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Kerbal Space Program 2: Master Post


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1 hour ago, kithylin said:


"Initial release    June 8, 2005; 14 years ago"

First page in this very forum thread, right here, in the FAQ: KSP2 will be using Unity.

They could be using Unreal Engine 4, or Lumberyard, or CryEngine V, or any other modern game engine. But nope, 14-year-old Unity.

...you do realise that it's  younger than both UE and CryEngine/Lumberyard? Like half the hate comes from the fact that it's the weirdo newcomer.


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2 minutes ago, Kerenatus said:


personally the pubilshing store doesn't matter that much to me.

as long as the game is decent, i'd buy it.

hopefully there's a preorder so that i can secure the ideal store like the case of anno1800 LOL

It should matter, depending on what you want when you play games. It's DRM so you're tied to that store's options. Cloud saves? Offline mode for a single player game with no multiplayer? Built in mod support with workshop access where you can click a button and launch the game and no manual mod installs with automatic mod updating? If you want any of these things then you had better hope they actually hold to their statement of initial release on Steam.

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Okay. This is HUGE news. I came out of hiding JUST TO POST THIS. I can't believe this. As a since-0.23 fan, I've missed out on alot of things. I DON'T CARE. IF MY PARENTS GIMME THE GO I'm getting this within 2 hours. I just... *sniff* You're growing up, KSP, growing up. I hope its gonna be the same price tho




ok going back into hiding now

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1 hour ago, sh1pman said:

The problem here is that it might not be their decision to make. 

Well, it's not going to be their decision until the developers themselves start boycotting the excrementsty practices publishers do and enforce upon developers. Also, in this case, I'm pretty sure Private Division will accept another exclusivity deal from Epic Games. And we've already saved screenshots and the page where a SQUAD staff said that it's not going to be an exclusive.

It's only a matter of time, though. I'm pretty sure Sweeney right now is coming up with a millionaire deal that will cover up the failure of sales when they announce that KSP2 will be a EGS exclusive. And because that's what happens to these deals, you don't need to bother "not supporting the developers by pirating", Epic Games is already doing that for you.

It's a trial by fire for PD, Take2 and the new company. I just hope they don't burn the trust the KSP community was built upon. The worse things that can happen are: EGS exclusivity and Denuvo DRM.

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29 minutes ago, Garlic Bread said:

Does anyone know if Jeb will still be in it?

Jeb has retired and is now running a vineyard.

Edit: also, if people are going to lose their mind about EGS exclusives before they happen now then I guess the developers might as well take the money.

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2 hours ago, Barzon Kerman said:

Kerbal Space Program 2 will be available on PC and Console (Xbox One, PS4) in 2020."


So they're having it for console as well?

Can't even fix this game's console version so they're expecting us to buy a new one and hope for the best that it's not just like the old one?


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8 minutes ago, kithylin said:

It should matter, depending on what you want when you play games. It's DRM so you're tied to that store's options. Cloud saves? Offline mode for a single player game with no multiplayer? Built in mod support with workshop access where you can click a button and launch the game and no manual mod installs with automatic mod updating? If you want any of these things then you had better hope they actually hold to their statement of initial release on Steam.

Well, it's all good and that, but as previously said, the option left to players is to buy or not to buy.

Nothing else we can do.

I'd rather play it insead of waiting for maybe a year or so, should it ended up exclusive to an undesired store.;)

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All the hype, all the way.  I'll be writing tomorrow to talk about writing a tutorial book.  My only sadness is that it won't be Squad.  I hope you all have great futures.  Vaya con Dios, abrazos.

And fly safe ... I have checked Scott Manley and Everyday Astronaut since this announcement yet.  (Nothing from them yet)

I've just let my friends know I'll see them in 2022.

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25 minutes ago, Vanguard319 said:

I really want to know what kind of new tech we'll get. Scramjets? VASMIR engines? Antimatter powered FTL drives?

Trailer appears to show VASIMIR, Nuclear Pulse Drives (AKA Project Orion), and Laser Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion Drives (from Project Daedelus). See Scott Manley twitter thread:


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Just keep it real, people. More "eye candy" is fine, but not at the expense of performance (see Microsoft Flight Simulator X for an epic fail, IMHO). I'm pretty stoked about this!

Why no "Squad"? I'm not sure I like that?

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7 minutes ago, ModZero said:

Edit: also, if people are going to lose their mind about EGS exclusives before they happen now then I guess the developers might as well take the money.

Publisher, not the devs. Devs usually don’t get a say in this.

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24 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

I have so many mixed feelings about this I can't even begin to express them. So instead - and for now before I read the past 16 pages - let me list the things I'm concerned and/or excited about without saying what I actually think about them. Because I don't know.

  • Clouds.
  • Colonies.
  • "Not actual gameplay"
  • Not actually Squad.
  • Unity
  • Coming out next year.
  • FTL/Interstellar travel.

This. All of it. 

I've been playing this game - sometimes more intensively than others - since March 2013. I have Feelings™ and Many Deep Thoughts™ but they're all inchoate (Google it). So I'll let my apparent spirit animal and spokes-kerbal Mr. @5thHorseman speak for me.

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3 hours ago, Teek said:

Apologies if someone has already posted this, but PCGamer has published an interview with KSP2's Creative Director, Nate Simpson. https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-2-interview/

There's gold to be found in that there article. Not least:


" Kerbal Space Program 2 is due out on Steam in spring 2020. "


"Touting an improved terrain system, Star Theory wants players to feel like every location is special in some way. "We really want each location to feel like a unique discovery that you'd feel like screenshotting and sharing with people, and—if it's an interesting spot—maybe other people would also attempt to find that place in their local games," says Simpson. "I'm pretty excited about the results we've been getting out of that system. And there are lots of emergent kind of happy accidents that come out of that. "


"Also teased is mod support, with Simpson saying Star Theory has "exposed significantly more core functionality to modders." While no details were given, Simpson recognises the importance of mods to the original game's popularity. "We're very, very excited about what will be possible going forward. Because we feel like the modders are kind of the beating heart of the Kerbal community." "


It also seems this developer made an actual design document (stunning, I know):
"We made a document very early in the project"

Also Kraken confirmed!


I'm cautiously optimistic about KSP2. Based on the PC Gamer interview and the Developer Story on youtube, it seems that the devs at Star Theory are avid KSP fans. They're not only talking to Squad about staying true to the KSP spirit, but also to astrophysicists on solar system dynamics and evolution. Most of all they seem very excited about sharing all the new things with the forum and allowing modders to tap more deeply into the core code of the game.

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The only thing I hoped is that :

1. Crafts made in KSP1 is compatible with the upcoming KSP2. Including savegames.

2. Learning curves aren't much different with the current KSP. (And hopefully most flight sims as well in terms of aviation aerodynamics)

3. This forum will also be for KSP2 as well.

Devs, any thoughts?

*Tries to prepare hype train*

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3 minutes ago, FahmiRBLXian said:

The only thing I hoped is that crafts made in KSP1 is compatible with the upcoming KSP2. Including savegames.

And this forum will also be for KSP2 as well.

Devs, any thoughts?

unfortunately, from the FAQ, they are not compatible.

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1 hour ago, The Doodling Astronaut said:

@nestor So will there be the kerbol system along with other systems or just a whole new system altogether 

From the main site of the new game:


Interstellar Travel

Next-gen tech, colonies, and systematic resource gathering all lead to a whole new level of exploration: interstellar travel. In Kerbal Space Program 2, these interstellar technologies pave the way to a host of new celestial bodies, each comprising new challenges and harboring new secret treasures. Among them: Ovin, a ringed super-Earth with relentless gravity; Rask and Rusk, a binary pair locked in a dance of death; and many more to reward exploration.


So there will be at least one new solar system, but the way they phrase it makes it sound like you need to unlock interstellar tech in order to reach them.  I'm guessing the game will start in the normal Kerbol system, just with nice shiny new graphics.

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From their descriptions, i would make a rough guess of the route:

1.explore normal system

2.unlock normal tech 

3.build colonies on normal system

4.unlock interstellar tech

5.explore new systems

6.build colonies on new systems

7.screw around

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Okay some replies to random posts from the past 17 pages.

First, regarding Steam (or presumably any) achievements:

4 hours ago, Dman979 said:

Oh, I hope not.

4 hours ago, Tw1 said:

That would require you to go through steam to play it, and many don't. Some prefer portable installs, etc.

4 hours ago, Dman979 said:

In addition, I'm a fan of exploring for its own sake. Achievements cheapen that, to me.

I don't understand these statements. If you don't like achievements I can see that, but if you hate them that much you presumably already disabled being notified about them so why would that matter? Do you dislike others getting them as well?

3 hours ago, "Our Benefactors" said:

Will the new star systems be customised/curated or procedural? Either way, you've pretty much killed multiple star planet packs

How so? I imagine that it'd be easier to add a star system (or many star systems) to a framework that already has star systems.

3 hours ago, RoverDude said:

NDA, sorry

2 hours ago, Just Jim said:

NDA, sorry

...so you're saying you had to sign NDAs?


1 hour ago, klgraham1013 said:

I mean.  Phoenix Point said that too, and here we are.  No offense, but people have a right to be skeptical about Epic Games eating up exclusives right now.

I'm curious then if there's anything someone could say that would assuage you or @kithylin ? It seems that there isn't, which makes me wonder the use of asking.

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1 hour ago, Garlic Bread said:

Does anyone know if Jeb will still be in it?

Well, the cinematic trailer seems to show crews of three, with a kerbelle (presumably Valentina). So one of the original three will probably be relegated to the astronaut’s complex. Or Bob the science guy will be left bobbing in the ocean near the Island Airfield.  

Jeb is the hero. He’s not going anywhere except up....

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