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What Is Your Naming Theme For Your Spacecraft?


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It varies from save to save. My NCD caveman career, for example, had ships named after Simon & Garfunkel songs. As to how I pick the scheme for each save, it's mostly just any list that I know well, and that's long enough that I'm unlikely to run out before I finish doing whatever it is I started that save to do. Oh, and that's silly. The names have to be silly. Hence me naming the engine module(s) for an interplanetary craft Why Don't You Write Me?

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3 minutes ago, IncongruousGoat said:

It varies from save to save. My NCD caveman career, for example, had ships named after Simon & Garfunkel songs. As to how I pick the scheme for each save, it's mostly just any list that I know well, and that's long enough that I'm unlikely to run out before I finish doing whatever it is I started that save to do. Oh, and that's silly. The names have to be silly. Hence me naming the engine module(s) for an interplanetary craft Why Don't You Write Me?

You know, considering the naming scheme for the SpaceX drone ships, I'd say you're in good company.

As for me, I also tend to vary my naming schemes according to the "Theme/Roleplay" for that save.

For example my miscellaneous missions Sandbox save uses an alphanumeric system of two letters and a number, the letters designating the type but not according to any system (i.e. XR-2, an X-1/X-15 inspired rocketplane and the AL-1 air launch mothership).

For my Career save, the system is a bit looser but craft are given a name, so far it has primarily been the program name with possible additions such as a number as with my Altinex program which encompassed my first flights and therefore each successive flight was basically a unique spacecraft.

As for the names I use, they mostly are made up words, some based off English (i.e. Orbitan, an orbital missions craft and the name of one of my first functional spacecraft in KSP ever), others basically gibberish although I have ones I have been using and wanting to use for a fair while (i.e. Ekymia, Sharika, etc.).


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Most of my naming are just Chinese translation, Transliteration, or phonic readjustment:

  • Lehu = phonic readjustment of Lie'hu (猎户), or Orion
  • Herguer = phonic readjustment of Hé gǔ èr (河鼓二), or Altair
  • Ananas come from Apollo in Chinese is 阿波羅, and 波羅 in cantonese means Pineapple, which in many language is Ananas.
  • Upriser, from Uprise, or Qiyi (起義), which have the same phoneic sound of "71" of Project 714, which was Chinese first attempt for manned space flight. incidentally, such reasoning (that it was a disguise to rebel against CCP) is actually a major reason it got canned.
  • LyncBon = phoenic adjustment of Liánbāng, or "federation"
  • "Fogin" is pretty much the worst offender. It's a the phonic of 火箭 (rocket) in Cantonese
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I build modular craft, with a booster section and a payload section.  

Each basic booster design is given an incremental Greek letter (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and so on) and incremental modifications are numbered.  So, Gamma 2 would be the second revision of my third booster design.  If the modification is only extra strap-on boosters to increase capacity, then I stick "Heavy" on the end (Gamma 2 Heavy). 

Most payloads are given unimaginitive, descriptive names.  Satellites built for a contract are named for the company and numbered sequentially ("Winter Owl 3").  Science payloads usually just say what they are:  Mun Lander 1 is the first Mun lander, for example.  Manned capsules are given themed names, with a different theme each playthrough (last time was birds of prey).

The full-up vehicle is then called payload name - booster name:  "Winter Owl 3 - Gamma 2 Heavy".

Finally, my early career one-offs and launchpad tests are called "X" and numbered (X-1, X-2, X-3...).

My system seems complicated when I type it all out like that, but it isn't really.

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Since I ran a fictional company in-game, which is Frontinco Group of Companies (In this case, Frontinco Aerospace & Vehicle Manufacturing Corporation or simply Frontinco), I put different 'nicknames' for each roles :

Fixed-Wing :

  • Passenger Airliners Liner*
  • Cargo Lifter*
  • SSTOs and Space-worthy planes Interwing
  • Fighter Republic
  • Ground Attack Republic Grandslam (?, I didn't really remember, but I did remeber once making a ground-attack BDA drone)
  • Bomber Grandslam
  • Legacy :
    • Every Plane, for a short time Fr-
    • Blended Wing / Flying Wing Designs Wing
    • Cargo Planes based on my cousin's SHX**

Rotorcraft (In this case helicopters) :

  • Cargo Lifter-R (Followed by model number)

Rockets (The whole build, from launch vehicle to payload)

  • Relay Satellite Payload Nett***
  • Mun-Worthy Saturn****
  • Space Shuttles & SSTOs Interwing
  • Legacy :
    • Mun-Worthy Mun
    • Satellite Payload KerbalAnney*****

Career Save :

  • Rockets Pioneer
  • Planes PioneerPlane
  • Cars (Built using @blackheart612's Modular Vehicles (Thanks dude!)PioneerCar? Didn't really remember.

Numbering depends on its number in line of construction (e.g Craft A is Liner-1 then Liner-2 then so on) and Suffix Lettering refers to variant (e.g Liner-1A is a twinjet, Liner-1B is a quadjet)

Since I sent my laptop for maintainance (Hence a long time away from KSP), I forgot a number of them. And since I plated Besiege, I'm losing motivation to put prefixes since I saved my machines without prefixes.

Anyways, I've tried building SSTOs lately, but only my Saturn V-based SSTO only made it to orbit (Others lacked TWR >1, fuel, empty weight, etc) but I haven't sucessfully landed it back on Kerbin the SpaceX Falcon 9 & Heavy-style even I've put its legs already.

Still thinking for a better name.

** (Sky High [Omit X]) in honor of my cousin's cargo plane he once built and named by the latter) for units built based on his design.

*** Ran out of ideas on what to name.

**** 1. In honor of the Saturn V. | 2. Many of my rockets are based on the first 2 stages of Saturn V since I'm 'addicted' with the Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter already.

***** Also the result of ideas shortage. Anney means "Brother" and is a phrase Malaysians often used to call the waiter at a Mamak restaurant.

Edited by FahmiRBLXian
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My spacecrafts are named according to their destination.

For the planets, my naming scheme is all about pantheons, where each planet got its own:

Moho and inside Moho orbit : Egypt gods

Eve : Greek gods

Kerbin : Wathever names come handy, like an AWOL (Asteroid Watch Observatory Logger) spacecraft which, as the name suggest, watches any asteroid that could pose a threat to Kerbin, or my Mun & Minmus Orbiter, RovEr and lander (MORE) spacecraft. So yeah, I didn't really come up with a pantheon on this one...

Duna : Pre-Colombian gods (mostly Aztec, Inca, etc.)

Dres : Celtic gods

Jool : Roman gods

Eeloo and beyond : Norse gods


For Subassemblies, it's all about mythological figures, like "Titans", "Dryades", "Hamadryades" and so on

For planes, it's currently characters from LOTR and Harry Potter


I have a few exceptions, like the Atlas program, which a series of mapping spacecraft. They each have the name of Atlas plus the name of a god. Also, my Icarus spacecraft series, which are probes designed for sungrazing :cool:; each spacecraft of the serie have a different propulsion system

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I started with poets but it all went to hell after that. Here are some:



Mark Strand Station (Kerbin):


TS Elliot (Duna):


Anne Sexton (Eve):


William Blake (Moho):


Winterfell Base (Mun):


Hogwarts Base (Minmus):


Lionfish (Tylo):


Fawks (Laythe):


Shuttle Tydirium (LKO):


Moai 3 (LKO lifter):


Night Bus (Also Day Bus, KSOI):


Snoop Lion (KSOI tug):


Chunkybunch (Minmus mining cralwer) and Superbird fuel tanker (Named after a local Vince Wilfork commercial):


And finally Anticipation of a Shmelta Vee's Arrival, The (Jool mothership):



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for aircraft my convention it the first letter of the day it was made(m for monday), + the last two digits of the year (19 for 2019) + the number of revisions it went through; then a nickname usually from german or spanish. so m-19-2 "Ente(duck)"

rockets are just names or places from various mythologies

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