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Thread to discuss negative things in a very general way, just see where it goes y'know?


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31 minutes ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

Yeah, that lapse was annoying.

Did you see it on mobile? No graphics besides large avatars at all, just words with links. I thought my browser was messed up until I realized there had to be some type of maintenance or upgrade involved. Warning would have been nice. :0.0:

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1 minute ago, Dientus said:

Did you see it on mobile? No graphics besides large avatars at all, just words with links. I thought my browser was messed up until I realized there had to be some type of maintenance or upgrade involved. Warning would have been nice. :0.0:

Yeah, it was confusing.

I argee with the warning 

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14 hours ago, richfiles said:

Also, a word of advice... don't lie under a truck, face up, when someone uses an impact wrench on a bolt on said truck... that's a good way to get a face full of road dust.

It took me too long to learn to wear safety glasses when working under a vehicle. But for an older, dirtier vehicle, you may need this:


Bonus: It would have protected you from the puppy licks:



But yeah, if someone is doing some work for me, I introduce my dog, then lock her in a room until she settles down.


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The MIC has teasers now?

The MIC has teasers now.

49 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

being interrogated by the road police.

Tell only truth.

Does the cop have the Lasso of Truth?

Edited by DDE
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I could complain that calculating a 16384x16384 image of the Mandelbrot set with 63000 iterations takes a ridiculously long amount of time. I could complain about my ludicrously inefficient code (literally just iterating long doubles without any optimizations) , or that I'm using bmp as an output format (768MB) because it is the simplest. And I do know that there is much better software that does the exact same thing a lot faster. I just wanted my own.

Instead, I'm just going complain about myself wanting such an image without any sane reason behind it. Why am I doing this to myself poor computer?


Edit: the image is done. After 10 HOURS and 28 minutes. I need to learn how to write better code!

Edited by Delay
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1 minute ago, adsii1970 said:

Wouldn't a tape measure, like one uses for sewing, be better than a ruler?

Too easy.

1 minute ago, adsii1970 said:

A ruler doesn't bend. And a sewing tape measure can.

How can we trust to the one who is bending?

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