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[KSP 1.12.4] On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) - - `<BlackOut>` edition [26 Dec 2022]


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First, thank you. I used to use the original mod of ODFC, and I've been missing it.

Second, excuse my stupidity, but what is the difference between the copy and modify patches? I understand all the words you wrote in the description, but apparently my brain can't get what is actually different between the two patches, unless it is a simple as one creates a second set of fuel cells and command pods with the new functionality to sit alongside the non-ODFC versions, and the other patch simply modifies all of the existing stock versions via an MM patch (or something like that).


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28 minutes ago, eightiesboi said:


First, thank you. I used to use the original mod of ODFC, and I've been missing it.

Second, excuse my stupidity, but what is the difference between the copy and modify patches? I understand all the words you wrote in the description, but apparently my brain can't get what is actually different between the two patches, unless it is a simple as one creates a second set of fuel cells and command pods with the new functionality to sit alongside the non-ODFC versions, and the other patch simply modifies all of the existing stock versions via an MM patch (or something like that).


thank you.

and yes, that it is exactly. 

  • The copy patches leave the original part alone, but copies (+PART) and replaces the existing fuel cell with an upgraded, supercharged and pretty On-Demand Fuel Cell. :o (I'll buy two!)
  • The modify patches have our highly trained and specialized MM engineers take the original part(@PART) and admire it, then strip it down, pause and have a cup or three of Jeb's Coffee, and then proceed to carefully install the highly sophisticated high tech contraption known only as ODFC. :PBatteries NOT included. Some assembly may be required. Your mileage might vary due to various reasons, not excluding Kraken attacks and SNACK binging.
  • Both patches can be used at once. :D
  • The Patches include stock fuel cells, stock pods (no DLC (yet)), and several other mods. More patches will be added. Hardest part of adding the patches is the scarcity of fuel cell parts.

Originally thought about including patches with the actual plugin, but then decided to split the patches out so people could play the game - their way.



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Wanted to say thank you for this mod.  I can report the actual function of this mod with kerbalism is exactly as is on the tin.  :) But thought I’d report that as expected the menu item in the kerbalism GUI where you normally turn them on and off shows no change and it may have been a case of not having enough fuel cells but the kerbalism display for charge stayed at where I set them to turn on in the odfc display.

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On 9/9/2019 at 5:15 PM, Xt007 said:

Wanted to say thank you for this mod.  I can report the actual function of this mod with kerbalism is exactly as is on the tin.  :) But thought I’d report that as expected the menu item in the kerbalism GUI where you normally turn them on and off shows no change and it may have been a case of not having enough fuel cells but the kerbalism display for charge stayed at where I set them to turn on in the odfc display.

You are welcome! I have long wanted to update this mod, and well, *ta-DA!*

We worked long and hard on the marketing tin - spent countless sleepless nights pondering the glitter color (and it had to have glitter) and the exact font and kerning of said font.... the only thing we spent more time on in the development of this mod was the flavor of the celebratory cake (ended up being nuclear chocolate! Val's favorite)

Thank you for the report! Kerbalism* is a wondrous and mysterious beast maintained by an equally wondrous and mysterious beast. :P:cool:I am confident that if you talk to those powers of Kerbalism* (@N70) they will work on this. :) 

With all this being said, and again a jolly unnecessary and rather oxymoronic shoutout to Kerbalism*, a new version of ODFC is being packaged as we speak! This will be a free upgrade to all those who have already wisely invested in this miraculous product! Just make sure you have a high speed data link to all vessels with an ODFC fuel cell, and about 1.24 Gigaquads of data left on your data plan...





* shameless plug for Kerbalism (we get a free gallon of nuclear hot Jeb's Coffee every time we mention Kerbalism**)

** We REALLY like Jeb's Coffee. Did we mention that?


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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled



v. - Stall Alert! aka Stall Tactics

  • [NEW] feature: Stall. Optional difficulty settings for moderate and hard play. Don't run out of EC or the fuel cells will stop functioning since they need electricity to function. Thank you to LinuxGuruGamer for the Setting.cs code and assistance.
  • [NEW] feature: autoSwitch (disabled for hard play). If current fuel mode is lacking fuel, will automatically look for another mode that has fuel available. If you are completely out of fuel, well, let's face it - you are completely out of luck. We tried.
  • [NEW]the group label on the PAW/RMB part window now reflects status of the fuel cell so you don't have to expand the group to peek in to see if the refrigerator light is on. thank you to @Blowfish, @Dmagic, and @LinuxGuruGamer for the assist. That is one LONG piece of code.
  • PAW group label now in living color (disable in settings menu)
  • removed attempt at adding color to PAW group label. those coders have been sacked.
  • continued working on [BUG]
  • /CODE/
    • udfs - updateFS
    • udft - updateFT
  • [NEW][BUG] Tweakscale will not scale module ODFC because onLoad() vs onStart issues?
  • [NEW][BUG] Kerbalism doesn't seem to recognize the unique brilliance of ODFC, not their fault hard to see when its that bright. :D
  • reversed removal of color coding PAW label. those coders have been sacked, and those sackers of the previously sacked are now extra-judicially sacked
  • PAW label now acts as a color coded STATUS label - dynamically updating
  • Known Issue Tracker
    • [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed.
    • [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work
    • [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode


Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3
Unity 2017.1.3p1
.NET 3.5

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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18 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

those coders have been sacked, and those sackers of the previously sacked are now extra-judicially sacked

A møøse once bit my sister! (If you haven't seen the credits to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you won't understand this reference)

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Hey @zer0Kerbal!

Ran into a possible bug. I originally had the copy patch installed alone, but I added the modify patch recently as I am planning on deprecating the copies in my career and just going with your modified fuel cell. I had set the cell in the VAB to LF/O. When I entered flight mode, the PAW showed that the Fuel Cell was set to Monoprop however. No worries, I changed it to LF/O again. However, the Fuel Cell failed to function and instead showed that I lacked LH/O instead. Changing the selector makes no difference: the fuel cell wants liquid hydrogen or it would rather starve. Kind of like when my cats don't like the dinner I've served them.

Screenshot and Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbo3ImOQtO34tNf_KA?e=JPUVu5

Let me know what else you need. I can also test in a clean install or whatever.

As always, thank you for reviving this mod. :)

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10 hours ago, eightiesboi said:

Hey @zer0Kerbal!

Ran into a possible bug. I originally had the copy patch installed alone, but I added the modify patch recently as I am planning on deprecating the copies in my career and just going with your modified fuel cell. I had set the cell in the VAB to LF/O. When I entered flight mode, the PAW showed that the Fuel Cell was set to Monoprop however. No worries, I changed it to LF/O again. However, the Fuel Cell failed to function and instead showed that I lacked LH/O instead. Changing the selector makes no difference: the fuel cell wants liquid hydrogen or it would rather starve. Kind of like when my cats don't like the dinner I've served them.

Screenshot and Logs here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoyHZiRU1jT-zbo3ImOQtO34tNf_KA?e=JPUVu5

Let me know what else you need. I can also test in a clean install or whatever.

As always, thank you for reviving this mod. :)

seems like two issues:

  1. preference for LH/O
    1. in game settings - ODFC: is "Auto Fuel Mode Switch" enabled (on)?
  2. The appearance ODFC isn't working:
    1. Cornflower Blue means modified not copied.
    2. according to the PAW/RMB menu for ODFC - it is working as intended - no demand (threshold to turn on hasn't been met: vessel power is at 67% and the ODFC fuel cell threshold is set to 5%)
    3. Ampyear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC (which is an external bug)
    4. I am confident that ODFC is working as intended, try moving the threshold setting to above the vessels's current EC % and see if it kicks in and if the resouces show a change in EC drain/production.
    5. trust the ODFC status in the PAW - that hasn't led me astray yet.
    6. I will add AmpYear to the list of 'doesn't recognize' @JPLRepo
  3. Cats
    1. love em - but they sure do be finicky. :P
  4. AmpYear Issue report
  5. ODFC issue report.
  6. I am confident that all these issues are related / fixed by updating from onStart() to onLoad() and bringing the code to more modern methods - which I am working with @Lisias (hopefully) on the TweakScale part, which if TweakScale works, everything else should as well. 


Again thank you !

PS - in order to help you wean yourself from the Green (copied) parts - you can add the following to the patches


!TechRequired = DELETE
!entryCost = DELETE
@category = -1
%TechHidden = True


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20 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

seems like two issues:

  1. preference for LH/O
    1. in game settings - ODFC: is "Auto Fuel Mode Switch" enabled (on)?
  2. The appearance ODFC isn't working:
    1. Cornflower Blue means modified not copied.
    2. according to the PAW/RMB menu for ODFC - it is working as intended - no demand (threshold to turn on hasn't been met: vessel power is at 67% and the ODFC fuel cell threshold is set to 5%)
    3. Ampyear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC (which is an external bug)
    4. I am confident that ODFC is working as intended, try moving the threshold setting to above the vessels's current EC % and see if it kicks in and if the resouces show a change in EC drain/production.
    5. trust the ODFC status in the PAW - that hasn't led me astray yet.
    6. I will add AmpYear to the list of 'doesn't recognize' @JPLRepo
  3. Cats
    1. love em - but they sure do be finicky. :P
  4. AmpYear Issue report
  5. ODFC issue report.
  6. I am confident that all these issues are related / fixed by updating from onStart() to onLoad() and bringing the code to more modern methods - which I am working with @Lisias (hopefully) on the TweakScale part, which if TweakScale works, everything else should as well. 


Again thank you !

PS - in order to help you wean yourself from the Green (copied) parts - you can add the following to the patches

  Hide contents

!TechRequired = DELETE
!entryCost = DELETE
@category = -1
%TechHidden = True


1. Yes.

2. You are absolutely correct. Once there was a demand, it did indeed switch modes and stayed switched. I noted that, although I had set the current vessel to "Hydrogen and Oxygen" in the VAB (and had supplies of both on board), it did switch in flight mode back to monoprop (which there was none). As soon as there was a demand for EC, it automatically switched on, but did so to LF/O, not H/O2. I will test further in the morning, but it looks as if the autoswitcher goes to mode 0 on first flight and then moves to the first mode where there are resources, not necessarily respecting the VAB settings. But I will test again in the morning. 

3. Yep, but I wouldn't get rid of mine for all the kibble on Kerbal. :)

Finally, where would I put that patch? In each of the copied parts under GameData\OnDemandFuelCells\MM-Patches\Copy>

Again, thank you very much!

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20 hours ago, eightiesboi said:

1. Yes.

2. You are absolutely correct. Once there was a demand, it did indeed switch modes and stayed switched. I noted that, although I had set the current vessel to "Hydrogen and Oxygen" in the VAB (and had supplies of both on board), it did switch in flight mode back to monoprop (which there was none). As soon as there was a demand for EC, it automatically switched on, but did so to LF/O, not H/O2. I will test further in the morning, but it looks as if the autoswitcher goes to mode 0 on first flight and then moves to the first mode where there are resources, not necessarily respecting the VAB settings. But I will test again in the morning. 

3. Yep, but I wouldn't get rid of mine for all the kibble on Kerbal. :)

Finally, where would I put that patch? In each of the copied parts under GameData\OnDemandFuelCells\MM-Patches\Copy>

Again, thank you very much!

I didn't put much effort into the autoswitcher - thought was KISS and keep it dumb - and very fast, very effective. In truth all it does is if fuelDeprived press the nextFuelMode button. seriously - that simple.

yes, do kindly try with the autoSwitch set to off.

you would have to add those lines to the patches yourself with a text editor - example:


    @name ^= :^:ODFC:
    @cost += 50
    @title ^= :$: <#ADFF2F> ODFC</color>:
    @description ^= :$: <#ADFF2F><i> ODFC version.</i> </color>:
    @mass += 0.01
    @tags ^= :$:  odfc demand:
    !TechRequired = DELETE
    !entryCost = DELETE
    @category = -1
    %TechHidden = True

    !MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
        name = ODFC
... (rest of the patch continues here)

ps - all those lines do is 'hide' the patched parts in the editors (VAB/SPH) so you can't place them - but leaves all those currently 'in service' alone.

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[NEW][BUG] ODC forgets its editor settings when moving to flight

- in editor, place a part with ODFC installed
- change the ODFC to use another available fuel (other than default)
- launch vessel
- ODFC reverts to default fuel mode.

thank you. working on it for release.

should also be updating the patches for release at the same time.(ish)

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5 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:


[NEW][BUG] ODC forgets its editor settings when moving to flight

- in editor, place a part with ODFC installed
- change the ODFC to use another available fuel (other than default)
- launch vessel
- ODFC reverts to default fuel mode.

thank you. working on it for release.

should also be updating the patches for release at the same time.(ish)

You are amazing! Thank you!

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12 hours ago, eightiesboi said:

You are amazing! Thank you!

why, thank you. It's the Jeb's Coffee. :D

[D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy. (fixed internally for

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2 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

why, thank you. It's the Jeb's Coffee. :D

[D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy. (fixed internally for


I would "Like" your posting, but apparently I've run out. But thank you so very much. My kerbals may live a bit longer because of you..... well, maybe.

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36 minutes ago, eightiesboi said:


I would "Like" your posting, but apparently I've run out. But thank you so very much. My kerbals may live a bit longer because of you..... well, maybe.

thank you. All 'likes' have been disabled forum wide - something about a Kraken in the system and they need to find it ....

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On Demand Fuel Cells Refueled



v. - Set SCE to AUX

STATUS: Release

in short - fixes a bug where if set fuel mode to a fuel mode in editor, it would revert to default when transitioning to flight. (and other minor fixes)

  • [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC
  • BUG] Kerbalism is not compatible with ODFC - Kerbalism developers have chosen to not integrate since they have their own version.
  • [D][BUG] Found the problem, Bill left a torque converter, which was set to moar, in the innards. Plus Val thought it would be fun to hide her signature in the code of the FCOS (Fuel Cell Operating System). In doing so, she overwrote the code to remember the editor settings when translating over to flight. This has been fixed by moving her signature into another mod's code. She's still happy.
  • Updated to automated build (deploy.bat,buildRelease.bat/Assembly.tt)
  • Known Issue Tracker

  • [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC
  • [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC
  • [BUG] B9 module swapping - needs onLoad etc update to make work
  • [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode
  • [BUG] Does not seeming work with BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods (being looked at) (so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus). Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed.
  • [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly


Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3
Unity 2017.1.3p1
.NET 3.5

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, eightiesboi said:

FYI, I went back and liked the things I couldn't like before. :) Oh, and I added the NRE issue that I posted to the Near Future Electrical forum to Github. 

Thank you.

I am optimistic that certain known issues will be resolved with ODFC. Until then, I have started CPR on kTunes. :P

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Am also thinking about writing a resource converter patch for ODFC - it would look like this:


        name = ODFC
            MaxEC = -5
                Ore = 5 // placeholder
                MonoPropellant = 0.005
            MaxEC = -5
                Ore = 5 // placeholder
                LiquidFuel = 0.005625
            MaxEC = -5
                Ore = 5 // placeholder
                Oxidizer = 0.0152777777777778
            MaxEC = -5
                Water = 0.000843419222
                Hydrogen = 1.04264849617275
                Oxygen = 0.788621982550263

// CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
// zer0Kerbal

and a gas<->liquid<->solid converter


        name = ODFC
        threshold = 50
            MaxEC = -5
                HydrogenGas = 5 // placeholder
                lqdHydrogen = 0.005 // placeholder

        name = ODFC
        threshold = 50
            MaxEC = -5
                lqdHydrogen = 0.005 // placeholder
                Hydrogen = 5 // placeholder

        name = ODFC
            MaxEC = -5
                lqdHydrogen = 0.005 // placeholder
                HydrogenMetal = 5 // placeholder

        name = ODFC
            MaxEC = -5
                HydrogenMetal = 5 // placeholder
                lqdHydrogen = 0.005 // placeholder

// CC BY-NC-SA-4.0
// zer0Kerbal


11 minutes ago, eightiesboi said:

I think that is less CPR and more necromancy. :lol:

:confused::o:o:o:D:P:cool: :rotglol:

well, it compiled and is nearly running again - blank icons and need to actually get it to press the buttons - but getting it going again and might add vol_up, mute, vol_dwn.

I might need more Jeb's Coffee because at least one off those ideas won't work very well right now. :P

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