesn't work to on board new players.  I'm actually not sure if science mode does any better.  There's less to consider, but it still doesn't really teach you anything.  Sure, there's the tutorials, but...let's be honest...most people are here to play a game, not go to school.  The school needs to be built into a standard mode in a fun and interesting way.  Career and science make basically no attempt at this.

  On 4/14/2019 at 6:13 AM, Lisias said:

The first time we kicked something into space, we were unable to predict exactly what would happen.


Trial and error is only fun for the first few explosions.  If we want players to reach the Mun and even leave Kerbin's SOI, we need more than trail and error at the very beginning of the game.  This is one of the few times I'll actually say Kerbal needs to be a game over a simulation.  When those numbers are unlocked in career, show me where the game teaches the player what those numbers are.  It doesn't.  Suddenly something that said LOCKED now shows numbers. That's all that happens.  That's not good enough.

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