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Ten Parts Roket To Orbit And Back


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  On 9/19/2019 at 2:32 AM, ffx said:

You didn't read the rules

SSTO are not allow


Then put a decopuler under the "3 parts to multiple planets" and decouple it on launch. Now you have a 2-stage-to-orbit.

Making an SSTO is (supposed to be but really isn't all that) hard. Making one into a non-SSTO is trivial.

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To Orbit and Back Again - A Kerbal's Tail.

(in 10 parts or less)

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More pics:  https://imgur.com/a/VAaofEo


My first impulse was to do a search on KerbalX for undoubtedly multiple craft already having done this years ago, but to my surprise I couldn't find any - a combination of the 1.25m limit and my low search-fu skills, I suspect. Either that or people felt it didn't merit uploading.

So I slapped something together myself, of which the first version worked the very first launch, except I staged the chute too late and crashed - a silly and easily corrected mistake leading to a fully successful run the second launch.

Three stages, of which two burn up in the atmosphere, so definitely not an SSTO (by any definition). Launches only 5 degrees off pure vertical (just to simplify the gravity turn), so almost certainly a roket. All parts 1.25m or smaller - which is how I interpreted your 'only use 1.25m part'.

Let me know if it filled your requirements.

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Every time I look at this thread, more rules have been added to restrict what's allowed.  The most recent addition of "only 1.25m parts" disqualifies what I have to show unless "or smaller" is tacked onto the end, but I'll share it anyway for posterity.  Back in the Smallest Rocket to Orbit Challenge, I modernized my old Ogod-Y Mk.15 into the Ogod-Y Mk.15 RB.  I later managed to get even lighter, but those iterations had a few more parts and so don't count.  The 15 and 15 RB, however, are exactly 10 parts.  Both of these crafts got a Kerbal into orbit without using the pilot's EVA fuel, and got said pilot safely back down again.

It's also worth pointing to the Challenge Submission Guide here.  Terse responses and edits don't really give us much on what you're looking for.  Try explaining with a paragraph or two of your vision, or better yet, show us your attempt so we can get a peek into what you're trying to do (and trying to get us to do.)  Plenty of players have demonstrated the ability to get to orbit and back in ultralight ships, both in terms of mass and part-count.  Adding rules to narrow things down every time somebody shows that it can and has been done is counterproductive to people having fun with your challenge.

Edited by Aetharan
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  On 9/19/2019 at 2:32 AM, ffx said:

You didn't read the rules

SSTO are not allow


1. I can add a 10 kg decoupler and stage 1 unit of fuel in an R4 tank 2 seconds after lifting off the pad. It would still reach orbit.

2. You literally rewrote the rules after the fact to include rule 5 and 6. Rule 5 was mentioned in a comment but 6 was made up on the spot after you saw that a less than a tonne SSTO could beat the challenge. I can't read your mind or see the future.

Edited by Pds314
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  On 9/17/2019 at 12:49 PM, 5thHorseman said:

You may want to rethink the difficulty of your challenge.


I don't think you meant to forbid a craft like this, but actually it's an SSTO (and more).


I would argue that as flown it isn't SSTO. He's clearly "staging" a tank. Obviously it very well could be made SSTO with a slightly different launch profile.

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  On 10/28/2019 at 5:57 AM, dnbattley said:

But that said, the requirements look pretty straightforward just to get to orbit (and back)


Having tried this today I can confirm that getting a Kerbal to Minmus surface and back to Kerbin using a maximum of 10 1.25m (only) parts (as defined by the advanced filter, meaning no surface mounted nor smaller diameter parts either) is a fun challenge.

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  On 11/2/2019 at 11:49 PM, QF9E said:

dnbattley, challenge accepted! With bonus gravity assist from the Mun. See https://imgur.com/gallery/upmFcIV for my full report of the mission.



Impressive fuel efficiency! My solution used an orbit-to-ground-to-orbit rendezvous in EVA to ensure I had enough dV in the bank for the return trip, which added an interesting addition to the challenge.

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  On 11/3/2019 at 12:55 AM, dnbattley said:

Impressive fuel efficiency! My solution used an orbit-to-ground-to-orbit rendezvous in EVA to ensure I had enough dV in the bank for the return trip, which added an interesting addition to the challenge.


Thank you! I've never done an EVA landing myself, that gives a lot of extra options for this challenge. For one, the craft does not need a parachute as you can EVA the crew and land them under their own chute. Let's see where this idea brings me.

@ffx, are you still following this thread? I realize that you got a lot of criticism over your initial challenge, but with dnbattley's additions on what exactly counts as a 1.25 meter part and a more ambitious goal I have been thoroughly enjoying it. If I may make a suggested change to your challenge:

"You have to plant a flag somewhere in the Kerbol system.

  • Normal mode: plant the flag on Kerbin, after landing.
  • Hard mode: plant the flag on the Mun or Minmus.  
  • Super mode: impress me"

Normal mode is suitable for newer players but it has its own little challenge, in that you must do a Kerballed mission (as opposed to a much lighter probe core) and ensure that you don't land in the water.

Edited by QF9E
I realized that the OKTO2 is not a 1.25m part
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  On 11/3/2019 at 10:07 PM, dnbattley said:

Very good indeed! If this can't inspire more applicants then I don't know what can: I am certainly feeling that I need to have another look at this...


Thanks! Please do, I'd be interested to see what you can come up with. And if my efforts can inspire others, so much the better!

Edited by QF9E
Deleted part I considered impolite at second reading
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  On 11/4/2019 at 8:31 AM, QF9E said:

Thanks! Please do, I'd be interested to see what you can come up with. And if my efforts can inspire others, so much the better!


One thing I've just noticed is that there are some loopholes in the rules as I specified them: the 1.25m part filter includes some... odd... choices, such as the Engine Cluster Adaptor Tank, and the Mastodon Engine. A quick test flight with these can relatively easily get over 6k (and quite possible far more, if I can optimise further) dV into LKO, from which *should* make Pol and/or Bop a viable target(s) to return from.

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  On 11/4/2019 at 10:06 AM, dnbattley said:

One thing I've just noticed is that there are some loopholes in the rules as I specified them: the 1.25m part filter includes some... odd... choices, such as the Engine Cluster Adaptor Tank, and the Mastodon Engine. A quick test flight with these can relatively easily get over 6k (and quite possible far more, if I can optimise further) dV into LKO, from which *should* make Pol and/or Bop a viable target(s) to return from.


9 km/s dv is impressive! That said, the Engine Cluster Adaptor Tank and Mastodon should be, in my opinion, forbidden as they go against the spirit of a 1.25 meter challenge. You could simply forbid DLC parts, but that feels artificial. How about a rule stating that you may only use parts that are in the 1.25 meter list and not in any other size category? It would invalidate my 2nd entry (my 1st is still good), since this rule forbids the Mk1 capsule, but that will make the challenge more interesting.

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