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Climbing Keverest

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Your goal is to reach the top of the tallest mountain on Kerbin, starting at a beach, without using a thrust engine or something that works like one. (I.E. Letting you accelerate in mid-air like a rocket or jet or propeller, not by pushing off the ground).

Coordinates of the peak: Lat: 61.5784, Lon: 46.3733

The view from the nearest beach. I hope you like sheer cliffs.

There is no specific scoring but try to do it as "well" as you can.

Pic from the nearest beach.

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1 hour ago, Steven Mading said:

Also, rather than making people guess, or go find it on wiki, can you post the latitude/longitude coords of where this "highest peak" actually is?

Lat: 61.5784
Lon: 46.3733

It is 6761 meters high.

2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Rather nebulous.

Define what a "thrust engine" is.

Can a rover with wheels be used?

Yes. Just no rockets/jets/ions/props/ladder drives/kraken drives. At least not for propulsion or sticking to walls. If you want a jet with the exhuast obstructed as an alternator then that's fine.

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I managed to reach the summit in about 53 minutes ignoring quickloads and quicksaves.

Just wow. It's a very circuitous route. You definitely need to zigzag around a lot. But it's all very beautiful... and possibly very dangerous if you fall. (although none of my falls, including quickloaded ones, were lethal, even with helmets off, just caused damage to the craft).
Val stares out at the horizon, further than she's ever seen it with her feet on the ground.

The run: 




19 minutes ago, Flying dutchman said:

Coordinates of the nearest beach? For hyperedit

61 degrees, 30 minutes, 52 seconds north.
39 degrees, 29 minutes, 30 seconds east.

At least, that's where I started. There are other possible routes.

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7 hours ago, purpleivan said:

I'll have to take a crack at this. Hopefully I've still got the rover I made for the KSC2 Mountain Buggy challenge.

Yes, this challenge is nearly identical to that one, save for the fact that the target is much bigger and the shortest routes are probably steeper in many places and more dangerous.


Still, could be worse. "Climbing K2" would make this challenge look like a cakewalk, if it's even possible to climb K2's almost-sheer cliffs.

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I've had a look at Kerverest (first time I've seen it up close I think) and started planning a route up it in the rover I used in the KSC2 challenge.

I had a crack at the really steep slopes (70+ degrees) but even my little goat couldn't quite maintain grip going up them. So I'm planning on taking a slightly easier route in the initial attack on the mountain.

There are now a handful of flags marking out the route I want to take and I'll probably take a proper timed run from the beach tomorow evening.

Here's a few pics of todays adventures.


Ok.. not going up that way then.


This kind of incident in which the rover tumbled over and threw out the driver happened a few time. This time she gave chase, but it was a bit too quick for her to catch.


Making progress.


At the top.


Don't forget to plant a flag... I spent quite a while working out where exactly the highest point was, but now I'll know where the finish line is.



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Speaking of K2, I think it may be legit possible to climb. Although you pretty much need a flat plate of wheels with a friction control setting of 5.0, and even then, the north slope is very easy to fall from.

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I just took a modified version of the rover I climbed the mountains near Woomerang, in the KSC2 Mountain Rover Climb challenge last year, and I'm posting a time of 27 minutes exactly.

This is where I started from.


This is part way up.


Finally the 6767m finish line.


There's a considerably faster time in the rover, but I'd need some luck with the very bumpy surface up on top of the mountain. Once you get above the snow line, the terrain get's very angular, so I was nowhere near flat out up there, to avoid disasters.

Here's the full set picture set for the trip.



The starting place on the beach.


And off she goes... Langerian Kerman is the brave driver for this challenge.


On the flat the rover tops out at about 42m/s


I set the most exposed batteries to drain first, so that by the time some of them inevitably pinged off, they'd be empty... that was the plan anyway.


These at the back are the next in line to power the drive to the top.


Will this drive the base of the mountain ever end... Langerian is keen to get to the challenging stuff ahead.


Not too far to go to the mountain now, with over 2/3 of the juice remaining.


The plan is to attack that slope straight ahead, then turn to the left to follow a flattened ridge up to the snow line.


As her view ahead is blocked, Langerian has to drive by sense of smell.


Ok... brace for hitting the first slope.


Here it is, not too steep, probably about 35-40 degrees, The rover is still accelerating at this point.


Langerian is driving up the grassy rock stuff in the center of the image.


Ok... out on top of the ridge, so she turns to face along it towards the marker flag just above the snow line.


This part is almost flat, so the rover picks up a lot of speed again. Thankfully the terrain hear is also pretty smooth.


Almost at the top of this first difficult climb. Most of the going has been easy so far, but the rock up ahead poses more of a challenge.


Up onto the white stuff at last, plus Langerian is through 3km ASL.


She reaches the first marker flag, then a short distane later turns right to head across the top of the steep cliffs.


That would be those steep cliffs on the right... best to avoid those.


She reaches the other side and the rover is still intact. Partly due to some pretty careful driving. Most of the time up here, Langerian can't go flat out, as it gets so angular in places, it's like trying to drive over huge blocks of lego.


Spoke too soon... there's an explosion at the front, when hitting the bottom of a steep deep. The three 400 unit batteries at the front are gone now, but so was their juice, so a net gain (lost mass) really.


Coming up over a rise at high speed, the rover slowly pitches forward and the front end comes crashing into the ground and the whole thing rolls and spins. It looks for a moment as if the rover is a write off, but it's only the bank of batteries at the front that have gone.


This now gives Langerian an excellent view ahead...


... but she's lost a lot of battery capacity, probably about 2000 units of juice were ditched into the snow in the collision.


As she climbs the going gets steeper, but also smoother.... this little goat is in it's element at this point.


As she climbs towards the peak, she leaves behind the trail of marker flags. There's not a lot more than 1200 units and she hopes it will be enough to make it to the top.


The climb up the dark shadowed side of the mountain is over and Langerian breaks out on top of the smooth snow near the peak. Only 1km to go, but precious little power to make it with.


At last she's at the summit, in a time of 27 minues. It's a fine view from up here in any direction.


Finally takes a quick pose for posterity by the marker flag.


This is the route she took up the mountain. The route from the beach to the foothills was pretty much a straight line.




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I uh... may have overshot.



But after a long drive, I'm at the base of the mountain.  Jeb and Val are gonna chill down there overnight, and I'll begin the climb tomorrow. (I hope this is the right range... it was the only one sticking above the clouds, after all)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Noting a hive of activity in the area of Mt Keverest and suspecting the UKSR[*] is behind it, Kerbal High Kommand dispatch a Nemesis under the able command of J. and B. Kerman and a squad of marshalls to Mt Keverest to check on what is going on:


The R28 flag has gone a "floater" here but its true elevation is 6,689m, just 75 below the summit.  Additionally, it's quite easy to taxi the Nemesis to the top as well, which is exactly what Jeb & Bill did next, since neither like to walk when a perfectly serviceable aerospace vehicle is available and already warmed up.

For reference, the R10 flag is located at:
            lat = 61.617920
            lon = 46.088389
            alt = 6579.5

* Union of Kovert Sinister Republics.  (No panic, though: turns out it was just a KSP Forum Challenge being run...)


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  • 2 months later...
9 hours ago, Pds314 said:

Is this a good badge??


Ooo, looks good. Like @doggonemess said it could probably use some optimising for the smaller signature size (I don’t know if the writing would be readable) but apart from that it’s good! 

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After many quicksaves, tumbles, and angry grunts Eller is finally at the top of the world! My time is one Kerbin day including RTG charges and waiting through the night, I did about 2 hours of actual driving. 


The rover is capable of driving up very steep slopes thank to it low mass of under 1 tone. Although with great difficulty as it couldn't turn while it was climbing (anybody know why?)




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2 hours ago, Thatguywhodrinksbleach said:

After many quicksaves, tumbles, and angry grunts Eller is finally at the top of the world! My time is one Kerbin day including RTG charges and waiting through the night, I did about 2 hours of actual driving. 


The rover is capable of driving up very steep slopes thank to it low mass of under 1 tone. Although with great difficulty as it couldn't turn while it was climbing (anybody know why?)




Bold of you to use a nuclear electric design.

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First attempt failed T_T... my save spawned me really far above the ground so every time i try to revert to save i fall and explode >_<

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18 hours ago, Pds314 said:

Although with great difficulty as it couldn't turn while it was climbing (anybody know why?)

I was noticing this on mine too. Maybe the steep angle confuses KSP and it doesn’t think the front wheels are in the front anymore but in the middle of the crafts COM?

10 hours ago, kerbiloid said:
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Any spacesuit texture with green boots?


If there was a badge for obscure knowledge inside jokes I’d award you it :p


I revised my rover to be even more tumble proof... however it’s a lot more of a EC hog now... hopefully It has the juice to make it all the way >_<

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Previously on Keverest:

Why does climbing have to be so hard u_u



Keverest Summit entry!!! @Pds314


Scoping out a start location. I decided to do it from one of the water parts that attach to the sea. For a proper Sea to Summit and not just a lake to summit >_<



Off we go!



That looks steep o_o...



Becoming a bit alarmed by my fuel consumption >_<



Driving into space @_@!



We did it! And I hereby plant this flag as a symbol of man's contempt for nature :P

The time was close to 1:45 if anyone's interested ^_^ 






(P.S. I had a bit of a walk around but couldnt find the bit thats 6767 like in other people's screenies. Is 6764 close enough? I'm still saved up there but duno where a higher point is.)

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Usually climbers climb by foot hand whatever can cling.
And they like ropes. They are rope fans.

Now in KSP there are walking crafts (previously IR, now in stock too), external seats, and the KAS/KIS mods (with ropes and pitons).
Maybe it's a time to climb the Keverest by rope teams?

A Kerbal climbing chair: an external seat, short mechanic legs, a KIS backpack, a spotlight.
Two or more chairs connected with ropes in a rope team.
GP-20 pylons put in dangerous places to attach a rope.

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