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[1.12.x] Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit | Stockalike Space Shuttle Orbiter! | (Tubes!) | v1.1.8


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Yay! Beautiful shuttle that works very well.

I am running JNSQ and Kopernicus as advised to get a scaled solar system to suit your mod.

I used MechJeb PVG to get to the advised 300/100 orbit and hit it first time out of the gate on mains, no OMS burn.  I burned out of LFO at exactly moment I hit designated orbit.  Problem is that I now have this big orange tank with me.  I never hit a flight phase where I could roll and discard the tank. Did I do it right or did I do it wrong?

Unrelated but people using this mod might know... is there a unified interface (besides IR) for controlling the robotic arm? or, is it click on the individual joints as required?



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  On 6/18/2020 at 4:27 AM, LawnDartLeo said:

Yay! Beautiful shuttle that works very well.

I am running JNSQ and Kopernicus as advised to get a scaled solar system to suit your mod.

I used MechJeb PVG to get to the advised 300/100 orbit and hit it first time out of the gate on mains, no OMS burn.  I burned out of LFO at exactly moment I hit designated orbit.  Problem is that I now have this big orange tank with me.  I never hit a flight phase where I could roll and discard the tank. Did I do it right or did I do it wrong?

Unrelated but people using this mod might know... is there a unified interface (besides IR) for controlling the robotic arm? or, is it click on the individual joints as required?


You should be able to roll the shuttle over post-SRB separation- make sure to change the control point on the cockpit to -15 degrees, and then just change the roll lock in MechJeb's window. If the craft is set up right (make sure roll is disabled on the main engines, RCS is off and control surfaces are disabled) it should execute a slow roll to heads-up. Otherwise it sounds like you did it right! The orange tank should get you to 300x100 quite easily, with a little bit to spare depending on your payload. In real life there's enough drag at 100km to bring the external tank down quite quickly, though we don't have that simulated above 70km in KSP so you can either set the periapsis lower (and lose a bit of performance from the OMS) or delete the tank from the tracking screen. Ditch the tank when your orbit is established and then perform a small OMS burn to separate from it, set up the shuttle for orbital flight and then perform a circularisation burn at 300km. 

Unfortunately there isn't a unified interface for the robotics. I wish there was a solution, but sadly the robotics remain rather fiddly to use in a practical way. Robot arm sure does look cool though. 

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I find it ironic that as I type this I am sitting in a meeting discussing making real rocket parts.... Rocket nozzles.

My KSP cycle is complete!

Anyhow... Breaking Ground mini mods? Read up on this else where in the forum .


I'll be trying that tonight.

Edited by LawnDartLeo
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I've been trying to download the mod under 1.9.1 and I'm receiving issues with missing the SyncModuleControlSurface with the shuttle provided and ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='mount') on part h2.trussPort subtype 'Bearing'
Mods Being Used: 
Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit
Kerbal Inventory System

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  On 6/20/2020 at 2:35 AM, JohnnyFince said:

I've been trying to download the mod under 1.9.1 and I'm receiving issues with missing the SyncModuleControlSurface with the shuttle provided and ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='mount') on part h2.trussPort subtype 'Bearing'
Mods Being Used: 
Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit
Kerbal Inventory System


That,s normal , ignore it .

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Images Time!


First Pic is inspired by Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse.

Second and Third pics:  I created my own little tug out of BDB parts and the CLAW mechanism in stock KSP (Restocked of course).  Much better than putting thrusters on everything and then taking them off with KIS/KAS.

Fourth Pic:  The shuttle is an All Terrain Vehicle.  Not great in all terrains, but good enough.  :P

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Anyone ever make a kOS script for launching SOCK?


And, um, what kind of sorcery is this? I made note of an "ascent ap" in action groups and it works quite nicely.  Does it automatically run a MechJeb routine for Premier Vector Guidance or is it a scripted cheat?  It hit the numbers perfectly.

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  On 6/28/2020 at 5:46 AM, Clamp-o-Tron said:

Just wanted to post here that spacedock has an awesome texture pack for this. Go check it out! (Not mine)


Thanks for mentioning it! I finally got the time to make a forum post about it so here it is:

In case anyone downloaded it before this was posted, I made a couple of fixes to the one just posted on spacedock. Thanks for all your help making these @benjee10!

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  On 6/30/2020 at 5:57 PM, DJ Reonic said:

Anyone have a good method for accomplishing the S-turns without spreading yourself from hell to breakfast? I tried doing it with my Columbia Shuttle, and well... it kinda did what the real one did.


Usually, when you're maneuvering the Shuttle(s), you just have to softly touch it. Don't go too hard on it, and you'll turn just fine.

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  On 6/30/2020 at 6:01 PM, alberro+ said:

Usually, when you're maneuvering the Shuttle(s), you just have to softly touch it. Don't go too hard on it, and you'll turn just fine.


I use mechjeb to hold a SVEL+ 30-40° AOA for reentry. Do I have to try to hold AOA manually while doing my turns, or can I successfully do it while using MJ to hold AOA? I was also looking to see if AtmosphereAutopilot has a way for me to hold the pitch while allowing me to do gentle S-turns, but couldn't find it.

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  On 6/30/2020 at 6:34 PM, DJ Reonic said:

I use mechjeb to hold a SVEL+ 30-40° AOA for reentry. Do I have to try to hold AOA manually while doing my turns, or can I successfully do it while using MJ to hold AOA? I was also looking to see if AtmosphereAutopilot has a way for me to hold the pitch while allowing me to do gentle S-turns, but couldn't find it.


How do you use mechjeb to hold the attitude, I use smart ASS but it loses control and stalls. Also how do you burn to reenter with enough speed to land at the runway

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  On 6/30/2020 at 6:57 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

How do you use mechjeb to hold the attitude, I use smart ASS but it loses control and stalls. Also how do you burn to reenter with enough speed to land at the runway


I follow the manual's recommendations for deorbit maneuvers. I set my periapsis for about 30-35 km (JNSQ) and play around with the maneuver mode until it's where I think it should be. After completing the maneuver, I reset the control point to Default and use SmartASS to set my AOA. I also use FAR and Realistic Atmospheres. You have to watch your speed as you slow down. If you slow down too much, you'll stall out and lose control. If you are too fast and try to maneuver, you'll tear yourself apart. Manage your AOA as you reenter and try not to descend or decelerate too quickly or too slowly. I would recommend getting the EVA Parachutes and Ejection Seats mod, and adding a couple ejector modules on the front wall of your payload bay. That allows for contingency aborts and bailouts.

Edited by DJ Reonic
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  On 6/30/2020 at 6:57 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

How do you use mechjeb to hold the attitude, I use smart ASS but it loses control and stalls. Also how do you burn to reenter with enough speed to land at the runway


Make sure you’re using smartASS set to SVEL during reentry, and make very small adjustments. You’ll need RCS on a fair way down to maintain control too. 

On the real shuttle, they intentionally overshot the runway and looped back around to bleed off speed which can be a good strategy in KSP too. It takes a lot of practice (and quicksaves!) to hit the KSC but once you get a sense for it you can make adjustments to your AoA as you’re entering the atmosphere to fine tune your landing point.

  On 6/30/2020 at 7:09 PM, DJ Reonic said:

I follow the manual's recommendations for deorbit maneuvers. I set my periapsis for about 30-35 km (JNSQ) and play around with the maneuver mode until it's where I think it should be. After completing the maneuver, I reset the control point to Default and use SmartASS to set my AOA. I also use FAR and Realistic Atmospheres. You have to watch your speed as you slow down. If you slow down too much, you'll stall out and lose control. If you are too fast and try to maneuver, you'll tear yourself apart. Manage your AOA as you reenter and try not to descend or decelerate too quickly or too slowly. I would recommend getting the EVA Parachutes and Ejection Seats mod, and adding a couple ejector modules on the front wall of your payload bay. That allows for contingency aborts and bailouts.


I haven’t tested the shuttle with FAR, but when attempting S turns I use SmartASS and adjust the roll value (don’t touch yaw) in very small increments (a couple of degrees at a time). You’ve got to watch the pitch quite carefully too. Generally it seems like you can’t quite get the same cross range capability as the real shuttle which is a bit strange given in theory the aerodynamic performance is better.

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  On 6/30/2020 at 7:25 PM, benjee10 said:

Make sure you’re using smartASS set to SVEL during reentry, and make very small adjustments. You’ll need RCS on a fair way down to maintain control too. 

On the real shuttle, they intentionally overshot the runway and looped back around to bleed off speed which can be a good strategy in KSP too. It takes a lot of practice (and quicksaves!) to hit the KSC but once you get a sense for it you can make adjustments to your AoA as you’re entering the atmosphere to fine tune your landing point.

I haven’t tested the shuttle with FAR, but when attempting S turns I use SmartASS and adjust the roll value (don’t touch yaw) in very small increments (a couple of degrees at a time). You’ve got to watch the pitch quite carefully too. Generally it seems like you can’t quite get the same cross range capability as the real shuttle which is a bit strange given in theory the aerodynamic performance is better.


That tidbit about SmartASS is the answer I'm looking for. I'll try that tonight or tomorrow. @benjee10 would you like my rough configs for SSME and ET variants? With a little polish, they could maybe be bundled into their respective mods and allow for progressive upgrades for shuttle programs.

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  On 6/19/2020 at 4:50 PM, Operation_Blackbird said:

So I made the iconic Shuttle Aircraft Carrier and realized that there is no tail-cone.


I was wondering if anyone had a tail-cone mod or if someone was able to create one. I know its a lot to ask someone to make it, but if someone could. That would be awesome!



I will give it a try. Looks like a n easy shape to make.

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Reeeeeeeeely struggling to make an orbital rendezvous.  Yes, control point is set to forward (I read the manual).  OMS burns progressively run away on the ball with the blue indicator climbing away very rapidly as I near the end of a burn to an orbit during Hohmann transfer.

My ISS anxiously awaits a shuttle crew.  The Russians are making a mess of the place because that's the only thing I have been able to dock with so far.

Guidance appreciated.

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