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[1.10] Pilot Assistant: Atmospheric piloting aids - 1.13.4c (2020-08-18)


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NullRefs when the Pilot Assistant window even isn't opened.

[ERR 23:28:38.586] Exception handling event onTimeWarpRateChanged in class AsstVesselModule:System.NullReferenceException: 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
  at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.VertModeChanged (VertMode newMode, Boolean active, Boolean setTarget) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.WarpHandler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.AsstVesselModule.WarpHandler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 23:28:38.587] NullReferenceException
	UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine)
	PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.StartCoroutine (IEnumerator routine)
	PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.VertModeChanged (VertMode newMode, Boolean active, Boolean setTarget)
	PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.WarpHandler ()
	PilotAssistant.FlightModules.AsstVesselModule.WarpHandler ()
	EventVoid.Fire ()
	TimeWarp:assumeWarpRate(Single, Boolean, Boolean)
	TimeWarp:setRate(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)



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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  On 8/18/2020 at 6:07 PM, zolotiyeruki said:

I got the urge to play KSP today, so I pull this project up, recompiled for 1.10, and created a new release.  It's available via github here:


I'll work on getting it updated in CKAN soon.


Hey, cool! :D

I still use this darn thing because one of my favorite IVA packs hooks into it for autopilot controls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm new to this and I can't get it to hold altitude. Heading hold seems to be working. I pause the game, type a desired altitude which I'm very close to already and the yellow text top center says it's been changed. But it keeps changing the target altitude. I tried changing SAS surface/ orbit but it's the same. I tried setting climb rate to 0 too but either way it goes to a slow descent about -5 m/s. It certainly has enough control authority. I can can hold it myself. I'll try again.

So now I can set an altitude but it won't hold the heading setting. I set 90 but it keeps increasing constantly... 95, 100, 105. It seems it will not hold heading and altitude? I certainly need both to walk away from it. 

Edited by Krazy1
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I'm not sure what sequence of button presses you're using, but for altitude, you need to:

  1. make sure that axis of the autopilot is disabled*
  2. select the mode you want (Alt, Pitch, Rate)
  3. Enter the value you want in the box
  4. click the button to the left of the text box

The same procedure works for the heading--select a mode, enter a value, click the button to the left.

* If it's engaged, and you switch modes, it'll take the current position as the setpoint for the new mode.  I.e. if you're in vertical speed mode and climbing at 5 degrees of pitch and passing through 10k meters, and you switch to Altitude hold mode, it'll try to stick you at 10k meters.

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So I made a plane for the Circumnavigation Challenge and put the cockpit at the rear facing backwards to protect it from heat. It was also the root part. Now PA thinks I'm heading 270 deg and it's actually 90 deg. I changed the pod control direction in the PAW to "reversed" to get the navball correctly aiming to 90 deg. but that doesn't fix the PA direction. It doesn't seem to use the direction setting. It would be nice if it did. 

Next problem, I tried changing the root to several different parts and that did fix the PA direction but everything I tried made the drag go up dramatically. I can't get the Rapier powered plane past transonic. And it's exactly the same plane except for the root part. I tried going back to the pod root and drag was normal again. There's another thread about this root/ drag problem. Apparently it wasn't fixed in 1.10. :/

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Hi @zolotiyeruki  I just had KSP crash instantly to the desktop - never saw that before. I've been ignoring null reference errors that usually occur when time warp is stopped:

Exception handling event onTimeWarpRateChanged in class AsstVesselModule:System.NullReferenceException
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.IsObjectMonoBehaviour(UnityEngine.Object)
  at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00012] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00001] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.VertModeChanged (PilotAssistant.FlightModules.VertMode newMode, System.Boolean active, System.Boolean setTarget) [0x00049] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.WarpHandler () [0x00033] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.AsstVesselModule.WarpHandler () [0x00001] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.IsObjectMonoBehaviour(UnityEngine.Object)
  at UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00012] in <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator routine) [0x00001] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.VertModeChanged (PilotAssistant.FlightModules.VertMode newMode, System.Boolean active, System.Boolean setTarget) [0x00049] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.PilotAssistant.WarpHandler () [0x00033] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at PilotAssistant.FlightModules.AsstVesselModule.WarpHandler () [0x00001] in <c2097b1bb69442bd8d59c8bb28227d23>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
TimeWarp:assumeWarpRate(Single, Boolean, Boolean)
TimeWarp:setRate(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
(Filename: <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6> Line: 0)

Here's the log.


I was flying "Kombine" and just entered physics range of "Mun station" when it crashed.  I wasn't using Pilot Assistant (in space). Also posted this same thing on TweakScale thread due to obvious warning spam from that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt like playing KSP again after a long stint away. This was one of my favorite mods to help with plane control since I only use keyboard.

However, I remember there being pre set waypoints and auto pilot settings, such as telling auto pilot to land at the Runway, etc, which doesn't seem to come with this version (I used CKan to download).

Am I missing something?

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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