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Feature or DLC Request: Red Kerbals & Military Division


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Would love to see an antagonist and weapons added to the tech tree.  Red Kerbals seem like an obvious and humorous addition.  I understand and agree that the focus should still be primarily on exploration, but adding combat gives the user something else to do and provides an built-in competitor for motivation.  It should probably be DLC so that players can't opt out of it completely if they want to.  Regardless of which political spectrum you come from, the weaponization of space is in the news again, so Kerbals might as well jump on board also.  If they are concerned about affecting their ESRB rating, it could be something as benign as "war games" with a neighboring nation or as serious as all out war over certain biomes.  Feel free to share your thoughts.

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I most definitely hope not!!!

One of the things I love most about KSP is the non-violence.  There are plenty of other game which let you build and fight with weapons.  Let this stay clean.  I’m sure there will be mods for it, but let’s not contaminate  the base game with weapons, conflict and violence

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24 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Would love to see an antagonist and weapons added to the tech tree.  Red Kerbals seem like an obvious and humorous addition.  I understand and agree that the focus should still be primarily on exploration, but adding combat gives the user something else to do and provides an built-in competitor for motivation.  It should probably be DLC so that players can't opt out of it completely if they want to.  Regardless of which political spectrum you come from, the weaponization of space is in the news again, so Kerbals might as well jump on board also.  If they are concerned about affecting their ESRB rating, it could be something as benign as "war games" with a neighboring nation or as serious as all out war over certain biomes.  Feel free to share your thoughts.


Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

I most definitely hope not!!!

One of the things I love most about KSP is the non-violence.  There are plenty of other game which let you build and fight with weapons.  Let this stay clean.  I’m sure there will be mods for it, but let’s not contaminate  the base game with weapons, conflict and violence

Linux is right, Kerbal Space Program was never meant to be violent. It is a scientific learning game. Besides, BD Armory still exists and will get ported over to KSP 2 in time. 

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Warfare is confirmed to be in main game. That is, it has multiplayer. It also has nuclear warheads pulse units, beam cannons fusion engines and ICBMs space launch rockets. Considering how multiplayer gaming usually ends up as, people will be launching them at each other in no time. 

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29 minutes ago, Dragon01 said:

Warfare is confirmed to be in main game. That is, it has multiplayer. It also has nuclear warheads pulse units, beam cannons fusion engines and ICBMs space launch rockets. Considering how multiplayer gaming usually ends up as, people will be launching them at each other in no time. 

'Creative' (destructive?) use of every day items is fine, if that's how players want to use the stock 'tools'.

What the 'stock'/'official' game should never have IMO is specific weapon parts.

Edited by pandaman
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I hope not. Yeah we make military replicas, but at heart KSP is not a military game and should stay that way. Weapons are something I never want to see added at all.


This is coming from someone who is involved in the KSP naval battle club too.

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2 minutes ago, Frozen_Heart said:

Weapons are something I never want to see added at all.


We already have enough games glorifying violence, KSP2 shouldn't be one of them.

It should be one of the few that glorifies learning new things to gain a better understanding of the world around us. Just like KSP1.

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What I hope is that they won't waste time on mechanics related to combat. Rocket parts are already very easy to weaponize. Mass drivers are even easier, if the devs decide to add them (with the focus on SF tech and colonization, highly likely). In multiplayer, this will inevitably happen. What I hope the devs won't do is carter to those kinds of players by adding features endorsing that kind of behavior. It'd be a huge waste of time, and the result would turn off exploration-minded players while likely not being much good as a combat game, anyway.

There's already a realistic space combat game, much more realistic than KSP, in fact, called Children of a Dead Earth. Bellicose players can go try that (it needs more love, anyway).

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Even though we humans on earth know concepts such as the space race (a very political phenomenon). Ever heard of the overview effect. weapons and space competition fly in the face of it. I'd say no to violence.

Edited by nikokespprfan
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1 hour ago, Dragon01 said:

Warfare is confirmed to be in main game. That is, it has multiplayer. It also has nuclear warheads pulse units, beam cannons fusion engines and ICBMs space launch rockets. Considering how multiplayer gaming usually ends up as, people will be launching them at each other in no time. 

Multiplayer could also mean something like Telemachus is in the base game, and you can have a full mission control center as well as a pilot at the same time.

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I don't think it means that. That would be very different from what everyone is expecting. Most people, when speaking of KSP multiplayer, think "dock to your friend's station" kind of thing. Telemachus is a lot more niche thing. TBH, I don't think much of multiplayer either way. 

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On 8/24/2019 at 12:36 PM, Dragon01 said:

Warfare is confirmed to be in main game. That is, it has multiplayer. It also has nuclear warheads pulse units, beam cannons fusion engines and ICBMs space launch rockets. Considering how multiplayer gaming usually ends up as, people will be launching them at each other in no time. 

My god, it amazing what people can come up with.

  • Nuclear pulse units != bombs
  • Fusion engines != beam cannon
  • Space launch rockets != ICBMs.

Anything can be used for destructive means.  But that does NOT mean the game is inherently violent

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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41 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Anything can be used for destructive means. 

My point exactly. Many other games are not "inherently" violent. People playing them are. A nuclear pulse unit is literally a slightly tweaked nuke (usually a wimpy one, granted, but still a nuke). A fusion beam cannon is a fusion engine that's deliberately pointed at somebody (it generates a beam of particles going at a very high speed. You can cut another ship in half with that). An ICBM is a space rocket aimed at someone's head (in case of many real LVs, quite literally). As soon as multiplayer is added, people will use it to blow each other up, because that's what people do when playing multiplayer games. It might not be endorsed or it might be accepted, unless you demolish player-player interactions (which, admittedly, might be needed if griefing gets out of hand).

Space Engineers didn't have guns at first, either, so people just kept throwing blocks at each other early on. They still do that, because guns in SE are implemented in a somewhat funny way. I hope KSP multiplayer won't go into that so much that devs start to carter to that segment of the community, but some of that is unavoidable.

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3 hours ago, Dragon01 said:

because that's what people do when playing multiplayer games.

I'm amazed on how half of this forum has an idea of multiplayer games that's comparable to the worst fearmongering clickbaity news article on violent gamers. 

There are a ton of building-crafting games which despite having PVP elements in the base gameplay ends up being mostly coop games.

Minecraft, Factorio, Space Engineers there are a ton of examples of such games, I really don't get why so much people are sure that as soon as multiplayer drops it will be a universal war.


KSP doesn't need weapons and I sincerely doubt that PVP will be the focus of the multiplayer.

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  • 3 years later...

I understand that the devs would be hesitant to ad actual living enemies, as that would raise their ersb rating.

I think that Aggressive Magic Rocks would be a better alternative to an enemy nation

  • It would make sense for them to be scattered around the Kerbin system
  • You aren't killing actual sentient beings
  • You could collect fragments for science/funds
  • You would be able to keep the E rating, and not have to feel bad about killing anyone
  • They would be made of fewer parts and not tax the performance as much
  • They could have their difficulty tweaked/ be removed if you don't want them

You could have enemy vessels composed of different parts made of "magic rock" 

  • "beamers "that shoots lasers a relatively short distance (500m or so)
  • "flingers" that detach and launch themselves to nearby craft (2km)
  • "jerkers" that fling anything that gets near (100m)

And of course you have larger rocks that these weapons are attached to

  • Big glowy rock - provides power to other rocks attached to it, is large and has a lot of health
  • floaters- provides a force that keeps the rock suspended about 10m off the ground
  • Seekers- provides a force that moves the rock towards nearby craft (6km)
  • Flyers,  wing like rocks that somehow propel themselves through atmosphere

I know this is a lot, but this idea just came to me and I had to let it out.

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On 8/24/2019 at 9:36 AM, Guest said:

Warfare is confirmed to be in main game. That is, it has multiplayer. It also has nuclear warheads pulse units, beam cannons fusion engines and ICBMs space launch rockets. Considering how multiplayer gaming usually ends up as, people will be launching them at each other in no time. 

Someone certainly has learned the Kzinti Lesson.

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And someone has learned to use the Necominon to raise dead threads….

On 8/24/2019 at 12:45 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

Resultado de imagen de no meme


Jokes aside

I prefer and a lot more people do that KSP doesn't have violence...and BTW

Why does a space game need guns?!

Looks like you won this thread YEARS ago

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