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[1.3.1 - 1.12.x] Outer Planets Mod [v2.2.11] [31st Aug 2024]


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Outer Planets Mod v2.2.11

This version of Outer Planets Mod has been built to work for KSP version 1.3.1 - 1.12.*.


The Outer Planets Mod is a mod that expands the outer edges of the Kerbol system to create something akin to the real Solar System's. It adds Kerbalized versions of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as well as several of these planets' moons. These faraway planets provide a challenge rarely encountered in Kerbal Space Program; you'll have to figure out new transfer windows, manage your power supply differently, provide your spacecraft with more Delta-V and be ready to travel years or even decades.

This mod is being developed and maintain by a group of collaborators, alongside and following the initial development of the mod creator, CaptRobau. 


  • Explore 15 new highly detailed planets and moons, all in a stock-a-like artstyle.
  • Discover never before seen worlds, such as a sub-satellite, Trojan moon or a set of binary bodies.
  • Collect science in over 140 biomes, with almost a thousand unique science blurbs.
  • Custom terrain textures and improved ground scatter has made planets and moons never look so good up close.
  • A full set of KSPedia entries for OPM's various bodies helps you to navigate the far reaches of the Kerbol system.
  • Includes a Level 4 Tracking Station upgrade (requires CustomBarnKit) to boost your communication range out to the furthest reaches of the system without requiring additional modded antennas.
  • Extensive third-party mod integration means you can play OPM with a whole range of other mods.


You can either manually download and install Outer Planets Mod via the button and installation instructions below or by installing it automatically via CKAN (first-party support of CKAN is provided and new releases should automatically be indexed by CKAN in due course).


Installation Instructions

Extract the GameData folder found in the downloadable .zip directly into your Kerbal Space Program install directory. If located correctly, the OPM and CTTP directories should be found at:

  • \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\OPM


  • \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CTTP


The following KSP mods must be installed prior to using Outer Planets Mod (ensure you install the correct version of the dependencies for your version of KSP):

Supported Mods

Visual Mods

By default, Outer Planets Mods does not come with any included visual pack to support EVE or Scatterer. There are a few mods that add these atmospheric visual enhancements to OPM as follows:

  • Stock Visual Enhancements - Retextures the Gas Giants and adds atmospheric scatter and cloud support to all atmospheric bodies. Does not apply effects if Pood's OPM-VO is installed also.
  • Pood's Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul - Retextures the Gas Giants and adds atmospheric scatter and cloud support to all atmospheric bodies. Not been updated in a while so your mileage may vary.


The scale of the OPM system compared to the orbit of Jool:                                                                                                                                 Size comparison of Outer Planets and their moons:

UK9iFdW.png     BAAuPqq.png

Sarnus overview:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Urlum overview:

zSVXpQp.png     zIuAmQd.png

Neidon overview:                                                                                                                                                                                                             Plock overview:

WTxe5qZ.png     GUnrB9g.png


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Previous Threads

Original thread by CaptRobau: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-121-outer-planets-mod-21-active-development-has-moved-see-first-post-for-new-thread/

Continuation thread by Galileo: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/165854-ksp-15-outer-planets-mod221-25-april-2018/


Outer Planets Mod is being maintained by a collaborative group. The mod is still licensed under the original Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.


Edited by Poodmund
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Thank you from the bottom of all of our little green hearts for continuing to maintain this mod!  You can't imagine how much we appreciate it!

(PS you should have a Patreon link or something)

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For some reason Kopernicus isn't working, and the latest version says "this version of kopernicus will not work with the game" Im on 1.7.1 using Kopernicus 1.7.0. 
It says this is for version "1.7.x" but isn't working... i have all the latest releases... I can't switch to 1.7 because thats not in the steam beta opt list?

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It's not working because Kopernicus hasn't been updated to work in 1.7.1 yet. OPM is just a set of configs and textures for Kopernicus (albeit really nice ones). Kopernicus is version locked. Give it a few days, the Kopernicus team is good about putting out updates.

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  On 6/1/2019 at 12:48 PM, jasonlee said:

Let's get the Kopernicus people on the job for 1.7.1...now that I've discovered the OPM, I can't live without it!


Uhm... trust me... They are no slackers, and *ALWAYS* on top of when KSP updates, and are checking Kop compatability within hours, if not *minutes*, of a KSP update releasing... If one were to do a little digging, they would see that ThomasP started work on a 1.7.1 Kop update within an hour of KSP 1.7.1/DLC dropping...
Everyone just needs to be patient. It takes time and testing...
Squad no longer allows mod devs to get "pre-release/previews" of KSP updates, a week or so before the general public, so mod devs only get access to new updates at the same time as the general public.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 6/1/2019 at 2:06 PM, Meta Iridium said:

So what does it mean, the mod does not work because does not work kopernicus? 


It works in 1.7.0 with current version of Kopernicus... It *should* work with 1.7.1, *as soon as Kopernicus gets updated for 1.7.1*... (so right now, probably does *not* work in 1.7.1) :P

Edited by Stone Blue
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Hey there, I was wondering if it was possible to install OPM during a save so long as you don't have any crafts in orbit around Kerbol at some greater distances or at Eeloo. I wanted to get started while I wait for the Kopernicus update, but I know I'm gonna want to have OPM this playthrough.

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  On 6/4/2019 at 2:52 PM, Arcanejack said:

Hey there, I was wondering if it was possible to install OPM during a save so long as you don't have any crafts in orbit around Kerbol at some greater distances or at Eeloo. I wanted to get started while I wait for the Kopernicus update, but I know I'm gonna want to have OPM this playthrough.


Yes, you should be able to install OPM during a save playthrough with no side effect as long as you do not have anything landed on Eeloo, anything in orbit around Eeloo and you may have to cycle through a few contracts before new ones start appearing for the OPM bodies... however, always make a copy of your save prior to doing this to be extra safe. :D 

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  On 6/7/2019 at 6:41 PM, Spike88 said:

Is it possible to get this in a 2.5 scaled version? I've tried using Sigma Dimensions and Rescale!, but SD doesn't want to work with Kopernicus.


If you tried it in 1.7.1 and the new kopernicus update, that's an expected side effect. Thomas P already announced a month ago, that the update is going to kill any plugin, that depends on it:

So SigmaDimension needs n update for 1.7.1 as well.

  On 6/7/2019 at 9:04 PM, Meta Iridium said:

Now work  with 1.7.1 kopernicus? 


Tried it already and seem to work fine :) 

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  On 6/7/2019 at 5:27 PM, XenonMax said:

Are you thinking of adding anything to the mod?


It's been said before that aside from compatibility fixes and patches, OPM is considered feature-complete and will likely not be expanded in the future.  There's plenty of other crazy planet packs out there if you want continued challenges of new worlds to explore.

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