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[1.12.1] JNSQ [0.10.0] [23 Sept 2021]


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8 hours ago, Ellgar said:

Could you please describe how did you install them?  Stock KSP looks absolutely amazing with these mods, but after playing JNSQ, i just can't go back to those "small" planets lol

I have been trying to make this combination of mods work in JNSQ for the past 2 evenings, but no luck so far. I'm either stuck at infinite loading screen (log suggests it crashes on parallax), or it's without any clouds. I must be missing something, installing in wrong order or perhaps installing something i shouldn't. It was a clean KSP install, with only these mods (i have tried it with and without the JNSQ patches linked earlier).



If youre downloading all from CKAN, then thats the problem.
I suggest you the following steps on a clean install:
- Install JNSQ from CKAN
- Install TUFX from CKAN
Check the game works fine and then close it.
- Install EVE Volumetrics with the bundled version of Scatter
- Install Parallax 2.0.7 (latest) version
- Install JNSQ Volumetrics from here
- Install the JNSQ Parallax Scatters configs linked in the main post, or from Github
Check again the game is working fine, the volumetric clouds and Parallax should be there.
- Now install Deferred Rendering. Important: check the compatibility mod list in the Github page in order to install the correct fork for other mods, including EVE Volumetric's FIX files.

DO NOT install EVE or Scatter from CKAN

Edited by Ariel Kerman
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11 hours ago, Ariel Kerman said:

If youre downloading all from CKAN, then thats the problem.
I suggest you the following steps on a clean install:
- Install JNSQ from CKAN
- Install TUFX from CKAN
Check the game works fine and then close it.
- Install EVE Volumetrics with the bundled version of Scatter
- Install Parallax 2.0.7 (latest) version
- Install JNSQ Volumetrics from here
- Install the JNSQ Parallax Scatters configs linked in the main post, or from Github
Check again the game is working fine, the volumetric clouds and Parallax should be there.
- Now install Deferred Rendering. Important: check the compatibility mod list in the Github page in order to install the correct fork for other mods, including EVE Volumetric's FIX files.

DO NOT install EVE or Scatter from CKAN

Amazing, thank you SO much.

I'll just add (in case someone else is dent enough like me) -  don't skip out on those folders with "stock" in their name lol

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21 hours ago, Ariel Kerman said:

If youre downloading all from CKAN, then thats the problem.
I suggest you the following steps on a clean install:
- Install JNSQ from CKAN
- Install TUFX from CKAN
Check the game works fine and then close it.
- Install EVE Volumetrics with the bundled version of Scatter
- Install Parallax 2.0.7 (latest) version
- Install JNSQ Volumetrics from here
- Install the JNSQ Parallax Scatters configs linked in the main post, or from Github
Check again the game is working fine, the volumetric clouds and Parallax should be there.
- Now install Deferred Rendering. Important: check the compatibility mod list in the Github page in order to install the correct fork for other mods, including EVE Volumetric's FIX files.

DO NOT install EVE or Scatter from CKAN

HUGE thanks man!!

KSP looks SO good now!

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Has anyone actually found Voronoi Craters on Moho? I don't think there are any. I'm using Scansat and managed to find several tiny Exotic craters but no Voronoi. 


apparently I have undiagnosed OCD


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Hi,  really liking this mod.  Is anyone still maintaining it?

I noticed that it does now get Module Manager load errors with the new updates that have been released to Scatterer Sunflare - which is a dependency to running just base JNSQ.

I did some testing to verify.  Setup blank new KSP install and used CKAN to install ONLY JNSQ (and the dependencies CKAN installs with it).   You now get module manager load errors on GameData/JNSQ/JNSQ_Configs/Scatterer/sunflare01.cfg

This happens with the last 3 versions of Scatterer Sunflare (which are all new since June 2024) - v 0.0876, 877, 878.

If you roll Sunflare back to v0.0838, no longer have the error.

This is without having Blackrack volumetric clouds installed.  Tested on stock KSP install and then only JNSQ via CKAN.

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7 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

Is anyone still maintaining it?

The current devs are still around but not maintaining it.  it is complete.  You should plan to install as instructed with the Scatterer version 0.772 i think.

Read back over this and the previous page for instructions on adding the newer dependencies.


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On 7/18/2024 at 1:50 AM, Krazy1 said:

Has anyone actually found Voronoi Craters on Moho? I don't think there are any. I'm using Scansat and managed to find several tiny Exotic craters but no Voronoi. 

It appears that the color assigned to Voronoi Craters in the config doesn't match the color that's on the biome map.  Eventually I'll get around to releasing an update.  But in the meantime you can fix it yourself but opening the file Moho.cfg and changing the color to that shown below:

                    name = VoronoiCraters
                    displayName = #LOC_JNSQ_Biome_VoronoiCraters
                    value = 1
                    color = #604363

19 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

This happens with the last 3 versions of Scatterer Sunflare (which are all new since June 2024) - v 0.0876, 877, 878.

JNSQ has not been updated to use any of the v0.08x versions of scatterer.  If you are using an unpatched version of JNSQ, you should use Scatterer 0.0772.  However, I believe there are some third-party patches out there that update JNSQ to work with newer versions. 

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Thanks.  Turns out it actually does work with the scatterer that you get with Blackrack volumetric clouds.  Or at least I don't get the module manager error after installing volumetric clouds.  Haven't done much game play with both installed yet.

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21 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

Turns out it actually does work with the scatterer that you get with Blackrack volumetric clouds.

That's almost certainly because JNSQ uses the same internal planet names as the stock planets.  So if Blackrack has a config for stock Eve, for instance, then JNSQ's Eve is going to receive that same treatment.  But Blackrack's configs are not designed specifically for the JNSQ versions of those planets, so they may not look right in some cases.  And the bodies added by JNSQ probably aren't going to have any scatterer effects at all.  The two mods really aren't made to work together, so if you run into problems there is likely no fix and you are unlikely to get any support.  Officially, JNSQ is made for scatterer 0.0772.

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On 7/24/2024 at 10:34 AM, OhioBob said:

That's almost certainly because JNSQ uses the same internal planet names as the stock planets.  So if Blackrack has a config for stock Eve, for instance, then JNSQ's Eve is going to receive that same treatment.  But Blackrack's configs are not designed specifically for the JNSQ versions of those planets, so they may not look right in some cases.  And the bodies added by JNSQ probably aren't going to have any scatterer effects at all.  The two mods really aren't made to work together, so if you run into problems there is likely no fix and you are unlikely to get any support.  Officially, JNSQ is made for scatterer 0.0772.

Thanks.  Yeah, overall JNSQ does seem to be "not quite right" in the setups I've been trying.  I do get some scatterer effects, I think, but seems lacking.  Also,  it seems like the game doesn't quite know where the ground is.  Things sometimes are sunk just a bit below the visual ground.  Splashdowns are kind of off sometimes, too.  It's subtle, but things do seem a bit off sometimes.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how to run the normal Kerbol/Kerbin world (planets, etc) but have everything on a larger scale?  I'd rather have my Kerbals exploring their home solar system than use RSS.  But I would like the challenge and larger rockets needed for larger scale system.  Looks like Rescale mode is far out of date/support.  I'd also like a setup with some of the added realism aspects of RO/RP-1, but again, having trouble building a good setup if not wanting to do RSS.


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2 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

I'd also like a setup with some of the added realism aspects of RO/RP-1

There are several RO features and concepts that are available to non-RO installs. See mods like RealFuels, RealChutes, EngineIgnitor, MandatoryRCS, KSRSS, MLP

Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
(wasn't sure about RealAntennas)
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4 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

There are several RO features and concepts that are available to non-RO installs. See mods like RealFuels, RealChutes, EngineIgnitor, MandatoryRCS, KSRSS, MLP

Yep, thanks. I have been playing around with many of those, and hopefully will eventually land on something that overall works well.  But so far, it's been a grinding journey of trying to figure out what mods all work well together to get a final clean and coherent experience.  Was hoping maybe some other folks had already worked out a solid mod list set to get a similar RO/RP1 game experience but with Kerbol solar system. Key word there being "similar" - no worries if different details - looking for similar in "spirit".  One aspect I specifically want to keep would be larger bodies and orbits such that you have to build larger rockets and have longer launch times.

Gotta give big props to all that made the RO/RP1/RSS Express install setup.  That does a LOT of leg work for you - and props to all the mod makers working to have all those work together for good campaign and contracts and such.  I just want to stay in the Kerbol solar system.  Guess I want the world to still be an escape from reality and a place of its own lore when I sit down to play the game.

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Minor little bug- rescue contracts to save kerbonauts in low orbit currently ignore the increased atmosphere size, putting the periapsis of some of their orbits below 80km and into the atmosphere. I went looking for a value to tweak but it seems contract parameter generation is buried pretty deep. Is there a specific place in the files I should be looking for this and/or has someone made a contract pack for JNSQ?

Edited by darwinpatrick
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6 hours ago, darwinpatrick said:

Minor little bug- rescue contracts to save kerbonauts in low orbit currently ignore the increased atmosphere size, putting the periapsis of some of their orbits below 80km and into the atmosphere. I went looking for a value to tweak but it seems contract parameter generation is buried pretty deep. Is there a specific place in the files I should be looking for this and/or has someone made a contract pack for JNSQ?

I'm aware that that can happen but I have no idea how to fix it.  I just ignore those contracts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something funky is up with Gilly and its stock scatter- The Gilly Ridgeline feature doesn't show up anywhere on the moon(a github issue was raised in march) and two experiments messing in the configs confirmed the issue is with Gilly itself-

Experiment one: changed Gilly Ridgeline to generate on Minmus. Gilly Ridgeline shows up as expected on Minmus.

Experiment two: changed Minmus Olivine Formation to generate on Gilly. The formation does not appear and the scatter debug is zeroes across the board.

The JNSQ boulders have no such issues. Not a huge bug by any means at all but it seems relatively easy to squash

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When walking on Eve, Kerbals sink with each step. After about 5-7 steps they sink to their waist, explode and die. Only solution is: step, step, step, jump, fall over, get up, repeat. So obviously I can't go far. I'm using the latest Kopernicus V1.12.1-212. I haven't seen this on other CBs. Anybody else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I seem to be having an issue with the clock with this mod. The year it far too long with over 1000 days per year and kerbins velocity around the sun seems to be too slow at 5ish km/s. I am playing with the regular 2.7x scale. Any help would be appreciated.

Logs https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/jgufwca0bktpb7regoxyv/AJGojnQlCbp3f9GVFu39-z8?rlkey=l7i6g0jau4e5kg4drewced1my&st=llmmfgzu&dl=0

Screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny67gqyhgpq3vsc5gd1x6/screenshot11.png?rlkey=ti7rdagdph63vzehpa93vtwk2&st=9vbbuw6d&dl=0



Edited by JimmyKerman
Grammer issue
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10 hours ago, JimmyKerman said:

Hello I seem to be having an issue with the clock with this mod. The year it far too long with over 1000 days per year and kerbins velocity around the sun seems to be too slow at 5ish km/s. I am playing with the regular 2.7x scale. Any help would be appreciated.

I can't understand how that could be happening unless there is some other mod or config messing with it.

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7 hours ago, OhioBob said:

I can't understand how that could be happening unless there is some other mod or config messing with it.

It turns out that for some reason the Kcalbeloh mod was interfering with JNSQ. Removing it seems to have fixed the issue.

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2 hours ago, JimmyKerman said:

It turns out that for some reason the Kcalbeloh mod was interfering with JNSQ. Removing it seems to have fixed the issue.

JNSQ is designed to be able to run with GPP and GEP, but nothing else.  Running it with anything else voids the warranty.

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9 hours ago, OhioBob said:

JNSQ is designed to be able to run with GPP and GEP, but nothing else.  Running it with anything else voids the warranty.

Thats a big shame as these 2 mods would do really well together.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/1/2024 at 9:16 PM, OhioBob said:

JNSQ is designed to be able to run with GPP and GEP, but nothing else.  Running it with anything else voids the warranty.


i just realized YOU sir are the OHIOBOB and i love your grannus pack. Also who needs warranties! breaking KSP is a part time hobby of mine.


On 9/2/2024 at 6:49 AM, SheepDog2142 said:

Thats a big shame as these 2 mods would do really well together.

grannus expansion system integrates into jnsq and works well.  the jnsq team even provides some support and tips for adding it on there mod page :P if u must have more planets and stars to visit!



Edited by Kuktar
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